Blood Lust and Love

Chapter 26


As soon as everyone was able to rest, Alec moved out. He couldn't wait to get home and see everyone. Especially after the invasion that occurred during their fight. Even though no one died Alec could still feel the distress through the pack bound and that made him restless. He already had a plan for that. Throughout his travel's Alec was mind linking Damon as they were discussing all the property damages and hurt members.

Back at the pack, everyone was together helping the members who lost their homes and taking care of the children with severe burns. Leah had to make sure everyone was settled in their temporary homes, but she wasn't alone. Not only did she have her pack but she had her family too.

The other day, three unexpected visitors shifted the momentum. Alec's pack would have still come out victorious since it was home turf, but when they arrived the favors were completely on their side.

Insuvai turned and gave Leah a comforting smile. "Are you alright?" Insuvai noticed how Leah looked sickly. A pale appearance formed on her skin with beads of sweat trickling down her face. "You're overdoing it." Insuvai felt it radiate from her. "You need a break."

"I can't rest. I can't do anything. Hearing the screams of the children as seen it go up in flames. I may not burn but they do. Thankfully, I was able to get them all out. It made me wonder..." Leah paused.

Insuvai grimaced because she knew what was coming and she felt terrible that she didn't see it coming or it could have possibly been prevented. "Did Kai scream? Or cry? He was afraid and I could have done something to help. That's why I can't stop. If I stop then more people will die."

"Running into a burning building with no marks coming out doesn't exactly hide your identity." Achira chimed in.

"Would you rather me let them burn alive?"

"Look at all of them now. Yet they are still completely loyal. How strange." Velvezhi scanned the crowd that worked around the center of the compact. Whether it be caring for the injured or providing food, clothes, and other necessities to those who lost it all. Velvezhi's observations were strange because it's been a long time since the majority of witches even felt comfortable living with wolves. There were a few exceptions. Like last night, Velvezhi witnessed the strangest thing that was ever done by a large group of wolves.

After Leah brought the last unconscious child out of the building in her arms, while a shield of fire entrapped her preventing the fire from touching the child, the wolves knew who she was. Leah held the unconscious kid in her arms as she saw the very large crowd that formed in front. Her face was full of fear as everyone stared shockingly at her. The pack did have a witch, Cevielle, but would they be alright with their Luna as a witch?

The fear of rejection suddenly become too real to her that a tear formed and feel perfectly from her check. Leah's eyes widened in surprise as slowly every individual dropped to their knees and bowed their head. Leah let out a breath that she didn't even know she was holding and cried from happiness. This couldn't be real. That all accepted her in her newfound identity. Truth was that it didn't matter if she was a troll or an ogre, they grew to love her over the years. How could they not love Leah?

The witches had pulled Leah to the side to talk with her for a brief second since her identity was discovered last night since she was the only one that could go in the building while the witches helped with the fighting. The news had spread fast like any other important information but their love never changed for her. They still planned on treating her like a golden flower. Velvezhi still couldn't believe that they didn't turn on her after finding out. She then figured times have changed for the better and maybe she was the only one that didn't change at all. Maybe she wanted to fix that. After losing her great-grandson, Kai, Velvezhi felt an unfamiliar sense of sadness. The strange type of sadness when she lost her daughter. Shaking off her thoughts she looked at Leah and was proud of who she has become as a witch.

Leah looked at her busy pack working like honeybees. "Of course they're loyal. They are my pack too." After last night, Leah knew her fears were just in her head planted there by Velvezhi for good reasons. She witnessed what happened centuries ago to the witches.

The five witches worked around the burn clinic treating each of the kids with burns and other members with injuries due to fighting. It was tiring for all of them. Being emotionally available to those in need was rewarding but it did have some effects. It removed the weight from them and put on their shoulders, the ones who were willing to carry the extra weight. Alec, Leah, Cevielle, Insuvai, Velvezhi, and Achira.

When Alec arrived with his men the whole pack rejoiced. You could hear it and that alerted the witches who don't have the supernatural hearing. Leah rushed out after taking her time finishing with her last two patients.

What she saw made her filled with happiness. Her eyebrows went up at what she saw. It was a sweet moment shared by the pack. It was also just what Alec's pack did after battles like that. Everyone wolf that was nearby shifted and rushed up to the men. They nuzzled into Alec then the rest of the group that traveled behind him. They were all like brothers and sisters.

Alec walked forward to Leah after reuniting with his pack and sat at her feet. Leah kneeled and reached forward to lock her arms around his huge neck. "I-I thought I lost you. I felt it go away. It burns when it fades." Leah stuttered just thinking about her unfinished mating mark. Alec tucked his head over her shoulder and pulled her closer by his snout. Bringing his paw up like he was hugging her with his front leg. They communicated in more ways than one. From the tight grasp Leah had to the tightening squeeze that Alec had. They missed each other.

"I hate to break up this lovely reunion, but I seriously need to speak with Alec." Velvezhi interrupted the moment. "Alone." She added with a serious expression on her face.

Without skipping a huff Alec rolled his wolf eyes and followed Insuvai back to his house so he could change.

Leah stared in the direction he went pretty confused. Insuvai and Achira approached her. "Anyone else thinks that she's acting a little weird," Achira remarked sassily.

"This is Velvezhi we are talking about. She's always weird." Insuvai replied as they both nodded.

With all the eventful things that happened Leah had forgotten to even greet her great aunts properly. Turning to hug them both, Leah spoke about how much she missed them both.

Whatever they were talking about it was probably about killing Crow in the most cynical, inhumane way possible.

