Blood Lust and Love

Chapter 25


It has been a week since Rem warned everyone of the upcoming attack that Crow planned. Rem constantly was reporting back to Leah as minor details changed and Alec had already selected the number of people to bring based on Rem's information.

The training schedule changed for the group that was being dispatched so they would have more time to rest and see their families.

Alec and Leah worked hard training with each other for the past week.

"We need to talk about this," Alec said as he held his hands up as targets. Leah continued to swing, "What do you mean?" She asked.

"You're overexerting yourself. You need rest. It's been enough you've used a lot of your magic." Alec said.

Leah laughed, "You're the one to talk. How many hours of sleep did you get last night? Better yet, have much sleep have you gotten in the past three days?"

"That's irrelevant, I can still function. Besides, you know I don't get much sleep anyway."

Leah sighed, "So we're back to this again?"

"Will I not being able to change your mind?" Alec pressed again. He wanted Leah and his family out of the way when it came to fighting or anything having to deal with Crow.

"You want me out of the fight disregarding the fact that I can boil someone's blood in a matter of seconds?" Leah questioned. Someone didn't seem right in this situation. It was making Leah mad that it seemed like Alec was questioning her ability, but in all reality, Alec had insecurities too and was questioning his own ability to save Leah and anyone else he loved. Just like when he felt helpless and couldn't save his sister or children from Crow. Not even his younger sibling from vampires.

"It's not that. You need to conserve your magic. Do you remember what happened the last time you boiled someone's blood?"

"Nope." Leah didn't want to hear it but she knew she was anyway.

"You had a nose bleed for two days straight." Alec lectured.

"It was off and on." Leah rebutted.

"Well, that's not the only thing."

"Then what is it?" Leah asked raising an eyebrow.

"You told me that witches have one weakness and if it enters your bloodstream you're temporarily paralyzed. You're defenseless if that happens." Alec explained.

"You're not sidelining me from this fight," Leah stated.

"Then how do you plan to defend yourself if he knows what cripples you?"

"I won't let him. Besides, it's the same exact scenario with you. With any of us. We all have weaknesses. Silver burns werewolves and can be used against them, everyone knows that." Leah narrowed her eyes at him. "If you think I'll be defenseless against Crow then why don't you try disabling me first." She challenge.

"Silver isn't my weakness, It's you. Also, silver doesn't paralyze wolves." Alec said ignoring Leah's last sentence. He knew she was powerful.

"I can't stand around and do nothing, Alec."

"You won't. But I ask you to stay back and look over the pack while I handle this small attack. Save your strength for the next attack." Alec offered, hoping she'd agree to it because after this Alec was planning to end Crow so there wouldn't be a next time.

Leah thought about it. Rem was keeping them updated through her. The attack wasn't going to be big. Crow only planned on bringing a small number of people, which they all found odd. There could be a possibility of that just being a distraction for an invasion. It would be safer for the pack if Leah stayed back since Alec is taking some of the stronger members, even if that meant Leah missing the opportunity to kill Crow first.

"Fine." She agreed to it annoyed. "But next time I will be there to torture him."

"I want to torture him because I promise everyone else's version of torture will be child's play compared to what I have planned." Alec's eyes darkened. In the dark brown whirlpool of emotions that laid behind his eyes, Alec wanted the taste of Crow's blood in his mouth. When his eyes started glowing, Leah comforted him. Eventually bringing Alec back from the verge of shifting, Leah still had her arms wrapped around him.

"We are leaving tonight at eight. I don't want him near my land."

Those words echoed in Leah's mind from the moment they left Alec's lips. It would probably take around a day of traveling for them to cross each other's paths. Then another day for them to return. A couple of days of anxiety is what Leah would have to deal with, and the fear of some not returning at all.

Leah only had a couple of things left to do before she plans on going to bed. She had a busy day ahead of her tomorrow.

After Leah was done with everything she has planned to do, she laid in her bed tossing and turning. It was hard to sleep without Alec nearby most nights, but she had a resolution for this. Leah walked over to their dresser drawers and pulled out a couple of t-shirts of his to lay them next to her on the bed. Then she got under the covers and used one of his shirts to lay over her pillow and the other to bury her nose in. She could smell him off his clothes. Even though her senses were nowhere near how they use to be, the faint lingering scent of Alec put her mind to ease. Then she was finally able to get some sleep.

