Behind The Alpha Book 8 ADAM

Chapter 37

(Chapter song ‘Alive' by P.O.D)


We walk into a conference room and Miranda stops at the table as we sit.

“I know what you want to talk about. I’ve been keeping my secrets for you, Adam, until you were ready to hear them. My younger self filled in some. I’ll fill in the rest.” She starts.

“Miranda?” Faith asks.

“You weren’t told this, but the First Shaman, isn’t a person. It’s an entity. He started us and if we don’t stop him, he’ll finish us.” Miranda eyes Faith.

“Who is it?” Adam asks.

“He goes by the name Helos.” She pulls out a chair and sits. “He is a concentration of cosmic energy manifested into a being that has the power to manipulate magic. He can create almost anything and collected that knowledge into a vault. When he first surfaced, he met a demon named Dagin. Dagin had a cross. He had Helos change the magic on it. It wasn’t only a piece of the Cosmic prison, but he changed it to include the ability to raise Death. He did this under the order of Genesis. She needed an effective creature to wipe humanity out. She got it.” Miranda arches a brow and gives Adam a serious look.

“Lefu was a priest when he was human. He was corrupted by taking money from his followers for his own. His soul was tarnished just enough, that when Dagin rose Death, he sent him into the body of Lefu. The priest was conflicted, but eventually accepted the demon. Helos gave Lefu more power than he could ever want, the problem was, the priest wasn’t a good match for Deaths level of power.”

She laced her fingers on the table and arched a brow at Adam. “When Helos saw that Lefu was weakening, he changed him. At this same time, shifters were running so rampant, the Guardian approached Helos with the problem of trying to quell the creatures. Helos accepted her request. He already had the thought, but not for what the Guardian wanted.”

Miranda adjusts herself in her chair. “Helos made Lefu into a Lycan/Vamp hybrid thinking the extra power would keep him together. It didn’t. So he gave Lefu the power of the Red Moon. Still Lefu was losing control. It was compounded with the fact, that the creatures he created were unstable, uncontrollable and not to perfection. Lefu grew angry and unstable himself. It was then, Helos decided Lefu needed to be fed. He needed to be fed fury, jealousy and malice. Everything evil in a corrupted soul. It was a spell. When Lefu rises, the first victim he chose, this person would hold the buffet of darkness that Death could eat and remain strong. The demon would fester the soul in the carrier and he would siphon off what he needed. As long as the person remained alive, Lefu remained healthy.”

“Michael.” Adam mutters.

Miranda nods. “But, as we know, people are smart. They figured it out. We saw what was happening and fought it.” She raises a fist and shakes it. “Lefu descended, but he wasn’t stopped. Helos, angered by the loss, gave the cross to the lycans. He told them how to use and they rose him again. Lefu was, once again, beaten down. Dagin, seeing what Helos was trying to do, tried something different. He took the cross to the past. He gave it to a pack of newly created shifters made by Cymon. His reign as their Alpha, left them hateful and power hungry. Dagin played on that. He taught them how to use the cross and that’s where you came in.”

“You saw all this and started ReGen.” Adam says.

“Yes. Then when I realized what was going on with Genesis and changed the game.” Miranda folds her arms on the table. “But I wasn’t confident that it would work so, I had back up plan. In your bloodline, Lefu created a child. The first lycan/vamp hybrid. This ancestors blood traveled through the gene pool. It took me a while to find it, but when I found your mother, I knew she was the key to unlock a synthetic lycan hybrid that could be grown and trained to fight if ReGen failed.”

“Wait. I’m a descendant of Lefu?” Adam questions.

“Yes. You and your mother hold the perfect blood balance to change compatible beings into hybrids. The problem is only a minute percentage is compatible. You and you’re group were the first ever to be successfully integrated from your blood. Everyone else eventually died.” She says.

“So…you set me up?” Adam asks.

“In a matter of speaking. I may have nudged you in certain directions until I could get you in that stadium with your friends.” She sits back in her chair. “I knew the skills of the Alphas of this time, would help you. At least, I hoped they would. I’m sorry.”

“But Genesis said she did it.” Adam glances at me and back at her.

“I know.” She smirks.

“You outsmarted her.” Adam says low as he comes to the realization.

