Bladewarriors Book 1: Refresh

Chapter Helix Drill

The Serpent relented, letting the ocean of water she had summoned up crash to the ground, her eyes staring furious at the icy dome that marred her throne room. Her barrage was having little effect – it seemed the children hidden within it were intent on staying there. Even as she increased the size and power of her shots, that structure would not bend to her will. If she tried to stretch her influence to the ice itself, she felt a powerful resistance – likely supplied by The Arctic Blade that bound it together, or by the water witch who fought to deflect her. Either way, it was clear it would take a little bit more to shatter that dome if she wanted inside. And she did want in there.

"You can hide as long as you want, you brats!" The Serpent hissed, narrowing her eyes as she addressed the cowardly warriors. "I've lived for millennia – you can't outlast me. You can't just wait for me to go away!"

There was no response other than the gentle creaking of the icy dome as it continued to thicken itself. Were it not for the monster's pride, she may have been forced to admit those children were actually more powerful than she was. Of course, as a Divine Beast – as Ilayda's Serpent – she refused to accept that. She held the power of a god – she had ruled over the realm of water for ages. There was no way she could believe an unruly band of children held more power than she did. And she would show them that!

The Serpent closed her eyes, raising her arms up, holding them out at her sides as she faced her palms to the distant walls. If the force of the fluid that composed that room was not enough, she would borrow the strength of the ocean that lied beyond it. As she spread her power, the walls began to leak – flowing with the sea that they once held at bay. What began as a trickle quickly escalated to a powerful gushing of water, flooding the room. Within moments, a half foot of water coated the floor, continuing to rise as The Serpent opened her eyes once more, glowering at the icy dome that still stood strong. Those children… she would be sure to kill them this time!

The beast began to bring her hands together, her own muscles straining slightly as the ocean tried to fight against her. But she was its master – its ruler – and it could not refuse her will. Pushing against the natural power of the sea, The Serpent began to bind it together, summoning the water she had pulled into the room into a single point around her, the sea surging to greet her, pressing tight against her. If not for her own strength, the ocean's waters would surely have crushed her as they pressed tighter and tighter together, urged on by The Serpent's might. This would finish them.

The Serpent's palms pressed together in front of her chest, signaling her preparations were complete. Around the monster hung an amount of water equivalent to a great lake, condensed tightly about her, taking up the space of only a few feet. The fluid fought against her, constantly trying to burst out, while at the same time being driven to crystallize by the pressure she exerted. But this monster would not allow the liquid to disobey her will. Glowering at the accursed sphere of ice, The Serpent grinned maliciously. No matter the strength, those foolish brats would not survive this.

With a mighty screech, The Serpent thrust her clasped palms forward, the tips of her fingers aimed directly at the frozen hut. In response, a sliver of water shot out from her like a paper-thin blade, stretching endlessly, slicing through the air with astounding speed. As if the structure weren't even there, the aquatic blade sliced straight through its center. At the same moment, the dome exploded outward, the ice flying in every direction as the Bladesmen within abandoned their sanctuary.

Myst and Frost rushed forward, swords drawn and ready in their hands as they streaked toward The Serpent, following the path of the beast's massive blade. The nymph risked a small glance to her side, locking eyes with the fool for only a moment as they ran, an entire conversation seeming to pass between their eyes in that instant. The plan Flare had devised was nothing short of insane. The risks he had asked them all to take were incredible. And yet, they had all agreed to it. They had all agreed that of anything they could come up with, this crazy scheme was probably the most likely to succeed.

The two warriors nodded to each other as they shot their gazes back toward The Serpent as the beast let out a shattering holler, the tight mass of water around her erupting forward all at once. Myst and Frost moved together, as if mentally synched, slashing forward with their blades. From each edge, a distortion erupted – a rippling of air and light that shot through the space to meet the Divine Beast's attack. As the pulses struck, the blast erupted into a chaotic swirl. The water, urged on by The Serpent, was ordered to stop by the nymph. At the same moment, Frost's power gripped it, crystallizing it – freezing the blast as it debated which magic's will it should follow. Waves exploded outward, at a loss for what to do, deciding to strike their own path as they slashed through the air, dicing up the floor before suddenly freezing solid. When the swell finally calmed, all that was left was a massive burst of jagged, chaotic ice.

The Serpent roared, her anger boiling as she stared at the crystal structure. There was no way! There was no way those brats had that sort of power!

The beast had no time to lament her misjudgment of the children's strength though. From either side of the massive block of ice emerged the two warriors, circling around to opposite sides of her.