The next morning Jade invited Blaire to join along for her prenatal appointment. While sitting her the clinic waiting for the doctor, Blaire kept taking quick glances at Jade then was awkwardly looking away to avoid being caught. Although, she wasn't very successful at hiding it.

"Blaire? What's wrong?" Jade questioned as she caught her staring out the corner of her eye.

"Nothing really," Blaire mumbled and looked around the office.

"Earlier you couldn't stop looking at me. Now you can't even make eye contact."

Blaire looked around the waiting room to see if anyone else was there. The secretary had already retreated to the back so the coast is clear. "I just don't understand." Blaire started, "How you could actually go through this pregnancy? You realize that no one will hate you if you want to terminate it." Blaire said.

"He or she. My baby is not an it."

"He? Well, technically it's an embryo."

"Well, he's my embryo. I can feel... him. He's innocent and sweet. Not a monster." Jade said softly looking down at her slight bump.

"Yeah only created by one," Blaire replied sharply.

Jade narrowed her eyes at Blaire, "He has nothing to do with him. Seth is his dad, and I can't kill a baby. I just can't do it. He's my baby."

"Pretty sure your mate wouldn't want to father another man's baby," Blaire remarked.

"If you are trying to make me feel bad please don't because I already do. Do you know how many days I spent cleaning the blood from underneath my fingernails? I tried fighting. Okay, I tried." Jade's face turned red as she had to bite back tears, "I looked in the mirror this morning at myself and felt nothing but disgust. If I were to kill my baby think I don't even think I could look at myself ever again."

By then Blaire had to start to tear up. She didn't mean to hurt her feelings. She sniffled and wiped away her fallen tear, "I'm sorry. I didn't mean it like that. I just meant that I already lost a sibling and I can't lose another one. Post-partum depression is a real thing, and statically it's worse for rape victims who end up pregnant. I just don't want you to hurt yourself." Blaire's voice broke at the end as a few more tears escaped.

Jade was ready emotional due to her pregnancy so she was already a crying mess, "Don't worry. Nothing will happen to me. I have you and mom and dad and Seth. And soon I'll have my little baby."

"Yeah, I just hope he looks exactly like you."

"Me too."

A doctor came into the waiting room to collect Jade to begin the appointment. Blaire waited patiently for her sister. She thought about some of the things she said and realized how hurtful they might have been. However, one thing is for sure, Blaire knew that she had a strong and brave sister for continuing with the pregnancy even though she didn't have to.

Seth arrived at the clinic around the same time Jade was done. "You left without me? I would have come if I knew you had an appointment." Seth sounded heartbroken.

"Honey, I thought you were going to visit your people real quick. I didn't want to mess you up."

"I was about too but then your mom told me what kind of appointment you were having. I can check in on them later tonight."

"I'm sorry." Jade apologized looking down.

Seth wrapped her in a hug, "Don't apologize you did nothing wrong. But I want to be there with you."

Blaire had left the two lovebirds alone because she couldn't handle all the mushy stuff. After all, it made her want to see Liam and hug him even more. Blaire decided to head over to the training grounds, while Jade and Seth took a casual stroll through the pack. The glares and stares didn't go unnoticed and they both had to block out the whispering gossipers. Eventually, being the odd couple is something that they would get used to. Jade couldn't be more eager for those days because she already felt like quite the freak.

Jade and Seth were walking in the park talking quietly amongst themselves as two kids began scheming. There was a red house very close to the park where the two young kids stood talking about their plans.

"I order human blood online through my mom's credit card accoun-" He got caught off.

"Does she know?" The younger child asked.

"No idiot. Now be quiet and dump this on you. Once he attacks you it will be game over for the vamp." The oldest one said.

The little one's eyes went wide with fear at the thought of being attacked by a vampire. He already heard so many stories of how savage and uncivilized most of them were. "What! No! You do it!" The little kid squealed.

The older one scoffed, "Don't be a baby. They are almost here." He looked around the corner of the house as Jade and Seth were walking along the edge of the park in circles.

"I don't want it." The little kid tried walking away but was grabbed by the arm. Before he could even protest the human blood, in a bag, was poured all over him. The little kid instantly got freaked out and started crying, then the older child pushed him forward away from the house and right in front of Seth and Jade.

