Behind The Alpha Book 4 CASS

Chapter 6

(Chapter song ‘The Devil Within’ by Digital Daggers)


I pace back and forth, burning a hole in the grass under my boots.

I was mad before, but that little…nailing her in the head was just so…I made my arrow extra emotionally scarring for that one.

When I missed and tossed the table behind Cass, I’ve come to realize, I need to hit this guy before I expose myself. He’s starting to really piss me off.

I have a snarl on my lips and my chest heaves as I relive the miss in the parking lot. This guy is like a same pole magnet, I swear. Every shot EVERY…SHOT, just will not hit!! He has horseshoes up his ass!

My arms are folded and my fingers tap my arm as I wait for him to come out of the building he sleeps in.

I could go in, but I’m not one to invade private space. Our idiot Heart Matcher was like that and it bit him in the ass. No thanks, I respect private space. Besides, outside seems to be a better area for my kiss to find its target. It better find him or I’m unleashing hot, holy hell on him at this point.

I walk one way, turn and hear laughing.

My head whips to the door and Cass is coming out with a bunch of others his size. They have him surrounded and headed out to the people waiting on the field.

I walk to a tree and lean my shoulder on it as I watch Cass fight with the young fighters he’s training.

I assess his moves. He’s not bad. As he lands his opponents, I think about how it would be to be on the receiving end of those strikes. Fighting him back and watching his body move to predict his next play.

I shake my head as I caught myself staring longer than I was comfortable with. He’s a job, Ember. That’s it. No thoughts like that.

Someone calls a break and I push off the tree. This is it.

Cass walks up with other Alphas to a table covered in bags. They search for water and towels as they talk.

They huddle in a group and now’s my chance.

I line up with his back, prepare my kiss and carefully aim.

I blow and fire my kiss. I got him now.

My eyes almost sparkle as I watch it on a collision course to the back of his head.

I’m grinning like a fool, bouncing on my toes as I prepare for the impact that I’ve been fighting so hard for. That was until he bent over to tie his shoe. My mouth falls open as my kiss hits his friend right in the face. Pink smoke engulfs the circle. The friend waves off the smoke then stops as my magic settles in.

“WHAT?! NO!” I growl loud and slam my boot into the ground. “NO! NO! NO!”

Someone calls break over and the friends leave except the one I hit. His aura grows around him and I see another aura way off on the other side of the field. He starts to move like he’s drawn to her.

I watch Cass walk away into the crowd of fighters.

As I step furiously to the friend, I reach back and pull out a lead arrow. I flip it around in my hand as I close the gap. I grab his shoulder and spin him to me. His face fills with shock when he sees my rage filled eyes. I don’t even flinch as I drive my arrow deep into his heart. He screams, grabs his chest and crumbles to the ground.

I spin around, my hair hitting my face and my back rises and falls with my anger.

“Alright! Now it’s war!” I growl as the friend cries and begs for mercy from behind my feet.

I eye Cass as the group runs my way. I turn and storm off.

My scowl gets darker as I think, no more fucking games. Time for the direct approach.

Medics run past me as I shimmer and disappear to my next location.


I step out of my portal, but I’m not at the intended location, I’m on the top floor of the Infatuation Department.

I turn to a desk and it’s Persephone. Eros’ personal assistant. I cross my arms and walk up to her.

Her eyes meet mine and she smiles. “Good, you’re here. He’ll see you now.”

“Why?” I arch a brow.

“Not sure. He’s in his office.” She points to a door.

“Is he decent?” I narrow my eyes.

She giggles. “Yes. No worries.”

I chew my cheek as I walk to the large mahogany doors.

I push the door and he’s on the phone.

“Dusa, come on. You know I can’t. No. It doesn’t work like that. I can’t make him love you if you keep stoning him, I’m sorry. Learn to control your emotions and maybe we’ll talk…” He sighs and rubs his forehead. “No. I’m not accusing you of being overly sensitive…Dusa! Look. I’m sorry. Creatures like you are meant to suffer. That’s why it’s called a curse…See, that’s why men are scared of you. Talk like that. I’m hanging up…” He motions me to sit in a chair while he’s on a brown leather couch. “Ok…Say hi to mom for me. Bye.” He hangs up.

