Behind The Alpha Book 8 ADAM

Chapter 39 🔥🔥

(Chapter song ‘Fallen Angel’ by Three Days Grace, ‘Who Wants To Live Forever' by Queen)


I stand at relaxed attention, looking straight ahead. I’m a soldier, a leader, accepting all I deserve. Only, I’m not facing my Alpha.

I turn my heart on so I can take in all of her anger.

In the Phoenix Council room, the Alphas stand in a group facing me. Their questioning eyes are hard to face, but I’m a soldier first and I own it.

She turns and faces me. Her distraught expression hit me right in the chest and I stand with disciplined respect in her presence. Her eyes are filled with so much pain and her lip trembles as she approaches me.

I don’t make eye contact as she gets close and looks up at me, almost like she’s inspecting me.

My hands are behind my back and I swallow. “Nala, I…”

Her brows cinch and she slaps my cheek hard enough to push my face to the side. A tear rolls down her cheek as I slowly return my eyes to her.

“You promised.” She grits as she points in my face. More tears flow down her cheeks as she tries to make sense of what happened to her only son.

“I know…” I start.

“WITH YOUR LIFE!!” She hitches as she yells in my face and her chin quivers. Her cheeks flush and her big, tear filled, brown eyes glare into mine.

I’m a leader facing the discipline of losing a member of his team. I allow myself to feel every ounce of this mothers pain. I open my heart and allow her grief to flood me.

“Nala, I tried. There was just too many.” I say softly as I slowly shake my head at her.

“It’s true, Nala.” Kita steps to my side. “The battle angels swarm was thick and they had us at a disadvantage in the air. I witnessed Adams attempt to rescue Nathaniel.”

She whips her head to Kita. “And you? You have power…” She chokes. “Why?”

Kita nods. “I couldn’t without risk to Adam or Nathaniel. I can’t target properly in mid flight with that many enemies. I could have severely damaged them or worse.”

She turns back to me. “You say you fought, but you do not look dead….Now, my son…” She clenches then places a hand under her nose as she fights breaking down totally.

“Baby, Adam did the best he could.” Curtis wraps his arms around her and she hugs him.

“I’m sorry, Nala. I tried to get to him. I was unprepared for their invasion. I promise. I will try to find a way to get him back, but where they took him…It’s unreachable, right now, but I won’t rest until I find a way.” I make sure she feels all my sincerity. I’m not lying. I will turn over this whole planet until I find a way to get Nathaniel back.

She gets close to my face and wipes a cheek. Her eyes turn from brown to blue and her lip snarls. “If Nathaniel doesn’t come back in one piece, ya better believe, there ain’t no place on this rock you can hide from me, git me?”

“Yes, sir.” I don’t even blink as I take in the angry fathers words. “We'll get him back, Jesse. I swear it.”

“Baby, come on…” Curtis holds her shoulders. “Let’s go see Audrey and Jax. Let these guys work.”

Nala eyes turn brown and she leans into Curtis. She starts crying as he leads her out of the council room.

I look down at the floor as I feel my failure.

Astrid tries to find my eyes. “Adam, don’t blame yourself. You had no idea…”

“I should have been more cautious with him. I knew the laws and ignored them. All because I wanted my mission to be done. Now…” My brows go up as I meet Astrid’s eyes. “Who knows what they’re doing to him. It’s all my fault.”

My dad stands at my side. “Son. I realize you feel like you need to shoulder all the blame here, but you tried. That matters. Yes, there should have been more precautions taken to keep this from happening, but Nathaniel knew the risk. He knew he was exposing himself. Not that I’m blaming him in any way, but you aren’t a hundred percent at fault either. Shitty things happen. Especially, when you’re a soldier. We can’t plan for everything. We just need to deal with what happens and try to correct it.”

I suck in my top lip, lower my head and nod.

He places a hand on my shoulder. “Nala’s in shock. I know she doesn’t blame you or think you should have died trying to save Nathaniel. I’m sure she’s grateful for the effort you did. Kicking angel ass in the air? That’s some bad ass shit.” He gives me a half smile.

The corner of my mouth ticks up quick. “Lot of good it did. There were so many. We didn’t stand a chance. I really think this needs to be taken seriously. With that up there, who knows when it could be an issue down here.”

Astrid crosses her arms. “Didn’t you have an angel on your team? In the future, I mean.”

“Yes. I did. But, we had no threats from Cosmos. She just existed with us. I don’t know why she was different.” I answer.

Graham joins us. “Maybe things changed from now till then. Acceptance could have happened at some point. Did she have access to the Cosmos?”

I fold my arms. “No. Not that I know of. She never left my side.”

My dad leans to me. “We'll find a way.” He stares into my eyes and I agree.

Jake stands at the table. “Nathaniel and the angel army aside, what about Lefu?”

The Alphas all walk to their seats and I sit next to Astrid. I glance at her and she barely looks at me. I bump her shoulder and kiss her temple. “I know you didn’t mean to.” I whisper and she smiles.

I know she feels guilty for releasing Lefu, but this might actually be a good thing.

“If Death did what I think he did, I can use this. If he manages to squeeze himself into the other Lefu, I can send them both to hell as long as they stay in the body. We, unfortunately, don’t have a lot of time. That much power in one human won’t last.” I warn.

“Well, we know where the other Lefu is, so I suggest we strategies with Axelridge to plan an attack.” Owen leans on the podium.

Jake nods. “Agreed. I’m sure they want the threat quashed. They can’t argue our involvement.”

“No, they won’t. I also need to know if my father is really there. If he is then I have to take care of it.” I lace my fingers together, rest my elbows on the table and look around the table.

“There’s still the matter of your death, Adam. Have we a solution to that?” Astrid asks.

