Blood Lust and Love

Chapter 17


Leah writhed in pain in the bedsheets. Her usual monthly friend had come to haunt her again. Alec left earlier in the morning, and now this pain was just hitting her. The pain would vanish in about a day but this was the price of being resurrected at one point in your lifetime.

Alec felt the pain through the mate bond and immediately rushed home as he knew what it was. Luckily the pain would vanish if Alec was in close proximity to her. Alec thought to himself. Nothing could go wrong in one day. He would just spend his day with Leah today. Alec would do anything to make the pain go away when it dealt with Leah.

In all his years on living, Alec never thought he would truly care for someone as he did to Leah. She was truly everything to him. Intentionally, he would never let any harm come to her. Alec appeared in front of Leah as she was having in pain. As soon as Alec stepped into the room the pain subsided a little. Leah's vision was blurred until he walked in.

"Hey, baby." Alec soothed. He laid down beside her under the blankets. Laying soft kisses on her forehead as he held her body closer to him.

Leah's body was burning up like she had a fever or something, but her body instantly cooled internally when Alec held her.

"Don't you have work to do? I don't want to hold you up." Leah spoke more easily now as the pain completely vanished. She sighed in relief. Leah was happy that Alec was near here but he had to put his priorities first. Protecting the pack and their people where Alec and Leah's ultimate goals. Leah would rather not hold Alec up when he had important work to do, even if it meant her suffering for a day.

However, there was no way Alec was going to leave Leah by herself. He was stubborn that way and Leah knew it.

"It will be fine. Damon will take my place today." Alec said. Hopefully, nothing would go wrong today.

"And the girl you found from last night? Is she alright?" Leah asked. Alec left this morning to go talk to her.

"She is genuine with her words as I could tell she wasn't lying. Apparently, Crow has a whole pack of rogues and other small packs that he took over, the females are treated like slaves. Kylie managed to escape with her sister and ran for a couple of days. Her sister was killed by the man tracking her down, but she managed to get away. Luckily, she stumbled into the borders in time or she would have been dead. On the bright side, we know where Crow and his men are, and we have more information on his pack. That also helps with Rem's plan." Alec explained.

"That's perfect. When do we attack." Leah was eager to get her hands soaked with Crow's blood.

"Hold on my eager little mate. We can't just go barging into enemy territory. Crow isn't an easy person to kill. Also, training still needs to continue. They aren't ready yet." Alec said.

"I don't care. I'll kill him myself." More a minute Leah was blinded by rage.

"And that's how you get killed. You can't fight with anger and rage." Alec said.

"Fight with an open mind, closed fists, and pure heart." They both said in unison.

"Hm, maybe our packs aren't so different after all," Leah said. That was a saying that the two packs unknowingly shared when it came to fighting.

"Speaking of, your alpha friend, Mark," Alec said his name in a distasteful manner. He never liked how close they were as friends and he couldn't help the jealousy when she would mention her previous Alpha. "He contacted Damon yesterday, he stands by us and has offered to send his top fighters. They should be arriving today."

"With the extra help, we should be able to win this. Warriors are being sent in from other packs to get on our good side after this is all over." Leah stated.

Alec nodded while lovingly stroking his fingers against Leah's smooth skin.

"I also made a special bracelet for Cevielle that can only be taken off by me or when I die. I get tired of being alerted when Cevielle simply walks around the pack and does magic." Leah spoke.

Alec looked at Leah, "Are you talking about that special shield thing that you made around the pack. The one that lets you know when people use magic on my land." Alec pursed his lips together, "Our land." Alec corrected.

The bed started to shake and Alec quickly looked at her in fear. He thought he had made her start crying, but Leah was laughing instead.

"The way you describe magic is priceless." Leah continued to laugh until she started crying hysterically.

Alec's face changed into confusion in a matter of seconds. Alec turned on his side and pulled Leah to his chest for a tight hug. "Are you alright?" Alec asked concerned.

Leah nodded her head as her whole face turned red now. She cried heavily into Alec's chest. "I don't know why I'm crying so much, I just miss him so bad!" Leah sobbed.

Alec rubbed his hand on her lower back because that always seemed to calm her down physically. "I miss him too." Alec returned. It was obvious that they were talking about Kai.

