Blood Lust and Love

Chapter 16


Bright and early in the morning Isaac woke up and he didn't even know what to do with himself. He was alone for the first time but he was safe. He wasn't in his own pack so how would he present himself now.

Isaac was with a new family but he wasn't in a new family. They could get rid of him at any time. He could make one wrong move and they'd kick him out for days as his father did to him.

The real question is what was he going to do now?

The only thing that Isaac could do know was to try and make the best impression. Isaac left the spare bedroom and walked slowly down the hall.

He could tell which rooms belonged to whom based on their scents. He could also tell that he was the only one up, so he wanted to be careful and not make a noise.

His throat tightened in pain as he walked past Kai's room. The door was shut but he could still detect the lingering smell of Kai. He stopped in the middle of the hallway and stared at the closed door. His head started to pound in guilt. Isaac felt pained that he had even bullied him in the first place. All the tormenting things that he has said to or about Kai, they all meant nothing now. Kai was gone and now Isaac was left with all that guilt.

Isaac's chest swelled up and it almost became painful. He took a deep breath and let it go, then he continued to go downstairs to the kitchen.

In the mornings, he would usually make breakfast for his father and if he was late he would always be punished. Isaac didn't know if the rules were the same here but he decided to play it safe. If he thought getting punished by his own father was bad, then he surely didn't want to anger Alpha Knine.

Isaac looked over on the stove and saw that it was five-thirty. He sighed in relief. At least he wasn't late. Anything past six was considered late and considered an automatic punishment. That gives him a good amount of time to prepare breakfast for everyone, and he would need it too because there was a larger group of people.

It was a surprise to everyone about how they woke up. Nothing expected the smell of eggs and bacon to whiff through the house. Especially so early in the morning.

It was mostly a surprise to the children in the house. It felt like forever since Leah has cooked breakfast and in reality, it wasn't that long ago, but that is how dark it has felt in the house.

Leah woke up from her sleep and laid in bed. Even she could smell the delicious aroma from downstairs. It puzzled her because none of her kids liked to cook so how could possibly be cooking now.

Alec woke up soon after and rolled over to find Leah. Her eyebrows were furrowed in deep concentration. She should probably go and check to see who that is, but surely an intruder wouldn't be cooking in someone's house. Besides, it was probably Alice or Remmy. Sometimes they would come in and cook breakfast and dinners.

"Babe, I can practically see the smoke coming out your ears. What are you thinking about." Alec yawned. He was still half tired from yesterday.

"Who's making breakfast?" Leah asked.

"I don't know," Alec muttered half asleep then went back to bed.

Leah rolled her eyes, "Tyrant Alpha." Leah scoffed, "You're just an overgrown puppy."


Leah got up and put on some clothes for the day then went downstairs.

She peered into the kitchen only to find stacks of food sitting on plates. Isaac had already finished cooking, now he was just organizing the plates.

"Isaac?" Leah puzzled. "What are you doing here?"

Isaac's head snapped up to see Leah. "Alpha Knine brought me here last night. I'm sorry for being a trouble, I'll stay out of your's and everyone else's way." Isaac apologized and nodded his head to Leah to show ultimate respect. "My apologies Luna." Isaac's mind was so shattered that he actually was on full self-defense mode. He didn't know or understand the intentions of Alpha Knine, and Isaac surely didn't want to make him mad now that he was face to face with them.

"Lift your head up. If Alec brought you here then surely it wasn't to be a slave here." Leah commanded him and he obeyed.

Isaac then went back to cooking and organized the dinner table. Leah studied his every move.

Leah figured that the assumptions of an Isaac having an abusive dad were correct based on the fact that Isaac was here right now because Alec hated when others would abuse a child. It brought Alec back to the days of when Crow tortured Alice and him when they were younger.

