Behind The Alpha Book 8 ADAM

Chapter 38

(Chapter song ‘Evil Is Coming’ by Raw Alliance, ‘Action Reaction' by Rupert Gregson-Williams)




The forest swells with the bodies of dark, hungry vamps.

The trees thrash and they climb and jump in the branches only to jump off and land on us with fangs and claws bared.

“Fucking, hell!” Oliver growls as he holds a vamp back. Ezra lunges, grabs the vamp in her jaws and bites him in half. His upper body screams and tries to get away, clawing at the dirt. Oliver reaches down, plants a boot on his chest and rips the Vamps head off. He holds the shocked face to his. “Go to hell.” He growls and tosses the head over his shoulder.

He look over his shoulder. “Chow time, boys!”

He rips his shirt off, slams his cigar between his teeth and swings a power punch at a vamps jaw.

Dires explode from our base camp and leap for the trunks.

As vamps fall to the ground, the dires pick them out of the air.

Hordes of undead creatures pour from the darken caves behind the woods. The Hive empties and calls for our blood.

“I need backup!”

Quinn stops behind me. “Here.”

Cass and Ember join him. “Need a hand.”

“Raven, keep the path clear. Quinn, bulldoze.” I growl.

“Fun.” He grins. He grows his lycan and runs into the fight. As he throws vamps out of the way, I fight those who try to get in my way.

I need to get the front. That’s where I’ll call my demon and send Lefu to hell.

Cass and Ember fire flaming arrows and vamps go up, thrashing and burning, setting others on fire.

Bastian, Jayson and Luke fire off bullets into the wave of pissed off Vamps.

I fight with one and he tries to out fang me. I grab his arm, smash it over my knee and he screams. I take my clawed hand and drive it into his chest. I grab his heart and crush it. I drop his body and lunge for more.

I hear screaming coming from the front line and look out over the bloody battle.

Men and vamps fly to the sides and I see why.

“Lamia.” I growl.

“Who the hell is that?” Quinn asks.

“Doesn’t matter! Take her off the board!” I look around. “Astrid!”

She’s twirling and slicing her sword. Three vamps go down headless before she turns to me.

I point to Lamia. Astrid looks and her eyes narrow. She runs toward Lamia and I join her.

“Sun walker.” She hisses.

“Didn’t I tell you to fuck off?” I growl.

She scoffs. “Like I’d listen to a half breed.”

“If purebreds are spitting you out, I’ll take being a half breed any day.” I extend my claws and rush her.

We both take swipes back and forth, trying to skin each others faces. I dodge her claws and land a solid backhand to her face.

I jump, grab her hair as I sail over her and pull her head down. I slam it into a rock and she practically breaks into hysterics from pain. I walk around her and lift her up. I deliver several punches to her face before I drop her again.

“Come on, Lamia. What do the Greeks call you? The Night Destroyer? You seem like a pussy to me.” I ready myself as she slowly rises to her feet. She tilts her head and glares.

“You have no power over me.” She snarls.

“I have way more than you think, you bloodsucking bitch.” I snarl right back.

She screams and runs at me. I spin and grab her by the back of the neck. I pull her back then drive her into the forest floor. The ground shook as she hit and her body lay limp as is pick her up and throw her against a trunk.

She coughs as she tries to stand.

I watch as Astrid runs at her with her sword. Lamias eyes widen and she disappears, leaving Astrid to embed her blade into the trunk.

“Curse her!” She rips her sword out and scowls at me.

I run up to her and grab her hand. “Plenty more to kill, snowflake. Come on!”

I drag her through the fight to where everyone is.

Deacon is firing his gun and driving stakes into hearts while Jenny is throwing magic balls out like bowling balls, making groups of vamps explode in the air.

Nathaniel is in the trees with the dires. His hands fire white light at the vamps and they burst into flame.


I look up and he’s pointing to a spot ahead of me.

I see him. His wide shoulders push through the vamps toward us. His eyes glow green as he bares his fangs.

Phoenix and Falcon wolves run at him and he throws out magic balls, one after another.

Astrid grabs my arm. “Adam, Helos!”

From the right of the battle, Helos is throwing potion after potion into the fight. Explosions, black holes and teleports flash and bang out as he walks. Soldiers disappear and reappear in the air to fall down into the thick of the fight, arms and legs flailing.

“Raven! Riley! Fredericks! Target the Shaman!” I order.

The men run through the battle with Dires and Lunas right behind them. Helos throws everything at them.

Ember and Jenny open fire with arrows and magic balls.

Falcon Ops soldiers open fire and he dodges the bullets like he’s a ghost. His body seems to dissolve and reappear.

I’m smashing vamp heads like melons and Astrid is growing a collection of skulls at her feet as she wields her sword.