“It wasn’t hard. They’re people just like us. It just take a little more…finesse.” She motions her hands out and brings them together. “Cosmic beings love to manipulate, but their egos leave them blind to manipulation themselves. So, I blocked the islands, the labs here and in the future. Manipulated Genesis into giving the world you, but that comes with a price.”

“What’s that?” Adam eyes her.

“You’re sanity. You will have be stronger than you ever have been. That piece of demon inside you still lives. Genesis knew that sending your adult self through time would, eventually, destroy your sanity. So, she led me with the soul transference. Regeneration. She believed it would keep you sane and keep your demon intact for when you were ready to kill Lefu and take Death in. The problem was the delivery of that experiment.” Miranda holds her chin up.

“What do you mean?” Adam asks.

“It means, babies aren’t born evil. Evil is conditioned. Made. Fostered in hate. Every time you were born, the mere act of developing in your mother’s womb, cleansed your soul. So much so, at this point, the demon spot on your soul would be akin to a bruise. It’s why you haven’t felt it or been able to access its power since that day with your father. He’s beaten down deep inside you.” She leans on the table. “But that doesn’t mean you can’t access him if you want to.”

Adam scowls. “Why would I want to do that?”

“Demon on demon would be a much better fight, don’t you think?” She raises her brow.

I lean my elbow on the table. “That’s a horrible idea. I don’t want to pretend to understand any of this, but I think, given everything, unleashing a demon would be dangerous and stupid.”

“She has a point.” Adam keeps his eye on Miranda then slowly turns to me. “I could use the extra power.”

“Adam, it’s corruption. Your soul is tarnished, yes, but why make it worse?” I say with concern.

“Can I control it?” He asks.

“That’s all up to you. You can choose to be on the side of good or you can choose to let him lead. Just like you choose to stop your heart.” She informs.

He leans on the table. “Are you saying the possessed people had a choice?”

She nods. “Yes. They did. If you’re corrupted, the ideas of a demon may seem good to you, but if you’re not, you can control him. Even push him out. Some get confused. Lose control under the power of a demon, but eventually, they either decide to win or lose against it.”

Adam turns to me. “I think I can control it.”

I shake my head. “No. I don’t like this. I feel really bad about this. This isn’t a good idea.”

He leans to me. “You will give me the control. I can’t be evil around you. I’ve proven that. I can’t be mad, distant or self serving.” He points to my heart. “I love this too much. That’s why my father failed. He never loved my mother as much as he thought he did. He let Alistair destroy him because it was what he wanted. I’m not that man, but I have this as a part of me for a reason. Just like the other animals inside. I need to have a full arsenal. This will work because I found what I missing all along.”


“You. My beautiful, strong snowflake. You give me what my father couldn’t even touch.” He smiles.

“I’m still apprehensive.” I say quietly.

“Remember what I said? You can end me. I won’t harbor any hate for you. You’d be saving me from myself. I trust you, Astrid. I trust your feelings. Please, trust me.” He rests his forehead on mine.

I take a deep breath. “Against my better judgment. I will trust.”

“Thank you.” He smiles. He turns to Miranda. “How do I wake the demon?”

“Feed it. You need the power of hate and resentment. You need…Michael.”

We look at each other then back at Miranda as she smirks and ticks her head.



I thought just killing Michael would weaken Lefu to the point where I could end this, but feeding off him and taking Lefus power supply seems like a much better plan.

After leaving Astrid with Miranda and Faith, I walked down to Falcon Ridges prison unit. If I’m going to do this, now’s as good a time as any. I will get a lot of hate for it, but this is ultimately the fate of the world.

As I approach his cell, he’s sitting on the floor. He leans against the wall with a leg pulled up and glances at me. “We fighting any time soon? I’m starting to feel like you’re stringing me along.”

I step to the glass. “What do you believe your role is in all this?”

He raises his head to me. “What kind of question is that?”

“Answer it.” I bark quietly.

“I don’t know. Fight?” He shrugs.

I nod. “No. That’s not it. You don’t think that at all.”

He gets up and dusts himself off. He hooks his thumbs on his pants and saunters over to the glass. He raises his chin to me. “What makes you say that?”

“There’s no passion in your words. No conviction. You sound almost bored. You don’t plan on fighting Lefu with me. You never did.” I say as I study his face.

