Bonds of the Fallen

Chapter 37

Bat emotions consumed her as though she were still tethered to Val, constrained and suffocated by invisible ties that bound her to a destiny she hadn’t chosen. She longed to sever those ties and have the liberty to carve her own path, far removed from the prescribed future. The alcohol she had been drinking was meant to dull the keen edge of that yearning, to loosen the grip of those unseen threads that tightened around her with each passing moment.

The alcohol failed to do its job, and Bat remained mired in a sea of turmoil. Her wallowing was interrupted by a series of sharp knocks reverberating through the room. Lifting her head, she saw Lyell framed in the doorway, his face drawn with concern.

Lyell wasted no time entering the room, his gaze zeroing in on Bat.

“Ace is still tied up with Val, so I thought I’d drop by and keep you company. But it seems like you’ve got that bottle for company already.” Lyell indicated the bottle in Bat’s grasp with a nod. “Mind if I join you?”

Bat snorted, though her tone was tinged with bitterness as she retorted, “Why not? Let’s have ourselves a little celebration.”

Lyell’s eyes widened slightly as he inquired, “Celebration, you say? Just what I wanted to talk to you about.”

Before she could respond, he plucked the bottle from her grip. Lyell made his way over to the bar, where he proceeded to pour her a glass of water instead. “Looks like there’s a celebration happening tonight, all in honor of our favorite couple,” he announced.

Bat lifted herself from her spot on the floor and deposited herself into a plush chair, her legs dangling over one of the armrests. “Well, they can count me out,” she declared.

Lyell passed her the glass of water as he informed her, “I’m afraid that’s not an option.”

Bat took a reluctant gulp of the water, grimacing as she questioned, “And who made that decision? The bride-to-be?”

Lyell chuckled, a mischievous glint in his eyes as he replied, “Nope, not quite. That decision was all me. There’s no way I’m going to that party alone, so you, my dear, will have to suck it up and be my date. And just so you know, I might have to steal Ace from you if you refuse.”

Bat groaned in exasperation as she shot back, “Ugh, fine. But you better know that my wardrobe is sorely lacking.”

Lyell vanished through the door, only to return moments later bearing a grand box cradled in his arms. “A fascinating creature from the realm of Alfheim gifted me this with explicit instructions that it would be handed over to you for the night’s festivities. Can you even imagine?” He proceeded to deposit the box into Bat’s lap. “The Alfar are quite stunning. It makes me wonder what their courtship rituals entail,” he mused, his finger tapping against his lips theatrically.

Bat eyed the box with suspicion as she asked, “Alfar? What in the realms is that?”

Getting to her feet, she made a concerted effort to steady herself.

Lyell let out a hearty laugh. “That’s the spirit! But first, we need to get some tea into you unless you fancy being carted off to the event in the arms of a strapping young Alfar. Oh, by the way, they’re elves. But whatever you do, don’t call them that.”

“I’ll try to remember that,” Bat responded, hiccupping mid-sentence.

Satisfied that Bat was now suitably hydrated and on the road to sobriety, Lyell excused himself to prepare for the celebration, leaving Bat alone with the mysterious box. She regarded it warily from across the room, half-expecting it to sprout legs and come at her. Her mind whirred with curiosity about what kind of horrific garb lay within and who had taken it upon themselves to send it her way.

Drawing closer, she gingerly lifted the lid, her breath catching as she waited for some unspeakable terror to leap. When nothing of the sort happened, she flung the top aside, the thud hitting the floor reverberating through the room. Nestled amongst layers of dark green tissue paper was an exquisite gown. The bodice was adorned with intricate gold filigree, while the skirt was a voluminous expanse of ebony fabric. It was undoubtedly too grand for her tastes, but she must admit it wasn’t wholly abhorrent. Her fingers rifled through the box for a note, but her efforts were in vain.

A nagging suspicion began to gnaw at Bat’s mind. The absence of any message only heightened her sense of unease. She found herself irresistibly drawn to the dress, the gold filigree seemingly weaving a spell over her. It was as if the gown was imbued with some ancient, evil power, calling out to her, seducing her. Her pulse quickened, a potent mixture of excitement and trepidation flooding her senses.

Bat stepped back from the box, her gaze never leaving the gown. The voluminous black skirt absorbed all the light in the room, casting long shadows that slithered and writhed as if they had a life of their own. An unsettling sensation crept over her, the feeling of unseen eyes at her back. She spun around, but there was nothing there except for the room’s emptiness, the distant strains of music and laughter from the celebration below the only sounds that reached her ears.

