Behind The Alpha Book 8 ADAM

Chapter 15

(Chapter song ‘Whispers In The Dark’ by Skillet)


The dark slowly becomes light as I follow the voices to reality.

My eyes open and blink to the light. My body feels much cooler as I start to understand where I am.

I’m laying on a bed, in a room with red walls and a large fire bird with its wings spread on the ceiling.

I slowly turn my head to look around and see the man on my bed, sitting on the edge of it.

My eyes widen, I sit up with a start and reach back for my sword that’s not there.

He raises his hand. “Whoa. It’s ok. It’s fine. Your pack is over there. You just passed out from heat exhaustion.”

I turn my head slightly and eye him. “Heat exhaustion.” I repeat.

“Yeah. I suspect your wolf isn’t used to the heat.” He ticks the corner of his lip up.

“No. She’s not.” I say cautiously. “Who are you?”

“I’m Matt. Beta to the Phoenix Alpha.” He places a hand on his chest. “Who are you?”

I look around to the red carpet and the large windows that line the other wall. There’s doors to a large balcony.

“Astrid.” I turn back to him. “I need to see the Alpha.”

I swing my legs over and try to stand, but I sway as my head spins and I fall back on the bed.

“Hey. Take it easy. Here.” He hands me a cup. “It’s water.”

I take the cup and drink it all down like I haven’t drank in a week. “Thank you.”

“Sawyer’s not here. He’s at a council meeting. What are you doing here, Astrid?”

I hand the cup back. “I need help. My pack is under threat and I need a warrior to help me fight.”

“Who's your pack?” He leans a hand on the bed and crosses his legs.

“The Nordic Wolves.” I answer.

He sits up and smiles. His eyes seem to study me as his face fills with surprise. “Oh my god. You survived.”

“Survived?” I question.

“The explosion on the mountain. There’s a lot that believe you blew up with it. Wow. Look at you. This is amazing. No wonder you passed out.” He grins.

“Yes, we survived, but now we’re in desperate need of help. Please. I must see the Alpha.” I stand up and am a little more steady on my feet.

Matt stands with me. “I can take you to the Unit. What’s the threat?”

“A nymph who controls the ice. Please. We must hurry. I’ve been gone long enough already.” I say as I grab my pack.

“Sure. Come with me.” He motions to the door and I walk past him. “Hey…uh…is that a sword?” He asks as he shuts the door behind him.


A short trip later and I’m entering a place called the Security Unit. As Matt guides me in, I’m taken aback by the size and beauty of it. The windows on the ceiling show the bright blue sky and the wide open hall is filled with people.

Matt takes me to a staircase and as I walk up, a thing flies past my face. I jut back with a tiny yelp and watch it fly across the area like a bug, though it’s as big as my head.

A man on the floor catches it. “Sorry about that!” He waves. He’s not dressed like most of the people here. He’s wearing a long white coat and a badge.

I wave back. “It’s alright!”

Matt chuckles. “Let’s go before we get creamed.”

I give him a puzzled look. “Creamed?”

“Don’t worry about it.” He waves me up the stairs.

This place is definitely a curiosity. Maybe I can explore it after I find my warrior.

As we approached a door, I heard the Alphas talking about armies and vampires. This triggers my desperation. I think I know what they are discussing. I can help them. I pushed past Matt and bolted through the door.

All eyes shift my way and the room becomes silent as I enter.

“Can I help you?” The Alpha with dark hair and eyes questions me. His square jaw ticks as does a few others.

“Matt? What gives?” A red headed Alpha grits.

He goes to answer, but I interrupt him. “I’m Astrid Eriksen. I know you’re my brothers allies and I need your help.”


After a round of introductions to the Alpha council, I told them all about the activity on our mountains.

I’ve never seen them myself, but I’ve heard the countless whispers of an army on our mountain that has been witnessed traveling through glass. I know this worries Christian as well because this army is growing and is also a big threat to us.

The talk of the Bringer of death also concerned me greatly.

Growing up, I've heard the stories of the old Alpha making dealings with Vampires. When the men told Christian that the Vampires were also seen on the mountain recently, I could see Christians worry. I feel it too.

I was sheltered from the battle many years ago, but I remember the damage and Christians rise to power. Even at a mere 10 years old, I wanted to help my brother fight. So much so, I stole my mother’s ice potion and that’s when I found my power. My mother swore me to secrecy saying the Alpha would be angry with me if he knew. I agreed.

“This army is a threat to us. We want to fight, but our numbers are dwindling.” I inform them.

I also told them about Queen Iris and the torment she’s causing. They seemed to understand her in some way.