“I mean. If I have to. I just don’t see a point. We lost. I lost. If you can’t beat ‘em, join ‘em.” He responds.

I look down and slowly nod in acceptance. “I was hoping you’d say something like that.”



I raise my head and green glowing eyes shine in the reflection of my face. I open my mouth and fangs drop.

Michael’s eyes widen as I hiss.

He looks at the glass as he starts to back up. “No.” He raises his finger to me and shakes his head.

“If you can’t beat ‘em…eat ‘em.” I snarl.

I smash through the glass and tackle him to the floor. He tried to fight but, I’m too strong for him.

My vamp growls and my fangs sink into his neck. His blood gushes into my mouth and I drink it furiously as he screams and chokes.

My eyes glow brighter then turn black as night as I feel Lefus stored collection enter my body.

My hands hold his head and hold him down as Michael thrashes under me and my vamp growls with satisfaction. His heart races and then its beats start to decrease.

I want every drop, but I know I can’t. I won’t let him kill me, but I’m pushing the death limit to the very edge.

I feel it. Deep in the recesses. As I drink, I prepare myself. I need to be a wall. I need to be the master as I unlock the latch and open the cage.

The dark sinks into my soul and he stirs. Like an ooze coming alive in the shadows, he slithers awake. His twisted mind reveals itself to me.

‘Abraxas’ I call out in my mind as Michael’s heart slows more.

Son of Alistair, he feels the same, but the torment is different. The rejection of him lies just beneath his evil layer. He knows.

Alistair wasn’t about making him powerful. No. Alistair was about to sacrifice his son to make Death more powerful. Abraxas has taken offense. That’s great news for me. He’ll be easily swayed. Now, I just need to bring him into the fold.

I sit up, my teeth still buried in Michael’s skin, I pull him up with me as he pushes out his last breaths. His arms hang limply at his side.

When the last of Lefus dinner enters my body, only then do I bite hard and tear.

I rip Michael’s neck out, finalizing the deal. I don’t need a demon to do evil things. I will need one to make things right.

Abraxas crawls around under my skin. I feel him surveying his surroundings in me.

He projects his evil into my mind. His demands hit me and I shove them back as I wipe Michael’s blood off my lips.

I push Michael’s body back and study his pale, ash white face. His eye is no longer yellow and green, but brown.

As the color clouds over, it stares into mine.

“Th…ank…” He chokes out his last word before his head falls back and hangs off his shoulders. The last of his blood is pumped out the hole in his throat and coats his shirt.

I grab his shirt in my hands and stand. In a blur, I leave the prison with Michael’s body in tow.

The Alphas, Lunas, Shamans and Astrid were all in the Deployment area when I stopped and tossed Michael’s body to the floor.

River looks down. “Michael?” He pushes through. “Adam? What the fuck did you do?”

“Put his situation to better use.” I state.

He kneels by his friend and inspects him. He feels for a pulse and listens for a heart beat. He looks up at with tears in his eyes. His lips snarl and he rushes me, grabbing my shirt in his fists. “WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU DO?!!” He screams and shakes me as tears fall.

I remain calm and stoic as my eyes turn to black smoke and Abraxas rises. My tone sounds like hell is speaking. “I did what you all were too cowardly to accomplish. I ended his suffering. Now, the power he held inside won’t be wasted.”

Rivers chin quivers. “You didn’t hav…I could have…”

I shake my head. “No, River. You could not. This was his purpose. This is why he was created. To provide me with the power to stop Lefu and my father. I’m sorry.”

He hitches a breath. “I’ll kill you.” He grits.

“Riv…Come on, man.” Jayson and Ash grab an arm.

“I’ll fucking destroy you. You’ll pay for this, I swear.” He says as he shakes his head at me and more tears fall. His friends pull him away, but his eyes never leave mine.

“I already have.” I look down at Michael and up to the Alphas. “I will warn all of you. Revive him in any way and you’ll suffer the same fate.”

“Hey! Who the fuck…” Luke rushes me and I raise a hand. I use my power to toss him and he hits a truck and crashes to the floor.

“Hey!” My father bolts to me and holds up his hands between me and the Alphas. “Just…Settle…” He warns them. “Don’t make this worse.” His eyes glow as the scowls and glares shoot our way.