He puts his phone in his pocket. “Family.” He mumbles as he rolls his eyes. He grabs his scotch and sits back puffing on his cigar. The smoke wafts around his white suit. He’s dark hair looks messy and he needs a shave. His blood shot, brown eyes look like he hasn’t slept in centuries.

He's a complete hot mess

The smoke and whiskey breath hit my nose as I eye him curiously. “Why am I here, Eros? I’m kind of in the middle of a job.”

“The job is why I brought you in. I’m concerned.” He says as he drinks his glass.

“What about?” I huff my impatience at him.

He leans on his knees. “Why is it taking so long?”

“It’s a challenging job.” I shrug.

He nods. “This isn’t a game.”

I uncross my leg and lean forward. “Do you think I’m playing here?”

He puts his arms out and leans back. “I see your reports on this, Ember. Your kiss rate is in the toilet, now either you step up or I’m calling someone else in.”

I stand with fuming vigor and throw my finger at him. “I wouldn’t have to suffer this asshole if you would sober up and do your fucking job!”

He points to me. “Remember who you’re talking to.”

I narrow my eyes. “Oh, I know. A jerk who’d rather stay drunk than help lost souls.”

He glares at me. “My condition is not my fault.”

“It’s not? You shot yourself in the damn foot!” I throw my hand to the side.

He puts up a hand. “We aren’t talking about me. I need this job done. This man, he’s out of order.”

I turn my head slightly. “What do you mean?”

He scratches his temple and takes another drink. “He was supposed to be mated 20 years ago, but he kind of got buried in my bottom drawer.”

My eyes widen. “You lost him?!”

“Not intentionally.” He sits up. “I was working late and Psyche showed up ranting and professing love. I had to leave quick and kind of shoved his file in my drawer. She chased me for months, when I got back…I forgot.”

“You forgot?” I slightly lean to him. “YOU FORGOT?”

He points a swaying finger at me. “Don’t yell at me. My love doesn’t like that.”

I shake my head and pace his floor. “No wonder he’s so fucked up!”

“Right. So I need this corrected before the tops find out.” He says.

I stop and turn to him. “Destiny’s audit.”

He presses his lips together. “The little brat as decided to become a man and go through the offices. ‘Trimming the fat’ as he says. He hasn’t found this…error…yet and I don’t want him too. This man was one of Fates favorites. As far as she’s concerned, his fate line was filled. I need her to stay thinking that.”

“I can’t believe this.” I say as I pace again, rubbing my head.

“I don’t care how you do it, Ember. Get it done…Tonight.” He eyes me as he twirls the ice cubes in his drink.

I stand in front of him. “It’s not that easy. It’s like he’s…charmed or something.”

He points his cigar at me. “I don’t think I have to tell, bagging this guy, kind of important.”

His drunk snarkiness pisses me off. “Important for you.” I squint my eyes and drip attitude off my words.

He sits forward. “Yes, important to me!” He yells. “You think I want to be thrown into the sun when Fate finds out? Fix it! Now!”

I scowl at the cosmic dork on the couch. “Alright! Don’t get your diaper twisted!”

He tilts his head and juts his chin out. His eyes flare at me.

I smirk. “Too far?”

“Get out!” He grits.

“You know, for a cherub, you have major anger issues.” I say as I strut to the door. “I honestly don’t see what Psyche sees in you.”

“Tonight, Ember!” He growls to my back.

“Yeah, Yeah.” I wave my hand at him. “I’ll save your cushy ass. Don’t worry.”


My conversation with Eros certainly opened a new perspective on Cass and his situation. Imagine having love scheduled to be given and it doesn’t happen. The problem is the heart doesn’t know that so it makes more and more with nowhere to dump it. It’s no wonder he’s leaking all over the place. He probably feels like somethings not right, but who would even know where to even begin to correct this situation. This is why my job is so important. So shit like this doesn’t happen.

