Bladewarriors Book 1: Refresh

Chapter Primordial Power

When time began, when the world was created, when life was planted upon the planet, the gods had chosen each an animal with which to gift their might. When those divine beings had first passed their blessings on to their chosen beasts, those creature were still but mere animals – mindless, and wild. With the grace bestowed upon them by the gods, they became monsters, but their minds were still primitive and primordial. As The Serpent rose, the pain of her transformation surging through the beast's entire body, her mind was locked in that primal form – nothing more than a wild chaos of instinct and reflexes. The first desire that dawned on that reborn creature was to seek shelter – to return to her home in the sea.

With a wild plunge, the monster had crashed through the floor, bursting through the ancient castle of the Water Realm, returning to the untamed reaches of the ocean from wince she first came. As the cool water flowed over the beast, the pain of her metamorphosis waning, the monster's intelligence and memory slowly began to return. It was as if, all at once, her entire existence repeated before her – every memory becoming new and fresh, every event passing in a blink. And then, The Serpent paused, stopping beneath the turbulent waves of the ocean, her mind restored.

The gigantic beast turned, staring towards the towering peak of Kumari Kandam – the castle from which humans once reigned over the realm – the structure from which she now ruled as well. The primordial beast hissed, glowering at the structure – at the unseen gnats that still stood within. She had trouble comprehending it – believing it. Those children… they had actually slain her. They had destroyed her human form, forcing her to return to her primordial state – to the gigantic serpent of the sea that she truly was. When she had first transformed herself – morphed into the small, condensed package of humanity – she had never thought she would need to take this form again.

But she had, and for once, she was glad it had still existed within her, and that she had followed The Dragon King's wish to take the frail form. At the same time, though, there was a sense of liberation and freedom at having returned to her original state. She had forgotten home cramped human form had made her feel.

Bellowing, the beast burst forward through the waves, crashing into the upper room of the Kumari Kundam tower, spilling into the already filled compartment. The creature spun around, scanning the room for any signs of those troublesome warriors, but none remained. Given their need for air, she could make only one assumption. The beast spun around, slithering back out from the room as she quickly rose to the surface, breaking through with a mighty splash. Head raised, the monster turned toward the top of the structure – the strange island of waves that marked her lair. There, waiting for her, were those brats.

"To push me this far… I must congratulate you all."

The Serpent's voice seemed to shake the very air as she spoke, sounding much deeper than it had before – barely sounding feminine.

"How sad, for you, that none will ever know of it."

Flare clenched the blade in his hand, trying to will the pain in his chest to go away. On their ascent, and in the few moments before The Serpent had rose, Ivy had been busy working her magic – healing what she could – but Flare had waved her away when she offered to finish what she had begun earlier. The wound was no longer life-threatening. He felt confident he could last, if the rest of them were at full strength. Of course, neither Frost nor Myst were quite to full health, but… it would have to do.

"I think word will get back to shore eventually," Flare replied, trying not to let on that he was still hurting, "at the very least, people will take notice when you stop terrorizing them."

"I think you misunderstood me, boy." The Serpent boomed, the ocean shaking with her voice.

"Oh, no, I understood." Flare grinned. "I just think you're wrong."

Myst grimaced, her shoulder still aching. The nymph had only allowed Ivy to close the wound before she pushed her toward Frost. She could deal with a dull throbbing, especially if Flare was going to try and manage with his injury. Still, as she stared at the boy, she wondered what insanity possessed him to taunt that massive snake when they were all in such a state. Especially when she had no idea how they were going to fight a creature that was that monstrous.

"Insolent brat!" The Serpent roared as response. "I was considering offering you all a painless death if you would simply relent, but I see you are not worthy of that level of compassion!"

"Nah, we just don't need it!" Frost grunted, pushing Ivy's sword away. He had hoped she might finish with his wound before this moment came, but now that the beast had returned, he couldn't let them be caught defenseless. He'd just have to make do with what Ivy had managed.

"The fact that you'd be willing to make such an offer after everything… just means you're scared." Flare grinned as he mocked the beast.

"Scared!" The Serpent hissed, whipping around to bring her head close to the group, moving with enough speed that she could see them all leap away as she pulled in close. "Of you! Don't get cocky, boy. You haven't the power to best me."