Alec held Leah close until she stopped crying. Leah looked up to Alec, her face was starting to return back to its normal color. Alec quickly went to their bathroom to gather some toilet paper so Leah could dispose of the mucus in her nose.

"Thank you," Leah said as she blew into the tissues.

Alec threw them away and washed his hands as he went back to check on Leah.

Leah sat on the edge of the bed staring out into the open. Alec stood there confused at what to do. Should he try and comfort her or stay away. It was hard to tell when she experienced mood swings like that. While debating what he should do, Alec still remained within five feet of Leah to ensure that the pain wouldn't come back.

Out of nowhere, Leah glances at Alec and they lock eyes for a moment.

With a dead look on her face, Leah says in a monotonous voice, "You should go get the whipped cream."

The tone in her voice gave Alec conflicting thoughts. Alec didn't know whether he should be aroused or scared for his life. Alec stood there and stared at her for a minute like she grew two more heads.

"Well, are you going to get it?" Leah snapped at him.

A small smile appeared on Alec's face as he walked out of the room and to the kitchen.

Down in the kitchen, Isaac had just finished up mopping the floors. Isaac placed the mop back in the button and was about to dump the water Peyton appeared in his line of vision. Isaac picked up the bucket and tried to walk past Peyton, but Peyton blocked his way again.

"What's your problem?" Isaac snapped as he tried to walk past Peyton again.

Peyton had a look of hate on his face before a grin plastered his face. In a swift movement, Peyton knocked the mop bucket out of Isaac's grip and the dirty water spilled all over the clean floor.

Isaac looked at the now dirty floor that was once clean. His fists clenched in anger. Isaac wanted to punch Peyton right in his face but he held back. Isaac thought he could possibly be kicked out if he fought the Alpha's son and that's why he held back.

Peyton shoved past Isaac, "Missed a spot." Peyton said as he glared at Isaac and left. Isaac couldn't really blame him for the treatment he received. Isaac guessed the only one he could blame was himself. Truthfully, he regretted bullying all the people he had in school. All he could do now was try to mend his mistakes.

Isaac sighed to himself as he grabbed the mop and started to collect the dirty water and drain it back into the bucket. Then he dumped the bucket. He saw Alec come downstairs and Isaac held his head down low in fear.

Alec looked over at him and for a split second anger shot through him, but it quickly vanished because he didn't want to scare the kid. Alec was mad at the fact that Isaac bowed his head at him. "Isaac, keep your head up. I taught all my kids to never bow their heads at another Alpha in fear. Bow your head to return respect but never to show submission." Alec said. There was a very distinct difference when it comes to bowing in respect or fear. When bowing in fear you lower your head more when in respect you only bow your head slightly.

"Sorry." Isaac apologized.

Alec opened the fridge door and swiped the whipped cream from the second shelf, "No need. You can go out and play with the other kids if you want. There is a park that way. And thanks for cleaning the kitchen," Alec pointed in the direction of the park. Alec had mind linked the pack alerting them that Isaac would be staying with the Alpha family so no one would be shocked and try to attack him.

After straightening up the rest of the house, Isaac began to walk to the park that Alec had mentioned before. Isaac eyed the guards surrounding the house protecting the Alpha family. The guards gave Isaac a glare which Isaac gave one in return. As Isaac was walking to the park he noticed that every inch of the pack grounds was being patrolled by guards. There wasn't a single moment where he didn't see any guards around him.

Isaac took in every inch of the Knine pack. It was much different than his father's pack. To start with, it was bigger and better in every aspect, even in a time of war.

This was only his second time being on this land, and it didn't disappoint. Everything was so much more beautiful. As he neared the town, the atmosphere was already different. He could feel it.

It felt carefree. Almost like everyone that lived here was truly free and happy. The only thing was that he could still feel the sadness lingering in the air. Based on the lingering sadness in the air, Isaac knew at that moment that this pack was more close than his father's.

The pack was fully active today. Parents and other wolves were out shopping at the market, where fresh grown fruits and vegetables were sold. The younger kids played in the park, and the older kids were busy training nearby. The elderly were clumped up together either gossiping or eating food. Even in a time of war, the kids and the elderly still felt safe. That is the true power of an Alpha. Isaac knew that if a single person could make the rest of his people feel safe during these times, then he was truly an Alpha.