I’m not hateful. I’m empathetic to his problem. What pisses me off to no end is why I can’t seem to give him the help he needs. It’s like the cosmos doesn’t want him fixed. I can’t see how that benefits Cass in any way. I feel now, that regardless of Eros' reputation, I need to set this messed up love bomber straight. Even if it’s for my own sanity.

I declared war and one of us is going down.

I look at my phone and look at the date. The 13th. Twenty four hours and this boy will be mate matched. After that I can move on from this mess.

I stand outside the bar he’s in right now.

“Last chance.” I mutter as I walk in and look around.

I see him at a table talking to a black haired woman. He seems to be having a good conversation. Let’s help him out. He’s sitting up in his chair as he acts charming and the girl looks…overwhelmed. I see his leaks surrounding her. She feels it. Ok. Let’s not waste time.

I aim and blow. My kiss is ending this now.

The music thumps and people dance. Laughter and talking fill my ears as I watch with great concentration. There’s no one around to interrupt it.

I hold my breath as I see him move. He leans on the table and my kiss just skims his shoulders and hits a wall, shattering into glittery pieces and falling to the floor, disappearing once settled.

I can’t. I just can’t…

“THAT’S IT!” I scream.

I stomp fast and hard over to him. I pull myself out of my shield before entering their space. They both turn with looks of surprise and fear on their faces.

I grab the girls arm and pull her away from him. This hell is over! I grab his shirt in my fists, look directly into his eyes. My nose is almost touching his. “Take this, asshole!!” I grit my teeth, prepare an incomplete kiss and smash my lips onto his.

I command his lips to part and he swallows me whole. His hand slams onto the back of my head and I taste him deeper.

I hold his cheeks and my fingernails slightly scratch his stubble covered cheeks as his energy and passion fill me. His tongue glides with mine and my head fills with our heartbeats beating as one. My skin crawls with him as his finger pads gently stroke my jaw and chin.

He melts almost as much as I do.

The heat built up fast. Pink clouds covered my brain. The electric feel in my body seems to travel faster. He moans on my lips as his fingers slide into my hair. He fists it and directs the kiss, making it even better.

I should not be enjoying this, but holy shit!

Then I hear a growing whining sound in my ears. I feel something rise in me. It’s fast and sounds out of control. The noise becomes deafening and before I can react, my lips explode in pink smoke and glitter.

My head is shot back and stumble a few steps.

Cass is hacking pink smoke, bent over, holding onto his knee. Every cough results in billows of pink clouds spilling to the floor. The entire area is foggy as I stand and wipe my lips with the back of hand. My eyes raise and my brows stitch together. “What the hell?”

He looks up too and his face softens. “What?”

I scowl. “What did you do?!” Does he have some repellant or something?


I step up to him. “What the hell was that?!”

“You…Oh my god…” He gets this wonder filled look in his eyes.

I step back and look him over. “What?”

“You’re beautiful…” He says softly.

My brows shoot up. “No. No! Don’t even…” I hold up a finger to his face.

He gets off his chair. “You…Who are you?” It’s like he’s in a daze.

“Stop! No!” I hold up my hand. I throw up my shield.

“Please…I have to know your name…” He continues to step toward me.

He can see me still? Shit!

I drop my shield, turn and pull out my phone. “No. No. No….”

He’s beside me as I search. He’s touching my hair and I hear him inhale deeply. “You smell so good…Mmm….Cinnamon hearts…”

“Get away from me, freak!” I growl. “Come on….” I scroll through the training manuals searching for anything that might explain this.

His love is surrounding me and I’m starting to feel in it my chest. The suffocating power of it.

This is bad...Really bad.

I swipe a page as he holds a lock of my hair to his nose. “Ok. Kiss backfires.” I click the link.

My lips turn to an angry frown as I read the words. “System down. Try again later.”

“Fuck!!” I throw my phone across the floor.

“…So gorgeous…”

“Stop touching me!!”

I fume as I try to search my mind. I bang my forehead with my fist to find the answer.

I’m drawing a blank. A complete blank…

I turn my head slowly and my wide eyes meet his as he smiles sweetly.

“I love you.”

“Oh, God.”

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