Blood Lust and Love

Chapter 15


Isaac's father sat up from the couch with a pounding headache. Not evening care about it, he picked up the vodka bottle laying on the floor. Headache for him happened every day.

Isaac's father reached into his pockets and pulled out his pack of cigarettes. He put the cigarette up to his lips and lit it. As he inhaled the thick cloud-like smoke and stared up ahead. His eyes used to hold meaning once.

The picture he was staring at, like a hollow shell, proved that. His beautiful mate. The picture on the wooden stand was of both him and his mate. The days of when they were both happy and had each


That was before.

Before the rogue attack.

The memories often repeated themselves in his dreams. The memory of him he first arrived at the scene and saw his mate dead and his son was barely breathing.

It around two months for Isaac to recover from that attack. Isaac was a strong wolf at that age. Isaac was an alpha, but his mom was weak. Isaac's mother was an omega before she mated with an alpha, and in his father's pack, females didn't train. That was just their custom.

That day, Isaac fought the two rogues that attacked them. Isaac killed the rogues and was badly injured. Unfortunately, it was too late and Isaac couldn't save his mom.

The guilt that Isaac felt since the day has never faded. Isaac's life was practically over that day. His whole entire light in his life disappeared with his mother's soul. Not only has Isaac bared the suffering and yearning for his mother, who was out of reach, he also suffered at the hands of his father.

Isaac's father deeply resented him because he thought Isaac didn't try hard enough. It didn't help that Isaac's father blamed him for everything that night. What Isaac's father didn't know what that Isaac tried his very best that day. Isaac did all he could, he was only just a young child, to begin with.

So there Isaac's father sat staring at the picture. He used to feel love and happiness from looking at that picture, but now all he felt was emptiness and hollowness. The pain that emancipated from his chest was so unbearable that he wanted to drink again to get rid of him.

Isaac's father wasn't really fit to be the alpha, but his pack members feared him and no one stood up to challenge him. They were also all weaker than him because most of them didn't receive training as all the pack members do in Alec's pack.

This was how the werewolf males looked when they lose their mate. Well some of them anyway. Not everyone grieves the same way, but most werewolves lose themselves when they lose their mate. The pain of losing a soulmate soon would take over you and cause you to he unrecognizable. Even the most powerful Alphas can fall into nothing if they lose their soulmate.

Turning up the vodka bottle again, a struck of lightning was heard outside, then he realized how quiet it was in the house. He listened closely and wondered where his son might be.

Then when the door finally opened and Isaac walked in, Isaac's father became angered with him already. It was like a sudden trigger or burst of anger every time he saw Isaac's face. Isaac's face was just another reminder that his mate died instead of him. Isaac's father wished that his own son had died instead of her.

Peering at Isaac with such hate, Isaac's father exhaled the smoke from his cigarette, "Come here." He spoke with such a strong tone.

Isaac walked straight up to his father without hesitation. He knew that his father wouldn't hurt him as much if he did. If Isaac should any hesitation, then his dad would only make him suffer more.

"Yes, father?" Isaac asked in a kind tone hoping to not be the victim again.

"Where have you been?" His father asked.

"You said not to come home until around this time yesterday," Isaac answered.

"Not I didn't. Stop lying!" His father yelled. "I know what I said and didn't say."

This would happen quite often. His father would yell at him to get lost and not come back to the next day, then he would drink so much that he forgets what he said the next day. There was no use trying to argue with the angry alpha, Isaac knew that. The only thing that Isaac could do was to just take the punishment and be on his way. If he argued back that he would wish he was dead.

"Stop deceiving me. You're lucky I'll go easy on you this time. I'm not going to put you in the dungeons for now. Go boil a pot of water." His father commanded.

Isaac grimaced in pain already, but bowed his head and walked to the kitchen. He filled up a pot from the sink and put it on the stove.

Isaac's body was so weak already that he wasn't sure how much he could take. Not just physically, but mentally too. Isaac didn't heal fast because his body was so warn out, but Isaac still at least knew how to fight. Just not his father, he was afraid of him.

The only good thing was that Isaac wasn't in as much pain before because it was like his body reset and he didn't know how. He still had a hard time healing now, but all his injuries had healed completely that one day. He assumed that Kai had something to do with it, but he couldn't exactly prove it.

The water was done boiling. Isaac brought the pot, with scorching hot liquid inside, over to the living room where his father was. Isaac sat the pot down beside his father's feet. This became a routine now when Isaac became in trouble and he knew not to fight it, and the one time he cried and screamed in pain he was sent to the dungeon for a week without food.

Isaac's father sat the vodka bottle down and picked up the pot handle. Raising to his feet he dangled the pot over his head, then he poured the hot water over Isaac's head. The water that was recently boiling cascaded down Isaac's head to the rest of the body.

Isaac held in everything the best he could as his skin instantly turned red and started to blister up. Isaac forced himself not to scream. Not to cry out in pain. And not to even be phased by it.

Not satisfied with his son's actions, Isaac's father walked into the kitchen and told his son to sit still. Isaac grabbed a bottle of chemicals to spray on Isaac's burns. This was something new that he wanted to try.

Coming back to the living room, he kneeled down beside his son Isaac, who feel to the floor frantically grabbed his burning arms in pain. It almost made Isaac cry out loud.