I had also heard Christian talk of the Shaman being seen among them. This really concerned me because it was the Shaman who tried to ruin us in the first place by getting us addicted to the ice potions.

If it wasn’t for Christian and his gift, we would still be under his control. Now, he’s back and Christian seems uncaring. His mind is focused on Iris and I can’t break him of it.

“When we found out our mountain was protected by Iris, we tried to leave, but Christian refuses. My brother has lost his mind. He’s convinced he can reason with her, but I know a demon when I see one.” I rest my hand on the hilt of my sword. “Please, I need your help.”

“I’ll have to check the treaties to make sure we aren’t violating any agreements.” Owen says.

I lean on the table with my hands. “My people are being murdered!! Screw your agreements!” I thump a fist into the table.

“I agree.”

The deep voice hits my chest and I turn around.

Like a blizzard clearing out, he walks in larger than life.

His hair is white like mine and his eyes are a pretty, pale shade of green. His square jaw holds strong as our eyes connect.

I see his muscular chest through his open leather jacket and his black pants are tight to well formed thighs.

I reclaim the air that left me as he stops just in front of me. He’s very tall, but I only stand to just above his nose. Like I mentioned, I’m tall for a woman in my pack.

My wolf whines in his presence and I have to shush her and collect myself.

Behind him are two other men. One with brown hair and one with light hair. Both look to be strong Alphas, but not as big. I also sense a certain level of mystic power from each of them. My eyes see the auras around them. Beautiful colored shimmers surround them in my vision.

The tall man’s aura seems…interrupted or corrupted in some way. I’m not sure what to think about that. He also smells different. A smell I don’t recognize at all. Like it’s not of this earth, but still sweet by nature. Like a lost flower from eons past.

“This wasn’t an open invitation meeting.” Owen growls.


I turn to Alpha Hunter leaning on the table. Our eyes meet. “I’ll help you.” He says.

“I’m in.” Mateo says.

“Me too.” Ash replies.

“If they’re going, I’m going.” Darcy leans back in his chair.

“Wouldn’t miss it.” Brody nods.

“I hate the cold, but whatever.” Zane grumbles.

One by one, my chest fills with elation as the the warriors acknowledgment my plight and express their willingness to join me. I wanted one warrior, but I got over a dozen. These allies truly are good friends. If Christian will listen to anyone, he’ll listen to them.

“Nymphs are badass. Especially Iris.” Peter rubs his head.

One of the men with Adam, steps forward. “Iris can be subdued.”

I look to him with question. “You know of the Queen?”

He smiles. “She’s my sister in law.” He chuckles.

My lips fall. “I don’t see the humor in her killing my people. Why do you allow your female to behave in such a manner?” I study his eyes.

He stops laughing. “Oh…um…she’s not my female…I can’t control…My mate, Thea, is her sister. She might be able to move her snowflake to another peak.”

“My apologies. That would be incredibly helpful. We don’t want to hurt her. We only want peace.” I bow my head. “You’re name?”

“Wes Andrews.” He grins.

“I’m Cass Raven.” The light haired one waves from behind Adam. “I’m a love bug.” He ticks his head with a grin as he proudly stands with his arms crossed.

The room snickers and he shoots them a look.

“A love bug?” I question.

“No time.” Adam growls quietly and our eyes lock.

I step to him. “I thank you for your help.” I say as I look up at him.

“Don’t worry. We’ll handle it.” He turns back to the table and his tone is off-putting.

“Yes, we will.” I try and find his gaze.

“This enemy is mine.” He side eyes me.

I cross my arms. “I understand. I offer my sword…”

“No.” His word was sharp. “You don’t know this enemy. Go back to your people and we will fight.” His emotionless tone was grating. I also didn’t like the fact that another man was telling me not battle for my people.

“I know enough.” I point to my then his chest. “The mountain is mine. You will be fighting by my side, not the other way around.” I make my stand as his green eyes seem to flicker in color. His glare doesn’t falter.

He faces me then leans in. “You will only get in the way. Go home.” He grits.

I narrow my eyes as a hint of blue swirls in the pale green like something else is speaking. I stare him down like I have stared down so many other men in my village. “No. I’m joining you whether you like it or not.”

He twists his lips like he’s fighting back a beast within him as the tension between us rises to unimaginable levels.

“I don’t think Astrid’s sitting this one out, son.”

Adam’s eyes flick to Hunter. “Don’t call me that.”

I glance between them. Father and son? I don’t see it. Maybe he takes after his mother.

Hunter walks to us and stares Adam down. “If I’m joining you, you best be showing me more respect.” He clenches.