It wasn't long until the smell brought everyone downstairs. Immediately Peyton looked at Isaac and the second they locked eyes, Peyton scowled at Isaac. Isaac literally felt like the size of a peanut in their family's presence. When they were all together they felt powerful, and when Alpha Knine came downstairs Isaac felt choked upon his power. It would take some time to get used to that.

The table was all set and the Knine family gathered around the table. Isaac looked at the delicious food and sighed in defeat. His stomach growled hungrily, but as he did before he would go to his room and wait for them to finish. At his old home, his father never allowed him to eat at the dinner table and he had to eat whatever was left in his room alone. He felt safer in the room anyway, so that's where he was headed. Isaac was about to walk upstairs when Leah called for him.

"Isaac, where are you going?" Leah said.

"Um... Well." Isaac didn't really know how to say this.

Alec cut everyone off, "Speak up boy. You're an alpha too, so tell us what's on your mind." Alec commanded in his alpha tone. Alec was testing him.

Then the words spewed out of Isaac's mouth like a waterfall, "My dad doesn't allow me to sit and eat with him. I make his breakfast then I leave."

The room fell silent with disappointment. Even Peyton was a little anger by his words.

"Well welcome to a new family," Alec said and a small smile appeared on Isaac's face. "Come sit and eat."

Isaac slowly came to the dinner table and it was almost like the room was getting smaller. His breath quickened and the room started to spin. He felt dizzy as his chest tightened and it was almost unbearable to breathe. Isaac could even feel the tips of his fingers became numb and he had to force himself to not hyperventilate and embarrassed himself because all eyes were on him. Isaac hated going near the dinner table because he would often get in trouble if he touched it throughout the day, the only time he was allowed to was when he was putting food down, or the random times when he was invited down to eat which rarely ever happened.

In Isaac's mind, with every step he took the table just seemed to be moving further away. It seemed like forever when Isaac got to the dinner table. His hand trembled as he reached for the chair to pull it out and take a seat. Isaac was waiting to be yelled at, screamed at, or to be beaten, but it never happened.

Isaac finally sat down and small beads of sweat gathered at his forehead. It didn't help that Isaac realized that he was sitting in Kai's seat because it was the only empty one. Guilt filled his body as all of Kai's siblings stared blankly at him.

Leah passed him a plate full of food.

When everyone started to eat, Isaac was mentally struggling but he did eat everything that was on his plate. He was starving.

"Isaac, have you ever been trained properly?" Alec asked.

Isaac held his head down in shame. He was trained but it wasn't anything special. "Not to your standards," Isaac said.

"If you want you could stop by the training grounds. There should be a couple of people around your age, but don't be expecting to fight anyone soon. The wolves in my pack aren't required to fight until they are twenty-one. You have the option to fight when you turn sixteen. Like Peyton, you're fifteen." Alec spoke.

Peyton realized just now that he wouldn't he fighting in this war and he got really mad. He wanted vengeance for his brother too. He knew of the rules in place but it totally slipped his mind. "So even I can't fight. That's not fair. I want to kill Crow like the rest of you." Peyton argued.

"Don't argue with your father," Leah said and Peyton glared at his mother. Alec growled at Peyton. "No growling at the dinner table," Leah spoke.

Isaac smiled. They were nothing like his father at all. For the first time in a while, Isaac finally felt safe. Even though Isaac knew this pack was in a war that was going to get ugly, he still felt safer in this pack than his father's. And to Isaac that was pretty sad.

After dinner was over Isaac began to clean up the kitchen and Leah pitched in too, amazed that a child would actually clean without complaining.

Leah looked at Isaac's skin. She noticed this earlier like everyone else, but her heart ached as she looked at this child who had burn marks on his skin and scars that proved years of abuse. Leah could tell just by Isaac's aura that Isaac was just a kid who suffered a lot. The pain and suffering were written all over his body.

There had to be something she could do to help. If she helped Alec then she could definitely help Isaac. If anything she kind of saw a little bit of Kai in Isaac.

After cleaning, Leah thought for a moment. Being in her own head since this morning she thought about many things.