"We'll see." Myst spat back, a noticeable uneasiness hanging to her. "We already know your weakness."

"My weakness?" The beast snorted, unleashing a disturbing laugh as she turned to look at the green-haired girl in their midst.

Ivy gulped, stepping back as the monster's eyes fell upon her, its stare burrowing into her. The tomboy struggled to keep her hands from shaking as she stared up at that monster, hoping that this battle wouldn't still rely on her. The Serpent's first form was bad enough – a witch of tremendous power and skill. She had been terrified as it was, but this? A giant sea serpent, towering over her? How was she supposed to fight that?

"You mean this girl?"

The Bladewarriors seemed to flinch again as the Serpent swung her tail up, pointing the tip of it toward the Thornian. The monster bellowed out another laugh as she slowly shook her head back and forth.

"That girl will be all but useless to you."

"Keep talking, worm. We've already seen what happens when she stabs you." Frost stepped to the side, moving between the snake and Ivy, unable to watch the girl quiver any longer. For once, though, he couldn't blame her. Staring up at the massive creature poised over them, he couldn't help but be terrified as well. But he refused to let it show.

"Foolish child, to me she's nothing but a flea now. Her sword no longer has the power to slay me. Not in this form."

"Big talk coming from oversized fish chow." Frost rebutted, grinning as the beastly mug of The Serpent twisted in anger.

"Enough! Try if you like, but you gnats won't beat me!"

The Serpent reared its head back, preparing before it thrust it forward, spewing out a massive burst of water at the small group. In a familiar formation, Myst and Frost rushed to the forefront of the group, slashing out with their swords at the oncoming assault. The crescent waves of their magic shot forth, crashing against the incoming watery jet, turning it once again into a chaotic mass of crystal that crashed down to the ground.

"This again!" The Serpent roared, slithering back as Myst and Frost moved to either side of glacier. Just as before, the Arctican slashed out with his sword, sending a second wave of ice hurtling toward the Divine Beast's skull. This time, Myst joined in the attack as well, summoning up a swell of water from the ocean to fire at the massive beast.

"Do you think me a fool!" The Serpent coiled her head back, avoiding the dual strikes as she swung her tail around, bringing it up before crashing the massive appendage down on the block of ice, shattering it before the Flamian had a chance to make the mass explode like before. As the monster's tail crashed to the ground, though, knocking the ice away, The Serpent realized something: The Flamian and the other girl weren't there.

"What's this!" The Serpent hissed, eyes scanning the area for only a moment before her pupils came to rest upon a small hole in the wave-like island. The beast seethed, realizing the two had escaped somewhere.

"Where are you!" The beast roared, pulling her head back, eyeing the Arctican and Aquatican as the two launched another array of attacks her way. Once more, the massive snake bent her body away, slithering quickly around to the opposite side of the two warriors to avoid the attacks.

"Right next to you!"

As the beast moved, a holler rang out, followed quickly by an explosion. The Serpent halted, feeling the heat next to one of her coils as she swung her head towards it. From the dwindling explosion of flames, two figures darted – already surprisingly close to her body. The Serpent grinned, understanding their intent, and decided to allow them the chance they sought.

Flare dragged Ivy with him, pulling her along as quickly as the two of them could move toward the massive beast. As they grew close to the monster's scales, the redhead flung the girl in his grasp forward, Ivy letting out a defiant scream as she thrust her blade forward, the tip of the sword easily stabbing through the monster's scales. But… nothing happened.


Ivy tried to call out to warn the flame warrior, but it was already to late as The Serpent's end swung by, knocking them both away with incredible force. The two warriors flipped through the air, stunned by the sheer force of the attack. A damaging fall would have been sure to follow had Myst not acted speedily, causing the sea to surge up and in, catching the two flying teens in its grasp before gently resting them upon the island.

"I told you already." The Serpent roared as she cackled loudly. "That won't work anymore. Ilayda herself is the only one who could stop me now!"

The Serpent spun toward the water witch, eyeing the girl with malice as she swung her end around at the pest. There was no more deflecting her attacks for the little witch – she would no longer attack the brat with water. Not when she had a massive tail with which to strike.