In the end, curiosity won out over caution. With a resigned sigh, Bat began to slip into the gown. The bodice was snug, enveloping her chest in a swathe of luxury. The fabric caressed her skin, feeling like the finest silk. She then stepped into the skirt, fastening it securely around her waist. Inhaling deeply, she turned to her reflection in the mirror.

Her eyes widened in amazement as she gazed upon her reflection. The gown moved as if it had a life of its own, its shadows undulating around her waist and hips before blossoming into a voluminous skirt that whispered secrets only the night could understand. Gold cords snaked around the bodice, weaving an intricate web that accentuated her every curve as if they were caressing her, granting her a strength she hadn’t known she possessed. It made her feel like royalty, cloaked in the rich, dark fabric as if it were a power mantle.

Her mind wandered, taking her back to another time, another place. She was a young woman, adorned in a formal dress, meeting Val for the first time. The memory was like a specter that refused to be exorcised, its haunting presence lingering in the recesses of her mind. With a determined shake of her head, she banished the thought. That young woman, that version of herself who was determined to escape the confines of her old life, was no more. In her stead stood a woman slowly finding her footing in this brave new world she had entered.

Her train of thought was derailed by a sudden, sharp rap at the door.

Bat flung the door open, revealing Ace standing tall in a finely tailored navy blue suit that clung to his frame in all the right places. His blue-grey eyes sparkled with a mixture of emotions as they saw her in the gown. A small smile tugged at the corner of his lips. “You are mesmerizing,” he praised his voice a deep, velvety caress that wrapped around her like a warm embrace. He gently took her hand, lifted it to his lips, and brushed a delicate kiss across her knuckles.

A rush of warmth spread through Bat, but she pulled herself together and withdrew her hand abruptly. Her eyes flashed with anger and hurt as she confronted him.

“You could have told me,” she said, her voice strained with bitterness.

Ace’s eyes dimmed with sorrow. “I wanted to, I did. I tried a few times. But after what we’ve been through, I hoped it wouldn’t change anything between us.”

The raw emotion in his voice made Bat’s anger ebb away if only a little. “It’s not that simple,” she sighed. “For everyone else, it’s been two years, but for me, it feels like we were fighting side by side just days ago.”

Ace’s jaw clenched, his eyes taking on a steely resolve. “I’m not Val. I would never abandon you.”

Bat looked at him, confusion clouding her eyes. “What are you talking about?”

He took a deep breath as if bracing himself for what he was about to say. “I love you, Bat. And I know Val does, too. But the difference is, I can’t live without you.”

The words hung between them, each syllable a heavy weight that settled in Bat’s chest. She felt as if the ground had been pulled out from under her.

“He’s marrying someone else,” she whispered, her voice breaking.

“I know,” Ace said softly, his voice full of empathy.

They stood silently, the weight of unspoken words hanging heavily around them. Ace cleared his throat. “We should probably head to the celebration.”

Bat nodded, and with a flourish, Ace offered his arm. Bat accepted, their steps falling in unison as they moved down the grand hallway toward the music and laughter emanating from the celebration.

“What did Val want?” she questioned, the words aimed at cutting the thick tension between them.

“He asked me to stay here,” Ace replied, his gaze lingering on her. “After the battle, the Vampir were released from their servitude to Odin. Val’s marriage to Gersemi was orchestrated to solidify the newly formed bond, prevent conflict with the Aesir, and forge a new alliance with the Vanir. With Odin, peace is always a precarious thing.”

Bat’s brows knitted in confusion. “But why Gersemi? What’s her role in all of this?”

Ace hesitated, a shadow flickering across his face before he spoke. “She’s of the Vanir.”

“Wait, she’s a goddess?” Bat exclaimed, halting in her tracks.

With a solemn nod, Ace confirmed. “Yes. The Vanir are formidable, steeped in powerful magic. They are the wielders of Seidr, the same magic they bestowed upon Odin and the Volva. Aligning with them is of the utmost importance.”

A sigh escaped Bat as they resumed their journey towards the celebration. “This is all so overwhelming. I just found out about the existence of Alfar, too.”

Ace’s laughter rang out, a rich, melodic sound that resonated in the hallway. “The Alfar hold themselves in high esteem, considering themselves on par with gods and goddesses from both sides of the realms. They detest being called elves and find it quite offensive. Some humans worship them, but they are indifferent to human affairs.”

Bat shook her head in disbelief. “How have I remained oblivious to all of this until now?”