Did they really think they could stop her! Did they really think they had the power!

Frost skidded to a stop, slashing out with his blade, sending a chilling wave of white flying through the air. As the chilling crescent darted across the room, it left a trail of ice in its wake, flying toward the beast. The Serpent bellowed, slashing her arm toward the approaching burst of magic, forcing the water to rise and intercept it.

The surge of water swelled up for only a second, though, before another force compelled it to fall. Myst slashed down with the Aqua Saber, focusing all her will on controlling the same portion of liquid The Serpent was trying to command. Aided by the augmenting strength of her sword, the nymph forced the surge to stay low enough that Frost's slash flew over it, freezing it without even striking it. The Serpent cursed, screeching as the crescent grew dangerously close.

Those brats! How dare they! The Serpent glowered at the fair-headed fool. It was time she reminded them who she was – what she was! She was a Divine Beast – A Creature of the Gods! The air around The Serpent flashed for only a moment, and the next instant Frost's attack struck the same invisible wall that monster had created before, halting the strike instantly. These fools couldn't touch her!

It was then that the next stage of Flare's plan began. It was proceeded by only a brief moment the filled the room with the sound of cracking ice. Then, an explosion engulfed that arctic beacon Myst and Frost had crafted, sending chunks of ice hurtling through the room. A few of the massive slabs of frozen water crashed against The Serpent's shield, shattering further before they bounced away. Where they had just been was now only a sea of flames as fire licked out, expanding in every direction like an insatiable beast. From that swell of heat and light burst the redheaded warrior, rushing forward with all the speed he could muster.

The Serpent grinned, watching the flaming idiot surge toward her, blade drawn. Had he not already learned that was useless? With a laugh, the monster swung a hand toward the Flamian, sending a spear of water crashing to meet him. Just before it struck – without the redhead even slowing or wavering in the slightest bit – the spear was forced down, compelled to fall by the water witch as the boy continued along his path. The beast was surprised, but not alarmed as the redhead reached her shield, swinging out with his blade.

Flare funneled every ounce of power he could muster into the attack, summoning up the largest explosion he felt he could afford to make and still have his friends be safe. Fire and flames spread across the barrier, shooting in every direction as they clouded the monster's vision, as they completely surrounded her and flung Flare back – his own power rebounding against him. The flames licked at his skin, burning him as he focused the swords usual flame resistance else where – on the key to this whole assault.

By the time The Serpent saw it – by the time the flames had cleared enough to show even a shadow of the girl – she was already far too close. There, in the center of the explosion, following the Flamian's path through the room was the Thornian. The Serpent gasped, startled at how close the girl was – that she was rushing through those flames unharmed. Already, the girl's sword was swinging toward her – toward her barrier. Had these kids… had they really figured it out!

The Beast clenched her teeth, moving as quickly as she could, stepping forward to slap her palms against her own barrier, funneling every ounce of strength into her magical protection just as Ivy's blade clashed down against it. Just like before, the barrier flashed blue with the strike, but unlike before, it was not the girl alone that clashed against her. From the beast's side, swells of waves and ice crashed into her barrier, pressing against it – testing its limits.

It was impossible. That was the only thought running through The Serpent's mind as she saw a crack appear in her shield. It was impossible. There was no way these pests could have this sort of power. There was no way they were stronger than her! She was their better. There was no way… she could be beaten by a gaggle of pathetic humans!

The Barrier flashed, seeming to explode outward as the Serpent screamed, her power overflowing as it surged outward. The beast roared, her energy thrashing as the barrier surged out, streams of water flowing with a speed and agility not yet seen in this battle as a blast of blue light filled the room.

Ivy shouted, startled as her blade bounced away, her body pushed back by the overwhelming force of The Serpent's power. She heard something – felt something – but she had no idea what it was as a blue light filled everything in her vision – replacing the room and her friends and the beast from sight. The tomboy raised her arms, shielding herself from the unseen as what felt like a powerful wind washed over her, trying to press her further and further back. But she held strong, maintaining her position, somehow sure that as long as she refused to let herself be moved, things would be alright. As that strange blue light cleared, though, the green-haired girl was shown how wrong she was.

Ivy gasped, horror covering her face as she stared forward, finding a mass of red standing in front of her.

"F… Flare!"

Ivy called out, reaching forward to support the boy as he began to collapse, a burst of blood erupting from the boy's chest as a translucent blue spear pulled back from the boy's body.


