Blood Moon's Tears

Chapter 20

Early morning sunlight filtered through the windows, casting a warm glow across the room. Lele stirred from her slumber, she couldn’t recall when she had succumbed to sleep, but her body now felt heavy and sore. Blinking sleep from her eyes, she pushed herself upright and swung her legs over the edge of the bed.

The tantalizing aroma of eggs and bacon wafted through the air, coaxing her senses awake. Lele followed the scent, her movements sluggish as she made her way to the kitchen, rubbing her eyes in an attempt to clear the remnants of sleep.

“Good morning, sleepy head. Did you rest well?” A voice, warm and familiar, greeted her.

Lele blinked, focusing her gaze on Kenji, who stood by the stove with a knowing smile. “I’m not sure. My body is aching,” she admitted, her voice groggy.

“Hmm, here, drink this,” Kenji said, his tone gentle, handing her a steaming cup.

She accepted the cup with a nod of gratitude, her senses caught by the aroma rising from the brew. “What’s in it?”

“It’s a blend of turmeric, ginger, and cinnamon. It’s known for its anti-inflammatory properties. Might help ease your muscles,” he explained.

Lele took a cautious sip, the warmth of the concoction spreading through her. She then took a seat at the table, her gaze shifting to Kenji.

“What are you making?” she asked, her curiosity piqued.

Kenji’s hands continued their graceful dance as he replied, “Waffles with bacon and eggs.”

“Delicious,” she commented, her voice still laced with sleep while her thoughts drifted back to the events of the previous night. “Kenji,” she began, her voice tentative, “there’s something that’s been on my mind.”

Kenji’s expression remained steady as he continued to work. “Let me guess, you’re curious about the Blood Moon I gave to Sama?”

Lele nodded, her eyes fixed on him. “Yes, and... I couldn’t help but wonder if Eriena and this Sama guy are... together?”

Kenji’s hands stilled for a brief moment, his gaze meeting hers. “He’s her mate,” he revealed, his tone careful. “Whether they’re together in the way you mean, that’s hard to say. As for the drink, some things are better kept as secrets. Not all are crafted with the same intent.”

Lele’s frustration simmered beneath the surface. “You know I’m not a child you can tell me what he did that was deserving to be killed slowly by the very drink that is supposed to help him.”

Kenji’s eyes darkened, a sombre intensity washing over him. “Lele stop. It’s a plan that has been in the works for years and even if it means that it can destroy me, I’m willing to take that risk. I don’t need anyone else putting themselves in danger for a grudge I’ve been harbouring for ages. Now, eat.” He commanded gently, placing a plate of waffles before her.

Lele didn’t push the topic further, simply ate her breakfast and thanked Kenji once she was finished. Not knowing what to do with herself for the rest of the day she found herself assisting with the cleanup of the bar, the decision to visit the Golden Eclipse Pack began to crystallize in her mind, spurred by her recent conversations with Eriena. Kenji lent a hand, helping her pack and presenting her with small vials of liquid he dubbed “wellness shots,” while once again reminding her that he was happy she was finally giving Lucian a proper chance.

The realization that she was returning as Lucian’s mate, as a Luna, added layers of anxiety Lele quickly regretted knowing that it was too late to back out of the plan.

Upon her arrival, Lele was met with a flurry of activity. Wolves moved purposefully through the grounds, a sense of urgency in their actions. Wolves darted around with a determined energy, each movement imbued with urgency.

As Lele approached the packhouse, her eyes fell on Chase, Lucian’s Beta, who appeared to be engaged in a playful struggle with a young wolf. Veleena, her bright eyes gleaming with mischief, had Chase’s hand in a tight grip as she attempted to pull him back into the packhouse.

Chase locked eyes with Lele and a mischievous smile panned across his lips. “Oh, look who decided to grace us with her presence Vel.”

Veleena peaked from behind the doorframe, locking eyes with Lele. “Lele!” the six-year-old exclaimed as released Chase’s hand to tackle Lele to the ground.

“You’re really strong for a wolf your age,” Lele chuckled, gently tucking a strand of hair behind Veleena’s ear as they sat up.

Veleena beamed at the compliment, her gaze shifting to Lele’s bags. “Are you leaving again?”

Lele shook her head, her smile widening. “The opposite. I’m moving in.”

Chase’s voice cut in, his eyebrows raised in surprise. “Moving in? As in moving into the packhouse?”

Lele confirmed with a nod. “Yep. I’ve thought about it and thought I should own up to my role as the pack’s Luna.”

Chase’s initial surprise had now increased for he didn’t get any information regarding Lele since the last time she came. “I- Does Lucian know?”

“No, that’s why I’m here. To tell him.” She admitted.

“Oh, that makes sense.”

His statement caused Lele’scuriousity to pique. “What does?”

“Lucian’s actually about to leave. I’m sure if he knew that you were going to be coming to see him, to move in and become Luna no less he would have put off his plans.” Chase explain.

Lele’s brows furrowed, “He’s leaving?”

Just then, Lucian emerged from the packhouse, his attire a stark contrast to the vibrant surroundings. Clad in an all-black suit with a matching turtleneck, he strode forward, his gaze meeting Lele’s with a mixture of surprise and relief. His steps carried a blend of confidence and caution as he closed the distance between them.

