Behind The Alpha Book 8 ADAM

Chapter 26

(Chapter song ‘In The Woods Somewhere’ by Hozier)


With Michael beside us, we rode as fast as we could to my home.

I wrapped my arms around Adam’s chest and wished I could hear a heart as I lay my head on his back, but all I hear is silence.

My hands lay on his cold chest, but that doesn’t deter a heat from growing inside me.

The feel of his solid muscles has me close my eyes and think of us together in the lake. I hope that’s not the only time I experience him. I felt him alive and I yearn for that again.

The wind blows around me as the land zips by us.

He leans back. “Where am I going?”

I sit up and smile as my mountain comes into view. I point over his shoulder. “There!” I yell.

I direct them to the mountain trails we used to climb up. I would come in the way I came out, but I don’t want people wondering where we are going. It’s bad enough the Snow Queen knows about us.

We ride the bikes to their limits and park them on a small foothill.

Adam gets off and I follow. He throws open his saddle bag and rummages around in it. He lifts out a bag and some silver binds. I cock my head in confusion.

I also see a skull staring at me from inside the bag. My eyes widen and my lips fall. Our eyes meet and he shakes his head no as he flips the flap on it.

He walks to Michael and throws him the bag. Michael catches it. “There’s food and water in there. Use it sparingly.” Adam arches a brow.

Michael looks to the bag and up to Adam. “Ok? Why?”

Adam binds his hands.

“What the fuck?” Michael drops the bag.

Adam drags him to a trunk and sits him down. He leans down to him. “Where we’re going, you can’t come and I don’t want you escaping. Sit here and wait for us to come back.”

Adam stands straight, walks to the bag, picks it up and tosses it beside Michael.

“How long?” Michael scowls.

Adam looks to me. I flick my eyes between the two men. “A few days?”

“A few days! Fuck that! Let me go!” Michael growls as he struggles to get to his feet.

Adam shoves him back down. “You are too important to me to get involved here. Sit down. Shut the fuck up. Calm yourself so you don’t call the fucking demon! If you refuse to do that, I’ll put your ass back in the fucking prison!” He glares into Michael’s eye.

“Two days or I’m raising fucking hell…literally.” He flares his eye.

“Fine.” Adam growls. He turns to me. “Let's go.”

We start up the trail and I follow behind.

“Can we trust him?” I ask.

“We have to. Michael knows if Lefu shows, he’s as good as dead.” Adam responds.

“Isn’t he Lefus ally?” I push a branch out of the way.

“No. He isn’t.” Adam says.

“What is he then?”

Adam glances at me over his shoulder. “His battery bank.” He mumbles.

“His what?” I narrow my eyes as I try to understand what he just said.

“Nothing. Let’s get you home.”


The rest of the hike up was in silence.

This mountain is nowhere near as cold as our last home, but it’s cold enough for our wolves to be comfortable.

I smile as I see the trees thin. Laughing, I run past Adam and stop at the top of the hill.

I glance at him and smile. “Adam. Welcome to Vegard.”

“Protection.” He whispers steps in front of me and gazes to the valley below. The partially frozen lake sparkles in the sun and my small village nestled in the mountain peaks. I watch a bird cross the sky and I see most of the houses have been repaired since my leaving. Has it been that long?

Some on the edge of the village stop and point at us.

Others run to the pack house.

I grab his arm. “Come. They want to meet you.”

I rest my hand on the hilt of my sword at my side as we walk down the hills to the village below.

We enter the village and the men all have suspicious looks on their faces. The women guard themselves and the pups.

Adam’s eyes scan everyone as we walk down the main road. “What are they looking at?” He grits in my ear.

“You, of course. You present as a vampire. Vampires make them uncomfortable due to our last encounter with them.” I inform.

He nods.


My face lights up as I drop my pack and run to my friend with laughter. “Hallie!!”

We slam in a hug and celebrate our reunion.

“God, I missed you!” I say as I push back and straighten her hair out.

She adjusts my furs and smiles. “I missed you, too.” Her eyes flick to Adam. “Who’s your handsome friend?” She grins and looks Adam over.

“Adam Spencer, this is Hallie Jonsson. My best friend.” I say, hugging her arm and laying my head on her shoulder.

“Nice to meet you.” He replies stoically.

She rakes her eyes over his bare chest and open black leather jacket. “You’re barely dressed! You must be dying of cold!” She says as her brows shoot up.

He looks himself over. “No. No, I'm not.” He arches a brow at her.

I lean to her ear. “He’s part vampire. He doesn’t get cold.”

She blinks at him. “How are you in the sun?” She’s completely confused.

“I don’t have weaknesses.” He mumbles.

“I’m sure you have some weakness.” She smiles.

Our eyes meet. “None.”

I clear my throat. “I promised a warrior and I brought one. Adam going to help us.”

“He best have his strength. He’s going to need it.”