Myst gasped, attempting to leap out of the way as the Divine Beast's rear swung around at her, moving faster than the girl could compete with. It was no surprise as the tail slammed into her, flinging her up into the air. The nymph shouted in pain as she spun upward through the air, tumbling around in a chaotic spiral – the sea and sky blending as she twirled. Even the young girl was surprised when she could make sense of the blurs passing by her, spotting The Serpent as the beast lunged toward her, maw gaping wide as rows of razor sharp teeth seemed to stretch out towards her.

As the girl hung in the air, The Serpent stretching toward her – seeking to consume her – there was something else she noticed: a faint, almost inconspicuous glow shining from the monster's forehead, just between its eyes. But that wasn't even the strangest part, as a dull pulsing of magic forced the nymph to turn away from the oncoming attack, her eyes being drawn to the sword claspedin her hand. There, she found the same strange glow – slightly more noticeable since it was closer to her, but still far from a strong shine.

The nymph was so caught up in the strange light that she barely noticed as The Serpent's maw moved around, her, teeth on either side of her. If not for a sudden yank on the girl's stomach, Myst was sure she would have been killed as she watched the razor sharp teeth slam shut a moment later. The crushing jaws pulled away as something wrapped around her jerked back toward the ground, freeing her from an otherwise gruesome death. As the blue-haired mage looked down, she noticed the familiar green strand of Ivy's vines, spotting the girl pulling her back toward the island.

"You alright?" Flare questioned as Myst splashed to the ground, the vine unraveling from around her waist. She turned, looking up at the flame warrior as he placed himself in front of her – protecting her in case Ivy had been a second later.

"Fine." Myst replied, her thoughts returning to the strange glow she had seen. The nymph swung her head back to her blade, eyeing the undulating edge. It was no longer shining. So what was…?

The nymph gasped, a sudden impulse racing to her mind – a realization that she couldn't believe she hadn't had already. The sword… it was showing her what to do. The glow was the prompt, but it was The Serpent herself – Myst realized – that had told her the key, just seconds earlier. No… not just then… throughout the entire battle.

As if from nowhere, The Serpent's words flooded into her mind, reinforcing the belief she had found. Everything the beast had said – she was an idiot not to realize it. At the time, she had thought it pompous boasting – a sign of the monster's overconfidence. But as she pushed to her feet, dodging to the side as the monster swung her tail down toward them, Myst realized: The Serpent had been telling them how to beat her all along. Though it was likely the monster hadn't even realized.

"Flare!" Myst rolled to her feet, her head spinning as she tried to find the redhead. "I've got it! I know how to beat her!"

"As if you could, little witch!"

The Serpent's roar rang out as the monster swung her tail toward the nymph. At the same moment, the mage felt a cold wind pass beneath her, feeling the familiar chill of the arctic slide beneath her feet. The next instant, as if it happened all at once, a massive blade of ice erupted directly in front of the blue-haired girl, its massive edge slicing into the attacking appendage. With a mighty screech, The Serpent's end was lopped off, flying by Myst as it just barely avoided striking her. The nymph spun, watching the tip of it writhe on the ground a moment before falling lifeless.

"Are you sure!"

Myst jumped, surprised by the closeness of Flare's voice as she spun to face him, Ivy and Frost not far away.

"Yes!" Myst nodded, as confident in her inspirations she could possibly be. "I know how to beat the monster. I just need you all to distract her, and I'll do the rest."

"But what are you going to do?" Ivy questioned, nervously glancing behind them as The Serpent turned an angry glare back towards them. From the eviscerated end of the beast, erupted a squirming mass of what almost looked like water – the deformation quickly taking shape to replace the monster's tail. "What can you do against that?"

"No time to explain!"

Myst turned, rushing to the side as The Serpent swung the regenerated end back down at them.

"Just trust me!"

The nymph swung her head away as The Serpent's tail crashed to the ground, sending a shockwave across the island. The mage stumbled a bit as she ran, circling about the beast as she turned her focus to the monster's forehead – to the spot she had seen that same glow. She wasn't sure if her sword had caused it, or if there was something there that simply responded to her blade's magic, but either way, she knew that was where she needed to strike. But how was she supposed to get there!

