Bladewarriors Book 1: Refresh

Chapter Iladya's Serpent

Frost and Flare struggled to dodge another crushing strike of The Serpent's tail, each of them rushing to avoid the beast as her end swung horizontally toward them. If only by sheer luck, the two managed to leap out of the way, feeling the powerful gust that followed the monster's attacks. Frost crashed to the ground, quick to push himself to his feet as he tried to prepare for the next assault.

"I think I liked her better before!" Frost shouted out at no one in particular as a geyser of water erupted from where he had fallen, nearly catching the fool as it struck his foot – causing him to stumble. "I didn't think it was possible, but I think she's even more of a pain now!"

Flare spun on his heel, swinging his sword through the air as the blade coughed out an intense wave of heat and flame, spewing it toward the Divine Beast. Without even glancing toward him, the monster called up a swell of water to engulf and extinguish the attack. The redhead cursed, spinning his eyes toward Frost. It was no wonder the boy was having so much trouble – The Serpent was all but ignoring him. In this primordial form, he could barely even touch her, let alone hurt her. So of course she was focusing on Frost, who had given her so much trouble earlier and was still the most prominent threat.

Flare gritted his teeth, rushing forward toward the massive body of the creature. He had to find a way to draw the beast's attention, if only for a second. He knew Frost couldn't keep up the pace he was moving at forever – he could already see the boy making simple mistakes and slowing down. If he didn't do something soon, the fool was going to end up dead. Luckily for the arctic warrior, Flare had a decent idea brewing – an idea he had gotten from the simpleton himself.

As the redhead drew close, he raised his sword, pointing the blade behind him. The boy leapt into the air, sending a pulse of fire streaming out his sword, propelling him even faster toward the monster as he soared through the air. Growing near, Flare halted the stream, swinging the blade around. As he reached the mighty snake, Flare thrust the blade forward, sliding the Flame Sword straight into the beast's body. Though no scream of pain rung out, the flame warrior was sure he had gotten the monster's attention as The Serpent suddenly swung her head around to face him, glaring at the flame-headed fool that was propped up against her. As Flare's eyes met the creatures, he simply grinned, as if to let the demonic beast know it wasn't over yet.

Before The Serpent had time to ponder the grin's meaning, a wave of fire erupted across her body, rippling out from the sword that was embedded in her side. The beast screamed, flailing her body quickly in order to fling the redhead free of her, the flames still spreading down her length even as the child was thrown away. The monster acted quickly, forcing the sea to swell up and cover her, dousing the inferno that assaulted her. But as the flames died, a new source of pain arrived.

The Serpent screamed out again as a massive slab of ice erupted from beneath one of her coils, piercing straight through to poke out the top. The Serpent swung a pained glance toward the offending sensation, finding a gigantic blade of ice protruding from her. The arctic fool!

The Serpent roared, scanning the area until her eyes came upon the white-haired idiot, kneeling on the ground as he plunged his blade into the layer of ice he had crafted earlier – a layer that run right under her injured coil.

"Irksome pest!"

The Serpent swung her head back before whipping it forward, unleashing a highly pressurized burst of water at the arctic warrior. Sword in the ground, the fool couldn't move fast enough to dodge as the ball of liquid struck dead on, exploding outward as it did. The monster scanned the spray of water until she saw what she was looking for – the fair-haired fool flying backward through the air. A second later she felt the agonizing blade of ice that had pierced her shatter and fall away. As soon as it did, The Serpent focused her powers on regenerating the wound, trying to heal herself quickly.

So focused was she, though, that the beast almost missed the speck of blue that hurtled toward her head at that same moment. The snake's eyes flicked to the side, spying the blue-haired nymph as the girl flew through the air toward her, sword poised for an attack. The monster sneered, willing her regeneration to move quicker as she quickly undulated out of the girl's path, the water witch's attack narrowly missing her as the tip passed dangerously close before her eyes.

Myst cursed as she flew past The Serpent, twisting in the air as she tried to face the monster again. She had known this would be a likely outcome – that she'd just plain miss the creature – but she refused to give up with just that. With a shake of her sword, the saber transformed into its liquid whip state, undulating as Myst swung out toward The Serpent's neck, trying to ensnare the beast. As the water whip stretched toward the monster, though, The Serpent pulled away, slithering around to the opposite side of her, its maw gaping wide. The nymph cursed as she swung her head toward that familiar row of teeth that snapped out toward her. It was lucky for the girl that the verdant green vine of the Thorn Cutter was still wrapped about her waist. With a quick tug, the nymph was pulled from the clutches of those deadly razors, backtracking through the air toward the girl at the other end of her recouping vine.