Isaac thought to himself that maybe living here wouldn't be that bad. All he had to do was not mess it up.

When he finally managed to reach the park he took a couple of minutes to admire it.

At Isaac's old pack, the atmosphere was different. Usually, no one would even dare step out of their houses. Isaac's father scared all of his pack members to the point where they would avoid him at all costs. Not only did Isaac's father beat his son, but he also beat his pack members if he saw them. Everyone feared him so no one would go against him or try to leave the pack. If they tried to leave they would get hurt if caught. Also, there were no parks in his father's park, and animals always avoided being on that land.

In Alec's pack, things were different. For the first time, Isaac actually saw a deer walking fearlessly on territory that wolves owned. Isaac thought it was the most bizarre thing to see. What freaked him out, even more, was the fact that he had a collar on.

Isaac's feet seemed to move on their own as he approached the buck. Isaac has never actually seen a deer up close before unless it was being hunted.

Isaac knew that deer could sense werewolves as predators. They would always run away, but this one didn't fear wolves for some reason. He assumed, due to the collar, that it was a pet, but he has never heard of a wolf owning a pet deer. It was very peculiar for sure.

Isaac almost burst with happiness as he approached the deer without it being afraid. This was definitely a first for him.

Isaac placed his hand on the back of the deer and was awed at how soft his fur felt. He slowly began to pet him and he was completely amazed. Zoning in on what the collar said he realized that this pet had a name.

"Hey, Dash. I never pet a deer before." Isaac mumbled to the deer.

Isaac was minding his own business when suddenly he felt a sharp pain on the side of his skull. He was completely blindsided by the football that was intentionally thrown at him.

Isaac hissed in pain as he rubbed his head. He could already feel a migraine coming on. When he heard the sound of snickering and laughing, Isaac turned to face a group of kids that he recognized all too well.

"Fuck my god damn life. Fuck it all to hell." Isaac said to himself. Isaac saw the group of kids that he also bullied in school.

Isaac could tell by the looks on their faces that they weren't just wanting to talk. He made all their lives miserable in school and Isaac was sure they were going to do the same to him.

"Isn't this the guy that shoved you into a locker?" A boy that he didn't recognize said. Isaac observed this boy as he never met him before. He looked to be around sixteen or seventeen, and he was talking to a kid that Isaac used to bully. Isaac assumed that they were siblings since they looked so familiar.

The kid around Isaac's age nodded.

"Why are you touching him? Trying to mess with your food before you eat it?" Another kid taunted.

"Guess we'll just have to teach him a lesson since he is on our territory now." The older kid said.

"Payback is a bitch, Isaac," The kids started to circle him.

Isaac stepped back not wanting to fight for the first time in his life. He wanted to fix his mistakes and change himself as a person. Isaac understood that he hurt a lot of people, but he wanted to fix those mistakes. Although, he had a feeling they weren't going to listen.

"Alpha Knine brought me here. Don't you think he'd be pissed if you harmed me?" Isaac questioned. He was trying to get them to leave him alone without having to fight.

One of the boys scuffed, "You're a nobody. Alpha Knine only brought you here out of pity. It's only a matter of time before you get kicked to the curb. Can't blame Alpha Knine either because not even your father wanted you. Besides Alpha Knine isn't going to care once we tell him that you were going to attack the Luna's deer." There were rumors that floated around school that Isaac's father hated him but no one knew the severe treatment that Isaac received. "And if you hit one of us then it's only a matter of time before you get kicked out." The group of kids started to circle around Isaac in a threatening manner.

Isaac clenched his fists together and had to bite his tongue from saying something smart. He wasn't even trying to hurt Dash at all.

In a matter of seconds, the oldest kid charge at Isaac and started to punch him. After Isaac was knocked down to the ground the other kids started to join in on beating Isaac up.

Thinking to himself, Isaac questioned if he should fight back or not. The other kids said that Alpha Knine would kick him out if he hurt one of the pack kids. It would only make sense that Isaac would be kicked from the pack for touching a single hair on another kid's head. That thought alone scared him. Being banned and sent out into the world alone, so he just allowed the kids to beat him. Isaac knew he probably deserved it anyway.

Isaac stayed ducked down on the ground with his hands covering his head, as the other kids gave him steady blows to the face and ribs. It didn't help that one of the kids was wearing steel toe boots. Every kick that Isaac felt coming to his body was just another reminder of all the bad things he had done to people in school.