Putting the rag down, Leah turned to Isaac and looked at him. Isaac was peacefully looking out the window.


"Yes Luna," Isaac replied.

"You don't have to call me that. Call me Leah." Leah said.

"Okay," Isaac replied.

"Would you like some hot chocolate?" Leah offered.

Isaac's face turned into a full-on smile. It's been years since he has had hot chocolate. The last time Isaac drank hot chocolate was when his mom died, and the last time Leah drank hot chocolate was when Kai died.

So Leah put on some hot chocolate and they went to the living room to talk. Wrapped up in blankets and drinking hot chocolate they enjoyed each other's company for the morning. For the first time in forever, Isaac actually felt like he was with his mom again. Like he was safe and sound and in her loving arms. The atmosphere felt warm and he felt warm. Drinking hot chocolate and being wrapped up in a blanket, it was better than the winter nights Isaac stayed up shivering in his bed without a blanket.

Jade waited in her room for Seth to return. Seth had left before breakfast to return to his coven. He would be back in a few hours and the time was nearing soon.

Today was going to be the first day that he was going to be introduced into the pack. Alec already mind linked the pack about it, but today was the first day they were going to be seen in public.

Jade was feeling so nervous about it, but she shouldn't worry. The pack was actually very supportive of their alpha family. They all loved the Knine pack to the point where they would gladly lay their lives down for one of them. Of course, there were going to be some pack members that didn't approve but in reality, it didn't matter. It was her life, and all that mattered now was Seth and the baby.

The baby.

Jade really hasn't decided for sure yet if she wanted to keep the baby. Would she be a bad person if she didn't want it? Jade has thought about keeping the baby anyway because Seth can't have kids. Jade really didn't want kids but she hated the idea of abortion more.

A knock on the door gladly interrupted her thoughts. "Come in." Jade's Voice trembled in nerves of what was going to come today.

"Hey." Alec walked in and closed the door. He sat on the bed and put his arms around Jade's shoulders. "I'm sorry."

"It's okay, daddy." Jade hugged him. That is what she wanted more than anything in the world right now. Comfort. It was already stressful enough thinking about everyone who wouldn't approve. Jade just wanted someone that would approve. It would mean the world if her father approved.

"It's not. I said a lot of mean things about your relationship that I shouldn't have. I know it's hard being in a relationship where others don't approve of it. Leah's parents didn't approve at first. Your grandmother could have been a real bitch at times, but she did come around before she died. Realizing it now, it was messed up that her parents didn't at least try and get to know me until your grandmother was on her deathbed, and I don't want to make that same mistake. So as long as your happy, I'm happy." Alec apologized sincerely. He was just happy to see the happiness in her eyes. "And even though I don't like how you're pregnant, if you decide to keep the child then it will always be my grandchild. I won't treat him any differently."

Jade's eyes went wide with happiness and then she chuckled, "Him? What makes you so sure its a boy." Jade said.

"I have a feeling," Alec muttered. "Seriously though, Blaire better have a normal mate because I can't take any more of this." Alec jokingly said.

"Dad. You did tell the border patrol that Seth was coming back right?" Jade asked.

With an evil glint in Alec's eyes, "Hmm. I don't think I did."


"Haha. I did." Alec says. "Sadly," Alec muttered under his breath.

Jade elbowed him and glared at him, but she just ended up smiling.

"I better get going. I have lots of things to do today and your mom is making a barrier around the pack." Alec said as he stood up.


"Well, not really a barrier. It's just a spell that allows her to know when others are using magic in the pack. It will help us know if Crow comes back with his little witches. Then they won't be able to sneak around anymore. Courtesy to your great grandmother and aunts, who are on their way here." Alec answered.

"Is that how that one guy that attacked me was able to sneak on the pack lands?" Jade asked.

Alec nodded, "But the magic failed when he attacked you so then we all sensed his presence, but that won't happen again after today."

Jade nodded.

"Alright, I have to go now," Alec said and hugged Jade one last time before leaving.

