Behind The Alpha Book 8 ADAM

Chapter 40

(Chapter song ‘Gates Of Time’ by Dark Side Of The Moon)



I run through the village roads to the group of men standing at the pack house. They turn as me and Adam join them.

The mountain was just covered in a small layer of snow and everything looks so beautiful, but still my heart is heavy.

I don’t see my brother.

“Astrid.” He crosses his arms. “We thought you were dead.”

“There were close times.” I breathe. “Where’s Christian? Have there been more attacks?”

He shakes his head. “No. Not a word. I've taken Alpha now. I didn’t want to, but the House Of Whitaker shouldn’t be run by just anyone. No offense, Reegar.”

Reegar is a tall, strong man, but spends most his time wobbling on his feet with drunk. “None taken" He burps and sways as his brown braids sway back and forth across his fur covered back.

“So, the challenges have stopped?” I question.

“For now. How long it lasts, only the seasons know. I just wish we knew the fate of Christian.” He says low.

“We have to keep the faith. He will return. What about Iris?” I float my eyes around the men.

He looks at his men. “5 men and now…” He glances at his men and they lower their heads.

“Alpha? What is it?” I step closer and study all the pained faces.

He raises an eye to me. “We lost 3 pups. We don’t know where they are. We searched everywhere. Just gone from their beds in the dead of night.”

My mouth falls and my eyes widen. “Pups? Why would she…”

Adam steps forward. “She wants you off the mountain. The men weren’t making it clear so she’s increased the terms. Where was she last seen?”

“That’s the strange thing. She hasn’t been. People are just…disappearing without a trace.” Burr says.

“Alright. Get the women and children off the mountain.” Adam orders. “Fortify the village. I’ll send teams with food and supplies. Do not venture into the woods. I’ll be back and I need a team of men that will come with me to hunt her down.” He walks up to Burr. “She will pay for this.” He lays a hand on Burrs shoulder.

Burr looks him in the eye. “I know she will. When will you return?”

“A week’s time. We've tracked the demon I’m hunting to New York. Once he’s dead, I’ll return and we'll hunt down this nymph and slaughter her.” Adam clenches.

Burr looks him over. “Too bad you weren’t part of this pack. I’d make you Alpha.” He slightly smiles.

“I’d be honored.” Adam glances at me with a smile.


We turn and my jaw drops.


White clouds of heavy breath surround his head and his clothes hang off him as he runs from the woods, tripping and slipping in the snow.

I run as fast as can to him, slide in the snow to a stop and throw his arm over my shoulder. His hair is drenched and he’s soaked through. His cheeks are red and his breathing, labored. He holds his ribs as he stumbles with me.

“What happened? Where were you?” I ask as the others join us.

He falls to his knees and I fall next to him. He drops his head as he tries to catch his breath.

I lower my head to his ear. “Tell us.” I whisper.

He shakes his head. “In…due time…” He pants. “Right now…we need to leave…Now…Don’t waste a minute.” He raises his head to Burr.

“But, why? Surely, we can…” Burr starts.

“No.” Christian shakes his head. “We can’t. We need to get off this mountain as fast as we can. It’s not what you think. I don’t…I have know idea what she is…”


He looks at me. “We need to get out of here, Astrid. Abandon the mountain.”

“Our home.” I choke.

He looks at me with fear. “She doesn’t want to kill just us.”

“Who else is she after?” Adam asks.

Christians panicked eyes meet his. “Everyone else on the planet.”

Adams jaw goes slack as we hear the dire warning behind Christians words.

Burr turns sharply. “SPREAD THE WORD! WE LEAVE THE MOUNTAIN TONIGHT! PACK WHAT YOU CAN! READY THE SLEDS! CARRY AS MUCH FOOD AS YOU CAN!” He yells and throws his arms out in direction as he approaches the village.

People pass the orders, start to run here and there, collecting families and organizing the evacuation.

I hold my brothers cheeks. “Christian, what happened to you?” I study his eyes closely, looking for any answer to his fear.

“I will tell you when I’m ready.” He swallows. “Right now, we must go. We don’t have much time.” He says quietly.

“I’ll meet up with Phoenix. They have knowledge of these things. When you’re settled, send a scout and we'll find you.” Adam says.

“Who are you?” Christian asks as he looks up at Adam.

“My father is Hunter Adams.” He responds.

Christian looks him over. “Hunter had a kid? How long have I been gone?” He looks to the ground with confusion.

“Christian?” I cock my head at him. This is curious behavior. Christian should know his friends, should he not?

He flicks his head between us. “No matter. Sorry.” I help him to a stand. “Thank you.” Christian offers a hand.

Adam takes it. “Get your people to safety.”

Christian nods and I guide him to the pack house.

This new development has me worried. If we leave, we leave everyone else on this mountain at the mercy of Iris. If she’s bent on destroying everyone, she must be stopped. Hopefully, Adam’s friends will provide us with the skill or weapon to do that. If she’s powerful enough to scare Christian, she won’t be an easy enemy.

