Blood Lust and Love

Chapter 24


A month and a half had passed since Rem's burial ceremony and the wolves were still working together tirelessly.

Isaac spent most of the month healing from his wounds alone in the hospital. Even though he was surrounded by gifts and the occasional visits from Alec and Leah, he was still left feeling lonely because of one individual. Peyton didn't bother coming to check on Isaac after he fled his room. Even after Isaac was able to leave the hospital, he tried to look for Peyton but he was still new to the pack. Isaac wasn't as familiar with the land as Peyton, so if he didn't want to be found then Isaac was never going to find him. Peyton made sure that Isaac couldn't find him by staying with a friend that resided away from the Alpha's house. The longer that Peyton continued to avoid Isaac, the more angry Isaac became. It was to the point where the first time Isaac sees Peyton, he might punch him. Isaac just felt like after literally jumping in front of danger for someone the least they can do is speak face-to-face with him.

Other than trying to find Peyton, Isaac had something else to look forward to. Every single morning Isaac would wake up and enjoy a cup of hot chocolate with Leah. Since Grace had moved in with Leah and Alec for the meantime, she joined in on the daily morning hot chocolate routine. Grace enjoyed spending time with Leah as she had a healing sensation around her. Just being around her made you feel better sometimes. If it wasn't for her constantly being around Leah and the others then she probably would have committed suicide by now.

"Are you ready?" Leah asked Grace.

When Grace looked at Leah, relief flooded her face. She was thankful for the treatments that Leah was able to provide for her. It was the only thing that helped ease the physical pain and heartbreak for a couple of hours.

Leah went to fill the bath while Grace changed, then she pulled her small bag out from the mirror wall cabinet. While Leah dimmed the lights, lit the candles and incenses, and scattered some herbs in the water; Grace was standing at the doorway. She wore shorts and a crop top, exposing her skinny figure. Even with the little bit of weight gain, still appeared to be too skinny.

Leah held out her hand for Grace to take so she wouldn't slip as she was getting into the huge tub. When Grace would get too stressed she had a possibility of fainting. After Grace passed out the first time, Leah hovered over her.

Grace held on to the sides and closed her eyes, exhaling slowly. Leah closed her eyes too as she tried to concentrate.

The method of healing primarily benefited werewolves at the loss of their mates, and it was created by Velvezhi herself. Velvezhi was able to teach a select group of elite witches this method but only a few were able to perform it. It took a lot of energy out of the witch performing the spell, but Leah kept that part to herself because she didn't like seeing Grace in pain.

When Velvezhi taught Leah how to perform that type of magic, she caught on exceptionally well. Not long after Leah gave birth to Charlie she was able to teach Cevielle, who spent months trying to learn it. It worked better that way so Leah was still able to maintain her privacy and there were no other complications. When it came to a pack member losing a mate, they could have Cevielle make a house visit if they preferred.

With her eyes closed, Leah hovered her hands over the tub and guided her hands in the motion of the ocean. The water moved slowly and steadily with the guidance of her hands against the tub. After a few seconds, the water started to glow brightly. The luminescent water engulfed Grace's body, providing instant relief.

Grace sighed in relief as the tension in her chest eased away and her muscles physically relaxed. The redness around her throat and chest disappeared and her headache vanished. It was her first breath that she took for the day that didn't feel like inhaling glass while running a marathon.

With all of the pain finally gone, Grace felt the tiniest bit of an appetite coming along and she knew she would have to satisfy that need soon. She just hoped that it wouldn't end with her visiting the bathroom to vomit all the contents in her stomach.

With the treatment over, Grace felt free from her invisible chains and she thanked Leah immediately. No matter how many times Leah did this for Grace, she was always thankful for it every time.

Leah helped Grace out of the tub and grabbed a clean robe to wrap around her. A bittersweet smile appeared on Grace's face because the physical pain was gone but now all that was left was the memories. All the times when she took waking up next to Rem for granted. Kissing and holding him, that's all she wanted. Even thinking back to the last night they shared, Grace wishes she could go back in time.

A wave of nausea and dizziness crippled Grace within just a few seconds she was out of the tub. Grace's vision started to blur and she swayed a little. Something didn't feel quite right.

Leah immediately noticed and wrapped her arm around Grace to help. "Grace! What's wrong?" Leah panicked, thinking that she did something wrong by accident. This has never happened before.