Alec then went to the pack meeting that was being held by him in the main office. There were two offices in the pack. One in his house where Alec could do work at home, and a more formal one at the Center. The Center was a huge building with many rooms. There was a room with a big round table, that was called the war room and was used to hold meetings. Only the top elite wolves would be involved. That way plans could be discussed quickly and relayed back to the other groups if needed.

Alec had an important meeting today, and only very few wolves would know about it. It was so secretive that only ten wolves knew about it in the pack.

Walking through the pack lands Alec was in high alert mode. His guard wasn't going to be let down anytime soon.

Reaching the building, Alec walked in the door and went to the war room. He sat down at the head of the table where the other wolves met him. They had arrived five minutes before Alec to show respect.

Alec looked across the table, "Does she know?" He asked.


Alec nodded his head, "The plan will be executed tomorrow night. Make sure to check in with the scientists first. You'll still need the shots." Alec spoke. Alec looked across the table at Remmy.

They both knew that this was going to be a very dangerous act, but it could possibly help turn over the whole thing in their favor. "Understood," Remmy spoke in a monotonous voice. Honestly, he felt uneasy about the whole entire plan. It had so many holes involved that it would be easy to be caught up in.

But they both knew Rem was the man for the job.

Alec continued to talk to Rem and the others about the details. Alec spoke to the men about each of their jobs and made sure they were all ready.

Among the group, Damon agreed with the pain and even added some insight to make improvements. This was a very risky operation that called for absolute perfection, and they couldn't mess it up.

After working out the rest of the details, everyone was finally dismissed.

"Everyone is dismissed. Axe I'll be ready to patrol the borders just wait outside because I need a minute with Rem." Alec spoke and everyone walked out. No one could hear what went on inside the building because Cevielle, the loyal pack witch, had spelled it.

Everyone left, Alec and Rem were finally alone. "Thank you for doing this," Alec said.

"That's what brothers do, and it's the only way that we can try and guarantee fewer casualties." Rem said.

"I could have done this. You know you don't have to do this." Alec replied. For a moment you could actually see the look of hurt and concern in Alec's eyes for his best friend.

"And what? Leave the pack without a leader? You need to stay, and you the most important job out of all of this. You need to make sure Grace and Leah are safe." Rem sighed. "If you ask me if I want to go, the answer is obviously no. But I am going too."

Alec nodded. He agreed with everything Rem said. "Just make sure you say a proper goodbye to Grace just in case," Alec said in a low voice. They both didn't want to face the potential consequences of the outcome.

"I know. She is heartbroken, but she understands." Rem looked hurt. Just thinking about the pain that Grace could be in made him hurt.

"Leah will always check up on her. She won't be alone."

"Thank you for that." Rem said.

After talking, Alec left to take his turn in patrolling the borders.

Seth finally showed up at the house and Jade sensed him right aware. The addictive scent of Seth made Jade happy within a matter of seconds. Practically running to open the door she was full of happiness when she saw him.

Seth was in a nice clean new suit too. Seth was waiting on the porch fixing his cuffs when Jade opened the door.

Seth's lips twisted into a small smile when his eyes landed on Jade, "Happy to see me, love?"

"You have no idea." Jade breathed out. Jade was already dressed and ready to go. She stepped out into the porch where Seth held out his arm and Jade hooked her small arm around his. Seth escorted her toward the water fountain under the directions of Jade. The water fountain was in the middle of the houses, which circled around the fountain. Usually, the fountain was filled with wolves, and so was the park. Those were the main places that Jade planned to walk too.

Seth couldn't be officially accepted into the pack as a member because he had his own coven to lead, but he at least had to be seen by other pack members so they could get to know him.

The pack members were already aware by now that Seth was Jade's mate, but they haven't seen him yet.

Jade had curled her hair and applied a little bit of makeup. She wanted the first impression of them out in public to go well.