We waited as long as we could. We helped them pack up and maneuver to the trails down the mountain.

“We need to warn everyone down below. She won’t last on this mountain. Eventually, she’ll travel off it. They need to be ready.” Christian says as we walk with him.

I glance up through the trees. The faint blue moon rises above them, casting a beautiful pale light on us all. I wish the sight wasn’t coated with such terrible circumstances.

Men, women and children walk in groups with everything that they own on their backs and sleds. It’s so heartbreaking to see. All we want is peace and it seems we are meant to be nomads. Never to have a home to call our own. Maybe this is our punishment for siding with the Red wolves so long ago. We now suffer homelessness forever.

Adam grabs my hand and I look up at him as a small tear falls from my eye. He gently wipes it away then hugs my shoulders. I lean on his chest and listen to the emptiness of it.

“Turn it on.” I squeak as I tap his chest.

He looks down and his eyes glow blue. I hear his heart beat and find my comfort. He drops a kiss on my hair as we walk through the trees with just under 1500 heartbroken people.



After parting ways with Christian and the Nordic wolves, I tried to keep Astrid calm and focused.

I know what it’s like to lose everything you care about, be it home or people. It’s not something you recover from easily. Hopefully, I will be able to clear this mess up and get her back to her village like she deserves.

Iris changing her game is concerning. It’s not something a nymph is known for, but from what I’ve seen and heard, she has a giant chip on her shoulder and means to make the whole world pay for it. There has to be an endgame here. This can’t be about her snowflake.

I’ll need to speak to Wes as soon as possible.

After this battle with Lefu.

We rode all night and met up with my team outside Axelridge’s Security complex.

I dismount my bike and walk to the group of Alphas.

“Are they ready?” I ask Jake.

“Much to Finn's disappointment. He has allowed us into the city for this fight, but that’s it.” Jake crosses his arms. “Owen is in the Hub talking with them now.

Wes stands next to me. “How are the Nordic wolves?”

I glance at Astrid and hold her shoulder. I meet her eyes and send a silent message of staying strong. “They’re gone.” I turn to him. “Iris has become too dangerous.”

“Damn.” He says as he holds himself and looks at the ground. “I'll have to tell Thea. It’s possible her shape-shifting half is messing with her brain, but I’m not sure. Nymphs themselves are chaotic. Sometimes, they don’t even know what they’re doing.”

“That will be a matter to discuss later. Right now, we need to focus on the demon.” I eye the group.

“I crossed over to try and find the Reaper, but it’s gone. Without interrogation, I don’t know who has it.” Graham says. “I’m sorry, man.”

“It’s fine. I have the cross and the skull. Those are enough options to get the job done.”

Astrid grabs my hand and I squeeze hers back.

No. I have no idea how I’m going to get the skull to travel without me and I’ve run out of time.

“We better get in there before Owen’s panties get in a bunch.” Oliver thumbs over his shoulder.

I grunt as I move with the group into the Complex.

I hear all kinds of talking as we get to the door.

I walk in and I have to slow my steps. The way this room looks flashes me forward to 2630. Only the table was beds and the monitor was Genesis. Picturing my moments in that room sent a wave of concern through me. Is this ReGen? I never saw outside the building. For all I know, it could be with all the high tech in here.

I step down the lighted steps and to the futuristic council table.

“Good. We're all here.” I look up to a shaggy haired blonde guy. He’s wearing an Axelridge Hammers t shirt. I’m assuming this is Finn.

“For those who don’t know me, I’m Finn Trezner. Alpha of Axelridge. On my left. Marcus Cooper, Jax Dupree and on my right. Noah McKenna, Griffin Ford and Eddie Manning.” Finn introduces then motions to Owen.

Owen clears his throat. “Ok. You know most here. Standing on the other side of the table is Adam Spencer. His companion, Astrid Erikson. Oliver Fredericks, whom you know well.”

Oliver makes an air kiss to Jax who snarls at him with his arms crossed and a low growl. Marcus nudges Jax with his elbow and Jax shoves him back.

“Guys!” Finn furrows his brows at them.

They grumble under their breath and settle into their seats.

“Ollie, settle down.” Owen arches a brow.

“When you kiss my ass.” Oliver smirks back.

Owen sighs and shakes his head. “Moving on. Graham Mitchell, you know. Quinn Preston, Wes Andrews, Cass Raven and Deacon Riley.”

I step forward and hold my hands behind my back. “All under my leadership. We will be fighting Lefu and you will be backing us up.”

“See. Here’s my problem with that.” Marcus leans on the table and points at me. “My father has joined Lefu and I want a piece, so I’m afraid you will have my sloppy seconds.” He grins.

“Good one.” Jax holds his palm out and Marcus smacks it. They both lean back and cross their arms at the same time.

My face is stone as I raise a brow. I lower my head and walk to the table. “Tell me something. Do any of you know about demonic possessions by high level demons?”

