Behind The Alpha Book 8 ADAM

Chapter 27

(Chapter song ‘Snow White Queen’ by Evanescence)


“He doesn’t know nor does anyone else.”

His brows come together. “Why?”

I straighten my hair and clothes. “Christians reign relies on his gift. He was given it from the gods where the rest of us lost ours. When I found out I had the same, I couldn’t tell or Christian would lose his influence over our people.” I shake the water off my fur. “It’d be made worse because I’m a woman.”

He stands and helps me up. “A woman shouldn’t matter. You’re strong.”

I tilt my eyes to him and smirk. “This coming from the man who refused to have me travel with him.” I eye him and arch a brow.

He adjusts his jacket. “That’s different. There’s been too much blood spilt under my watch. I didn’t want more.”

He pushes past me and continues toward the rising sun.

“The people. In my thoughts. They were your men?”

He glances back as he pushes a small thing branch out of the way. “Yes.” He mutters.

“They were killed fighting with you.” I say softly.

He doesn’t say anything to that. Just shoves his hands in his jacket pockets and walks along the path.

“I felt the hurt that caused. I’m sorry.” I say to his back.

“Hopefully, it won’t happen.” He says.

I scrunch my brow. “I don’t understand. Hasn’t it already happened?”

I was going to ask again because he wasn’t making sense, but the sounds of gunfire rose from the mountain range.

“What’s that?” I ask as we stop and listen.

“Over there.” He points to the next peak.

I try to see. Whatever’s happening, we won’t know. It’s at least a two day walk.

As I think that, Adam scoops me up in his arms and I thrown into a wind gust so violent, I have to shield my face in his chest as I scream.

The sudden stop almost made me sick. I’m huffing breaths as my mind tries to catch up to what just happened.

I raise my head to him.

His cat eyes look into mine. “Sorry.” He grumbles as he places me on my feet. “I needed to find out what’s going on.”

I fix my hair. “It’s fine. Just warn me first.” I scowl as I pull on my furs.

He grunts as he walks to brush. We stopped at a forests edge. There’s a clearing and men are in a fight. The gunfire is loud and orders are being shouted.

There’s large trucks driving up the road and one of them flies up in the air and lands on another.

I gasp as men scream and take aim. They fire bullet after bullet.


“It’s Falcon.” He whispers.

“The armies on the mountain the men were talking about.” I lean beside him and look out. “There’s so many. Who are they fighting?”

The men run at the monster as she raises her arms. Large ice spears form and fly through the air.

Icy blasts fire from her hands. “YOU WILL DIE WHERE YOU STAND!”

My eyes widen. “Iris.”

Adam nods.

My face turns to anger as I unsheathe my sword. “She dies now!”

I run out into the clearing.

“ASTRID, STOP!” Adam yells and runs after me.

Iris, the Snow Queen, was everything she was made to be. Long snow white hair and icicle skin. Her ice blue eyes hold so much hate. Her long white dress flows with her fury and the wind.


I stand with my sword ready as I challenge the beast.

She faces me and cocks her head.

Adam slams into my back and leans to my ear. “Not smart!” He growls as he stares the woman down.

“You dare challenge me?” Her voice sounds like ice cracking on a warm day.

“I do, beast. Give me back my brother.”

She looks at me for a solid moment then starts laughing. “You can’t fight me.”

“Why not? Afraid I’ll win?” I scowl.

“No. I sense your power, woman. You’re no match.” Iris grits.

“Then fight me.” Adam steps forward.

“Please.” She scoffs.

She whips her hands out in front her and throws ice white magic at us. We both jump out of the way and I land in the snow. I whip my head to her, scramble to my feet and run at her.


She throws ice spears at me and I swing my blade, smashing them as I get closer. With a scream, I jump in the air, turn my sword and prepare to drive it into her chest.

She blows and a cold winter wind knocks me off my flight path and into the snow.

I get up and stand, unscathed. “CHRISTIAN! NOW!”

“He’s dead, wolf. You will never find him. Get off my mountain if you value your lives.” Her skins glows and her body starts to lift in the air.

Adam speeds to her and shoves her. Iris flies through the air and lands on her but by a flipped truck.

I can hear soldiers running away, but defeating this nymph is more important.

She rises and stomps to Adam with her arm raised. The ground shakes beneath him.


