Blood Moon's Tears

Chapter 21

Lele and Lucian rode side by side on their way back to the packhouse, the cool night air rushing past them as they made their way through the dirt road and unmarked entrance they had taken. The moon hung high in the sky, casting an ethereal glow over everything in its path. Their senses were heightened, attuned to the pulse of the pack, the rustle of leaves, and the distant howls that echoed through the night.

As they approached the packhouse, Lele’s heart raced as her anxiety levels raised. The time to cement her role in the pack was now and the thought of doing this to get more information about his brother made Lele once again, rethink her life choices. Nevertheless, Lele took a deep breath, steadied her breath and took hold of Lucian’s hand once they entered the foyer.

“Lucian,” Lele began, her voice steady despite the flutter of nerves within her. “There’s something I need to tell you.”

He turned to her, his cognac-coloured eyes locking onto hers. “What is it, Lele?”

“I’ve decided that I’ll take up my role as your Luna.”

Lucian’s eyebrows rose in surprise, and for a moment, Lele feared she had made a mistake in voicing her desire. But then, a warm smile spread across his face, and he reached out to gently cup her cheek, his thumb brushing against her skin.

“That’s amazing, but I don’t want you to feel pressured. It has to be your choice,” he said, his voice low and soothing.

Lele exhaled a breath she hadn’t realized she’d been holding. “I’m not. My next heat cycle is coming soon, I’m just not sure how much longer I can put off ignoring the mate bond. That and there is the fact that my wolf really likes you.” She admitted.

Lucian leaned in, pressing a tender kiss to her forehead. “It’s ok. I understand.”

Lele’s lips curved into a soft smile, she rose on her toes. She leaned in, pressing a delicate kiss to his lips, a spark igniting between them. Lucian’s eyes went wide for a second before closing them for he wasn’t expecting her to make the first move. Heat permeated within their bodies as Lucian’s hands snaked their way down Lele’s body and around her waist as he took charge of the kiss, kissing her hungrily.

The abrupt clearing of a throat shattered their moment, and they turned to find Chase, Lucian’s Beta, covering the eyes of a giggling Veleena.

“I’m not sorry to intrude, but need I remind you, Alpha, that while everyone is overjoyed by the news of finally getting a new Luna, there are still children that live here,” Chase quipped with a smirk.

Lucian’s demeanour shifted, his expression went back to its unreadable cold state as he cleared his throat. Removing one hand from Lele’s waist they both turned to face Chase.

“Right. Vel, be sure to take an early night tonight, okay? You have to go shopping with Torao tomorrow.” He informed his niece.

Veleena removed Chase’s hand that was still over her eyes. “Alright.” She answered, giving him a dissatisfied pout before locking eyes with Lele.

Lele interjected, offering a solution. “Actually, why don’t I take her shopping? I could use some new clothes as well.”

“You’d do that?” Lucian questioned, his voice holding a hint of scepticism.

“Of course. It would also give me the chance to make up for lost time. A little bonding moment some might say.” Lele assured.

Lucian conceited “Well, if Vel agrees…”

Veleena’s eyes lit up as she exclaimed, “Yes!”

Lucian nodded, his approval given. “Very well. Chase, inform Torao of the change, and once Vel is settled in bed, arrange the necessary funds. I’ll review the financials in the morning, along with any other pending matters. I’m going to show Lele to her suite and make sure she’s settled.”

As Lucian’s grip on Lele tightened ever so slightly, Chase gave a hum of understanding, he had not missed the very subtle hint of his tone changing for the last part of his sentence. His playful grin hinted at his awareness of the unspoken intentions.

Chase offered a knowing nod, his gaze following the pair as they ascended the staircase together.

Looking back down at the child holding unto his hand, his smirk growing. “You didn’t see anything, right?”

Veleena’s grin widened mischievously. “Everything!”

Chase chuckled, “Okey, Pinocchio. I knew I blocked your eyes before you even got the chance.”

Veleena protested, raising her hand to her nose. “I’m not Pinocchio!”

“Of course not. Now, let’s get you ready for bed,” Chase playfully responded as he guided her to her room.

The following day, Lucian departed for his meeting with the council members accompanied by Chase, Leaving Torao in charge of the pack. The packhouse, though quieter without Lucian’s commanding presence, continued to function smoothly under Torao’s leadership.

Meanwhile, Lele and Veleena spent their time bonding and enjoying each other’s company. Both of them had gone out into the more populated part of the Kanagawa Province. Lele had somehow managed to convince Torao that they didn’t need bodyguards while they went shopping, claiming that it would ruin their bonding experience and it should be fine since Kanagawa was part of the pack’s territory anyway.