Helos throws a bottle and it explodes Oliver and some dires back into the battle. Ezra growls darkly and jumps at him. She slams him into the ground and then she disappears in white smoke. She reappears above the battle and falls to the ground.

Jenny hands out potions and they all throw them in succession. The bottles smash all around him.

“Use this!” Miranda yells. She and Faith throw their bottles and the ground shakes. Helos is caught off guard as the ground starts to open up under his feet.

The earth under him crumbles into a giant 10 foot wide sink hole.

“QUICKLY!” The women run to the hole and throw four red bottles into it as Helos screams and tries to claw his way out, grasping at rocks as they fall.

A giant fireball erupts from the hole and Faith throws one last shot.

It breaks on Helos' chest and magic binds wrap around his arms and legs.

“NOOOOO!!” He bellows as he begins to fall, struggling like mad to get out of the hold.

I run to the edge and look down. Molten rock boils and sputters underneath.

He screams as he hits the magma and his body lights on fire. His screams turn to squeals and deathly demonic yells. Black smoke rises and it almost looks like there’s a face in it.

“CLOSE IT!” Miranda orders.

Faith pours a liquid on the edge and dirt grows from the walls all around the circle to the center, closing Helos in the pit.

“Will he stay?” I ask.

“Hopefully, but nothing's guaranteed.” Miranda pants.

Screams came from behind us.

Lefu is struggling to keep his balance as he fights to get the growing number of soldiers off him.

Grey shoots and nails him in the shoulder. My eyes catch something. A sputter of black smoke rose out of the bullet hole then a little more.

I tilt my head and think.

‘The devil's trap is the body itself.’

“Oh shit.” My eyes widen and I run for the gunners. “NO! STOP!”

I jump over fights and punch my way through vampires as they keep firing. More bullets hit him and more smoke appears.


‘STOP FIRING!’ I link out.

They stop and turn to me. I grab their guns and drop the barrels. I hear a woman’s battle cry and turn.


She runs through the fights and I break into a blur, by the time I get to her, I blur under her feet as she leaps at Lefu with her sword above her head. My arms completely miss her.

I skid to a stop, turn and throw my hands in the air. “ASTRID!”

She lands the blade of her sword in his shoulder and he screams in agony. She pulls down and slices into his chest creating an unhealable wound. His blood pours out black and the sky darkens. Clouds roll in fast and thunder booms. Rain falls in sheets and lightning strikes.

I drop my arms to my sides. “Fuck me.” I groan as I watch what I tried to stop unfold.

Astrid holds the hilt of her sword as Lefu hold the blade. His head down.

Then he starts laughing. It grows and turns maniacal as he raises his head and grins at Astrid.

“Thanks.” He hisses.


His arms and head are thrown back as his body is violently arched back. A large shockwave is thrown from his chest and Astrid is thrown back. I blur to her and catch her.

She looks at me as she hangs onto my neck. “Adam?”

The storm intensifies as his body shakes and vibrates. He grins evilly and with explosive power, it shatters to pieces, leaving behind a cloud of black demonic smoke, swirling and collecting into a billowing snake from hell.

It starts to circle as the men all back off. It squeals and sounds almost electric. Like static popping every time it moved. It dive bombed the men, turned around and swarmed all over them.

The soldiers threw punches and bullets at it and the vamps ran. They don’t do demons.

I put Astrid down as confused concern fills me.

This is not good.

It squeals and howls as it circles into the air above our heads. Abraxas is trying to push through, but I’m not letting him. The snake rises past the tree tops then rockets out over them heading North.

I tap into Abraxas, thinking he may know something about this. The answer means I’m fucked.

“Where did he go? Astrid asks.

I shake my head then look down at her. “He’s free to find the other Lefu.” I say in a defeated tone.

“Why?” She furrows her brow.

“According to Abraxas, shove his way in.” I supply.

She holds herself as soldiers around us reassess the situation. “Can two demons live in one body?”

“Not for long.” I whisper.

“We need to find him.” She mutters.


Just then, like a massive wind kicked up, the clouds part and the rain stops.

Trumpets sound so loud we have to cover our ears.

Nathaniel has taken to the air to watch where the smoke went. He spins around looking for the where the trumpets came from.

I raise my head to the sky and my eyes widen. Fear fills me as the sky fills with what looks like giant ravens, but those are not birds.

“Oh my God.” I say with shock as I step.

I break into a run, waving my arms above my head. “NATHANIEL!!”

I jump over bodies and push my way past soldiers who are awestruck.


He sees me and turns. He starts to fly backwards then turns and takes off.

“NATHANIEL LAND!!” I yell to him as the swarm dives over our heads and back up in hot pursuit.

I see their shirtless bodies and armor as they whizz past my eyes. Some have golden swords, others claws and others razor sharp feathers.

Cries of “Look out!” rise from the battle field and we have to almost duck as they come down and fly back up.