He turns and the rocks he was sitting on, levitate out of the ground.

His vampire speed runs off them and stops.

Iris narrows her eyes and throws the rocks at him. He dodges them as the hit the ground then blurs to her.

I blink as I see Adams hand around her neck.

She looks shocked that he could even do that. “What are you?” She grinds as he chokes her.

He pulls her to his face. “Where's Christian?”

Instead of answering, she lets out an extremely loud, howling wind. Adam is forced to let go and cover his ears.

I try my best as the sound is also accompanied by driving ice and snow. She screams as we are forced to our knees. We can’t see anything and the temperature drops drastically.

I look to Adam as she concentrates her attack on him.

I feel myself start to get very cold, but my anger for what she’s done fills me. Against the wind, I rise to my feet. My hair whips all around my head and my furs threaten to fly off me.

“ENOUGH!” I growl so loud, I overpower her.

My body warms then boils. My eyes glow red and she stops.

The wind dies down as her unblinking eyes stare at me. “You are the same.” Her crystal voice says cautiously.

“Yes. I am and if you don’t want to find out what I can do with it, tell me where my brother is.” As I step to her, the snow steams and boils off my boots. She takes a careful step back and tilts her head to me. She throws up a hand.

“Try it.” I snarl, spin my sword around and dare not to break my glare.

She glances at Adam, throws her hand down, then whips it in the air.

Whistling comes from above as large ice spears fall from the sky.

Adam runs and covers me as I feel them impale the ground around us.

We slowly raise our heads and we’re surrounded by the bars of a thick ice prison.

“You really are suicidal, aren't you?” He says as he glares at me.

I push him off me. “I am trying to get my brother back. This is no time for silly fights.” I place my hands at the bottom of two spears and they warm up. The ice drips and melts. They fall like trees and I step through. Adam follows.

I scan the area and Iris is gone. So is Christian.

My heart sinks as I put my sword back. “I was so close.”

Adam joins my side. “We’ll find him, but the nymph won’t make it easy. In the meantime, I believe your people could use the power their leader once had.”

I glance up at him. “I’m no man.” I mutter.

He leans to me. “You’re better.” He cocks his head and eyes me.

I give a quick smile. If I thought I could lead my people, I would. If I thought they would follow me, I wouldn’t be so cowardly.

The retreating army grabs our attention and we run to them.

We sneak around the broken trucks and watch them. Iris destroyed their camp and from the looks of it, killed a lot of them. There’s a large glass mirror and they are running into it.


He leans closer. “Mica.”

I watch as a large man comes out of the glass. His yellow eyes scan the men.

I see Adam straighten and his fists ball. I feel his power growing. His chest vibrates and I see his feet plant.

My eyes flip to the man and back to Adam. My mind recalls the man who killed the people in his visions. I feel the hatred and call for death.

I see him prepare to run.

“NO!” I yell under my breath as I grab his arm.

He whips his head to me and his fangs are out. His eyes glow green.

I narrow my eyes. “Now who’s suicidal.” I stand next to him as we watch the men organize and talk. “We are outnumbered at least 100 to 1. We save this fight for another day.”

“The bridge maker. Is he ready?” The large man questions.

I assume this is the Lefu everyone is talking about.

Mica nods. “From what intelligence tells us, yes. He’s been spotted crossing over at will.”

Lefu nods. “Send the rest. Prepare the invasion.” They walk into the glass with a majority of their army.

“Where did they go?” I ask.

“Another world on the other side of the mirror. Like us, but opposite. We weren’t supposed to fight them yet. I don’t understand.” He sounds just as confused as I am. “Why only one color?”

“One color?” I ask.

He nods. “His eyes were yellow. The demon I know has two equal halves. Yellow and green. Like Michael’s. This one didn’t.” He turns to face me.

“I have so many questions. Like who’s the bridge maker? Ready for what? What does that mean?” I look into his eyes searching for answers.

He scrubs his face. “The bridge maker is the last one I need on my team. It means he’s ready to fight. I have to go back.”

“What about Iris?” I ask.

He looks down. “Do you feel Christian is dead?”

I try to feel my brother. “No, but that doesn’t mean…”

He leans to me. “Christian is alive. Keep the faith, but if we don’t deal with that demon, his survival will mean nothing if Lefu kills us all.”