Due to the kid crying that caught everyone's attention and a small circle formed around them. It all happened so fast and Jade couldn't even think straight. The adults were all glaring at Seth like he hurt the poor young boy, and Seth's facial expression wasn't necessarily helping because he was starving. He planned to grab a bite on the way to meet with his clan because he hadn't for a while, and he hated the idea of using Jade as a personal blood bag no matter how sweet she tasted.

Seth started to slightly shake and the black veins appeared under his eyes. His mouth filled with saliva as he could smell the rich delicious blood. Then that's when he heard it. Seth's senses were already heightened at the point of feeding and he heard the little boy's pulse-pounding. He could hear the blood moving throughout the boy's body. Without thinking, Seth dragged his foot forward and had to force himself to stop. By then he was breathing heavy and his eyes were red then suddenly pure black. The pulsating black veins that appeared underneath his eyes frightened many of the wolves never seen a vampire-like that.

He was fighting as hard as he could to not tear into his neck right now or anyone else's. Even the blood of the wolves around him was starting to smell tantalizing due to his poor choices in not feeding sooner. Alec's words ran through his head. He told him a while ago that the first time he hurt a member in his pack that it would be his last time. Seth had to think of something fast to bring him back to reality.

Physically shaking at this point and his fangs sharp like Alec's old attitude, Seth's facial expression changed from hunger to pain real quick. Jade stayed near Seth just in case but she wanted to prove to everyone that Seth wasn't a monster and he had self-control just like everyone else. After a few seconds of the pained look on Seth, his eyes went from black to red then normal. He gasped for fresh air after the hard part was done then he finally realized the circle they formed around him. All wolves were ready to pounce in case he made the wrong move. Seth realized it was finally over when all of them started to smell like wet dogs again. Except for Jade though. She would never smell like that to him. Looking at her, the sweet scent filled his nostrils and he was happy to prove to everyone that he wasn't a monster.

Jade could feel the anger and hate radiating from all of them. After all the kids were taken away quickly from the park Jade snapped. She got so sick and tired of all the gossip and hate.

"He's not a damn monster!" She yelled to everyone. "You know what's pretty sad. The real monster is of our kind. A crazy psycho wolf that wants to kill all of us and you want to kill the vampire who is trying to help us. He involved his father's clan to help fight a war that he wasn't even a part of. Do any of you even know how many humans he killed? Because I do!" Jade folded her arms.

All the other members watched quietly starting to feel a little guilty for him.

"In all my years of being dead, I only ever killed two humans and drained them dry, and I'd do it again so they'd never hurt another child. I can thank my father for the guidance, most vampires aren't that lucky." Seth admitted without remorse. He'd never feel sorry for child abusers. He only felt bad that he didn't torture them first.

Meanwhile, Leah was back at the house getting ready to go and run some errands around the pack. She was just taking her time looking at the pictures around the house. They held better times. She pulled a frame off the wall just staring at it. The longer she looked at Kai the emptier she felt inside. She brought the small frame to her room so she wouldn't forget to make copies of it.

The front door slammed shut and Jade and Seth hurried in. Leah heard Jade scuff and knew something was wrong. She hurried downstairs to check on her daughter. "They all piss me off. Judgemental assholes. Freaking hoes. Stupid wolves." Jade ranted under her breath.

"You're a wolf?" Seth replied at her last comment.

"Not a stupid one though!" Jade made these hand movements as she continued to rant and pace in circles. "I just don't understand why they are even concerned. Like just leave us alone!"

"Darling, it's fine," Seth assured her in a hug.

"Is everything alright?" Leah asked.

"It is now. I just don't understand why the wolves have to be so hateful toward Seth. Like why can't vampires and werewolves get along? I don't understand why we've been having feuds since the beginning anyway." Jade threw her hands in the air in confusion.

"Well, it has to deal with how the first werewolf and vampire were made," Leah said.

"I never heard the origin of vampires and werewolves." Seth and Jade both admitted. No one had.

"That's because the books were burned a long time ago by Insuvia, my Grandmother."

"She burned it? Why?" Seth questioned. Not to be old fashion but the thought of burning books made Seth cringe at the loss of knowledge.