I get the feeling this isn’t new for them. In a way, it’s much like Christian and I. I love my half-brother, but the way he treats me is less than desirable. I know some of his disdain for me comes from not knowing who I am to him. I’ve never told him who I was or what I could do. A woman with his power would look bad for Christian and I don’t want to take that from him so, I agreed to keep myself a secret beyond my mothers death.

Adam’s back is up as he challenges his father. “You're not fighting with me, you’re fighting with them. You have nothing to do with me.”

Hunter crosses his arms. “Except the whole being your father thing. You aren’t in command of this unit. You don’t get to dictate who fights and who doesn’t. Astrid has as much right to fight as you do.”

Adam glances at me. “Fine, follow me, but Lefu is mine. Don’t get in my way.” He aggressively points to my nose. “I also won’t save you if you get in trouble.”

I squint my eyes and focus on his with threat on my face. “You’re the last person I’d call for help.” I growl.

He groans, shakes his head as I push past him and leave.

I stopped outside the door and listened to them talk about the vampires on the move and someone named Lefu. Adam seemed very upset with this man. He must be his enemy. When I heard that there was two of this enemy, I felt like Adam couldn’t fight it alone.

When he indicated that he was going after the lycans, I felt like I could at least assist him in his mission like he was going to in mine before this news.

I shall wait for him.

Walking through the lot, I try to find what he would travel in. I get a whiff of that flower and follow it. I stop at a very large bike.

My fingers run over the seat and the chrome handles. I start to feel hot again and take off my jacket with furs. I drape it over the seat and lean on the bike. He probably won’t be happy to see me, but I can tell his pride is getting in his way.

When he came out of the Unit, my heart skipped as I watched him cross the lot. The sun played on his milky white skin in such a way that he almost looked like a God. I felt something inside do a flip and try to keep myself tuned as he approaches. His irritation is clear on his face.

“What are you doing?” He grumbles.

“Waiting. You told me to follow you.” I state.

He motions for me to get off his bike. I huff and grab my jacket.

“I told you to go home.” He swings a leg over the seat. “I will come to you.”

“I was thinking…Since you’re helping me with the Queen, I could help you with this Lefu.”

He rolls his eye to me. His cold stare bore into my heart. “No.”

He starts the engine and revs. He leaves me in the parking and I’m shaking my head.

“It won’t be that easy.” I mutter and break into a run.

I ran all the way back to the pack house, jumped on my bike and spun the tires around to the road.

Speeding through traffic, I come out at the top of the open area where the crack in the wall is.

I see him cross the bridge and head out to the desert. I set my target and hit the throttle. My bike roars to life and I follow right behind him.

I don’t know why, but I feel like of all the warriors willing to fight with me, Adam will be the most crucial. Something inside tells me I need to be at his side even if he doesn’t want it.

The vast desert opens up and I’m closing in on him on the two lane black road.

After some time, I see him pull to the side of the road. He must of seen me so, I pull over behind him.

He gets off his bike. “Why are you following me?” He takes big steps to me as I dismount.

The sun is starting to take affect and I wipe the sweat off my brow. “I want to help.”

“I don’t need your help.” He glares at me.

“I heard, Adam. I heard them talk of this man, Lefu. He sounds dangerous.” I step up to him.

“He is.” He agrees.

“Now, there may be two. You can’t fight two alone.” I stare into his eyes.

“You don’t know me. Don’t you dare tell me what I can’t do.” He grits.

“From what I heard in that room, I know more than you think. Adam, I’m offering my skill to you. Just as you are to me.” I say quietly as the desert wind blows past us, kicking up sand around our legs.

“I can handle it.” He mutters, turns and walks to his bike.

I shake my head. It’s like talking to Christian. “Adam…Listen to reason.”

He spins around and strides to me. He leans to me and his nose is just off mine. “GO HOME, ASTRID!!”

His loud deep voice was like a clamp on my chest. I’m sure there was Alpha behind it. His eyes glow gold and I lean back, eyeing him cautiously. What is this?

He leans back, closes his eyes and breathes deep. When he opens his eyes, they’re green again. He seems to collect himself. “I don’t need your help.” He says stoically. “And I won’t fight by your side. I don’t want to hurt you, but I will if you refuse to listen.”

“You need me.” I whisper.

His eyes look me over. “I need no one.”

My lips fall as I feel a fear and sadness behind those words. He’s covering something and my heart feels it. His aura flashes blue, gold and green and was solid for a second then goes back to a pale, stuttering light.

I watch him turn and walk to his bike. He gets on and spins his tires. Dirt and sand kick up as he joins the road and drives off.

I cross my arms and wonder if the Alphas of Phoenix can fill me in on the mystery that is Adam.

One thing is for certain. I’m not done here.

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