"I don't know. I just feel so tired..." Grace's eyes started to flutter shut as her voice faltered. Grace collapsed into Leah's arms and she called for help right away. Alec came barging in and carried Grace to his car.

Grace was in the back of Alec's car, still unconscious, while Leah was rushing Alec telling him to drive faster. The clinic was already alerted upon arrival so all Alec had to do was place Grace on the stretcher and wait.

Alec and Leah waited for about an hour before a doctor arrived out to talk to them. Based on his body language, both of them relaxed. The doctor had a smile on his face as he motioned for both of them to follow him.

"Is everything alright?" Leah was the first to ask.

"I think she would rather tell you herself." The doctor replied.

That only made Alec and Leah more anxious, and it took a lot of strength for Alec to not force it out of the doctor himself.

Grace was awake on the hospital bed looking at the freshly printed-out pictures in her hand. She wondered how this could be possible. Not that she wasn't happy, but why now? The timing, made no sense to her because it just didn't seem fair.

When Leah and Alec walked in, Grace never bothered to look up. She just stayed stuck in a silent trance because she had a lot to think about. There was no denial of the results because the proof was sitting right in her hand. The chances of her getting pregnant were low, almost not possible, due to multiple factors regarding Grace's health. However, what shook Grace the most wasn't the fact that she was pregnant, it was the fact that she was pregnant with triplets.

Grace knew there would be complications with her birth and that frightened her. The toll it would take on her body, in general, frightened her as well. Yet, what haunted her the most was the fact that her mate wasn't going to be by her side through it all. Rem wasn't going to be able to watch his kids grow and prosper. When Alec and Leah started having kids, Rem hoped for some of his own. He was upset but never aimed it at Grace. Now, Grace was going to have to take care of not just one, but three, children when she couldn't even take care of herself at this moment.

Whatever the problem, Grace was still thankful for her pregnancy but she just wished that she could have shared it with Rem.

Alec and Leah had put the pieces together once they saw the picture, but remained silent due to the grim atmosphere. Leah knew this would be a lot to take in for her so she just let her be. Alec's expression remained grim and guilt-ridden. With a permanent saddened look on Alec, he couldn't stop himself from feeling guilty. Rem would still be able to be here with his mate if it wasn't for him. That's how Alec felt about the situation. He squeezed his fist together and looked away at the thought of his best friend. Rem's annoying childish laughter still echoed in his ears, and he couldn't remove the single fact that Rem craved to start a family. Now he wouldn't be able to.

Finally breaking the silence, Alec was the first to congratulate her following by Leah, they exchanged a few words to make sure Grace was okay, and then they agreed to let her be in peace for now. Just to wrap her mind around the fact that in a few months she would finally be a mother.

Suddenly, a cold breeze swept through the room and Grace shivered thinking it was the open window that needed to be closed. Without her knowing, Rem trudged forward to Grace's bed with unshed tears in his eyes. Rem missed Leah on the way out so there was no way of communicating for now. Just finding out his mate was pregnant came just as much as a shock to him as Grace. With heavy footsteps and a heavy heart, Rem stopped at the edge of Grace's bed and peered down at her.

Rem studied the ultrasound pictures and was overwhelmed with joy and happiness. He was so overwhelmed that he forgot that he had even died in the first place. At that moment, he felt so real and overran with emotion that it truly felt like he was alive again. When Rem saw teardrops hit the ultrasound picture, he instinctively reached to wipe the tears on his mate's face, "Hey! Don't be sad we finally did it!" Rem exclaimed. When Rem's hand passed through Grace it truly set in for Rem.

He would never be able to raise his kids or be a father. After all those years of trying he'll never experience the normal things a parent does. He'll never be able to hold his crying baby in his arms to comfort and protect them, to love and hold, and to make all their pain go away. Rem would never be able to watch his children grow and see their first loose tooth or any of their birthday parties. He couldn't teach them about their first shift or fishing and hunting. He would never be able to tuck them in at night or read them bedtime stories. All things that parents sometimes take for granted.

That's when he lost it. His face dropped as he looked down at his trembling hands. Rem collapsed to the ground, bawling like a baby, reaching toward Grace but never succeeding. His whole body heaved with sadness as he thought of everything he was going to miss. Unbeknownst to Grace, Rem cried along with her as they both needed each other at that moment.

Alec and Leah headed back to their house since Grace wanted to be alone for the time being.