"All for good reasons. It all started when an ancient witch fell in love with a man. While she declared her love for him, he was already spoken for. She grew bitter and hateful as she watched them together and cursed them. The witch cursed the woman, that he loved, into being half-wolf and half-human, destined to find another mate that wasn't him. Then the witch cursed him into being a blood-sucking monster, the opposite of the nature-loving, caring female wolf. Complete opposites and never to be together again. Back then werewolves and vampires both started uncivilized, however, werewolves had an easier time controlling their tempers when they found mates and were more compassionate to humans," Leah paused then continued. "The first werewolf was named Sycamore, which is why it's tradition for packs to have a Sycamore tree in the center. Once Sycamore found a mate, she was fearful and hid away her human mate. Her previous lover, the vampire, eventually found out and grew jealous, and went on a rampage, killing villages of people and killing Sycamore's mate. She witnessed it with her own eyes as her human mate was chained up before her and ripped from limb to limb. During the process, she changed dramatically. Her hair turned white as snow and her skin paled recognizably. Sycamore grew more powerful and battled the vampire. Once she killed him she then killed herself. Since she was the first werewolf to die she became the moon goddess. Her offspring, that she had with her mate, continued to reproduce and now we know the world as it is today."

"But why did your grandmother burn the books?"

"To protect the dragons. Back in ancient times their use to be dragons. Well, there was a point in history where the vampires and werewolves actually worked together and put their focus on the witches. The best way to get to a witch was to kill a dragon since that was usually their familiars. Back then witches and dragons were inseparable. So the witches gathered up the dragons and sent them away and Insuvai herself burned the accurate informational books about how to kill dragons, stuff like that, and where they went a long time ago."

"Dragons?" Seth raised an eyebrow at her.

Leah nodded her head, "Correct. They exist. We just don't know where."

"So werewolves and vampires hate each other because of a jealous witch who created vampires and werewolves to break up a couple?" Jade questioned shocked at this new information.

"Mhm. So you two being together is a smack in the face to that evil witch."

"Good," Jade said.

"Exactly, now if only more werewolves knew that. Unfortunately, even if we told everyone not everyone would believe." Leah said.

After listening, Jade and Seth both went upstairs to her room to lay down for a minute. Jade started to get a little stomach ache. Seth said she was probably just stressed and needed to lay down for a minute. Seth tucked her into bed then went downstairs to gather some fruits for a snack and some warm washcloths for her belly.

Jade began to sit up when she saw the bowl of fruit in his hands, but Seth had her lay back down. He wanted to take care of her today. So he laid the warm towels over her stomach and hand-fed her the fruit.

"Can I ask you something?" Jade asked.

Seth looked at her giving her his undivided attention.

"Earlier, when you came back to reality, how did you do that. I saw you in so much pain. It was written all over your face. What were you thinking about?"

Seth paused and his eyes began to glow red, the first phase. "I was in the dungeons when you let your guard down. I felt everything bad that happened to you." By then his eyes were pure black even the white parts. "It felt like I failed you."

Jade cupped his cheek with her hands, "No one failed me. Sometimes people just do bad things to other people. It's been that way forever and no one can keep one person away from it forever." Jade looked downward with a more broken expression, "No matter how much you want to protect your children from this cruel world, every child becomes an adult."

"We don't have to let that happen. We can leave after this is over." Seth proposed again. It was a reoccurring topic that seemed more appealing to Jade every day.

It was true that she didn't plan on staying near the pack her whole life. She wanted to travel around the world. Now having Seth and his clan behind her back just made it more enjoyable to discuss.

Charlie, Alec's oldest son who looked a lot like him, was commanded by Alec to stay back with the pack. Alec also commanded Damon to stay back as well.

The only wolves that went were non-blood-related ones that were born in Alec's pack. The oldest wolf was Alec's age, and the youngest was freshly eighteen. The youngest wolf was the head of his class and volunteered to fill in this spot.

Charlie stayed at the training grounds like he's been doing since he got injured. His mate stayed near him training too and only left when he did. Together they could be a deadly component on the field.

Isaac went to Alec's garage and stayed there working on a little project of his that could be beneficial. Even though he recently got injured for making explosives, Isaac still insisted on creating them. Everyone else may be against using weapons but Isaac knew they could come in handy. He stopped searching for Peyton and focused on the important matters at hand once again shoving his feelings and emotions deep down.