The Serpent swung her head to follow the water witch as she retreated back through the air, the monster's eyes spying the green tendril that had once again saved her. Her focus quickly shifted to the opposite end of the vine, staring intently at the Thornian girl that stood there. The child was beginning to become troublesome as well. Narrowing her eyes at the green-haired girl, The Serpent raised her tail as she swung down at the brat.

Ivy gasped, attention quickly brought toward the approaching end of The Serpent, her body stiffening – unable to process a proper response to the assault. She simply stood, transfixed, recoiling the vine that sprouted from her blade as that massive appendage crashed toward her. She knew she should run – she knew she should dodge – but her body would not response. She couldn't bring herself to move as the massive tail slammed down on her, knocking her to the ground with crushing force.

Ivy felt the air knocked from her lungs as a sickening crack rang through her ears – a sound she was sure suggested at least a few broken bones as the tail pressed her down further to the ground. She coughed, struggling to breath, unaware she had released the sword clasped in her hands – unaware the vine that had been growing from it vanished that same moment, causing Myst to crash hard to the ground as well. At that instant, though, the tomboy couldn't be bothered with the thought, her pain overwhelming everything else as the tail lifted up, raising into the air to slap her down again.

Tears began to well in the young girl's eyes as she stared up at the greenish-blue scales that coated the snake's end. She wanted to run – she wanted to get out of the way – but it was not fear that gripped her any longer. Her body simply refused to move, the pain too much to bear as that tail swung back down toward her. She was sure that was it – that was the last thing she would see as she let out a painful and deafening scream.

While a wave of pain did strike the young girl, Ivy nearly ignored it as a wave of joy came along with it. Agony raced through her as a pair of arms quickly and roughly scooped her up, their owner not slowing for a second as he continued on his mad dash, leaping at the last moment to avoid being crushed by that striking tail. The Serpent's assault sent out a blast of air as it struck, knocking the boy gripping her off balance, causing him to stumble and fall. Ivy screamed as she was released, her body slamming against the floor. The pain in the girl's chest made it apparent as she hit that she had at least one broken rib, if not more. But even as that anguish consumed her, Ivy couldn't help but relish it as she rolled across the wet surface of the strange island, her eyes catching a glimpse of her redheaded savior.

Flare grunted, pushing himself quickly back to his feet as he rushed toward his damsel in distress, eyeing the look of pain and relief that covered the tomboy's face as he scooped her up once more.

"You okay!" Flare didn't bother to stop or turn back as he spoke, his focus on protecting the girl in his arms. Ivy didn't respond, staring up at him as she wordlessly nodded instead.

"You won't escape!"

The Serpent roared at the flameheaded boy's interference. She had nearly finished the girl – nearly taken one of them out. How dare he intervene! The beast turned, preparing to swing her tail toward the fleeing fool.

But it didn't move.

Surprised, the monster swung her eyes back to her opposite end, staring at the mass of ice that now encased her ending appendage, gripping it to the ground. Right next to it, sword plunged deep into that quickly-formed glacier, was the arctic warrior.

"Blasted pest!" The Serpent growled, sending the end of her body into a mad writhe as she tried to shatter the ice. But the crystalline structure refused to break. Each movement she made sent a crack down its length, but the ice quickly washed over it again, feed by that damn fool's blade.

"I'll destroy you!" The Serpent took in a deep breath, rearing back her head as she prepared to blast the frigid fool off of her. As she swung her maw forward, though, beginning to unleash the massive burst of fluid, a flash of green wrapped about her jaw, binding it as a powerful tug forced the surprised snake's jaw closed. The surge of water she was about to spew was quickly halted, striking against the inside of the monster's own mouth as the water began to dribble out from the cracks in her teeth.

Furious, The Serpent, turned her head to the side, staring at the vine, following it to its source. But it was not the green-headed girl she had just crushed that she found on the far end of the binding tendril. Rather, it was the flame-haired child, the Mystic Blade of Plant grasped in his hand. His other hand was wrapped tightly about the vine that constricted her, coiled around the brat's arm as he pulled back, trying to keep her strength in check.

The beast tried to scream in frustration, but all that came out was an odd gurgle as she glared at the boy. She flailed about, swinging her body back and forth as she struggled against the vine and the boy. Somehow, though, the child was able to keep her contained, his body barely sliding or shifting at all, despite the massive force The Serpent wielded. She couldn't understand how the boy was able to do it – to hold her in check with a single vine. But she refused to admit she had been bested.