“The world has evolved over millennia. Humanity’s connection to the ancient realms has all but dissipated. New Gods have emerged, born out of avarice and the pursuit of power. Corruption has infected the core of society, pitting neighbor against neighbor and leaders against one another in a ceaseless quest for more power and wealth. It’s a poison that’s slowly consuming humanity. The darkness within people is growing, albeit not as visibly as when a Vampir transforms into a Draugr.”

“So the Vampir were trying to counteract that?”

Ace nodded. “We endeavored to be a beacon of hope, to extend our support to those in pain. The plan was to broaden our scope, but that was met with resistance from those in power who feared losing their grip. That’s why the bidding system was established. To prevent the powerful from getting richer, we aid entire cities, some of which eventually fall back into despair due to corruption. We’re constantly trying to maintain a delicate balance, especially with humans.”

Ace gently touched the small of her back, guiding her as they navigated the intricate hallway. “The current political landscape is like a churning sea, rife with hidden reefs and lethal storms lying in wait just below the surface. Navigating through it requires the skill of a seasoned sailor to chart a course that avoids being capsized by the formidable waves of corruption and greed.”

Bat’s pace slowed as the sounds of the celebration grew louder. “And now the Vampir can’t return, relegated to the shadows of the night.”

“That’s why Val wishes for me to remain,” Ace said, his voice dropping to a low murmur. “We need to devise a new plan of action.”

He turned to face her, his eyes filled with a vulnerability that tugged at her heartstrings. “I hope you choose to stay. To stay with me and stand by my side.”

The hall’s grandeur struck Bat like a physical blow as she stepped through the double doors, flanked by guards in ceremonial dress. Their imposing presence did nothing to diminish the luxury that stretched before her. Lavish floral arrangements filled the air with their intoxicating scent, while the red carpet that led to the grand doors welcomed them into the heart of the feast.

Inside, the hall had been transformed into a celebration rivaling any royal court. Tables groaned under the weight of sumptuous food and drinks while the air resonated with the melodic strains of music and the dulcet tones of laughter. Elegant couples twirled across the dance floor, their finely tailored suits and gowns a kaleidoscope of color and movement.

Golden candlesticks and sparkling chandeliers cast a warm glow across the room, their light reflecting off the walls adorned with intricate tapestries. These works of art depicted scenes from ancient myths and legends, their threads telling stories of heroes and gods. The scent of incense hung thick in the air, further adding to the atmosphere of opulence.

A twinge of envy gnawed at Bat as she took in the scene. The extravagance mocked her, reminding her of the reason behind the celebration - Val’s engagement.

“I’ll go get us some champagne.” Ace kissed her cheek and made his way to the bar.

With a determined set to her jaw, she approached the couple at the front of the room. With every step towards Val and Gersemi, Bat felt her resolve strengthen. Her back was straight, her head held high, and the rustle of her dress was the only sound that accompanied her. When she finally reached them, she dipped into a deep curtsey, the folds of her dress forming a pool of darkness around her. She looked up at Val through her lashes, a glint of defiance in her eyes that challenged him to look away. But he did, his glare shifting to some point over her shoulder.

Gersemi’s voice, dripping with honeyed joy, broke the charged silence. “I am so glad you made it! You look fabulous, don’t you agree, darling?”

Bat’s mood soured even more if that was possible. The sincerity in Gersemi’s voice was like a slap in the face. She turned her gaze to Val, searching for some sign of acknowledgment, but he steadfastly avoided her.

Gersemi’s light and airy voice filled the space between them again. “Forgive him, dear. He’s been rather moody as of late.”

Leaning in, she dropped her voice to a conspiratorial whisper. “I think he’s not one for the spotlight, so I must bask in it for the both of us.”

Straightening, Gersemi’s smile widened, her eyes twinkling with mischief. “Tell me, can you see our future?” She tilted her head to one side.

“I’m still learning to harness my abilities,” Bat admitted, a blush staining her cheeks. “The visions can be overwhelming, and I struggle to decipher them.”

Gersemi waved her hand dismissively, her movements graceful. “No matter. My interest lies more with you and the dashing Ace.” Her gaze flicked to where Ace conversed at the bar, the lights glinting off his dark blue suit. Val’s jaw clenched noticeably.

Bat fidgeted with the hem of her dress. “It’s... new. We’re navigating uncharted waters, especially considering everything that’s changed in the past two years.”