Isaac was there waiting for Leah to talk to because he just couldn't take it anymore. He had a lot to say to Peyton and it was just manifesting and growing like a storm now. Hopefully, there could be something that Leah could do. Perhaps, talking some sense into her annoying son would make Peyton want to talk to him. Either way, it was worth a shot.

When Leah first entered the house Isaac immediately ran up to her. Leah backed up with wide eyes as she was caught off guard. It's been a while since her kids had bombarded her at the doorstep.

"I need your help?" Isaac asked, not even sure if he was in a position to ask for help. He just stood there fidgeting and waiting for her response.


"I need to talk to Peyton," Isaac said.

Before anyone else said a word Alec's phone rang and he had to step out to accept the call. "Anyway, what did you need?" Leah asked.

"I need to see Peyton I haven't seen him since the hospital and I really need to tell him something." Isaac squirmed underneath Leah's gaze.

When it came to talking to her children, Peyton was the least approachable. As much as she wanted to help Isaac, she knew that getting through to Peyton was going to be impossible. She dreaded conversations with him sometimes because they always got her nowhere. Peyton always had a problem with isolating himself, which is part of the reason why him and Kai got along so well.

"Well, out of all my children Peyton has always been the hardest to talk to. Hopefully, he will come around. I'd love to help but honestly, I'm afraid there's nothing I can do because I can't force him. That will only bring more negative reactions." She said. Leah looked at the defeated expression on her face. It hurt her heart to see Isaac upset and even more so that he reminded Leah of Kai.

Just looking at Isaac made Leah want to jump through hoops to make him happy. Leah did have a few tricks up her sleeve as she was recalling all the trinkets, gadgets, and other magical devices that could give Isaac a solution to his problems. Since Isaac already knew Leah and her children were part witch, he was able to access their resources to help too.

"Yeah, sorry for bothering you. I just feel like I need to talk to him."

"You're fine, hun. No need to apologize. I may have something that can help you out. Follow me." Leah motioned Isaac to follow her.

"You said you needed to speak with Peyton, but we both know you'll have a better chance of riding a yellow unicorn. So I have something that can cast an illusion in your mind so you can talk to whoever you wish to see and you get to keep your conversation to yourself. It's a good way to get things off your chest when the other person isn't willing to communicate." Leah explained on the way. Isaac huddled closely behind her as they walked. He always did that, especially out in the open near the pack. It wasn't that he was a coward but he was embarrassed by some of the looks he thought he received from the pack members, mainly the other kids. It was mostly made up in his mind but his imagination ran wild.

Leah reached her craft room and went over to her desk. She pulled out one of the desk drawers and rummaged for a certain black object. Pulling out a crystal, Leah handed it to Isaac and explained how to use it.

The crystal was given to Leah by Velvezhi among other crystals for different benefits. "I would attempt to talk to Peyton about whatever this is if you find him, but if not, this is the last resort. Just hold it in your hands and fall asleep. Think of the person you wish to speak to, and basically, your mind will generate a false illusion of them which will listen and respond like a normal person. Not the real thing but the next best thing, and it keeps you from losing your sanity and exploding somethings." Leah handed it to Isaac and he sighed in relief.

He was thankful that he can now get this burning desire off his chest. He felt like he was going to explode if he couldn't confess his feelings soon. It took some time for Isaac to realize this but he was starting to realize his emotions for Peyton, he only wished he wasn't alone on this. When Isaac was unconscious in the hospital it still felt like he was awake in some trance. Occasionally, he would an unusual feeling of warmth. Not one familiar from a blanket but one he hadn't felt in a long time. Isaac realized when he woke up that the reason why he was alive was that his wolf was forcing him to be alive for Peyton. Isaac should have died from being in a weakened state, from the previous abuse he endured, but Isaac was a strong-willed wolf with motivation at the time to survive.

Over the past month and a half, Isaac was alone recovering with his mixed emotions. Isaac was still so confused about why he was feeling this way and it was starting to get on his nerves. The way Isaac was felt these last couple of weeks felt like an unnatural pull and he was positive that he wasn't the only one feeling that way, but he had to find out for himself.

Before Isaac left with the crystal, Leah stopped him for just a quick second. "Hey buddy, there's something I want to say before you leave."