The Serpent lunged forward, no longer resisting the tug of the tendril as she gave into its power. The moment she did, she could see the redhead stumble, and felt the vine around her jaw loosen. Wasting no time, continuing to lunge at the child, The Serpent forced her maw open, aiming a spew of fluid at the pest, striking him with the full force of the blast. The next moment, the vine around her mouth retreated and she was free once more.

It was then that she noticed it – felt it finally: a patter of footsteps along her back.

Myst dashed up the length of the beast, her eyes following the serpentine ridge of the monster's spine as she moved. She focused only on her task – on reaching the head of the beast. She fought with herself not to try and save Flare as he was struck. If she deviated from her path now, the gesture he had made would be meaningless – the strike he had endured would have held no purpose. Instead, she continued to focus on The Serpent's head, even as the beast's eyes swung toward her.

Myst fought to instinct to flee and dodge as those venomous eyes fell upon her, glaring at her fixedly. She urged her feet to continue on – she demanded her body not slow, even as the curl on which she ran suddenly began to rise. A quick wave flowed down The Serpent's being, flinging the poor nymph upward as it suddenly pulled down and away from her feet. But Myst refused to be dealt with so simply.

The Serpent's maw shot toward the young mage as she urged her blade to change – to transform into the ever stretching watery whip. No choice, Myst turned her eyes from the gapping jaw of The Serpent and toward her serpentine body, flinging her blade downward. She willed the whip to stretch and bend, drawing inspiration from the vines which Ivy used – seeing how the girl controlled how they bent in order to reach their target. Using the same tactic, Myst compelled her watery whip to grow, spooling about The Serpent before it collided with itself – merging into itself to create a powerful noose.

With a grunt, Myst pulled herself toward the body, tearing herself from her position in the air as The Serpent swooped past. The nymph had no clue which god to thank for her luck as – somehow – she managed to avoid being eaten yet again, but she had no time to ponder it. Reeling herself in, Myst forced her feet to return to The Serpent before relinquishing the hold her whip had on the beast, immediately continuing her path down the monster's back.

Myst's gaze turned, following the winding road before her as it coiled back around her. Already, The Serpent was poised to attack again, spewing forth a massive swell of froth. But the tumultuous burst of water could not stop this water witch. The nymph swung a hand toward the burst, focusing her mind momentarily on the simple idea of repelling the sea that shot towards her. The jet of liquid shattered in response, just short of striking the girl. Bending around her, the water sprayed out in every direction as Myst swung along the coiling path, the beast's head growing ever closer.

Ivy stared up, marveling at her friend as Myst raced up The Serpent's back, dodging attacks and fighting not to be flung off the beast. She clutched painfully at her side, trying to will the pain there to leave her alone, though it seemed intent on ignoring her wishes.

"Ivy… thank you for lending me this, but I'm gonna have to leave you here, now."

The green-haired girl turned her head, looking towards Flare as the boy stretched his arm back, handing her back her sword. She still couldn't believe how quickly the warrior had acted – how easily it had been for Flare to summon up her blade's power. It was as if he had used the weapon before; the speed and precision with which he had gripped the blade and launched the vine that had rescued Frost. In that same moment he had managed to distract the monster long enough for Myst to climb upon her as well.

Water still dripped from the boy's hair and clothes and she could see the bruises and scratches the warrior had received after taking a direct strike of the monster's strength. A stream of blood was running down the arm he extended towards her, mingling with the ocean water that covered him before the crimson fluid dripped away. She could see him clutching at his side with his free hand as well, much in the same spot she was. But there was no sign of the pain he surely had to be feeling as he stared down at her, motioning that she should take back her weapon. His eyes – his face – his whole demeanor. There was nothing there to indicate he was hurting or that he was scared. All she could see was the boy's determination to fight – to win – to save them all.

Depressed, the green-haired girl reached out as she lowered her head, averting her eyes. Her fingers gently wrapped around the hilt of her blade, feeling the weapon between them for a brief moment before it was hers again. She felt Flare release it – she felt its weight – she felt worthless.

"I'm gonna go help Myst now."

She could hear something different in the boy's voice as he spoke to her – it wasn't the same tone he usually used. She couldn't place it – what she heard – but she thought she could guess it. She clenched her eyes closed as she simply nodded, afraid of what would happen if she tried to speak.

"Just wait here. We'll handle it from here."

Ivy didn't argue as the boy turned, taking off for battle, his own injuries not stopping him. Unable to restrain it fully, a quick sob escaped Ivy's throat as she shook her head gently. Was it pity? Or disappointment? Did that boy realize now how pathetic she was? Did he understand now that she was useless?