Ivy called out again as the redhead coughed, trying to support him as he tried to push her off.

"What happened! What's going on! Flare!"

Even as the girl asked the questions, her own mind was already deriving the answers. Her eyes shot to her left and her right, staring as Myst and Frost fell to their knees as well, the same crimson red liquid dripping from them as watery streams slowly retreated, pulling back into The Serpent's otherwise invisible barrier.


Flare coughed as he spoke for the first time, still trying to push her away as he gripped at his wound, as if trying to hold the blood in.

"Do it now!"

A wave of the boy's passion flowed through her as she stared down in disbelief at the boy, his arms finally forcing her to let him go. She stared at the flame warrior as he collapsed to the ground, struggling to breath. Her eyes quickly spun to Frost and Myst, watching as they struggled to support themselves as well. This… this was…

"This was the plan all along."

Ivy trembled as she realized it. She understood, now, what all of them had already known without saying it.

Ivy flung her head upward, watching as The Serpent struggled to stand back up, breathing heavily as she tried to recover from expending so much of her own power. She had weakened herself. Flare had counted on this – planned for it. She was…

The tomboy clenched down on her sword standing as she quickly pushed herself forward. The Serpent raised her had at the same moment, frustration swelling in the beasts face as she realized she had somehow missed the girl – that the girl was still willing and ready to fight. The beast pushed herself up as she fell forward, pressing her hands against her barrier once more, funneling what strength she had left into the invisible wall, meeting Ivy's strike once again.

The barrier flashed blue as the tip of the Thorn Cutter struck it, but the blade did not rebound away this time as Ivy pressed against it with all her strength, willing the structure to break. With all her strength, the tomboy pressed forward, struggling against the unseen force, but it would not give as The Serpent fought back against her.


Ivy clenched her eyes closed as she dug her feet into the ground, leaning into the strike, forcing her body to continue to fight.


The Bladewarrior pleaded with her sword, calling out to it as she had before. She needed more power – see needed the blade's strength!

They all counted on me! They all put their faith in me! They all put their lives on the line and believed in a waek nothing like me! So… so PLEASE!

Somewhere deep inside that blade, the spirit that dwelled silently within heard the girl's call. With a pulsing green flash, a surge of power erupted from the blade, flowing up Ivy's arms as the girl gasped. Her eyes sprung open, turning to the weapon in her clutches as a verdant glow exploded from it – as those twisting helix blades began to spin. There was no rational explanation as Ivy stared at the store, watching as the double blades began to turn, as if some engine lied within the blade's guard – some mechanism that caused them to move. The blades began to spin faster and faster, twirling about each other as that strange green glow began to pulse and flow from the blade, turning that sword into a drill.


The Serpent screamed, an actual tinge of fear in the beast's voice as her eyes rested upon the hastening speed of the drill.

"You haven't the power! You can't! You aren't Her!"

The Serpent hollered, finding a source of power deep within her to tap into – an energy that even she didn't know was there, funneling it into the barrier, trying to push that drill back. But even as she did, the structure began to crack – to break as Ivy pressed hard against it, urged on by her blade's response to her desperate pleas. Her friends had believed in her, and…

"… I refuse to let them down!"

Terror engulfed the Divine Beast as Ivy's eyes flashed green, synchronizing with the pulse of her sword's strength. A large crack exploded along the edge of her barrier, harkening to the approaching destruction of the invisible shield. Panicking, The Serpent's mind sought an escape. The beast – losing herself – tried to take on her liquid form and escape into the ground. But as she did, a force gripped her, binding her in place. The Serpent spun her head to the side, watching as the nymph raised a weak arm toward her, glaring defiantly as the witch extended her magic to keep The Serpent from fleeing.

"Now!" The Serpent spun her head forward again, eyes quivering as they fell upon the glare of The Plant Bladewarrior – as the girl called out. "Die!"

All at once, the barrier around The Serpent exploded, no longer able to withstand the force placed upon it. Once more, as the girl stumbled forward a single step, the Serpent tried to flee – to turn to water and run – but the nymph held her tight, refusing to let the beast wander.

Ivy regained her balance as the barrier collapsed, planting her foot as she focused her rage and determination on the beast in front of her. They had all put their lives at risk, trusting that she would deliver this final blow – that she would end it!

With a powerful shriek, Ivy thrust her blade forward, plunging the weapon straight through The Serpent's chest as the beast howled in pain. A spray of watery blood shot out, splashing across Ivy's face as she took another step forward, forcing the sword even deeper into the monster's chest before she finally stopped, breathing heavily, staring straight into the startled and disbelieving eyes of Ilayda's Serpent.