Peyton stayed hidden away training as well unaware that Isaac temporarily lost interest.

The day went quickly just like the last and soon enough the sun rose through the mountains and shined brightly in the forest, awakening every diurnal creature. Alec could smell the foul scent of his old enemy close followed by other similar scents. He glanced back at the way he came and was satisfied with the distance he maintained with Crow from his pack. Alec was significantly larger than his peers as he strode past them and they followed in tow.

Crow caught Alec's scent miles before they met each other as well. They were both saving their energy for this confrontation.

Crow put his hand up halting everyone from moving forward. There was a small grass opening that Crow and his man stood at waiting for the opposing team. The grass opening was entrapped by huge boulders that led up to a cliff with a perfect lookout, and on the other side, it had a steep drop-off that would surely be enough to kill any human or wolf if they landed the wrong way. To get to the opening, there were small gaps on either side that you could walk through. Other than that it was the perfect fighting arena for two Alphas.

It was still very early in the morning, there was the cold morning dew that covered the grass and a light fog that lingered in the air. Morning birds chirped slightly in the air but as the tension rose they flew away. Now it was completely silent because not even did the insects make a sound.

Alec stood at the opening growling with his head hanging low. The only thing the wolves could see on the other side was his glowing eyes and his shadow against the fog. Alec's front paw broke through the fog touching the cold damp ground. Then his snout followed by his head as he continued growling. The fog rolled back against his dark fur as he submerged from the smoke.

The wolves on the other side shifted back in discomfort with their eyes locked on Alec. Alec and Crow were around the same size it was hard to tell who was bigger, but the wolves agreed far more to find Alec's wolf far more intimidating with his old scars. The rest of Alec's pack were snarling as well when they came forward and halted behind him. Alec looked back then commanded them to stay put, and he walked closer to the center of the circle.

In his wolf form, Crow stayed in the center of his men. Some in front of him and some behind. Alec stayed in front of him so he could protect them as much as possible. He hated the idea of bringing this many wolves for this mission but he knew he had to.

Crow stepped forward in the circle and as Crow was walking that's when he heard it. Alec's back leg began to shake as he was fighting the urge to not lose control and attack him right away because he heard the faint sounds of unusual movement. Alec began to growl warningly at Crow to not move closer to him. Then that's when Alec heard a familiar click.

"Leave, now!" Alec quickly shouted through his mind link to the others. After that, Alec instantly charged at Crow as a shower of bullets sprayed unto the clearing. Unfortunately, two bullets pierced through Alec's left hind leg right as he leaped in the air to tackled Crow.

Alec attached to Crow's neck in mid-air but when he landed on his injured leg he stumbled to the ground a little. He didn't completely fall, but Crow managed to get unraveled from Alec and lunged at him. Alec dodged Crow and grabbed him by the neck, using all his weight and force to slam him back down to the ground again. Alec ripped his head side to side puncturing through his skin as Crow was thrashing around and snapping at him.

Another wolf plowed into Crow and Alec breaking them up. Crow rolled away from the fight as Alec was sent flying back skidding on the ground with his paws. Alec immediately got to his paws shaking it off. Just as Alec was about to lunge at Crow, Alec saw out of the corner of his eye. The three wolves were attacking the youngest member of Alec's group. His name was Jackson and he had just turned eighteen. Even with him being the top of his class and eager to fight alongside Alec, he was still inexperienced against fighting wolves that were going straight for the kill.

Jackson was doing well when you considered his size and the number of wolves he was taking on, but he still needed some help. With the hard choices at hand, Alec refused to let anyone die and had to take his eyes of Crow. He had to focus on the rest of his team as well. Alec charged at the two wolves on top of Jackson. Jumping up, Alec snatched the wolf on top and knocked him off the edge of the drop-off. Alec popped his head over the side watching the wolf fall to his death. The falling wolf hit his head off a small rock ledge and Alec had to refrain himself from smiling and getting too distracted after hearing his neck snap.

The two wolves still had Jackson down on the ground snapping at him as the other wolves were all fighting. The amount of time it took Alec to kill each of them was nonexistent.