Ivy clenched tightly to the clothing on her legs, straining her muscles as she tried to fight not to cry. What a waste she was. Her friends… they had all done so much more than her – taken so much more damage – been beaten much more harshly… and yet they were the ones who were still fighting. She was… she was pathetic.

Flare gave a quick glance back as he drew close to The Serpent, staring back at the girl he had left behind, his eyes sad as a frown worked its way to his face. He didn't want to leave her there like that, but he had to. If they were going to win – if Myst was going to accomplish whatever it was she was trying to do – then she would need all the help she could get. There was no doubt in his mind that Ivy would be out of commission for the rest of the battle, which meant it was even more important that he fight on.

Spinning his head forward, he turned his gaze toward Myst as the girl danced up the snake's spine, dodging and spinning around the monster as it continued to assault her. His head spun to the ground where Frost was concentrating – focusing on the task of keeping The Serpent bound. The flame warrior could see the spreading ice of the arctic child's blade as it sought to hold the entire serpent to the sea. If he could somehow manage that, then that left only one role for him: running interference.

Flare splashed across the ground, spinning his sword toward the floor as he leapt up. At the same instant, a burst of flames erupted from his blade, propelling him upward at great speed. Screaming out as he approached – trying his best to draw The Serpent's attention, Flare spun his blade around, slashing at the monster's head.

The Serpent spun toward Flare as the redhead rose into the sky – into Myst's peripheral. The girl nearly failed to keep her focus as the flame warrior launched his surprise attack, demanding the Divine Beast's attention. A surge of flames – one of the strongest Myst had seen the boy produce – swelled out from the warrior, quickly engulfing The Serpent's head as Myst drew ever closer. A few dozen more feet, and she would be out of the beast's range – on the back of her neck. As that swell of fire struck, though, the Serpent bucked, its body swinging up and out from underneath her. Myst spun forward, the ground below coming into view as she began to fall. She struggled to maneuver in the air – to turn herself as she swung out once more with her water whip… but she missed.

Myst gasped as The Serpent recoiled from her – from the fire – just as her whip was about to round the monster's neck. She had missed! The girl toppled through the air, toward the ground, struggling to spin and face The Serpent again. She realized already, though, that it was too late. She wasn't going to make it. She cursed to herself as she realized she'd have to begin again, preparing to strike the ground and start over, when something grabbed her by the sash around her waist.

Myst yelped as she was tugged upward, a fiery heat swelling around her. She spun her head about, looking towards the source, gasping slightly at the sight. Hand wrapped around her sash, Flare was dragging her through the air, propelled by the burst of fire surging from his sword. She wasn't even sure what to think a moment later as he suddenly released her, sending the girl falling straight toward…

The Serpent!

Myst grunted as she struck the creature, quickly struggling to get a grip on the beast as it writhed beneath her. Startled she turned, flipping around as she got back to her feet, spying the redhead as he soared away, his stream of fire dying out. She wasn't even sure how to explain what had just happened – she wasn't entirely sure she understood it – but she was grateful to the swordsman. With that gesture, Myst had no choice but to move forward – to finish this!

The nymph jumped to her feet, rushing up the last length of The Serpent as rings of ice stretched up behind her, trying to pin the monster to the ground. The back shook and quaked, nearly forcing the mage to slip a number of times as Ilayda's Serpent tried to free itself. Myst could hear the binds breaking – Frost's power and will beginning to give out as he struggled to continue to hold the godly might of the monster they faced. She struggled to move faster – to clear those few last feet – to reach the beast's skull before those bounds gave out. With a wave of desperation – with a desire to make it as quickly as she could – Myst leapt forward, jumping to the top of The Serpent's head – just as the ice that held the monster shattered.

The Serpent swelled up, striking Myst as she landed, forcing the nymph to rise with her before the girl was roughly flung into the air at the apex of the monster's ascent. She could all but see the Divine Beast twist toward her airborne form, open its maw, and lunge. The razor sharp fangs crashing toward her once more, Myst realized no one would rescue her this time – she had to do it herself.

Screaming, funneling her power into her blade, Myst swung out with her sword, transforming the length of it into a watery whip once more. She tried to guage her target – to guess where she needed to strike as she flipped the sword toward it – aiming at what she couldn't even see. The light dimmed as those razor sharp teeth closed around her, locking her in The Serpent's mouth as her blade shot toward its goal.