Gersemi’s eyes gleamed with knowing amusement. “Judging by how he’s looking at you right now, I’d say Ace is quite smitten with you.” She nodded toward Ace, then turned her attention back to Bat, her gaze intense and probing. Bat felt as though the goddess was peeling back the layers of her soul, exposing her innermost thoughts and feelings.

Bat’s heart thudded in her chest as she felt Val’s gaze burning into her, unwavering and intense. She was acutely aware of the silent exchange between the two men as though an invisible thread connecting them.

With a smile that didn’t quite reach her eyes, Gersemi turned her gaze again to Ace. “My congratulations to you both.”

Bat inclined her head in acknowledgment, then made a hasty retreat, her heart pounding in her chest and her cheeks flushed with embarrassment and disappointment. She had allowed herself to believe, foolishly, that Val had cared for her. She felt exposed and vulnerable, as though everyone in the room could see her confused reaction to Val’s engagement. She needed to escape, to find a quiet corner where she could collect her thoughts before she made an even bigger fool of herself.

“I must say, that dress is simply stunning on you.” A striking man with a commanding presence approached, causing Bat to lose her train of thought momentarily.

He was tall and lean, his perfectly tailored dark green suit hugging his frame. His hair, a wild mess of unruly locks, was the color of desert sands, framing a face with a shimmering, almost golden complexion. His piercing dark eyes looked right through Bat, and it was almost shocking how handsome he was—too perfect to be human. The slight point at the tips of his ears, peeking out from his voluminous hair, was the only indication of his true nature. He was an Alfar. A mischievous grin crept across his face as he noticed Bat’s eyes widen in both awe and realization.

“Thank you,” Bat managed to force out, her tone tight and controlled. She had no time or patience for handsome strangers, especially now. Despite his undeniable good looks, she couldn’t shake the feeling that he was trouble waiting to happen. A cool shiver ran down her spine as she tried to ignore the electric energy that pulsed between them.

“Ah, I see the mysterious man in the green suit has caught your attention, too,” Lyell said with a playful nudge to Bat’s arm. “He was the one who gave me the dress to deliver.” He grinned at her, his infectious energy evident even in the crowded room. Velika rolled her eyes at Lyell’s antics but couldn’t suppress a smile.

“I’m afraid I won’t be staying long,” the Alfar said with a mischievous glint in his eyes. “I just wanted to pay my respects to the betrothed. And see what all the fuss was about.” His gaze traveled from Bat’s lips to her neckline and then back to her eyes. Bat felt a flutter in her stomach and met his gaze, struggling to maintain a poker face as her cheeks flushed pink under the weight of his appraisal.

A playful voice interrupted their conversation, drawing their attention. “Did someone say champagne?” Ace emerged, a tall flute of champagne in hand. Before Bat could respond, Lyell had yanked Ace by the arm, pulling him towards the dance floor. “Guess I am dancing now!” Ace called over his shoulder, shooting Bat an apologetic glance and mouthing, “Sorry.”

“He’s got a bit of a crush on Ace, doesn’t he?” Velika remarked with a smirk.

“Crushes like that aren’t taboo in the realm of Alfar,” the handsome stranger winked. “The stigmas of other realms do not burden us.”

Velika chuckled. “Lyell has always been curious about your kind. I should go rescue Ace from his... enthusiasm.” She darted off, leaving Bat alone with the puzzling Alfar.

“I should thank you for the dress,” Bat said, sipping her champagne.

A slight smile touched his lips. “It would’ve been a pity for a woman as captivating as you to be without a gown tonight. Perhaps you might’ve neglected to bring one on your expedition through Niflheim.”

She raised an eyebrow, challenging. “And what makes you think you know anything about the kind of woman I am?”

“I know many things. But, Batilde, it’s not hard to notice you.” His gaze held a glint of amusement. “It’s a shame you don’t go by your full name more often. It means ‘woman warrior.’ Quite fitting, don’t you think? Much more so than ‘little Bat.’” His nose wrinkled slightly in distaste.

“And who might you be?” she asked, arching an eyebrow.

“Where are my manners?” He bowed slightly, a playful smile on his lips. “I’m known as Luk. The name is symbolic of knots and webs in my culture.”

As Velika and Lyell danced in the background, Bat’s gaze darted around the hall, searching for Ace. She felt a pang of irritation at Luk’s presumptuousness. “Did you approach me just to flaunt your knowledge?” she snapped. Ace was in conversation with another woman on the edge of the dance floor. With her hand resting playfully on Ace’s arm, the woman looked familiar. “I’m sorry. I’m afraid I made a fool of myself earlier, and it’s soured my mood.”