"Stop." A strong familiar voice was heard and it caused everyone to stop. Isaac looked up at the kids who circled him. They all looked slightly scared as they have been caught doing something bad. "Leave now." Peyton snapped at the kids.

No one would dare go against the Alpha family so the kids left quickly.

Isaac wiped the blood coming from his nose, but it still came gushing out. While standing to his feet Isaac thanked Peyton.

"Don't thank me," Peyton replied. "Why didn't you fight back?" Peyton sounded pissed.

"Because I don't want to get kicked out," Isaac replied. "I'd rather get beat up by them then my dad. It hurts worse when it's someone that is supposed to love you."

Peyton rolled his eyes, "You idiot. My dad isn't going to kick you out for something that stupid. Sadly." Peyton mumbled the last part. "Unfortunately, you're here to stay. I heard my parents talking about it last night."

"Really?" Isaac questioned in disbelief. He couldn't believe what he was hearing.

Peyton ignored him and began trudging forward in the direction of his house. Isaac followed closely behind him as he would have to change his clothes because of all the blood. Early this morning, Blaire had given him some clothes and necessities to take care of himself.

Peyton turned around and glared at Isaac, "Why are you following me?"

"Don't flatter yourself. I need to clean myself up." Isaac retorted. This was nothing new to Isaac, it was just simply another day and another beating he would shrug off. Especially around Peyton, Isaac wasn't going to show any weakness. Isaac didn't want to show how much this truly affected him.

"Whatever." Peyton scoffed and continued walking.

The quietness was eating away at Isaac. Normally he wouldn't have been bothered by the silence but when he was around Peyton, it bothered him for some reason.

Toying with his fingers, Isaac tried to think of a good conversation starter. He was overthinking it to the point where sweat started to form on his forehead and mingle in with the blood.

"So your mom has a pet deer?" Isaac asked.

"Can you stop talking?" Peyton asked.

"Can you stop being an asshole." Isaac retorted.

"That's rich coming from you," Peyton said.

"Look I know I have done a lot of bad things. Starting with Kai-" Isaac began but was cut off by Peyton.

"I don't want to hear anything about it. Let's just get home so I can clean your wounds. Then I don't want to see your face for the rest of the day." Peyton stated.

Isaac knew how to clean his own wounds, but it wasn't going to deny Peyton's help. Perhaps this would be a better chance to get closer to him.

Isaac's eyes widened and he shook his head as if dismissing certain thoughts, "Only as a friend." He whispered to himself.

"What?" Peyton snapped.

"Nothing." Isaac dismissed it.

Peyton instructed Isaac to sit in one of the kitchen tables when they got to the house. Peyton then grabbed the first aid kit and a washcloth. Then Peyton grabbed a bowled it filled it with warm water. Usually, first aid kits were only brought out with serious injuries but Peyton could tell that Isaac's healing wasn't fast or else it would have stopped bleeding already.

Dabbing the washcloth in the warm water, Peyton then brought it to the largest cut on his face and began to clean it.

It stung a little but the pain wasn't that bad.

After Peyton cleaned the wounds he put ointment on the cuts and covered them with dressings and bandages.

During the process, Peyton had noticed a two big scar on the sides of Isaac's neck. They were symmetrical with each other. "What's this from?" Peyton pointed at them.

Isaac raised both his hands to trace the scars on each side of his neck. "I was late making dinner one day for my father so he took a knife and cut each side of my neck. I almost bleed out but unfortunately, I wasn't that lucky." He remembered that day clearly like the rest of his torturous days in that hell hole. Isaac clearly remembered how he mentally begged for death that day as his father watched him nearly bleed to death.

"I'm sorry." Peyton looked away unable to look him in the eyes. He almost felt sorry for him.

"Don't be. I'm okay now." Isaac replied.

"I didn't know it was that bad..." Peyton trailed off. He cleared his throat, "So what I'm trying to say is that I'm glad your here. No one deserves that." Peyton spoke.

"So does that mean we are friends now?" Isaac jokingly said to try and lighten the mood.

Peyton scuffed with a playful glint in his eyes, "You wish."