Jade wore a light blue dress with long sleeves and matching sandals to complement Seth's suit. The mating mark did show a little and Jade was self-conscious about it, but she tried to focus on Seth and that really helped a lot.

Walking to the fountain, Seth and Jade talked like a married couple.

The stories of how Seth spent his time on earth would definitely interesting to Jade, especially the funny ones. Seth had funny stories for days, it always kept Jade laughing.

A friend joined them on their walk to the fountain. Dash came out from the woods and trotted up to Jade with no fear. Jade instantly pet him when he was right beside her.

"You have a pet deer?" Seth asked as he observed the collar around his neck. Probably to ward off wolves from attacking him.

"Yeah. My mom's." Jade answered.

"Hm. Good thing deer blood tastes repulsive." Seth commented looking at the deer in disgust.

Jade gasped, "He will never be food." Jade laughed.

"How many deer have you eaten?" Seth asked. He assumed that she has eaten many. After all, she is a wolf.

"None. That was alive anyway." Jade answered.

Dash stayed for a while with them until they reached the fountain, then he went back into the woods.

There weren't as many people around the fountain today, but so far no disgusted glances were thrown her way so far. Jade was glad for that.

It actually went better than expected, many wolves walked right up to Jade and offered to shake the hand of Seth and introduce themselves. Children looked at Seth with curiosity as most werewolf children haven't seen a vampire before, some adults hadn't either. Either way, no glares or rudeness showed from anyone.

The only thing close was the fact that some wolves stayed away or walked faster when they were around Seth. They didn't look at him in a disgusting manner though, just one of fear. It was perfectly natural for lower-ranking wolves to have a sense of fear of Seth because Seth was powerful, but Jade knew that Seth wouldn't hurt them.

Jade tried to interact more with the ones that she could sense fear from. Jade figured that maybe if they actually got to know him then they would receive positive emotions from him.

For the most part, Jade was right. A couple of hours later and everyone felt more ease around Seth. Jade watched in happiness as Seth played ball with a couple of really young children that were so innocent looking. Jade wondered if Seth would be like that with her child. Looking at Seth playing with children actually made her want to have a child.

Everyone was impressed at the humanity showed by Seth, and soon he became the talk of the pack. They all eyed him with curiosity.

Everything was going well until Jade decided to leave. She wanted to use the bathroom first and went to the public restrooms. She walked to the door and was about to reach for the handle when she heard talking.

"How long do you think it's going to be before that Vampire rips the head off of Jade and drinks her dry." A girl was heard by Jade.

She recognized that voice, it was another girl around her age. The girls didn't even realize that Jade was listening on the other end of the door while they were gossiping.

Jade paused and continued to listen.

"I'll give it like a week. Vampires aren't made to be in a bond with a werewolf. They're not like us, and that bloodsucker might have fooled everyone else but not me. He is just a cold-blooded killer waiting for his next victim." A second girl was heard.

Then a third voice was heard, "Right. I mean seriously I feel bad for Jade. They are never going to make it and they aren't right for each other. They are so disgusting with each other. I had to come in here because I was about to vomit." They all started to laugh.

Jade had to calm herself as she was consumed with her daddy's temper. Her hand shook and trembled, but one thing was for sure. Jade wasn't going to let them talk about her and Seth.

Jade walked in with confidence and power that made the whole bathroom tense. Jade could sense the fear that radiated and bounced off the tile ways. Walking right past them she went to the sink and washed her hands. Jade glared daggers at them through the mirror. Jade was so angry that was actually afraid she might hurt them. Jade took this time to calm herself, only then she decided that they weren't worth it. Jade could easily kick their asses but she didn't want to stoop to their level. Instead Jade looked at all three girls that were stuck in fear and looking at her. "Before talking shit on someone make sure they aren't around." Jade snapped then walked off before she snapped their heads. That was the strength of patience that she gained from her mom. Thankfully, it saved the lives of three girls.