A cough came from my left and I turn my head to Eddie. I pause, narrow my eyes and start to approach him. He shifts in his seat and looks around the table.


“Uh…Adam.” Finn gets up and walks to me. I step further to Eddie and tilt my head.

He stands and backs up as I sense the dark. I squint my eyes further as I get close.

“What are you…” He laughs nervously.

I lift my chin and look into his eyes. “You have a demon scar.” I say in a quiet, monotone voice.

His brows stitch together and he gets his back up. “Man…Back off!!” He growls.

His square jaw ticks and his dark eyes flair at me.

Finn raises a hand. “Ed…Check yourself.” He leans to me. “We try not to use the D word around him.” He whispers.

I cock my head as Eddie rubs his nape and short black hair.

I see his thick muscles flex under his dark blue shirt and I can tell he’s fighting some serious anger. Most likely planted by the demon that possessed him.

I step into his space. “Call him.” I order quietly.


“NO!” The Axelridge council shouts.

“No…No, that’s a very bad idea.” Jax jumps up and strides over to us. He gets in between me and Eddie. His slightly taller than me and definitely bigger since I carry a vampire frame, but his bad attitude doesn’t phase me at all.

I raise a brow and look at Eddie. “Seriously. Call him.”

Abraxas rises and slithers under my skin.

“Why the hell would I do that?” Eddie growls.

Abraxas surfaces and my eyes turn black.

Jax points at me and backs up. “Wha? No way! Finn?!” He pushes Eddie behind him.

Finn raises his hand. “It’s ok.”

My voice changes to a dark, demonic one. “My name is Abraxas. I need you to call my father. I need to know what he wants and I need his voice to do that.” I raise a finger at Eddie who’s gripping Jax and his mouth is small. He shakes his head no and I can smell his fear.

Jax protects Eddie. “Yeah, well, you can take your dad and fuck off, for all I care. We aren’t calling any demons.”

I cross my arms. “Do you want to know why Alistair is here or what?”

Jax looks at Finn and motions him to step in.

Finn clears his throat. “Uh…Abraxas?”

I turn my head to him.

“We didn’t do so well with Alistair last time and we really don’t want to go there again.” Finn says.

“How else shall I speak to him?” I question.

“He has a meat suit.” Jax growls.

I snap my head to him. “Get him.” I order.

Abraxas tries to communicate with my mind and I push him back.

‘Later.’ I link to him and he spins like ooze in my head.

“No. We don’t need Alistair here. Besides…we have a pretty good idea why he’s here.” Finn eyes me.

“You think he’s here for Lefu. That was my first thought. Now, after feeling what I feel in him, I’m not so sure.” Abraxas cautiously looks Eddie over.

Eddie shifts on his feet and tries to avoid my eyes.

I step closer to him. “You can hide it, Edward, but if I can sense it, so can he.”

His friends turn to him. He looks around at them then at me.

“What’s he talking about, Ed?” Finn asks.

Eddie scowls. “Nothing.” He pushes past Jax. “I need a hit. I’ll be in my van.” He growls and shoves his way through the Alphas.

Abraxas recedes and my eyes turns green. “You all better prepare yourselves. If I know my father at all, you won’t stand a chance if he gets him.” I thumb over my shoulder.

“We will deal with it.” Finn raises a hand to me. “You are here to help us with Lefu. That’s how this will go. This is our mission. He’s taken over the lycans here and a big time shifter mafia family. It’s our problem first. You…are the back up. You have a problem with that, you can leave right now. Empty handed.” Finn warns.

My dad comes up behind me. “Take it, son. How ever Lefu goes down, it’s still a win.” He says over my shoulder. I turn my ear to him.

I side eye Finn. “Alright. But if I’m to send him to hell, I need no one getting in the way.”

“I can agree to that.” Finn says.


Marcus stands as a young woman rushes into the council room. She looks like she’s been beaten and her hairs a mess. She’s wearing a t-shirt and not much else.

“Sophie!” Marcus rushed to her as she meets him at the bottom of the stairs.

“What the fuck?!” Jax growls as he shoves me aside as takes big steps to her.

“What the hell happened? Where’s Dia?” Marcus looks her over and hugs her.

“They took her, Marc. They took Dia.” She whines with tears in her eyes.

“WHAT?! WHO?” Marcus pushes her back and stares into her eyes.

“Your father.” She chokes.

You can actually see his anger rise. Without taking his eyes off Sophie, his lip snarls. “Finn.” He growls low.

Fin snaps into action. “Ok. Phoenix. I will send you all the locations we have of Lefu. We have to deal with this issue right now, so head for the deployment area and gather everything you need. You have our full support and we'll meet you there.”

“Thank you, Finn.” Owen says respectfully.

“Don’t thank me. Just be glad I let you in.” Finn eyes him.

Owen arches a brow and Finn shoots him a look.

I lean to Finn. “Only a weak Alpha thinks he doesn’t need help from others. Think about it.”

He stares at me as I nod to him then I turn to my team.

“Move out.” I order.

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