Behind The Alpha Book 8 ADAM

Chapter 16

(Chapter song ‘Runar' by Danheim)


“You lost it! Again!” I yell in the wizards face.

“Adam!” My father shouts.

I glare at him, growl, turn and walk to the other end of the council room.

I returned to Phoenix after countless attempts to get the blade.

The library had finally been found by Deacon and his mate. Now, I learn that the library has been broken into and the blade inside was stolen.

I’m beyond vexed at this point. I could just kill them all be done with it, but that won’t solve anything. I’m still stuck in this infinite loop of disappointment.

With the blade now out there, I don’t know which way to go.

I push my lycan down and calm the emotions of my shifter. I find my dead heart and run my fingers through my hair.

I turn back around. “Do you know who took it?”

Owen crosses his arms. “Only that whatever it was, was invisible.”

“Cameras didn’t pick up anything. Jenny tried to use magic, but it couldn’t track it.” Deacon says.

I nod. “Jenny has magic?”

He nods. “My baby's really good too.”

“obviously not good enough.” I scowl.

He points to me. “That’s not fair, she’s still learning.”

I think about this. Even if she’s a young witch, she could still be useful. There may be something in the library that can help me either locate the blade or find another way. The keeper of the library would be a good ally.

I lean on the table next to him. “I’ll need to see her. Bring her to me in few weeks time.”

He gives me a curious look. “Ok. Why?”

I lower my head and look at the table. “If she’s as good as you say, she has skill I can use. If I’m to beat Lefu, we need everything. Including the library.”

I roll my eye to him and he stares at me. “Tell me when and where.” He says in a serious tone.

“I’ll call.” I say as I stand.

Azriel faces me. “The blade will be found. The Council will help, but the library will be off limits to you.”

I get in his face. “Do you think the council concerns me?” I tilt my head as I throw daggers at him.

“Threatening me won’t change the fact that you must abide by the rules. You know what this would mean. The council has every right to protect the vault and its contents.” He grits.

“To me, it looks like they’re aren’t protecting shit. So, you can tell them for me, I don’t give a rats ass what they want. Lefu trumps a bunch of half rate magicians.” I glare at him.

“ADAM!” Owen barks.

I hold a hand up to him while not breaking with Azriel. “You’re time of bumbling is over. I can see I need to take control of this.” I turn to Deacon. “Await my call.”

I glare at the Alphas at the table and leave.

Azriel and the council can kiss my ass if they think they’re stopping me. Unless I find that blade, the library will be mine for however long I need it.


I gathered my thoughts on the mountain for a few more days and as I lay on the couch in the common room of the snow filled pack house, I felt something.

I get up and stare out the hole in the house. The dark night is curtained with falling snow and ice.

I slowly walk to the edge. The mountain wind blows my hair and clothes as I look around the lifeless village.

Then I hear it. A steady, heavy heartbeat.

Jumping down into the snow, I walk slowly through the houses. My vampire vison scans every darkened corner.

“You stand no chance this time.”

His voice penetrates the winds and I whip my head to its direction.

He steps out from behind a hovel. He never changes, but then I don’t really change either.

His large dark frame walks into the moonlight.

“This time is no different.” I grumble as step closer.

“Oh, this time is very different, regenerator.” He smiles. His yellow/green eyes glow in the black.

I narrow my eyes and walk to him. “Why did you call me that?”

His brows go up. He brushes the snow off his yellow hair and his dark skin almost camouflages him against the black. “You don’t seem yourself this time. Time truly is different.”

“Nothing is different. I’m still sending you back to hell where you belong.” I grind. My fists ball at my side as I stop a small distance away from him.

He holds his arms out to his sides. “Go ahead. I’m right here. Take your chance.”

I felt my heart start as my lip snarls. My eyes glow yellow and I feel my blood boil.

“I took your friends. I’ll enjoy ending you too.” He smirks.

“I don’t have friends.” I shake my head as I stare him down. “You’re lies won’t sway me.”

“You really don’t remember.” He laughs.

“Remember what?” I snarl.

He scratches his nose and looks around the village as he crosses his arms. “You know, I think this would be pointless if you don’t know.”

I tilt my head as I try to piece it together. “The blade wasn’t stolen by you, was it?” I take a step closer. “You can’t kill me no more than I can kill you without it. That’s the only reason you’re not fighting. Am I right?”

He side eyes me. “You can’t kill me, Adam. You won’t ever get that chance. This is the last fight then the world is mine. Your travel here was useless and I will end your suffering.”