“Lele,” his voice held a touch of wonder as if he couldn’t quite believe she was standing before him.

Lele’s lips curved into a small smile. “I couldn’t stay away for too long.”

Lucian’s eyes softened, his hand reaching out to brush a strand of hair from her face. “I’m glad you came back. I thought yuh ran off for good. You left without saying a word.” He glanced over at the bags that were on the ground. “If I had known you were coming I would have put my trip off until tomorrow.”

Lele’s gaze held steady as she spoke. “It’s fine. I would like to join you if that’s okay?”

Concern flitted across Lucian’s features, his lips parting slightly. “I don’t know if yuh really want to.”

Lele furrowed her brows giving him a questioning look. “If I didn’t then I wouldn’t be asking now, would I?”

Lucian’s uncertainty was palpable, his gaze searching hers. “Okay, but don’t complain if it turns out to be boring. Oh and don’t ask any questions about where we’re going.”

Lele’s response carried a note of jest. “Sketchy, but okay.”

The car ride to their undisclosed destination was marked by an almost oppressive silence, punctuated only by the rhythmic hum of the engine. It was as if the weight of their unspoken conversation hung heavily between them.

Lucian’s expression was cold, his gaze distant when he finally spoke as they drove off the city’s road, passing through an unmarked entrance onto a dirt road. “I’ve been offered my father’s position on the council.”

Lele’s heart skipped a beat, “And are you going to take it?”

Lucian’s sigh was laden with uncertainty. “I’ve been thinking about it. It’s not an easy decision, Lele. But there’s something else I want to show you first.” Lele turned to look at him as he retrieved an item from his pocket. “Open yuh hand.”

Lele’s gaze fell to the item in her hand, and her breath caught as she recognized it. “This is…” She trailed off as a tear fell onto the locket in her hand.

“You’re sister’s locket,” Lucian confirmed. “I wasn’t sure if I wanted to give it to Vel when she was of age and could fully control her abilities or if to give it to you so I decided to just give it back to its rightful owner.” He watched as Lele opened up the locket to reveal a slightly scorched photograph of a family portrait.

The car finally pulled to a screeching stop from a ride that felt like it went on forever. Lucian’s voice broke the silence once more.

“Alright, time to walk.”

Lele’s brows furrowed in confusion, but she followed Lucian’s lead as they continued into what seemed to resemble the forest that covered his pack’s original territory. The air grew heavy with a sense of purpose, and Lele’s anticipation mounted.

Finally, they reached a clearing that overlooked the small island Lele knew all too well to be Queen’s Land, bathed in the soft glow of twilight. In the centre of the clearing stood a row of gravestones, each engraved with familiar names. Lele’s breath caught in her throat as she took in the sight before her.

Lucian’s voice was quiet, laced with emotion. “This is the final resting place of your pack, Lele. Every member, every family – they’re all here.”

Tears welled up in Lele’s eyes as she stepped closer, her fingers tracing the names etched into the stone. Memories of her childhood, her family, and the love she had lost came rushing back.

“You... you did this?” Her voice trembled.

Lucian’s face was emotionless as he turned towards the view of the island. “Not really. My father did. I thought he was going to just bury his best friend next to the other one but when he told me he buried them somewhere in the Kanagawa Province along with all of the pack members that lost their lives that night…” Lucian paused as his voice caught in his throat as tears welled up in his eyes. “He never disclosed the location to me and so, when I became Alpha I made it my mission to find them. In doing so I spent almost my entire life’s savings buying every single inch of Kanagwa. Was owning the whole province worth it? No, but I found out that the range of which my pack’s territory extends is the range I can mind-link any member of my pack and that meant a lot to me since I became Vel’s sole guardian. I wanted to take care of the gravesite just in case Vel decided she wanted to visit the other part of her family. She might not be able to get to know them but at least she’d know their names.”

Lele’s heart swelled with a mix of emotions, her voice barely a whisper. “Thank you, Lucian. I thought that they were thrown into the water, forever doomed to spend eternity riding the waves lost and forgotten.”

Lucian turned back to see Lele caressing a tombstone that read ‘Loving daughter and Older sister.’ his fingers gently brushed against hers, a tender gesture that sent a shiver down her spine. “It’s the least I could do. They were like family to me too.”

As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting a warm golden hue over the gravestones, Lele felt a sense of closure she hadn’t expected. In Lucian’s actions, she saw a reflection of his character – a man who carried the weight of his past on his shoulders. Someone who in his own way had been dealing with the responsibilities his family neglected to resolve.

With a newfound understanding, Lele turned to face Lucian, her heart heavy with unspoken words. “And the council position?”

Lucian’s gaze held a mixture of contemplation and resolve. “I haven’t made a decision yet. But I know that if I don’t deal with it soon I’ll end up putting my name on the list of people Vel hates. I also need to show you that I’m not my father, I’m determined to make it up to you, even if it means becoming a councilman. Actions speak louder than words and I know you’d only accept my apologies if I show you how sorry I am.”

“So, what’s the first move you’ve taken up your father’s role of head councilman?”

Lucian turned to make eye contact with Lele “Do what my father should have done six years ago. I’m going to find my brother and kill him.

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