“Don’t ever apologize for your feelings. They are one of the truest things we can ever experience,” Luk responded, his gaze dropping to her lips. “Like I said, I know more than you might think.” His gaze shifted, and he gently directed her attention to the edge of the dance floor, where Ace was deep in conversation with a striking woman. The woman’s arm playfully draped over Ace’s, her fingers trailing up his forearm. “Her name is Brina. She’s a Valkyrie. They were lovers not too long ago,” Luk murmured, the glint in his eyes returning.

Bat’s eyes flashed with anger and hurt. “He neglected to mention that.”

Bat’s glare intensified as she took in this new information. Luk’s grin widened, turning wicked as his gaze darkened with mischief. “Seems he’s been withholding quite a bit since your return.”

He took her hand, pulling her into the orbit of his intense presence. “Jealousy is unbecoming, my dear,” he whispered, his hot breath caressing the sensitive skin of her neck, sending a wave of shivers rippling through her. His lips brushed the shell of her ear as he added, “But then, I must admit, I’m a touch jealous myself.”

Abruptly, he released her and stepped back, his gaze piercing hers. “You, Batilde, are a gem amongst pebbles, even if you haven’t realized it yet.” With a final, lingering look, he executed a graceful bow before exiting.

Moja appeared at Bat’s side, eyeing Luk as he melted into the crowd of revelers. “What an odd one,” she muttered, plucking the flute of champagne from Bat’s hand and taking a swig.

Bat narrowed her eyes, watching Luk’s retreating figure. A peculiar thread of light connected him to countless others in the room. “What do you know of him, Moja?”

The woman shook her head, her expression unreadable. “Only that the Alfar wield magic that is old and powerful. I don’t trust him.”

Bat sighed, her gaze following the multitude of threads stretched out from Luk in every direction. “And tomorrow, we begin honing your abilities,” Moja said, tilting the glass to finish the champagne.

“Joy,” Bat muttered under her breath. The last place she wanted to be amidst the swirling chaos of the celebration.

Just then, Ace appeared, wrapping his arms around her from behind. “There you are.”

She turned to see Brina watching them from across the room. “Seems I’m not the only one.”

Ace frowned, following her gaze. “What do you mean?”

“Luk told me about you and Brina,” she said, arms crossed over her chest.

“Luk?” His smile faded. “That Alfar?”

“The very one.”

Ace muttered a curse under his breath. “It meant nothing, Bat. I swear.”

Her heart twisted in her chest. “What happened to ‘I waited for you,’ Ace? Or should I call you the Hand of Tyr now?”

His eyes flashed. “I am still the same person you’ve always known, Bat.”

She took a step back. “I’m not so sure anymore.”

A shadow of regret crossed his face. “I made a mistake. I thought I’d lost you and reverted to my old ways. It’s not an excuse. I’m sorry.”

“How long?” She demanded, her voice breaking.

“It was only once, and it was over a year ago. I was drunk and just wanted to numb the pain of losing you. I swear, once I could feel you, and I knew you were alive, that’s when I ended things with her.”

A hush fell over the grand hall as chimes echoed through the room, signaling the arrival of Gersemi. Her midnight blue hair flowed loosely down her back, complementing her smoky grey gown. Her regal presence commanded the attention of everyone in the room.

“Thank you for celebrating with us tonight. Our union will strengthen the bond between our people, much like Odin’s gift of compulsion to Val. Today, I shall also present a gift to my betrothed.”

With a graceful turn, Gersemi extended her hand towards Val, who stepped forward and gently kissed the back of her hand.

“Compulsion?” Bat’s stomach twisted into knots. She felt Ace’s intense gaze, searching her face for any sign of what was troubling her. Taking a deep breath, she tried to steady herself.

“You should’ve told me about her, about all of this, before we slept together. I need time to process this. It feels like everyone’s hiding things from me.”

Ace’s eyes softened as he dropped her hand. “I understand.”

Bat’s footsteps echoed in the hall as she left the grand ballroom. Her mind was a whirlwind of emotions.

“May our union be blessed with the gift of glamour, strengthening our bond across time,” Gersemi’s voice rang out across the hall, but Bat didn’t look back.

She reached her room, leaning against the door once safely inside. With a sigh, she stripped off her dress and crawled into bed, burying her face in the pillow to block out the sounds of the celebration.

But sleep didn’t bring peace. Bat was in a nightmare where a vast, all-consuming void devoured stars, planets, and realms. Just as hope seemed lost, an eruption of fire and ash burst from the heart of the void.

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