Angrily, Jade walked up to Seth and asked if he just wanted to go back to the house. She was already in a bad mood and anything might set her off. She didn't want anyone to get hurt by her actions in a fit of rage.

Leah went to the training ground with Charlie, Peyton, and Isaac.

Charlie was actually in charge of a small section of training, but Axe and Damon handled most of it now that Rem had something important to do.

Occasionally, Leah would stop by and help a section with training. She was still by heart a warrior and her moves never deteriorated.

This was also a good chance to bring Isaac so he could train properly with Peyton. Peyton hated the idea that his mother suggested but there was no way around it. Peyton had to be Isaac's sparring partner, and Isaac didn't like it as much as Peyton but Isaac didn't complain because he was given another chance at life. This whole entire day was like a dream for Isaac. Before they all left the house, Isaac even went to the bathroom just to slap himself. Isaac actually wanted to make sure this was really happening and not some sick joke.

Peyton walked to a random spot on the field with Isaac. "I'll take it easy on you because of your burns, but next week I'm going to beat the shit out of you." Peyton threatened Isaac.

"You promise?" Isaac said sarcastically.

Peyton growled at Isaac. Isaac growled back too. They both weren't a fan of one another, so training was going to be interesting between the two.

Amongst the field, Blaire and Liam were training with each other. Liam was able to keep up with Blaire on a normal basis, but today she was distracted and Liam could tell.

Blaire threw a punch at Liam, which he ended up dodging. Normally, he wouldn't have been able to but she was busy thinking today. Blaire was just caught up in the fact that a war was actually coming.

"Come on baby, that was a weak one," Liam whispered over to Blaire. This got Blaire's attention immediately because she was very competitive.

Blaire's eyebrows furrowed in annoyance and then suddenly she brought her leg up in a swift movement and kicked Liam right in the temple.

Liam fell to the ground and held his temple. "What the fuck was that?" He laughed.

"It's called ballet bitch." Blaire folded her arms and chuckled in triumph.

"Ballet is a weak sport." Liam teased her. Liam knew it was actually a very hard sport that you had to put a lot of dedication into, but he always liked to tease Blaire and get her riled up. Liam liked it when she got feisty.

Blaire gasped, "How dare you! Ballet is not weak. I'll show you who's weak." Blaire yelled then ran at him. She pushed his upper body back to the ground and started to punch him repeatedly.

"Okay okay," Liam yelled putting his hands up. "I give up!" Liam chuckled. Blaire let up and looked at him. She was still straddling him when Liam put his hands at her waist.

"That's what I thought." Blaire huffed.

"You might want to get up. We're looking quite suspicious." Liam said.

"I'll make your face look suspicious." Blaire already started shooting shots at him.

Liam chuckled, "I hope you do."

Blaire just glared at him and continued to go back to training.

Alec patrolled the border with his team until late in the night. Rem had the rest of the night off so he wouldn't be responsible for his duties today.

It was quite cold out tonight. A small amount of snow laid on the ground, and it felt good against the paws of Alec as he ran along the border of the whole entire pack. Teams of wolves are stationed at certain points along the border, but Alec and a small team of stronger wolves ran around the whole entire perimeter most nights. The long strides of Alec made it hard for most wolves to keep up, but the wolves with him seemed to be doing alright. The cold wind combating against Alec's fur felt nice to him. Alec was addicted to that feeling.

Alec abruptly stopped and the other wolves following him sighed in relief to get a small break. Alec snifted the air and caught on to a foreign scent. He immediately started to track it, and the other wolves became alert. They all started to help Alec track the scent. Alec quickly followed the trail to find this wolf.

Alec landed right at the edge of the border. A loud scream of a female was heard and growls behind her. That alerted all the wolves nearby and the guards that are regularly stationed at this side of the border immediately rushed over to join Alec's team. A woman in ragged clothing ran through the bushes and stopped in fear. It looked like she was paralyzed with fear as she looked at a huge Alpha with wolves behind him. Alec stood high and his posture demonstrated and resonated with power.