Isaac's father sprayed the chemical on his arm, and Isaac made a stifled pained noise. The burns stung and his skin flared up. Tears welled up in Isaac's eyes, and he flinched away instinctively.

Isaac's father continued to spray his skin until a loud thud was heard against the front door three times. Putting the spray down, Isaac's father walked over to the entryway.

Isaac exhaled in happiness at the short break he received. He no longer was hopeful of escaping, he was more hopeful of receiving short breaks like this one.

Isaac's father opened the front door and his eyes immediately widened.

His beta fell to the floor as the door opened. Behind him was Alec, who beat the shit out of the Beta and used his face to knock on his own Alpha's door.

The Beta laid on the floor of the entryway, he was completely knocked out and had blood trickling down his forehead.

"That was fun. I hope you put up a better fight." Alec stepped over the Beta's body and stalked toward the cowardly Alpha, who was backing away in fear.

The Alpha studied Alec. The blood trickling down the corner's of Alec's mouth, and the crazy look at his face. Alec came ready to shed blood. Isaac's father hasn't even seen Alec so sinister since the first war, which he didn't take part in.

Alec was taller, stronger, and bigger than this puny Alpha.

"Alpha Knine. What are you doing here?" The Alpha addressed Alec with respect and fear as he mumbled over his words.

"I'm here for your blood." Alec was ready to blow off some steam. This is what he needed to do.

Alec charged after the Alpha. It wasn't even really a competition on who would win. All the other Alpha was good for was picking on others, who were two times smaller than him. The other Alpha wasn't even ready for a real challenge.

The other pack members of Isaac knew Alec was here, but no one stepped in to defend their Alpha how was being beaten by the hands of someone else. Truthfully, some wolves enjoyed knowing the fact that their Alpha was getting a taste of his own medicine. The main one that was happy was Isaac.

Although, that happiness was short-lived as he watched Alpha Knine beat his dad into something unrecognizable. Isaac's watched as the furniture in the house got broke in the process. Isaac knew that when Alec would leave, then his father would just take his anger out on him. He was always going to be left alone with his father. There was no escaping that. Everyone always left him.

"Please stop! You don't have to deal with him when you leave!" Isaac begged Alec. Isaac didn't know what this newfound sense of courage was, but he immediately regretted it. Now Alec was going to hurt him. He never felt so much fear before. This was definitely the end of his life. He wanted to crawl in a hole and die now before Alec finished him off by his bare hands. Isaac was so nervous and scared that he couldn't think straight.

"Very well then. Isaac, you're leaving with me. I don't care what you have to say about it. As if you even had the power to do something anyway." Alec shoved the Alpha's face back to the ground where all the broken glass was. He effectively made another enemy. A harmless one for know because the Alpha was completely knocked out. And this even more broken house told the story.

Isaac was shocked and taken back by his words. He didn't even move, mostly because all the power that radiated from Alec put Isaac in overdrive. Isaac was more than afraid of the state that Alec was in. One wrong move and Alec could hurt him. His own father hurt him, so why wouldn't some other powerful alpha do the same. Especially when Isaac would bully his own son.

"I'm not going to repeat myself. Get your stuff. We are leaving. Hurry before I take back my curiosity of your pleads and kill your father." Alec told Isaac.

Personally, Isaac didn't really care if his dad lived or died, but at the same time, he didn't want to become as cruel as his father was. That is what Isaac even spoke up and tried to save his dad.

Isaac looked around the house and started to think. He really had nothing here for him anyway. Nothing except the clothes on his back. This place hasn't even felt like a home to him in years. "I have nothing here for me..." Isaac whispered. How ashamed he felt. It's sad you have nothing left in your house but shame and disappointment. Failure and guilt were his friends, but pain and suffering were his soulmates.

Alec turned out the door and motioned Isaac to follow him. Alec wasn't sure about the details yet, but he had a long way to think about it. Isaac's pack was far away from the Knine pack, and it took most of the day to even travel there. Isaac also slowed Alec down on the way back. Isaac wasn't used to running so they walked the majority of the way, both in silence.

Alec led the way, a small wolf following a huge beast. Isaac felt so tiny compared to Alec in wolf form. Their demeanor was different too. Alec still radiated anger and rage, and that affected Isaac. Isaac hunkered closer to the ground in fear but still followed him.

The eerie silence passed on into night time when they finally got home. Thankfully after the long walk, Alec was calm and now logically thinking. Alec paused outside his house and looked back at Isaac. Giving him the look to stay, Isaac obeyed.

Alec shifted and walked inside his house to get clothes for him and Isaac.

Isaac stayed outside in the cool night. It has been a while since he shifted into his wolf form and it felt so nice for a change. Isaac even healed slightly faster due to shifting, but he was still in pain. Mostly, Isaac was tired after all that walking. He laid down and rested his head on his paws. Isaac looked like a large dog sleeping in front of its owner's house.

Alec returned with a spare change of clothes for Isaac. It was night time and everyone was sleeping, so Alec had to sneak into Peyton's room, without waking anyone up, to get clothes for Isaac.

Alec placed the spare clothes beside Isaac on the ground. "Put these on and come inside. There is a spare bedroom upstairs. It is the only room that is open." Alec said then went back inside.

Isaac raised his head from his paws and stared at the direction that Alec went. This must be a dream. Isaac didn't know how someone could show this much kindness to him. Isaac didn't even get a chance to thank Alec.


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