Since everyone was out and about, Velvezhi and Alec weren't the only ones with a strange interaction. Isaac once again bumped into Peyton's path. Each time Peyton would try and sidestep Isaac would just get in his way. "Don't be ridiculous. Do you know how many people could have been killed? I don't know what you can live with, but I can't live knowing that I never tried to be with my mate." Isaac grabbed Peyton's hand and the sparks seemed like they were more intensified than the first time they felt them. "One thing I did learn in school. The harder that the mate bond is fought the stronger the pull will become for the one that wants it."

"I don't have a mate." Peyton started removing his hand from Isaac's.

"That's not fair to me. I can't tell your lying. You skipped a beat." Isaac said.

Peyton grew angry and shoved his way past Isaac. "I don't know how many times I have to tell you. I don't want a mate. You could drop dead for all I care."

Isaac's eyes squeezed with pain. "Is that how you feel? You don't want me as your mate?" Isaac asked.

"Only my wolf would want you. Now I don't want to look at you again." Peyton walked off.

Isaac looked at his back as he watched him walk away. There was nothing he could do about it. I guess it was time to give up and let him have some space for now. Maybe it wasn't the right time with Kai's death and the war. He just needed some time to cope Isaac thought. "No big deal," Isaac whispered to himself. "No big deal at all. I can wait for him." With everything, Isaac had done him maybe it was best to take a break at this. He still had hope that eventually, Peyton would come around.

Grace was packing up some things at her house. She decided to turn one of the spare rooms into the nursery. Damon offered to help her gut and clean out the room. Even though she wasn't helpless Damon still treated her like fine china. It had Grace annoyed at Damon's constant hovering and refusing to let her even bend down to pick something up, but she tried to understand that Damon was just doing this to protect her. Their friendship grew since Damon had been watching over her after Rem had passed. Grace understood why as Alec, Damon, and Rem were all pretty close. She knew that Damon was probably only looking out for her because of the guilt he felt because of his best friend dying.

Leah walked back to her house when the sun was going down. Neither Velvezhi nor Alec returned after their talk so she supposed she would have to seek them out herself. Once she walked in, Velvezhi appeared at the entryway. "Took you long enough. Stop burning your energy on children that will die anyway."

This made Leah quite mad, "They are my children!" She burst. They may not be directly hers but she spent a lot of time at the orphanage reading and caring for all of them like a lot of other mothers in the pack. It was a group effort. "I know you don't give a damn about others except for selective family members, but I love these kids. I love everyone in my pack." Leah yelled.

Velvezhi scowled then breathed out heavily, "All I'm saying is if you don't stop wasting your energy then everyone is practically dead. You can't help anyone if you're passing out. Which by the way how many times have you passed out today?" Velvezhi had a point. "Because I know."

"I get your point but you're here now to help."

"It's the least I can do. I truly do want to help, but you need to prioritize. Like sleep, you need it right now. Let's go to bed." Velvezhi suggested.

Leah raised an eyebrow at her, "Okay now you're really losing it. Bye. I'm getting some water." Leah fake smiled at her craziness and attempted to walk past.

"I knew this wasn't going to work. Now we resort to my way." Velvezhi rolled her eyes, "Tūṅku." Velvezhi pressed each side of her temples while saying this. Satisfyingly watching Leah's body fall to the ground in a deep sleep she clasped her hands together. "Why way always work." Velvezhi was proud of her methods as she mocked what Alec said about Leah not liking magic being used on her.

Velvezhi grabbed the pillow from the couch and laid it hunger her head then she went upstairs.

Alec had just got off the phone with his secretary to arrange flights for his pack members that consisted of the elderly, the sick, and children. He was in his office with his hands together holding up his chin as he was in deep thought. His elbows were propped on his desk and he stared at the picture frame on his desk of Leah.

Was he really about to do this?

Or it was more like could he do this?

His breath became shaky and his breathing accelerated. Alec felt a lump forming in his throat and a sickening panic in his chest. So many memories were rushing into his mind.

He tried calming himself by thinking about what Velvezhi had told him. It should be easy to do this for Leah after everything she has done for him. Yet every time he closed his eyes he could feel the same burning stinging underneath his eyes. The room was starting to dizzy and he began to wonder if this was a side effect of nearly drowning or the newfound information. Just thinking about what he was preparing to do sent him into hyperventilation and the paper on his desk became unreadable.

Three consecutive knocks on the door broke him out of his emotional state and he heard the footsteps vanish. When he was snapped out of it, Alec didn't realize until then that he was crying at all the memories he tried so hard to repress.

It was time.

His hand shook as he pulled out his drawer retrieving a knife that belonged to his father. There was an ink jar, on his desk, that was filled with liquid silver which he retrieved from the torture rooms earlier. Almost hyperventilating Alec threw the knife on his desk and paced around his room.

He could hear the screaming ring through his mind and he covered his ears in an attempt of blocking the screams of him and his sister. He could almost hear Crow's voice clearly as he tortured him. Alec heard himself begging for him to let his sister go but that only made things worse so he stopped.

Alec tried to regain his composure. He leaned against the wall and took deep breaths, "For her. You can do this for her."

Alec walked over to his desk and grab the sharp knife in his shaking hand. He opened the jar of silver and dipped the knife in the toxic liquid.

He started to become dizzy so he sat down and held the knife that was dripping with silver. Breathing heavily he placed the blade at the corners of his eyes, on his temple. The silver sizzled on contact with his skin and he pressed down drawing blood. He tried moving his hand with the blade but it was like he was paralyzed.

Tears formed and he slammed his hand down on the desk. "Dammit just fucking do it already!" He yelled at himself.

Fully hyperventilating and having a massive panic attack, he dropped the knife dipped in silver and fell to the ground on his hands and knees. He couldn't breathe as he tried gasping for air. Anxiety crippled him and once he was done hyperventilating he rocked himself forward and back crying into his hands.

He couldn't stop thinking about what Crow did to him as that trauma never fully healed.


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