I turn and smile.

Burr. Christians beta. Not as big as Christian, but strong and brave in his own right. His head is shaved save for two braids that run across the top and down his back.

His hard face is cut and covered in stubble. His large frame is covered in cloth, leather and furs.

He holds out a hand to Adam. “Call me Beta Burr.”

Adam shakes his hand with a nod. “Where’s the Alpha?”

Burr shrugs. “Don’t know. Haven’t seen him since Astrid left.”

“What? He’s missing?” I face Burr with shock.

“We searched everywhere. We haven’t seen him nor the witch. I’ve been trying to keep faith that he’s not dead, but the people are getting nervous. He better turn up soon. The challenges are starting.” Burr crosses his arms.

I turn to Adam. “We must find Christian. This village wouldn’t stand Alpha challenges.”

“Where was he last seen?” Adam asks.

“Down by the edge of the village. He ran around the lake to the forest.” Burr points to the trees on the other side of the valley.

Adam taps my arm. “We'll find him.”

I pick up my pack and Adam runs to where Christian did. I am right behind him.

I pray Christian is alive. I’ve lost so much. I can’t lose him too.


We searched the forests and close mountain hills well into the night.

With each passing moment, my worry grows.

“I do not understand. How can he just disappear? I have nothing to track.” I say in a frustrated tone as I flop out my arms.

Adam steps up to me and leans in. “Keep calm. We will find him.”

“I know.” I sit down at a trunk. I scrub my face and lay my hands in between my thighs. “I knew this would happen. I told him.”

Adam sits beside me. “From what I’ve heard, Christian is strong and can take care of himself.”

I turn to Adam. “Then why do I have this awful feeling in my stomach?”

He wraps his arm around me. “Because you love him and you don’t want to see him hurt. You’re also tired so rest.” He pulls me into his chest.

“I can’t rest.” I say through a yawn as I settle into his jacket.

“You have to then your head will be clearer.” He adjusts himself too.

As I lay my ear to his chest, I hear a sound. A beating. It was soft at first, but grew. The sound of life in him made my eyes droopy. I close them and just listen to the rhythmic thumping. It was so soothing, I felt calm and I trusted him in saying he will find my brother.

As my mind drifted off, I prayed.

‘Please, God. Keep him safe.’



I opened my eyes to the sun’s rays beaming through the snow covered branches of the trees.

I look down at my chest and slowly raise my hand to move the hair covering my stunning creatures face.

I didn’t realize my shifter took over as we rested. He started my heart and flooded me with his emotions. I shut him down, but the feelings are still swimming around in my chest.

As I inspect Astrid’s face, I feel a softness over come me. My fingers gently run down her cheek. I wish beyond wishes, I could give her what she wants.

I want it also, but we never get what we want. Genesis took care of that.

Astrid’s something made out of heavens essence and I shouldn’t of touched it.

Her beauty is snare. I should have known I’d be trapped by it.

Her bravery and love make it even harder to rip myself away from her.

I’ll just take these moments. I have so many memories of death, I want some memories of life and I’ll let her give them to me.

I think I deserve that much.

I still have a responsibility to protect her and that means not letting her feel the same as I do.

No, my feelings will be secret to my death. Then she won’t be so heartbroken when it happens. Neither will I.

She is so amazing, I’d let the world go to shit for her, but then what kind of man would I be if I let that happen.

I look to the sun and the snow sparkles. She stirs in my arms and I study her soft, pink cheek to her sleeping eye. It lightly snowed or the breeze coated us in a light dusting which made her sparkle in the sun as well. He tries to push through, but I won’t let him. I can still enjoy the beauty of her, but not in the way he wants.

As I watched the rays of the sunrise, she stirs again. I look down and she crinkled her nose while she cuddles more into me. The breeze does have a slight nip that even I can feel, but it only adds the my cold skin.

The mountain breeze blows the northern winds across us and I see her shoulder steam.

I develop a curiosity when I feel a heat growing between us. I know it’s not me.

Her cheek gets pinker and steam starts to rise around us. I see the dusting of snow melt on her hip and the warmth from her hand on my bare chest becomes almost unbearable.

My heart tries to start as my wolves go nuts in their cage. I have no choice.

I push her off and she wakes with a start.

She jolts up. “What? What’s wrong?” She looks to me and rubs her eyes.

“You tell me?” I point to the water that now sits on the ground where she laid.

She follows my finger and inspects her wet clothing. Her eyes meet my disturbed ones.

“Oh…um…Shoot…I…” She stammers.

“What the hell was that?” I clench. I don’t know why I’m feeling offended by the heat, but I feel like it was trying to change me somehow.

She slumps and scrunches her nose. “Remember the power I told you Christian has?”

I nod.

She picks up some snow, a red ring glows around her blue.

My eyes watch the snow turn to water in her hand.

“You have It, too.”

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