Alphas rush to Luke’s aid and he grumbles out his humiliation as they help him up.

“My name is Abraxas. I will help you fight. I am on your side. He was a trap.” I point to Michael. “He was feeding Lefu his power. The longer he stayed alive, the longer Lefu remained strong. I’ve cut off Lefus power supply with his death. In turn, it gave me strength to do what’s necessary for this war. Understand, this was not ill willed. There was no hope for him. Lefu made sure of that. Accept it now and move on or don’t. I don’t care. We have much more pressing issues at hand. Lefu will feel this and attack. We must take this body and destroy it. Rest in peace or demonic torture. The choice is yours.”

I push Abraxas back and raise my eyes to them. “I realize he was a friend. I know you were holding out for hope. I really am sorry for taking that from you.”

“You haven’t begun to feel sorry.” River growls from behind Jayson.

“River. You can lock me up or whatever, but it won’t change the fact that Michael was dead the minute Lefu bit him. You knew that. The pool didn’t work. Emily’s love. You cut into his fucking head.” I slam my finger into my temple. “You know. You know this is what was best for him. Some things just can’t be fixed. I’ve killed enough possessed people to know that. You can hate me, but the brutal truth is, I did you a favor. Your suffering was and is as bad as his. This puts him and you at peace. Did you really want your friend to suffer?”

“No, you’re a demon.” He snarls.

“I’m a savior.” I correct. “I saved him and I’ll save you all. I will lay my life down for all of you. You don’t have to worry about Abraxas. He’s a weapon. My secret weapon. I needed Lefus power to strengthen him.” I look down to Michael’s body. “Please. Just try to understand.”

“I will never understand this. YOU HEAR ME! NEVER!” He yells, throws a finger at me and Luke pulls him away.

“I’m sorry.” I shake my head at them all.

Bastian looks around at all the Alphas. “Ok. Let’s…get Mike down to the morgue. We can deal with him when this is over. Lefu is priority.”

The Falcon and Phoenix Alphas help with Michael’s body as Astrid wraps her arms around my waist. “Tell me not to worry.” She whispers.

I hug her head and kiss her hair. “I won’t do that because I would be lying if I didn’t admit I’m worried too, but trust it was right.”

Oliver joins my side. “Hey. I approve. I would have done it too except he wouldn’t be recognizable.” He claps my shoulder and pulls out a cigar.

Wes stands in front of me. “I think every one of us here would have done the same. Unfortunately, for River, he was asking for it. I can’t fault you for taking what he had, but this demon. You trust him?”

I shrug. “I have to. He was born with me…several times.”

Graham nods. “Ok. I guess hells representing now. Should we get going?”

“We're ready.”

“As much as your demon makes me uncomfortable.” Nathaniel steps up to me. “I guess there’s worse things to be partners with.” He holds out a hand.

My eyes turn black. “A selfless Angel. Now I’ve seen everything.” Abraxas grabs his hand and shakes it.

“Nephilim, but I understand.” Nathaniel corrects with a smile.

“Hmm…Even better. Nothing like a dirty angel.” Abraxas chuckles. “I’m gonna like this battle.”

“Just keep to your word and don’t hurt Adam and I won’t show you how dirty I can get. Agreed?” Nathaniel arches a brow.

“I like the kid. We have a lot in common. We both have shitty fathers that need to be mutilated horribly.” He grins. “We’re on the same page. Don’t fluff your feathers just yet.”

“I won’t lie. You will be watched.” Nathaniel warns.

“Likewise.” Abraxas winks.

He recedes into my chest and I smile at the Angel. “Thanks. He knows you can kick his ass. He sounds bad, but it’s not anything to worry about. I can read his thoughts.”

“Ok. Just…take care of yourself.” He eyes me.

“You, too. This fight is going to be like a neon sign to everything.” I say.

He looks around then back at me. “You need me. I can’t think about anything else.”

“You better…this is…” I start.

“Guys!” Jake runs to us. “They’re on the move.”

“Lefu knows. It’s time.” I look to Astrid then my team.

“Ass kicking time.” Deacon says.

“Let’s roast this mother fucker.” I raise a fist and he bumps it. He throws an arm around my shoulder and we throw our arms around our girls necks as we walk to the trucks.

This is it. Now or never.

My last chance.

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