"Im… possible…" The Serpent choked out, her pupils shaking as pain raced through her. "Impossible… Ilayda…"

Ivy blinked, staring into those fearful eyes as the life slowly faded from them. A moment later, the beast's body fell limp upon her sword, all energy seeming to drain from the demonic woman impaled upon it.

She had…. She had done it…

The tomboy laughed, elated as she let her blade lower, and The Serpent's body slide off of it. She had done it! She had beaten The Serpent! Her! Of everyone there—

Ivy gasped, suddenly remembering her friends – their wounds. The girl spun around, staring down at Flare as he looked back up at her, beaming a smile up at her. She paused there a moment, staring at the boys proud eyes, unsure what to say to him as she stood transfixed by the pleased look that coated his face and at the blood that stained his chest.

"So… what did you learn?" Flare laughed, coughing a bit.

Ivy couldn't help but grin as she rushed forward, moving her sword toward the boy's chest as it began to part – preparing to heal.

"Just hold on." Ivy shook her head, laughing and crying all at once, a cacophony of emotions swirling within her. "I'll heal you."

"Holy crap…"

Ivy gasped, turning her head to the side as Frost's voice reached her eyes. Her eyes found the boy hobbling towards her, grasping at an ice covered would at his side. She grimaced, seeing the red crystal and the deep gash that was covered by it.

"I can't believe you actually did it." The Arctican stopped, collapsing a few feet away as beads of sweat began to drip from his face. It was pretty obvious he wasn't in very good shape.

"I was sure I had decided how I'd die when I agreed to this plan."

Ivy smiled, somehow finding the fool's taunts to be charming at that very moment.

"Oh, damn. Did you survive?" Ivy tossed back, playfully. "I thought I had waited long enough for her to kill you."

"Damn near!" Frost exclaimed, grimacing the next moment as the act sent pain through his side.

"Doesn't matter."

Myst plodded up to join the group, kneeling gently near Ivy, one hand gripped tight to the fresh wound on her shoulder. Despite the injury, the girl still held tight to the sword her injured arm gripped, refusing to let the pain make her drop it again.

"In the end, all that matters is that you did it."

Ivy smiled, nodding, unable to find the proper words to greet the mage's kind and proud smile. She had done it. It had been her. She defeated The Serpent.

Or, that's what she thought for those few moments, until their cheery reunion was interrupted by the reverberant sound of cracking bones. The four teenagers gasped, all spinning their eyes toward The Serpent's lifeless body, their shock leaving them unable to express their horror as The Serpent's body twisted, contorting strangely as it slowly rose.


"No way!"

Myst and Frost pushed themselves to their feet, ignoring the pain of their wounds as a reverberating crack echoed through the hall. The Serpent's body twisted, spiraling about itself as the bones and innards continued to crack and squish, creating an unpleasant orchestra of distortion.


Flare reached up, pushing Ivy's blade off him despite his wounds not being fully healed. He didn't have time for that. Not if this beast was still alive. Not if they hadn't finished it off after all.

In front of the boy, Ivy stayed kneeled, shaking as she saw the Divine Beast stretch and bend, each movement filling the room with nauseating noises. How could that monster still be alive? She had seen the life drain from the beast's eyes. She had killed it!

Tears began to well in the girl's eyes as she realized she had failed. Her friends had put their faith in her – trusted her to finish the beast – but somehow she had managed to let them down. Even though she had tried so hard – even though she had fought to prove their faith was justified – she had failed. And now, they were all injured, and this beast was getting up for the next round.

"The hell!" Frost screamed, backing up as The Serpent's form continued to stretch and twist and grow, no longer looking even remotely human as it coiled about itself, deforming into something obscenely grotesque. "Damnit, you stupid monster, you were supposed to die!"

Flare gasped as he watched the beast twist and bend, suddenly recognizing what was happening. As the beast deformed, and transformed, her bone's cracking and her innards shifting, he understood. He knew, now, why Ivy's strike didn't work. He knew, now, how this beast was able to stand again. Because all Ivy had managed to kill – all they had managed to do…!

"Everyone, get back!" Flare screamed as the deformed serpent screeched, her howl ringing in their ears, her body suddenly snapping together, forming into a gigantic sea serpent, nearly two hundred feet long. The beast spun its head down, staring down at them all as it let out another massive screech before it dove toward them.