Isaac rolled his eyes and walked into the living room to sit down. Isaac wanted to relax a little bit as he was beginning to feel sore. On the bright side, Isaac actually realized that his wounds healed quicker. They seemed to heal almost immediately once Peyton applied the ointment. Isaac would have to figure out what that stuff was because he could use some more of the good stuff.

Isaac felt his throat tingle and then he realized how thirsty he was. Isaac was just about to get up but it seemed like Peyton already read his mind because Peyton was right beside him with a glass of cold water.

"Thank you," Isaac said. Although Isaac was confused about how Peyton knew he was thirsty. What Isaac didn't realize was that Peyton was watching Isaac from the kitchen, and Peyton noticed how Isaac held his hand to his throat.

Peyton sat down on the couch beside Isaac.

Isaac's eyes wondered around the livingroom. The house felt so different to Isaac and he would never stop thinking its beautiful. Isaac looked at the huge television and then down at a weird looking box.

"What's that?" Isaac pointed at the game console.

"It's a Playstation," Peyton answered.

Isaac's nose wrinkled, "What's a Playstation?" He asked.

This time Peyton's eyes widened, "You've never played before?" He asked.

Isaac shook his head, "I wasn't allowed to watch television, let alone play on whatever those are."

Peyton stood up and retrieved two gaming controllers. He tossed one at Isaac and said, "Prepare to get your ass kicked on Mortal Kombat." Peyton laughed. This was going to be easy.

After playing a couple of rounds and constantly losing, Isaac wanted to stop playing. "That's not fair." Isaac frowned as he watched his character being used as a personal ashtray. Isaac shivered at the sight and looked away. Peyton was smiling until he looked at Isaac's body expressions.

Trailing his eyes up Isaac's arms, he noticed all the scars where cigarettes were put out on his skin. Peyton cursed himself, maybe it was a triggering sight for him. Peyton wanted to play more but he didn't want to upset him. Quickly, Peyton turned off the Playstation and the room fell silent.

"So if weren't allowed to watch television then what did you do for fun?" Peyton asked curiously.

Isaac smirked as he abruptly looked at Peyton, "I can show you how to make homemade grenades and bombs." Isaac said.

Later that night, Alec and Leah gathered with a small group of pack members to discuss matters in private. Rem and Grace were present along with Damon, Axe, and just a few others that were in on this plan. The woman, Kylie, that managed to escape Crow's territory was present as well. It only made sense that she would be here as she is the one that provided insight on the whereabouts and much more regarding Crow's pack.

Rem hugged Grace tightly and kissed her lightly on the lips. The kiss ended up deepening into a much more passionate kiss. Then it ended as a goodbye kiss.

Rem knew the risks of this plan that he suggested in the first place, but that didn't make saying goodbye easier. Hopefully, Rem would make it back to everyone and most importantly Grace. It would be tough but not impossible.

As the couple continued kissing for quite some time now, the others looked casually around the woods avoiding eye contact.

Once Rem stopped kissing Grace and looked over to his close friends and gave them a hug one by one.

"Be safe," Leah said as she hugged Rem.

Alec wouldn't admit it but it hurt to see his best friend going away for a while. Although, he knew that Rem was headstrong in his ways. Truthfully, Alec and Rem both knew that they needed an inside man.

Rem returned to Grace and cupped her face as tears started to roll down her cheek. "This is where I cut you off, okay?" Rem said. He was referring to the mate bond. It was the only way to stop Grace from feeling the same pain he knew he would feel.

Grace nodded and gave him one last kiss. "Just be safe, okay? I love you, Rem, please come home to me. To us." Grace motioned with her eyes to the others that stood by.

"You ready?" Axe said as he held a syringe with a needle. Rem walked forward to Axe to receive the shot.

The shot served the purpose of combating any other effects of injections he would receive. Alec and Rem knew the tactics of Crow very well. As soon as Rem would be captured, Crow would inject him with a toxin that would block out the mind link completely, which would stop him from communicating with Alec and his pack. However, they had a way around that one. Therefore, Rem could be their inside man, all he would have to do is fake the side effects that came with the injections from Crow.

Grace held herself together as it felt like she was watching her world shift and run into the woods.

Thanks to the directions of Kylie, Rem ran in the direction of Crow's pack of rogues where he could fake being caught and held captive. Then Rem's plan could begin.


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