“You better hope I don’t get that blade first. That will be the deciding factor of who burns in the fire. I may be suffering, but my satisfaction is knowing that you will not rise anymore.” I get my back up as my lycan prepares to fight.

He nods. “You better bring more that that sniveling wolf. My following will eat its way through you and everyone else. Death will be on the lips of everyone I choose to live. No one will know who you even are. No one will even care. Your own father didn’t even care enough about you to fight his demon. You’re weak. You’re friends were weak and if I choose to let you live, you will bow to me.”

I shake my head. “The only way I bow to you is when we’re on our way to see Satan. Not a moment earlier. I will see you on your knees as I slit your throat with the Reaper.”

The corner of his lip ticks up. “We'll see, Regenerator. We'll see. For now, I’m king and my armies are already descending on those who have it. As we speak, I’m laying waste to them. I will get my blade back and this ends how I see fit. It’s too late. Be prepared to choose your side, Adam. Your future on this planet will depend on that.”

His body waves like water and disappears.

I shoot up from the couch and scan the room inside the house.

Jumping up, I run outside and look around.

A mental projection. I scrub my face and hair. He’s connected with my mind.

I look to the black peaks of the mountain wall.

‘I’m laying waste to them as we speak.’

My face falls and I break into a vamp run. I slice through the bitter cold like hot knife.

I cross the mountain range as fast as I can and stop at the base. Before me is the desert.

I focus my eyes and see a rising wall of dust at Phoenix. I see the army attacking the city and blur in its direction.

The sounds were deafening. Rogues and Dire wolves snarl, bark and snap as the Unit soldiers fight them off just outside the wall.

I call my vamp and grab a Dire. He claws at me and tries to fight as I use my strength to crush his rib cage. He squeals a deathly yelp as I hold his muzzle to the air, call my fangs and rip out the soft skin under his jaw. He thrashes on the ground and I look for another.

I lick my lips and smile. My bloody fangs dripping and salivating for the rising heartbeats.

Jumping into the air, I land on the back of a rogue who was trying to kill a soldier. His eyes looked shocked as I grabbed his fur on either side of his head. His lips snarl, I wrap my arms around his neck and squeeze. His neck snaps in three places and I drop him. I jump on another back and sink my fangs into his shoulder. He tries to buck me off, but my suction is too tight. My claws dig into his sides as I eat.

As long as I don’t stop, I’ll stay awake. With so much to kill, I don’t see me stopping any time soon.

I rip out his neck and leave him to pump out the blood I left in him.

I rip off heads and snap spines like twigs. A Dire wraps his tail around me and I grab it. He pulls, but I lift it to my lips and bite it off. He screams in pain and I end him.

As I fight my way through, I find myself on the Unit side of the fight.





Orders are barked in the chaos and I watch bodies drop as wolves hit the walls.

As I kill, I have to stop. I notice something strangely familiar, but I don’t know how.

Graham is fighting just off my side and he’s almost shimmering in my eyes. He gets slammed and hits the ground. I see he’s passed out and I try to get to him, but a Dire grabs my arms and throws me.

I twist in the air and land on my feet. My boots slide in the blood soaked mud. He challenges me and I lower myself. I flash my fangs with a hiss and run at him.

He lunges and I slam my hand on his lower jaw. His teeth slam shut and my vampire goes for the throat with rabid hunger. His demonic cries for help fill my ears and my Vamps dead heart fills with a sickening pleasure.

Once full, I kill him and look for another.


I turn to Hunter who’s covered in blood and seething.


I turn to the wave of rogues parting and his large body stands with rage.

This is no memory.

I wipe the blood off my mouth with the back of my hand and run at him.

“ADAM, NO!!”

My fathers protests do little for the revenge in my heart. My eyes target Lefu and I prepare to end him as best I can.

The Alphas chase me down as I get closer. I push through them like a raging bull. I toss them like dolls. Nothing is getting in between us.

“YOU WILL NOT GET IT, DEMON!” I roar as I close the gap.

He reaches an arm back as I tear through the battle. My lycan rises and I prepare to shift just as a ball of magic flies at my chest.

It explodes on me and I’m hurled backwards. I land on my back with a bouncing thud. My vision turns white and pain erupts throughout my body. The war is drowned out by the ringing in my ears.


My head rolls to the side as I see Graham being carried away by Sawyer. His body gleams even more as my mind leaves this place.

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