Frost and Myst bolted to either side as The Serpent snapped toward their group. Flare gritted his teeth, staring at the beast as he stretched out a hand, wrapping it around the petrified tomboy's arm as he leapt back. He spun his sword, the movement sending a wave of pain through his still wounded chest as his blade exploded with fire, propelling him and Ivy from the Divine Beast's path just before the beast smashed into and through the floor, diving into the ground as if it were water.

As the beast vanished from view, a geyser sprung up in the hole it had just created, water gushing in quickly as the path to the sea that surrounded the room was suddenly opened.

"Frost!" Flare yelled out, looking for the Arctican as the boy already splashed towards him and Ivy.

"On it!" The arctic warrior shouted back, not needing to be told what to do as he swung his blade, creating a platform of ice. Flare dragged Ivy to her feet, pushing her on top of the glacial raft before climbing on himself. He glanced to the opposite side, watching and Frost and Myst climbed on as well, the water still swelling it, lifting their raft higher and higher.

"What the hell is going on!" Frost yelled, spinning around, expecting the Serpent to come at them at any moment.

"The Serpent… this is her true form." Myst clenched her teeth, her shoulder still throbbing as she spoke. When she had seen that twisted form, its serpentine length, she, too, had figured it out. Figured out where they went wrong.

"This is all…"

"It's true form?" Frost repeated, talking over the almost inaudible whisper of the green-haired girl. "The hell?"

"The Divine Beasts – they've all taken human form since The Dragon King rose." Flare spoke, their platform bobbing. He, too, scanned the rising waves, searching for any sign of the beast they had just awakened. "I always thought it was simply so they could wield The Mystic Blades, like The Dragon King did in the legend. It let them actually touch and use the swords. But… it looks like there was another reason."

"This is all…"

"They took human form to protect themselves." Myst spoke up, her voice overshadowing Ivy's as well. "They all suffered defeat at the hands of the Bladesman. So they must have taken human form as a last defense, as well."

"So you're saying…" Frost scratched frantically at his head, trying to swallow what he was being told. "You're saying we have to kill them twice!"

"Seems that—"

"This is all my fault!"

The Bladewarriors were struck silent as Ivy screamed, breaking apart their discussion. Despite the inevitable attack that was sure to come, all the warriors turned their eyes to the green haired girl as tears streamed down her face, her head shaking slowly back and forth.

"It's all just my fault!" Ivy shouted again between sobs. "It's because I let you all down! It's because I'm not—"

A loud smack broke the girl's sentence as a palm collided with her cheek, halting her tears as well as her words.

"Shut up!"

"Frost!" Myst stared questioningly at the white-haired warrior, watching as he glared down angrily at the girl.

"Your fault! Your fault! Are you not paying attention!" Frost screamed, brimming with an anger none of them had yet seen. "Don't be an idiot, damn it! That's my job, not yours! This isn't your damn fault, you dumb girl!"

Ivy paused, tilting her head up to look at Frost.

"You did you beast – you killed The Serpent." Frost yelled, anger still coating his face. "So don't sit there and cry because that damn beast is cheating and reviving herself. It's not your fault. None of us knew! So shut up, stop crying, and get ready! Because now we have to do it all again!"

Ivy blinked, unsure what to think as she stared up at Frost, her mind suddenly blank. She wouldn't say she agreed with the boy – that he was right and that this wasn't her fault. On some level, she knew it was. In some way, she just felt responsible. But as he glared down at her, screaming at her to get over it, she couldn't find the words or the power to disagree with him.

The tomboy lowered her head, raising an arm to wipe away the tears as she pushed herself to her feet. A gentle hand set itself upon her shoulder as she stood, prompting her to turn and face the redhead of their group.

"Don't worry. This is my fault, not yours. But what's important now is to survive this so we can learn from this mistake for next time."

Ivy was silent – motionless – for a few moments before nodding, accepting the boy's words as she tried to convince herself he was right.

"We might as well take this to the surface, then." Myst spoke up, trying to push the strange, awkward moment into the past. "This room is filling up pretty quickly – it'll be underwater soon."

"Take us up then." Flare nodded to the girl.

The nymph nodded back, taking her sword into her uninjured arm and raising it above them. The ceiling pulled away – just as it had done before they entered – and beneath them a geyser erupted from the swelling sea, lifting them skyward. There was no doubt in Myst's mind as they rose back into the ceiling that – when they emerged – The Serpent would be waiting for them.

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