After killing them, it was equal and then Alec immediately locked eyes with Crow. Well more like him retreating but Alec refused to let him get away. Alec hopped up on the boulders and climbed up to the cliff chasing after Crow. Once Alec got to the top he ran to the other side and used the rocks to jump down. Crow was fleeing away from his people toward the river and Alec was slowly gaining on him.

Crow ran as fast as he could while mind-linking and, still successfully, dodging all the trees and rocks. Alec was about a wolf away from him and slowly closing up the gap.

All of his muscles worked in unison together to catch him. He just needed to be faster. Alec lowered himself to the ground and pushed himself to go the fastest he's ever gone. Alec's paws were practically airborne and he was finally closing that gap.

Crow made a sharp left, heading away from Alec's pack. Alec changed his momentum to take the turn and then returned to Crow's pace. They were now traveling uphill getting closer to the river as all the animals were evacuating because they could sense the atmosphere change around them.

Alec was going for the kill, but Crow was just teasing Alec. It was almost like playing with fire and he had plenty of experience with that. The burn scars on the side of Crow's wolf showing that no hair could grow back was proof that he struggled to get out of that burning building years ago. Alec only had minor burn wounds on his legs, that was healed by Cevielle, due to his pack working together to rescue him.

Crow didn't want to kill Alec right away. First, he wanted to solve the biggest problem of how Alec got his vision back, then he wanted to take it again but not before everything around him. Crow's goal was to capture Alec, and Alec's goal was to kill Crow. That put Crow at a disadvantage because he had to capture Alec alive.

Crow looked back and gulped, he didn't expect Alec to be that fast, but he was so close to his destination. Crow started ascending uphill and Alec dropped moderately in speed due to his body weight and more muscular build. Crow had a little less muscle compared to Alec and was slightly slimmer. Crow was able to dodge and jump over objects quicker but Alec could process them quicker.

Up on top of the hill, there was a lookout with over a one thousand foot drop into the strong river below them. It didn't help that it had been raining in that area days before so the water rose and swept away most homes of the animals along the shoreline. That's why sticks and logs were floating down the rapids. There was a large clearing, before the lookout, with trees that formed like a fence around it. The only thing that was in the way was a medium-size rock protruding from the ground near the edge of the lookout.

Crow jumped up in the clearing and turned to Alec. They both circled each other growling. Alec was observing Crow's body language planning his next move.

They were alone for the first time and tearing into each other. Blood and dirt mingled together on Alec's coat making him look like a reversed chocolate-covered strawberry. Taking in Alec's physical state vs Crow's you could tell Crow was worse off. Even with the visible jagged wounds and the bullet hole in Alec's hind leg, Crow's wounds were worse as he was missing chunks of his fur and muscles. Crow was breathing heavily trying to catch his breath, blood coated him like paint on a canvas, and there was a slight limp in his walk. Crow realized the damage done to his body. He could feel the burning and aching within his muscles, and he could see the blood that seeped from his matted-up fur. Every time he took a step forward, there was a burning pain that shot up from his paws and into his spine. That was caused when Alec had Crow around the neck.

The metallic-like taste of blood lingered in Alec's mouth, and the muscle around his bullet wound on his hind leg began to twitch. He wasn't breathing nearly as heavily as Crow, but he could feel the burning pain of air hitting his open wound. Alec's hind leg started to tingled as he circled Crow. There has to be a possibility of the bullet having silver in it Alec thought. Alec could heal quickly if he was shot by a bullet made without silver since it pierced all the way through, but it was not healing at all and his other wounds weren't either. It was all very strange because even Crow was healing at the smallest rate but surely nonetheless.

Alec's body also seemed to suffer from a lethargic effect and that confirmed his suspicions on the bullet having some form of silver in it. It was when Alec's vision started to become blurry that he became worried. After the blurriness, his vision crossed and he saw two wolves instead of one. Whatever was in the bullet spread throughout Alec's body quickly and was starting to take effect suddenly.

Suddenly, Crow laughter floated into Alec's head and that made him snarl. "While you're here, who is protecting your pack while it gets burned down to the ground?" Crow chuckled. He noticed the change in Alec and how Alec suddenly became so disoriented. He grinned because he knew the bullets, which were his design, had worked.