The wind from their wings was almost enough to knock us over.

I grip my hair as I watch Nathaniel bank then rise up more. He turns sharp and tries the dog them in the air.

“NATHANIEL!!!!” I run after him.

He tries to land, but the group split in half and cut him off.

“NO! HELP ME!” He yells as he shoots up.

Like a flock of flying raptors, they close in and surround him. It looked like ravenous birds toying and biting at prey as they flew all around him. They knock him off course and hit him with their wings.


They pulled at his wings, arms and legs. They drag him up into the air and let him fall, only to catch him and drag him up again. Feathers from his wings fly off him and float away to oblivion as he tries to fight.

“HELP, ME!!!”

His body is tossed around like a rag doll as they swarm and circle like a tornado around him. Their wings slice and the sounds of angelic war calls are almost deafening .

I can see his shirt covering in blood as they carry him higher.

I need to do something.

I whip my head around and see Graham. Kita!

“Kita. Get me up there!” I point to the sky.

She nods. “Hai!” She shifts. “Grab a tail.”

I grab on with one hand and she takes off.

The wind whips my hair and my vampire searches for his first victim. The white fox is like a missile and I’m the fucking explosion.

My face twists and I throw my free hand down to release my vamp claws. My lip snarls and my eyes glow green. I ready my fangs and my soul to unleash hell on the Cosmic army.

We hit the swam of battle angels and I scan for a target. Hundreds of feet in the air, the air is cold, but what I’m about to unleash is red hot.

I see Nathaniel and he’s barely holding on. Their razor sharp feathers deal deep cuts as they fly by him.

Once Kita got me high enough, I use my vamp speed to jump from her tail to the first angel I see.

I land feet first on his back and grab his black wings at the shoulder. I pull him back and he lets out a growling cry.

He hits me with a wing and grabs at me as we fall. He fights me and he spins around. His face is full of anger as I land on his chest and hold his hands back.

His cold, white eyes stare into mine. “I’ll destroy you, demon.” He snarls.

“Not if I kill you first, you angelic prick!”

I drop my fangs, let go of his hands and sink them into his neck. He screams and chokes as I tear out his neck.

I push off him and he sounds like a dying bird as he plummets to the earth with a trail of black feathers falling behind him.

Kita flies in front of me and I grab a tail. She takes me back up and I jump.

I land on another and bank him sideways. He crashes into another angel and I jump off their falling bodies.

I leap from angel to angel, leaving them falling to earth in my wake. I rip off wings, limbs and necks.

The main group has Nathaniel tumbling. He has no control.

I keep my eye on him as I fight my way up into the clouds. I can barely see the ground.

“NATHANIEL!” I yell as I leap onto an angel and spring off his back. I fly through the air and reach out for his hand.

“Adam.” He says weakly and tries to reach out for me.

I saw it. I almost had him. I watch my fingers graze his and then I’m hit from the side.

My body spins head over heels as I fall.

My eardrums explode as the sky fills with screeches and wails as they collect themselves and their intended target.

Kita flies around me and I grab her fur. I right myself and look for Nathaniel. My eyes watch in disbelief as they grab his wings, arms and legs.

“NOOOOOO!” He cries as they shoot up and drag him behind the clouds.

Their bird cries fade as the last of the angels disappear.

What have I done?

“No.” I hitch.

Kita circles around and proceeds to land.

I hit the ground and fall to my knees with tears welling in my eyes. I look up to the empty sky.

“Angel.” I whisper as my heart starts and I feel the pain of it breaking.


The guys run up behind me.

“They took him.” I shake my head as I stand.

“Took him for what?” Wes asks.

I turn and face my friends. I meet their eyes. “For judgement.”

“What the hell does that mean?” Oliver clenches.

“It means they’ll kill him.” I say low.

“Kill him for what?”

“We got to get him back.” Quinn says.

“Agreed. I just don’t know how.” I say as we walk back to the base camp.

“Can we do something?” Cass asks Ember.

“No. That part of the Cosmos is closed off. It’s heavily guarded. No one gets in without a private invitation or they want to fuck your ass up. Not even the big guys can get there.” She informs.

“She’s right. We can’t fight them on their turf.” I stop and turn. “All we can do is pray he’ll get treated with mercy, but most Nephilim don’t.”

“What’s wrong with him? He didn’t do anything wrong?” Quinn looks around the group.

“Nephilim are half breeds.” Graham starts. “According to lore, that’s a big time crime.”

“They’re gonna kill him for being a half breed?” Oliver growls.

“Unless he fights back and escapes.” I say.

I turn back around. “Jesse’s going to raise hell.”

This was not how this was supposed to go. I had no idea that while I was fighting hell, heaven would swoop down and kick my ass.

Now, I have a lost angel, a loose demon and a whole lot of explaining to do.

Things can’t get any worse.

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