"Yeah, mom." Isaac's eyes widened as the words fell out without even realizing it. He was just so caught up in the moment since he was leaving and he wasn't even thinking. Isaac had a worried look in his eyes and he had started to mentally panic. Although, this time he was able to control his breathing and focus on his surroundings. The last time Isaac's father heard him call another woman mom was years ago by mistake, and Isaac horrifically witnessed his father tear the woman apart with his bare hands. Her screams were a faint reminder to never mention anything motherly at all around his dad, so he didn't know what overcame him. Just the feeling of waking up in the mornings with a happy smiling woman with a mug of hot chocolate in her hands struck familial feelings within him.

"Isaac." Leah's calm voice catered to Isaac's overwhelming sense of doom he felt. "Relax. You don't have to be afraid around me. Or Alec for that matter. Out of all the years, Alec has been a father, he has never lifted a hand to his kids out of anger. Well," She rolled her eyes gesturing with her hand, "In less, you include the fight with him and Charlie, but he can handle himself."

Isaac calmed himself and waited for her to speak.

Leah recalled what she was about to say, "Did you know that throughout history it's been reported that in times of tragedy, like war, werewolves have found their mates earlier?" She asked because this wasn't common knowledge.

"Really?" Isaac gulped as a lump was starting to form in his throat.

Leah nodded, "Wolves as young as twelve can develop a sense of their mate if they are near. It can start as a gut feeling, a certain pull towards someone, or even a tingling sensation during physical contact." Leah watched the emotions change on his face. "Although, two wolves won't know for sure until they reach the age of maturity, but when you feel the tingling it's pretty much undeniable at that point." She finished.

Isaac watched her talk and didn't say a word. He just stood there with sweaty hands and nodded at everything she said. "So is there anything you want to tell me? Like maybe why you feel so tense without Peyton around, which is another feeling that is common between mates."

Isaac felt his heart drop and he almost froze up. At first, he shook his head but then he finally admitted some of what he was physically feeling. Leah nailed that gut feeling right on the head. Knowing the pain of not having your mate around, Leah empathized with him, "With what you explained to me it does seem like the possibility of mates. I'll try my best to help. If I see him I'll speak to him." Leah offered.

Isaac left with the crystal in his hand and immediately went to his room to keep it safe. He put it in the top dresser drawer for safekeeping. He decided to wait and give it a couple of days for Peyton to come around. With the newfound information, this was all starting to make a little sense to Isaac now.

It made sense to him that wolves found their mates early in times of disaster and catastrophic events, but out of all people why did his luck have to be so bad. He had a father that didn't love him and now he has a possible mate that didn't love him either.

Isaac kicked the air and ran his hands through his hair. He growled to himself as he grew more restless. At first, he tried taking a nap but obviously, that got him nowhere, so he decided to go outside in the back yard to play with Dash.

When Isaac left Leah's craft room, Leah sat down in her desk chair to think everything over. After Isaac uses the crystal, energy will be drained from Leah. She has used a lot of magic and was starting to suffer from it. The mental and physical drain from using her magic made Leah even more exhausted. Leah rested her head against her arms as she leaned on her desk and closed her eyes. She just needed to rest for a minute.

Alec walks in and immediately panics when he saw Leah slumped over her desk like he always does. Alec asked Leah, "Are you alright?" When Leah didn't answer Alec walked forward, "Baby?" Alec nudged her.

"Kai, I miss you," Leah mumbled under her breath. Her voice was ruffled because she was leaning on the desk sleeping, but Alec still heard her. He hesitated with his hand on her back. Slowly, he backed away and continued to let her sleep while being careful not to make a sound.

"I'm happy... see you," Leah murmured.

Alec looked at how peaceful Leah looked in her sleep. She must be having a dream about Kai and Alec didn't want to disturb that. That momentary sense of happiness and peace. Alec went to his room and grabbed a small throw blanket and returned to Leah. He carefully wrapped the blanket around her, kissed her forehead, then stepped out of the room. As much as he wanted to stay, Alec had business he needed to attend to.

While Alec left, Isaac remained in the backyard playing under supervision while Leah regained her energy. Two guards were posted in the house and another two at the front door. There were more guards scattered throughout the land. The majority of them being in the heart of Alec's land, which was where the main population resided at.

Isaac was still in the yard when a familiar scent caught his nose. He could feel his wolf perk at the new stimulus he received. Isaac turned to the right and locked eyes with the one person he wanted to see. Peyton was trying to avoid Isaac but he couldn't forever since they now lived with each other. Peyton walked through the yard with a distant and detached aura around him. He gave off the vibe that he didn't want to be disturbed and it almost warded Isaac away but he built up courage anyway at the last moment.