I sense the seriousness in his words. I don’t want to leave my brother out here, but if Iris is threatened by my power, she must be threatened by Christians. It’s possible he’s hiding and not captured. Either way, she won’t make herself known any time soon. I may have brought my people some reprieve.

Adam pushes past me and heads back the way we came. “I have to inform my team that the fight is close. I’m sorry.”

“Sorry for WHHHAAA…”

He scoops me up and runs us through the icy hills and trees, back to Vegard.

After an irritating ride, I collect myself and walk ahead of him, coated in aggravation.

“I said sorry.” He says to my back.

“That still doesn’t calm my nerves!” I grind back.

He groans and mumbles under his breath as we walk to the village.

People gather around us. Their concern with us coming back empty handed is very clear in their eyes.

“You didn’t find him.” Burr says.

I lower my head. “No. I’m sorry. The Alpha is still missing, but for now, it seems our warrior scared off the witch and she won’t be a bother for some time.”

“How can you know that?” Burr crosses his arms.

“A gut feeling.” Adam says low.

“There is a bigger battle we must take care of. The armies that grow in the peaks are planning an attack on those in the desert. We must help fight, or the Alpha and all of us, will die.” I stare at the faces as they look back to me.

I step up. “I know the desert packs haven't earned our swords, as of late, but Christian has belief they are good people worth fighting for and with. We owe it to him to defend our allies.”

Burr nods. “We've seen the threat and agree. If the battle is below, we will be there.”

Adam steps up to him. “Many will die.”

“The Nordic pack isn’t afraid of death. Losing life is what causes fear in us. We arent slaves. We will die first. If you require our fighters, you have them.” Burr puffs out his chest.

Adam bows his head slightly. “Thank you. Wait for my return. Prepare for battle.”

Burr claps his arm and then disperses the people. There’s murmurs of Christians fate and I feel their stress. It’s mine too.

I said I would trust Adam and I put faith in what he believes.

I want him to also trust me. So much so, I have a gift for him.

“This way.” I motion him through the pack house to my brothers private consulting room.

Adam walks in and looks around. The room is dark and I light the lanterns.

The large table sits like a painful reminder that he’s gone. The eight chairs sit empty around it. It feels more cold in here than anywhere else. It’s only because this isn’t how it’s supposed to be.

I walk to the fireplace and lift a leather-bound sheath from the mantle. I turn and face Adam. “This is my brothers. It’s an honor to hold the Alphas sword. I believe that the warrior destined to save Vegard should wield it in his stead.”

Adam hesitates. He examines the sword closely. The fire light makes him look almost ghostly, but I still feel my heart skip a beat.

His fingers glides across the sheath as if feeling a woman’s skin. He grabs the end, pulls out the hilt and brandishes the broadsword in front of him.

He swings a figure 8 around his body and holds it up. He looks down the blade and feels the edge. “It’s a nice sword.”

“It’s yours.” I push my hands towards him.

He places it back into the scabbard and takes it. He wraps it around his waist and ties it off.

I smile. “It looks good on you.”

“I plan on returning it as soon as Christian is returned. Thank you. I’ll keep it safe.” He says.

“I know you will.” I say.

I shake myself out and prepare for the coming shock. “Ok. Run away with me.” I hold my chin up and wait.

He smirks. “Hold your breath.”

I take a deep breath just as he takes me and runs out of the village and down the mountain to meet Michael.

We stop and he drops me. I blow out my breath. “That was better. I don’t feel as queasy.” I smile.

“It’s not bad if you don’t fight it.” He smiles and walks to the bikes.

“About time.” Michael scowls. “Get these damn things off me.” He lifts his wrists.

Adam squats to him and takes off the binds.

“Another hour and I was going to call for demon power.” He snarls.

Adam leans to him. “We both know you’re too much of a coward to do that. Get on the bike.” He growls.

Michael rolls his eyes. “You don’t scare me, kid. So don’t even bother.” He pushes Adam aside and walks to my bike.

We make our way back down the mountain to the highway and hit the gas.

Our rumbling bikes drive into the desert night as we head back to Phoenix.

They may already know, but Adam feels like he needs to make sure they have all the information.

If not, they may end up just like Adam.

Lonely and scared to death.

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