The woman looked so skinny in her small dress that was torn and bloodstained. A growl was heard began the bushes and a wolf jumped out and tried to attack the female. The foreign wolf was in mid-air when a member of the pack ragefully tackled the wolf to the ground and tore into him. The ragged wolf managed to escape from him, but he was trapped into a circle. The woman watches with fear in her eyes.

Alec and his wolves circled around this wolf and snarled at him. You could tell by the scars and appearance of this wolf that he was a part of Crow's pack. His fur coat looked hideous and mangey. Alec didn't even want to imagine what he looked like in human form. The wolf in the circle then eyed Alec. He knew they he was going to die, so he might as well go out with a bang. The wolf then ran full pace at Alec and tried to tackle him but Alec quickly sidestepped him. The wolf tumbled to the ground in embarrassment. He wasn't the strongest warrior that Crow had.

The wolves in Alec's pack immediately took offense and charged after the stupid wolf.

However, Alec growled at his wolves to stay back. Alec wanted to show them what a true alpha was capable of. One that killed the old fashion way with no tricks. Plus, the wolf charged at him which a direct challenge, and that angered him.

Alec circled him growling at him. He waited for the wolf to rise before finishing him. The wolf pushed himself up and Alec charged at him. After Alec knocked him down he latched his leg and shredded it to pieces. He wanted all the wolves that stood with Crow to suffer. Then Alec mauled his front legs. Blood coated the ground and painted Alec's snout.

The rest of the wolves watched unfazed as Alec destroyed his body. You could hear the whines and pained screams from the wolf. It was almost like the wolf was begging him to stop but Alec kept going. Alec wasted no time ripping into the wolf's stomach, spilling his guts all over the place. The wolf was already dead at this point but Alec was still steadily painting a masterpiece with his organs.

When Alec was done having his fun, he looked back at his men. The one woman was paced out on the ground, probably from horror or lack of food.

"Take her to the dungeons. We don't know her intentions yet and this could have all been a setup." Alec mind linked his men.

One man replied back, "Alpha, she is my mate." The man's tone sounded heartbroken at the thought of her staying one night in a dungeon.

Alec wasn't going to do that to a pack member and possibly a future one, "Then she can stay with you. I'll talk to her tomorrow." Alec communicated.

After talking, Alec grabbed the wolf's scruff and dragged him off the property by a couple of miles. He left him in the woods as a message to Crow if he found him. This wolf looked like a replica of how Logan was found.

Meanwhile, At Rem's house, Grace and Rem had just finished watching a movie. Ava was fast asleep in her room, and it was just Rem and Grace for the rest of the night. The titles started rolling on the television signaling that the movie was over.

Grace looked away and out the window. She couldn't bear to look into Rem's eyes.

Tears welled up in her eyes, and her lips quivered.

Rem gently caressed Grace's chin and made her look at him. The expression on Grace's face broke his heart.

"Do you really have to go?" Grace cried. She clung into Rem's torso, not wanting to let him go.

Rem wrapped his arm around Grace, "I'll come back to it before you know it." Rem tried to comfort her.

"I know. I just don't want to let go. I love you too much." Grace mumbled into his chest, squeezing him tighter.

"Just don't let go of me tonight. That's all I ask." Rem said.

Grace looked at him as tears rolled down her cheek. "I won't"

Rem wiped away her tears with his thumb, "Just be strong for me. I know it's hard, but I'll always be with you. I promise." Rem looked at her lovingly.

Grace leaned up and cupped his cheeks in her hands. She kissed him with passion. Rem held into her waist as he kissed her back. Things quickly got heated and Rem picked her up in his arms and carried her to their bedroom. Rem used one hand to hold into her body and one hand to open the door while still making out with Grace.

Rem softly laid Grace down and got on top of her as he started placing lovely little kisses on her neck and down her body.

He brought his face up to hers, "I love you." Rem whispered and those words could never be more true.

"I love you more."


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