In reality, Lele didn’t like the idea of someone looking over her every move for she wasn’t used to it. Nonetheless, she grew to enjoy the company of her niece. She was very cheerful and reminded Lele of her sister’s outgoing spirit. After visiting the 20th store Veleena dragged her into and yet another sales clerk informed her that the purchases would be delivered to the packhouse, Lele was eager to finally get something to eat.

They made it at least ten steps to the cafe of choice when Veleena’s lively chatter ceased and she stopped walking, causing Lele to look at her.

“What’s wrong Vel?” She asked as she followed Veleena’s gaze fixed on a group of guys walking in their direction.

One guy, in particular, sent chills up Lele’s spine as her inner wolf emitted a low growl. Instinctively taking a protective stance to shield Veleena, Lele felt her grab onto the back of her top.

In a hushed voice, Veleena disclosed her unease. “That’s him. It’s my dad,” she informed, her voice quivering with fear.

Recognition flashed in Sama’el’s eyes, and his gaze settled on Veleena. A knowing smirk crept into his expression as he approached.

“Well, well, what do we have here?” Sama’el’s tone dripped with cruelty, his gaze lingering on Veleena.

“Veleena, stay close to me,” she whispered, her eyes never leaving Sama’el.

Sama’el’s gaze narrowed on Veleena. “Ah, so it is you. My look at how much you’ve grown.” He reached out as if to touch her head.

“Don’t touch her!” Lele demanded in a warning tone while taking a step back to put some sort of distance between them and the man in front of them.

He then turned his attention to Lele, his eyes, turning ruby red as if his wolf itself had taken great offence and had risen to the surface. “And who the fuck are you to tell me what to do with regard to my daughter?” He questioned, his alpha aura rolling off him.

Not one to back down from a challenge or alphas that use their status to intimidate others outside of their pack Lele pushed her own alpha aura onto him. “I won’t repeat myself. Now, unless you want up dying a gruesome death like my sister you’d best step aside and I’ll pretend this encounter never happened.”

Lele turned to leave, taking hold of Veleena’s hand. But she was stopped abruptly as Sama’el tightened his grip on her wrist.

“See that won’t do. I made sure everyone that had any connections to her mother died alongside her. So you saying that your her sister is a blatant lie. I will get to have my daughter back by my side where she belongs and no one is going to get in my way of that.” Sama’el’s threat was chilling, his words carrying malevolent intent.

Lele looked down at the hand that held hers and smirked. “I never admitted that her mother was my sister and the fact that you knew she had a little sister is all the proof I need to know that you were the person who massacred my family six years ago. Honestly, you say that you made sure that everyone who had connections to her died but yet, I’m standing here, in front of you along with her daughter. Such sloppy work from someone who thinks he’s all-powerful just because he didn’t face repercussions.” She taunted.

Sama’el’s face contorted with rage as he lashed out, grabbing a fist full of Lele’s locs and yanking her head back. “I’ll make sure you beg for my forgiveness like your sister did.” He said making eye contact with Lele and using the full force of his ability to instil fear into her. “Take her.” He ordered the men that were with him.

“No!” Veleena screamed as she tried desperately to hold onto Lele’s hand as the men shoved her into a black SUV she had seen them exist out of earlier.

Sama’el’s eyes went back to their original colour as he turned his attention back to Veleena. “Oh don’t worry sweetie. You and Daddy will have lots of fun after I’ve finished taking care of her. I promise I’ll take good care of you from now on.”

“No! I hate you! My real dad is Uncle Lucian!” the girl retorted.

Sama’el remembered what Lucian had told him about his daughter hating him. “He isn’t your dad if you call him uncle.” He countered.

“He’s more of a dad than you’ll ever be to me! He’s the one I chose and that makes him my dad!” Veleena spat.

Sama’el’s eyes changed to red again as he furrowed his brows in anger. “You’re just like your mother.” He declared before backhanding her so hard that he knocked her out.

Picking her up, a voice spoke from behind him.

“Boss, what about the pack’s Gamma?” Caleb, his Beta questioned.

Sama’el’s attention shifted, his expression darkening. “Don’t worry, we’ll find Drake. I have a feeling that she’ll tell us exactly what happened to him.” He answered, gesturing to the SUV with a nod.

A note of scepticism laced the Beta’s words. “You really think she knows?”

“Of course. After all, she is his mate.”

With his curiosity piqued Caleb pressed further. “Whose mate are we talking about?”

A sinister smile curved Sama’el’s lips. “My brother’s.”

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