Isaac rushed forward, before he could change his mind, and grabbed Peyton's wrist. That stopped Peyton from ignoring him like he was going to. "Hey, we need to talk."

"No, we don't."

"We do."

"I have nothing to say to you." Peyton yanked his arm away. Before Peyton could walk Isaac jumped in front of him and grabbed his wrist again.

There wasn't an easy way to say this and Isaac was beyond nervous, but what could he possibly lose? He knew Peyton wasn't going to stick around so Isaac stuck his neck out and quickly spoke, "I talked to your mom. She told me young wolves can find their mates early in times of disaster. I know you feel what I feel too." Isaac thought that he shouldn't have to explain the other previous signs of attraction that were going on between them as the tingling sensation coursing up their arms was obvious.

Peyton scowled at just how right he was. It was undeniable that they were mates now and Peyton didn't want to admit that he felt the tingling too. Angrily, he jerked his arm away from Isaac for good. "If it's true that we are mates how came when I had my girlfriend underneath her bed sheets I didn't think of you once?" Peyton smirked down at him.

Off to the side, a good bit away from the boys, two guards stood to keep watch and they overheard everything. Both of them looked at each other with wide eyes, "Damn, that almost sounded like Alec when he was young." The older guard said to the younger. The older guard grew up with Alec, since he was just a couple of years older, and fought in the first war. Then he remained as a guard after the first war and was always stationed near the Alpha family. The young guard tried not to laugh at such matters. He was new at this job and didn't know what to expect. He surely didn't want to get in trouble. "Shouldn't we intervene?" The young guard asked.

"Are you kidding?" The older guard raised his eyebrow and let out an exaggerated laugh, "It's just getting started. Trust me son this is the best place to be position as a guard." The older guard started to chuckle to himself reminiscing all the drama back in the old days "Something every day." The old guard mumbled to himself.

Isaac still looked at Peyton not sure what to say. He was taken back and trying not to let it get to him. "You're lying," Isaac called.

Peyton scuffed, "I just came back to get some clothes. I don't have time for you."

Isaac snapped and slapped Peyton across the face, "And I don't have time for your bullshit. I almost died for you. Your girlfriend might be able to please you but has she done that for you?" He rushed out before Peyton had the time to react. After he was done speaking Peyton instantly punched him in the face, which led to a physical fight.

The two guards watched the boys tussle in the yard when another guard walked over from his station.

"Twenty-five on Isaac."

The older guard scoffed, "Fifty on Peyton on your on." All three of them glanced at the fight to see Peyton straddling Isaac punching him. "This is better than most novice sparring matches." As the two veteran guards carried on, the new recruit watched the scene with nervousness. This was literally his first day and he felt like he was back in high school all over again.

Peyton had Isaac pinned down to the ground as they both just took a couple of minutes to breathe. They were bloody but Isaac looked worse with his bloody nose. "You're pathetic." Peyton sneered down at him.

Isaac laughed and rolled his eyes, "I'm not the one pushing away my soul mate. That's pretty pathetic."

Peyton wrapped his hand around Isaac's neck but didn't squeeze too hard, "Any feelings I could have possibly developed for you died with my brother." Peyton had his hand raised about ready to strike him again. Isaac just gazed into his eyes, "Go ahead then. It's not the first time I've been beaten. I don't know what's worse. Being beaten by your father or mate?"

That made Peyton stop in his tracks and he stood up to finally walk away. Isaac laid in the grass for a little while because he was sore and hurting in more ways than one. Peyton turned his back away from Isaac, but he was hurting too. Peyton didn't want to admit it but the slightest feeling of guilt was slowly spreading him apart and it only became more adamant as he got further away. With everyone step Peyton made away from Isaac he felt pain in his chest. With a guilty expression on his face, he suppressed his feelings and continued with his day.

Leah remained sleeping in her room but this time she had a guest anticipating the moment she wakes up.

Rem paced back and forth in front of her desk with both hands behind his back. It was unfortunate, that at this time, he had terrible but important new information. He already tried moving items on her desk but he gave up pretty quickly after he became frustrated. So his only options were to wait for her to finish sleeping.

This news needed to be sent directly to Alec immediately, but Leah was the only bridge between them. Rem overheard Crow planning to attack the pack in less than two weeks.


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