"Alright!" Flare shouted, pushing to his feet as a small wave tried to wash over him, kicked up as The Serpent recoiled her tail. If Myst needed that monster distracted, he could make sure it was. The flame warrior gripped at his sword, turning up as The Serpent turned toward Frost, still angry about the damage the fool had done to its tail. A spray of water erupted from the beast's mouth, turned to a spray of snow and ice a few moments later as the arctic warrior defended himself.

"Ivy!" The redhead spun his head around, turning to the green haired girl that was still sticking close to his side. The tomboy turned her gaze to meet his, the fear she possessed still being broadcast openly through her eyes.

"Ivy, I'll help Frost distract The Serpent. You go help Myst! Keep her safe!"

Before Ivy had time to voice any sort of concern, the flame-headed teen burst off, the water around his feet exploding away as the boy moved to help the fool in the distance. Ivy tried to call out – to tell him to wait – but by the time her lips had parted, she already knew it was too late. He was too far away. And he was too focused. She couldn't call him back.

The girl hesitated, watching as he leapt up toward an incoming strike from The Serpent, brandishing his blade as he swung out at the beast. She certainly had no desire to follow him into the chaos, but… how was she supposed to help Myst?

Ivy averted her gaze, turning it toward the distant nymph as she took off running. She had no idea what use she could be – her sword couldn't fell this monster anymore. But, she felt vulnerable – afraid as she stood there by herself. She was too weak – she knew she was – to stand there by herself. Running to Flare was out of the question, but with The Serpent's focus elsewhere, standing at Myst's side would be safe enough. She hated herself for thinking that way – for heading towards Myst not so she could help, but so she could hide – but she didn't see a choice if she wanted to survive this. If she did, she swore, she'd make sure she was ready to fight – to stand on her own – before they reached the next Divine Beast, whichever it might be.

"Myst!" Ivy called out as she got close, drawing the girl's attention to her. "I… I'm here to help!"

The nymph blinked, pausing a moment before she grinned and nodded.

"That's perfect!" Myst beamed, swinging her stare back toward The Serpent, watching as a swirl of fire, ice, and water tore across the island, the snake twisting and weaving through it as a cloud of steam and snow blurred her other friends from view.

"I-it is?" Ivy questioned hesitantly as she stopped at the nymph's side.

"Yeah!" Myst grinned, turning back to Ivy as a plan began to form in her mind. "Remember how you pulled me away from The Serpent a moment ago?"

"Y-yeah?" Ivy replied uncertainly, not sure what the girl was getting at.

"Well I need you to do that again, but in reverse!" Myst exclaimed, her mind racing to make this idea seem a little less crazy.


"I want you to throw me at her head!" Myst lifted an arm, raising a finger to point at The Serpent as her maw tore out of the chaos in the distance.

"Huh?" Ivy turned, watching as The Serpent bent and weaved, striking out at Flare as the redhead dodged to the side before the monster pulled up and spun around to lunge at Frost.

"I don't think—"

"You can." Myst stepped forward, placing a hand on Ivy's shoulder as she cut in. The nymph was trying her hardest to emulate the confidence and conviction that Flare always seemed to speak with. She needed to mimic the convincing nature of the boy – she needed Ivy to not only help, but believe she could. Otherwise, how could she convince herself this was going to work?

"You can. Trust me." Myst repeated, locking eyes with Ivy as she turned toward her. "You don't need to be perfect – you just need to try. Just get me close, and I'll do the rest."

The tomboy didn't respond immediately as she stared into Myst's eyes, watching as the girl's pupils darted back and forth. The nymph was searching her own eyes – looking for faith in her plan. Ivy could tell – as they locked gazes – that Myst wasn't sure of herself or her scheme either. But as she stared back, peering into the mage's pupils, she didn't feel like she could refuse.

"…Alright." Ivy sighed, shaking her head as she wondered if she might be the only sane one there. "Alright, I'll do it. But we'll need to get closer first."

Ivy turned, grimacing at the thought of entering the chaos she could see, but determined to be of use. Taking in a deep breath, she headed toward the battle, mind cluttered with thoughts of failure and concern for her friends – especially the unseen two hidden in the steam and snow.

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