Flare screamed out in horror as The Serpent's jaw collapsed around the nymph, consuming the girl. His eyes shook as he stared up at the monster, frozen in that position, what looked like a smile covering its face as it stared into the sky. But that sick grin was quickly replaced by a look of pain as the monster roared, swinging her head back toward the ground as a spray of water erupted from monster's mouth. Flare blinked, laughing as he stared at the oddly deep blue spray as a familiar form swung from the torrent, dangling from the monster's mouth.

Still laughing – astounded by the feat the girl had managed – Flare rushed forward, propelling himself upward with his sword once more, aiming toward the swinging girl. Myst's eyes turned toward her as he rocketed towards her, her hand stretching out towards his. Flare reached out, snatching her palm as he flew passed, pulling the girl up with him – above The Serpent's head.

"Do it!" Flare yelled as he released the nymph, grinning as he continued his propelled ascent.

Myst stared at the warrior as he released her, nodding her reply before turning back toward The Serpent – the beast still spewing a spray of water mingled with its own blood. She flipped in the air, staring at the monster's forehead – at the faint dull glow she had seen earlier.

This is it!

Myst swung her sword out, sending her watery whip to coil around the monster' head. She tugged herself toward the beast as the creature's eyes flung towards her – realizing all at once that the sabress had somehow gotten above her. Myst could swear, as she descended, plunging toward the monster's head, that she saw the panic in its eyes.

Myst slammed into The Serpent's head as the creature bucked and flailed, trying to knock her away. But the nymph held strong, her water whip binding her to the monster as she clung to its skull – refusing to be discarded. She realized – regretfully – that so long as this continued, though, there was nothing she could do expect hold on for dear life. If she tried to move or attack, she'd be flung away. She was so close she could actually see the spot on the beast's forehead, and yet… she couldn't reach it!

Once more, though, it was the redhead that came to her rescue – startling the nymph at the same time. With a massive swell of flames and a scorching red light, the flame warrior crashed down on top of The Serpent's skull, just a few feet from where Myst desperately clung. With the accuracy of a demon, the boy struck, a surging swell of flames erupting from the upward angled tip of his sword as he slammed his shoulder into the monster. Even The Serpent couldn't ignore the force behind the strike as she was knocked down – rattled by the sudden impact to her skull. As the monster crashed to the ground, Flare and Myst bounced, the swordsman cutting off his magic as he feel from atop the monster. In that instant, though, he locked eyes with Myst and the girl understood:

It was now or never!

Myst released her bind on The Serpent's head as she scrambled to her feet. Raising herself, the nymph could feel the air shift – the burning heat suddenly replaced by a chilling cold as a wave of ice swarmed over the Serpent's head. She glanced out the corner of her eye, watching as Frost buried his sword in The Serpent's face, glacial ice surging from the wound as he bound the monster to the ground. Still the Serpent struggled – the rest of her body free now – swinging her tail up to strike the arctic warrior. As Myst leapt forward – aiming for that glowing spot on the monster's head – she could see the Divine Beast's tail strike dead on, smacking the arctic warrior down. But even with the crushing blow, Frost remained strong. While he fell to his knees, he kept one hand clasped tight to his sword, ensuring the blade and its ice would hold strong as Myst came done. Ensuring the nymph couldn't miss as she thrust her blade.

She could hear The Serpent crying out – cursing them – insisting they couldn't win, but she ignored it all. Even as the tip of the Aqua Saber burrowed through the scale on The Serpent's head, though – even as the monster screeched in pain and terror – Myst had a hard time believing what she was seeing – what she was hearing. She pressed down, forcing the blade deep, thrusting it into the bone – into the brain. She couldn't explain where the strength came from – how she could manage it. The nymph could only chalk it up to the power of her blade as, suddenly, the beast stopped moving.

Myst gasped, slightly surprised she had been right as she spun her head to stare at The Serpent's quivering pupils.

"I-it can't be!"

The Serpent hissed, her body beginning to grow numb, the pain in her head beginning to fade.

"You couldn't have…!"

She didn't want to believe it – that these brats…! That they had managed to…!

"I can't… I can't!"

She tried to writhe, to move at all, and while she could no longer feel her body, she knew enough to realize it was not responding to her anymore. A welling fury rose in her – a rage that she could not manifest as she turned her pupils to the girl perched atop her maw, thrusting a blade between her eyes. It was… this girl!

"I can't be killed!" The Serpent roared, her vision becoming dark. "I can't be! I'm… I'm…"

The Serpent paused, a realization coming over her as she stared, cross-eyed, at the nymph perched atop her. She realized… she had fallen…

"Ilayda's… Serpent…"

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