I chew my cheek and shake my head no. “The Shamans have been doing everything and can’t break the spell on the skull. It was made to be irreversible.”

My dad leans on the table. “Do you have to touch it? Can we build some sort of delivery system that can take it for you?”

I think about our mission orders as I contemplate my fathers idea. “They only expressed that one of us had to take it and Lefu down. I have no idea if that would work and frankly, I don’t want to risk it.”

“I think your life is worth the risk, son. If it doesn’t work, we'll deal with it, but not until after we try it.” My father eyes me.

I heave a sigh. “I can’t stop you, can I?”

He smirks. “Not a chance.”

I smile. “Ok. My death will be the back up plan, I guess.”

“Ok. I’ll get a team on it.” He leans back.

“I’ll start the talks with Finn.” Owen stands straight.

Jake looks to Peter. “Send out scouts and flyers. We need to know Lefus movements. I want everything.”

Peter nods. “On it.”

“How long is this going to take?” I lean on the table.

“No more than a day, I should think.” Owen looks around the room.

“I'm sure we have delivery systems in the lab we can use.” My dad says.

Sawyer leans back. “I can have the flyers in the air within the hour and we should get intel 10 hours after that.”

“Ok. I can accept that.” I agree.

Astrid grabs my hand. “I need to get a message to my people letting them know I’m ok and find out if Christians returned.”

I cup her cheek. “We'll stop by on our way to Axelridge. I'm sure Christian is fine.”

She smiles and leans into my hand.

“Once we have the information, we'll deploy so, sit tight.” Jake says and we all stand.

“Let’s get some rest.” I wrap an arm around Astrid’s neck and she holds my hand.

“I could use some sleep.” She blows out a breath.

I lean to her ear. “Not right away.” She looks at me and I smirk at her.

She giggles and we leave the council room.


With the moon light casting its pale blue light into the room, I kiss the skin of Astrid’s shoulder and glide my lips up her neck to her lips. My tongue slides past them and my hand holds the back of her head as my other hand slides down her back.

I will never get tired of touching her or smelling her or hearing her soft moans as I pleasure her. With all I’ve been through, I couldn’t ask for a better reward.

Once this is over, should I win and stay top side, I’m going to enjoy every second of this time.

Her nails lightly score my back as my dick slowly pushes into her entrance.

She moans on my lips and raises her legs around my chest.

“I love you so much.” I pant on her lips.

“I love you too.” She breathes.

I rock my hips faster and deeper. “God…Yes, snowflake.” I clench as her pussy takes my length.

I bite her breasts and lick her chest. She grips my hair and arches.

I lay my chest on hers and thrust harder. I look into her eyes as my fingers trace her jaw and bottom lip. “So beautiful.” I whisper.

“Yes…Adam…” Her eyes close and her pussy tightens.

I kiss her lips and cheek.

My thrusts increase, I hook her leg up and stroke her faster. “You feel so good…Astrid…” I grit.


“So tight…Damn…” I bite her neck and shoulder as I fist her hair.

I lift up on my hands.

The light from the moon makes my snowflake sparkle and my heart pounds in my chest. The sight of her under me is something I will never get used to. I will take each of these moments as a treasure that’s only for me.

I cup her breast and twist her nipple as I pound deeper. I push her up and change the angle as I pull out and push in with full strokes.

Her pussy gets wetter and I feel her walls tighten.

“Yes, baby…Come for me…” I run my teeth along her bottom lip then give her a deep kiss.

I speed up and she screams out as her orgasm crashes through.

I grunt and moan on her lips as my abs tighten and I feel my climax rise. I grip her ass cheek and pound out my orgasm as her walls pulse on my length. I fill her with my release and she scores my back.

I pant as I give her more small kisses. My hips rock out my last few drops and I lay down on her.

She’s whining and breathing heavy as I play with her lips. Everything is running through my mind right now.

For once I have no idea how the future will go. I actually love that.

The only thing I know for sure is my future will include Astrid.

I slide off to her side and my hand finds hers.

I watch our fingers play together and she watches too.

I kiss her finger tips. “I traveled to the past to defeat a monster.” I turn my eyes to hers. “But it seem I was the one who was conquered.” I smile.

“Conquered.” She giggles.

I hold her hand to my chest in mine. “My delicate snowflake melted my cold heart. I didn’t stand a chance.” I lift a finger to her face. “The powerful weapons of persuasion. Armed with stunning blue eyes, soft lips and big heart. You warm me, Astrid. Every time and I think I never want to be cold again.”

She tilts her head at me. “What are you saying?”

“I’m saying, my gorgeous Nordic wolf. You’re mine.” I smile.

She smile and runs a finger across my jaw and threads her fingers into my hair. “And you, my dark, handsome warrior. I have never felt this way toward any man. I want to defeat anything that comes our way by your side. I don’t know what the future holds, but I do know I want to walk that path with you.”

I gaze into her eyes. “Stand under the moon with me. I want to keep my snowflake forever.”

“Can you promise forever?” I see her eyes glass over.

“I will give you forever until my last dying breath and I promise to fight to make it last as long as I can.” I kiss the tip of her nose.

I rub her flawless cheek with my thumb.

“I want forever.” She squeaks as her cheeks flush.

I smile and lick my bottom lip. “I really believe the moon won’t let us down. Past or future, I don’t want to live any of it without you.”

Her brows stitch up and she looks like she’s about to cry.

All I can do is kiss her with all the love I have for her.

The way I feel right now, forever is too short. Is there something longer than that? Can I have that with her? Do I even deserve that kind of time with someone so special?

This time. This love.

I’ll fight everything to keep it. Even if forever ends up being just a day.

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