Alec locked his eyes on Crow and they both collided with each other evenly. Alec's vision was no longer blurry due to the anger that caused adrenaline to course through his body. Instead of feeling disoriented he now felt the overwhelming urge to tear someone apart.

Crow came up from under Alec and bite down into Alec's neck preventing him from getting the better shot this time, but it didn't take long for Alec to get the upper hand. You could hear the sounds of growling, snapping, and fighting upon the clifftop. A few of Crow's wolves had managed to slip away from the fight without notice and had traveled after Crow and Alec. They knew they'd have a better chance of taking Alec on together since Crow and Alec were almost alike in strength and speed. A few more wolves were bound to tip the scales in their favor.

Alec decided to change his strategy a little because right now they were even. He needed to take away a few things from Crow. Alec and Crow were found circling each other again. Crow was scanning Alec's body for weak points and was starting to get aggravated that the bullet seemed not to have much of an effect anymore with adrenaline and anger involved.

Alec put a slight but noticeable limp in his walk tempting Crow, and he took the bait. Crow lunged after Alec's shot leg. Unexpectedly to Crow, Alec quickly dodged his attack and sunk his teeth into Crow's hind leg. Hearing the sound of bones snapping was like music to his ears. It made him ecstatic when he could feel little pieces of his bones shattering underneath Crow's skin. After ripping into his leg Alec was about to move on to the next one, but four wolves plowed into him, separating him from Crow. Two wolves pounced on top of Alec's back tearing into his flesh and another two targeted his legs. Crow was able to stand and join them as well. All five wolves attacked Alec, tearing more flesh off off his body.

Blood seeped into the pores of the earth and coated the grounds below them. Little blood shatters decorated the trees, rocks, and tiny shrubs that enclosed them together.

The sound of thundering paws made their way up the cliff not too far behind. All the other wolves were dead. Now they were coming to aid Alec, who had already managed to kill a wolf while being attacked by four.

The difference between the fighting style of Alec's and Crow's men was completely different. Crow only had four men left, including himself, because they didn't look out for each other. On Crow's end, it was every wolf for themselves. On Alec's part, they were all like brothers and stuck together. The other evil men would watch their own pack members die if it meant saving themselves.

Alec was taught from a young age that when in battle the goal was for everyone to make it home tonight.

Jackson and the rest cleared the small shrubs and immediately went to take down the wolves attacking Alec.

It didn't take long for the other three men of Crow to be killed by the pack. That left just Crow to look around and realized his luck ran out as he was now corned into a circle by the vengeful wolves waiting to tear him apart.

There were sounds of wolf chuckles going around the circle. Most of them long waited the day to see this, and they were going to enjoy it.

Crow nervously walked backward and ran into a wolf that blocked him from escape. That's when he realized he was stuck and had nowhere to go. Crow's back was facing toward the rest of the wolves as he looked forward at Alec, whose back was facing the scenery or the cliff.

Crow then realized his only way out. If he stayed then he'd die but he knew he'd probably have a chance of living if he did this. With all his might, Crow ran forward and bulldozed them both off the cliff.

The wolves rushed to the edge and watched in horror as their Alpha was falling off a cliff, that was roughly a one thousand foot drop, into the heavy flowing river.

Jackson didn't even look off the cliff. He didn't hesitate to leave rushing down to the bank. The other wolves followed in pursuit.

There could be a chance of Alec being unconscious before hitting the water and even the impact would definitely do damage. That left the others quite worried, and Jackson didn't hesitate before he left and ran as fast as he could down to the bank. The others followed in pursuit ignoring the burning pain in their sides as they pushed themselves harder and harder to get down there.

Through the link, the wolves felt each other's nervousness as they couldn't imagine themselves surviving that fall. Feeling the pain through the link of when Alec hit after a few seconds of falling didn't help either because they could tell he was unconscious in the water.

Once they got to the bank they hurriedly scanned the area for any signs of him resurfacing. None. Jackson shifted into the human form since it would be easier to pull someone off of the water that way. All he knew what that Alec saved his life and he wanted wasn't going to let him drown. Jackson and the rest of the wolves jumped into the raging river. Jackson and the other wolves, in human form, combed the waters looking for their leader.

One wolf resurfaced from the water, "Help! He's stuck!"

