Blood Moon's Tears

Chapter 19

The Fading Rose buzzed with life, its warm embrace welcoming both regular patrons and newcomers alike. Conversations blended into a symphony of laughter, and the scent of alcohol hung in the air like a familiar melody. Lele felt both comforted and overwhelmed by the bustling atmosphere as she stood behind the bar, serving drinks with practised efficiency. It had been an eternity, or at least what felt like one, since she had seen Eriena, her packmate, her only friend and the kindest omega her pack had taken in.

“You remembered me even after six years?” Eriena’s voice was tinged with disbelief and a hint of awe.

Tears welled up in Lele’s eyes as they both stared intently at each other, taking in the changes time had wrought. “It’s really you,” Lele whispered, her voice choked with emotion. “I thought I’d lost you too.”

Eriena’s gaze softened, a mixture of sorrow and joy gleaming in her winter grey eyes. “I thought the same, Lele. But I guess the Goddess just likes to surprise me.”

Lele took a deep breath, collecting her thoughts. “So much has happened since we last saw each other. I... I met someone.” Lele began, her voice carrying a tinge of hesitance.

Eriena’s brows arched in curiosity, encouraging her to continue.

“He’s the Alpha of the Golden Eclipse Pack, Lucian,” Lele confessed, vulnerability lacing her words. “See the thing is... he’s my mate.”

Eriena’s eyes widened with surprise. “That’s awesome Lele. You found your mate so why do you sound as if it’s the worst thing that has happened to you?”

Lele’s expression turned conflicted. “I spent the last week with him and well… I thought maybe trusting him wouldn’t be a bad idea but then I found out some things about him that made me realize I wasn’t wrong for deciding that wolves like him are not to be trusted at all.”

Eriena furrowed her brows. “Wolves like him?” she questioned.

“Yeah, wolves of a high status.”

Eriena was taken aback by Lele’s statement. “I’m not following. You are aware that though the pack does not exist anymore you are still an Alpha blooded she-wolf right?”

Lele’s voice held a mixture of bitterness and disappointment. “Don’t remind me okay, I don’t expect you to understand. Anyway, I found out that his father was the one that covered up our pack’s murder Eriena. He used his position on the council to make it seem like the pack never existed. It’s as if our pack never existed, as if our lives were meaningless. Like it was just a figment of people’s imagination. Who’s to say that Lucian wouldn’t abuse his power as well?”

Eriena’s concern deepened, her gaze locking onto Lele’s. “Wait. Have you not joined another pack since that night? Have you really been a lone wolf this whole time?”

Lele’s gaze dropped, her shoulders sagging. “Yeah,” she admitted quietly. “Why would I want someone else telling me what to do? I was lucky enough to have met Kenji. So he’s been taking care of me.”

Eriena looked over at Kenji who was on the other end of the bar attending to other patrons, his charm evident in the ease of his interactions.

It was at that moment Eriena’s inner wolf spoke with a playful tone, its words resonating in the corners of her mind. “Ah, so he’s handsome and kind. Went out of his way to take care of the Alpha’s daughter. How manly of him for stepping up as her caretaker.”

Eriena shook her head, the amused frustration evident on her face. “Can you stop that? You’re making my thoughts sound absurd. But yes, I suppose I should thank him later.” She let out a sigh, her eyes catching Lele’s as she busied herself with drying a glass. “Tell me Lele. There is more to this Lucian guy that you don’t like other than his father covering up our pack’s massacre isn’t there?”

Taking in a shaky breath Lele placed to glass down and made eye contact with the woman in front of her. “I... I found out that Lucian’s brother was the one who orchestrated the massacre.”

Eriena’s gaze grew distant as she absorbed the weight of Lele’s words.

“Anyway, what about you, Eriena? Have you found your mate?” Lele’s words broke Eriena out of her temporary trance.

A flicker of pain passed through Eriena’s eyes before she composed herself. “Yes, I have. It’s... complicated. After what happened that night I wanted revenge and I thought the best way to get that was to join the Bounty Hunter’s Association. It’s through this line of work that I found my mate, though he turned out to be one of my targets. One that I’ve been hunting for the past six years since I joined the association.”

Lele gasped, her eyes filled with sympathy. “That must be tough.”

Eriena’s eyes held a hint of weariness. “I’m torn, Lele. I’m not really sure about what I should do.”

Lele’s voice was gentle, filled with support. “Trust your instincts, your heart. Identify what you truly desire, and let that guide you. I’ll be here for you, no matter what path you choose.”

Eriena’s eyes showed a tinge of pain as Lele’s words reminded her of what Kenji had told her a month ago.

Lele’s inner wolf interjected, its voice biting. “Quite the wise words for someone who barely acknowledges her own mate. Maybe you should take your own advice from time to time.” Her wolf berated.

Eriena’s attention refocused on Lele, her eyes narrowing slightly as if she were trying to decipher a puzzle. “Hey, If I asked you to help me get revenge for our pack would you agree?”

Lele’s response was swift and fervent. “Of course. My family died that night so yeah, I’ll do anything to get back at the bastard that made me an orphan.”

Eriena took a deep breath, her next words holding gravity. “Okay, though I don’t think you will like the plan that I have in mind.”

“Try me.” Lele challenged.

Eriena’s gaze held a hint of mischief. “We need to join a pack and by we I mean you. You know the perpetrator’s brother and he knows things about what happened that the association might not, so I need you to get close to him.”

Lele’s reaction was swift. “Yeah, no.”

Eriena leaned closer, her voice gentle. “I understand your hesitation, Lele. Trust is hard to come by when the past haunts us. But remember, not all who share a bloodline are defined by their family’s actions. Give Lucian a chance to prove himself, and the truth will reveal itself. Do you not want to know why he would keep such a thing from you? To find out his version of events?”

Lele’s scepticism lingered. “I don’t know Eriena. He might just lie about everything.”

“You’re still stubborn as ever I see.” Eriena sighed. “You’re his mate. He won’t lie to you, stretch the truth, maybe, but not outright lie to you especially since he knows that you are aware his family had a hand in what happened that year.”

“And what would you be doing then?”

Eriena gave a sly smile. “I’m going to capture the targets I haven’t yet. My mate has too many bodyguards so it will be difficult to bring him in so I’ll have to weed out the weaklings first. During that time I’ll think of a plan based on the information you find out about Lucian’s brother. But this plan will only work if you do your part.”

Lele weighed her options; either avoid her mate and possibly gain the balls to reject him and risk her chance at getting revenge for her family or allow herself to love a traitor and have the revenge so wants.

Her choice was clear and with that, Lele agreed. “Fine. I’ll do it.”

Kenji’s voice cut through the air, “What are you doing?” his eyes shifted between Eriena and Lele, his tone a blend of amusement and intrigue.

Eriena’s straightforward response sent a surge of embarrassment through Lele. “She’s going to allow herself to become a woman and accept her mate.”

“Hey!” Lele protested.

“Is that so?” Kenji’s voice held a hint of playfulness. “You’re growing up fast, Lele. Seems like just yesterday you broke into my attic covered in bruises.”

Lele’s interjected, hoping to divert the conversation. “Kenji!”

Just as the bickering escalated, a new voice broke through the tension, capturing everyone’s attention.

“The bar’s quite lively tonight.” It was almost as if the bar itself went quiet when everyone looked at Sama’el who was making himself comfortable on one of the empty stools closest to Eriena.

“Can I get a Blood Moon Kenji?” Sama’el demanded, breaking the silence that his entrance had created.

Kenji’s response was laced with surprise. “No Scotch tonight Sama?”

Sama’el gave Kenji am annoyed look. “There you go again, asking for answers. It’s been a rough day and all I want is to sleep well tonight. My mate stormed off on me earlier and hasn’t been picking up my calls or answering my texts.”

Eriena couldn’t resist chiming in, her tone a bit on the defensive side. “Maybe your mate just got fed up with seeing your ugly mug for a week straight.”

Sama’el looked at Eriena as if she had cursed him out. “I’ll have you know that you loved everything about me until I told you the truth. Honestly, don’t ask a question that you don’t want the answer to.”

Eriena’s reply was sharp, a fire dancing in her eyes. “Maybe heed my warning when I say to not follow me next time.”

The heated exchange between Eriena and Sama’el was palpable, the atmosphere thickening with tension. Kenji intervened, sliding a glass of Whiskey towards Sama’el in a silent attempt to quell the brewing storm.

“It’s on the house, but that’s it. Anything else after this is not. Any more of this lovers’ spat, and you’ll have to continue it outside like any other brawl. I’m too old to be dealing with petty fights between children,” Kenji interjected, his tone stern.

Amid the brewing storm, Sama’el and Eriena both protested in unison, “I’m an adult!” before Eriena stormed out of the bar in a swirl of emotions.

Kenji refocused his attention, his tone returning to its usual warmth. “Right. Anyway, I’ll have your Blood Moon ready in a minute.”

Kenji refocused his attention on his work, mixing a Blood Moon for Sama’el. Lele’s eyes were transfixed on his every move, her wolf’s senses attuned to the process. As the ingredients combined, a faint scent wafted through the air, catching Lele’s attention.

The unmistakable aroma of Wolfsbane danced beneath the surface, nearly imperceptible yet distinct. She realized that one of the liquids Kenji used wasn’t alcohol or syrup. The smell coming from that particular substance was almost undetectable but she knew the scent of Wolfsbane anywhere. Lele’s thoughts raced, her curiosity piqued by the presence of the toxic substance in the cocktail. She wondered about Kenji’s intentions and the significance of Wolfsbane in the Blood Moon.

Her mind swirled with questions, but one concern took precedence: were all Blood Moons concocted in the same manner? Her inquiry slipped from her lips before she could contain it.

“Hey, Kenji?” Her voice was soft yet laden with intrigue.

“One Blood Moon for you,” he said, handing the drink to Sama’el before turning his attention to Lele. “Yeah, Lele? Something on your mind?”

“Are all Blood Moons made the same way?” Lele’s question was cautious, her words chosen carefully.

“No, each drink I make is tailored to the patron that ordered it. And that extends to all the drinks I make, not just the Blood Moons. Why do you ask? You trying to figure out the secret recipe?” He questioned but knew better, It was subtle but Kenji knew that Lele saw what went into Sama’s Blood Moon. He knew by the slight hue change of Lele’s eye colour that she smelled the Wolfsbane thanks to her wolf’s sense of smell. He was just grateful she didn’t show it on her face like she normally did whenever she got a whiff of the cologne he wears on days Sama would show up at the bar.

“Oh, no reason in particular. Just curious.” Not wanting to say anything else she started to wonder, if that was the case and only Sama’el’s Blood Moon had wolfsbane in it, what did Kenji know that warranted him mixing a deadly cocktail that slowly kills its victim over time and how long has he been doing it for?

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