The dove underneath and swam over to where he was. Swimming against the flow and having to dodge multiple massive logs being pulled by the current was challenging for all of them.

Still unconscious, Alec had shifted back to human form when he hit the water and his leg was stuck between two rocks. Jackson pulled the big rock back as the others grabbed Alec bringing him up for air.

"He's not breathing!" One of the men noticed as they swam together back to the shore.

"Shit." The one dragging him back mumbled.

Laying him down on the ground they swarmed him as the man who pulled him out tilted him to the side first, allowing any water to drain. Then he gave him two resuscitation breaths before starting a cycle of CPR.

You could hear the bones crack and break in Alec's rib cage, and yet still no heartbeat. You could hear the water raging and the raindrops that hit the ground, yet no heartbeat. You could hear the birds starting to sing again, showing signs of life, but still no heartbeat.

"His mark! It's starting to fade?" Jackson questioned freaking out because he has never seen anything like that. He knew mating marks stayed regardless when it came to life and death.

"That's what happens with Alphas." One explained briefly. Any other wolf kept their marks when they died, except for Alphas and that meant Leah's was starting to fade too. Jackson's eyes grew wide because he instantly thought about Leah and her family. That meant that Leah already knew he was dead.

Jackson thought about how Leah probably fell to the ground and was an emotional mess as the news started spreading through the pack that their Alpha was dead. They could all feel it through the link now. The panic of the men that surrounded him and the panic of the pack members at home. It was all like one big mental link of anxiety and panic that everyone was starting to feed off of.

Feeling guilty Jackson looked down at Alec's mangled, bloody body. He could have done better, he thought. He should have done better. This was his first time on the frontline beside his Alpha and he had failed. Everyone felt like they had failed him. Tears formed around Jackson's eyes and his chest started burning. No one judged him as some of the soldiers were already starting to cry as well. How could they possibly return home and face everyone without Alec?

One wolf was staring off into the distance as he couldn't believe what was happening. He was trying not to have a panic attack since he knew Alec since they were young and in school together. To make himself useful he grabbed some of the men who weren't helping Alec and they scanned the area in search of Crow who was nowhere in sight. He knew that if Alec was awake right now then he would want Crow found and killed.

Crow had washed up down the river since he didn't get caught on anything and was being retrieved by his men that he had mind linked. Instead of going back to fight, Crow retreated as the only survivor from his party that he accompanied him. He clawed his way up the muddy sidelines as he coughed up water. His men tried to help him up and that only angered him more. He swatted away at their hands because he was pissed that his plans failed for today. "Get the fuck off me before I kill you all!" Crow yelled as a vein popped from his forehead. Instantly, the crew took a few steps away from him in fear. Crow only wanted them as guard dogs in case Alec's wolves showed up, they meant nothing to him in a familial sense.

The sound of a sharp intake of air and the choking of water being expelled from lungs made everyone relax and take a big deep breath again. Alec rolled over to his side and coughed up the water. Everyone watched as Alec's mark because visible again as it never got the chance to vanish completely. Then the pack link was calm. The guys slapped Alec on the back helping him breathe and bringing him up to his feet.

"Thank you." He said to all of them when he finally caught his breath. Alec looked at all of them sincerely as little droplets of rain drizzled down his face. This is what made his vision worth it. Seeing all the looks of panic and fear leaving their faces because he needed them as much as they needed him.

"Where is he?" Alec gritted completely prepared to fight him again if he had to.

The wolves who scanned the area come back to report, "No sign of him, Alpha. He must have gotten carried away by the current."

Alec knew the coward's limits, he would have retreated to fight another day. Alec looked at the rest of his men who seemed exhausted. He decided to put the health and well-being of his men at priority, but he had to check something first.

He mind-linked Damon for more information about the so-called invasion that Crow mentioned and it turned out it was true. Thankfully, none of them died but there were more than twenty non-fighting members that are critically injured and three small children with severe burns due to the daycare center being burnt down first. That was too much damage in Alec's eyes, and he was thinking of ways to solve the issue.

They all needed rest before departing to allow themselves to heal. Alec shifted back into his wolf for more warmth, and the others huddled close to him so they could all be warm too. They slept throughout the day taking shifts on guarding. They would depart early the next morning, so no one would be slowed down to unhealed wounds.


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