Behind The Alpha Book 4 CASS

Chapter 5

(Chapter song ‘One Kiss(with Dupa Lupa)’ by Calvin Harris)


I walk into the semi busy bar. It’s not as busy as Feral, but the dancefloor’s still nice to look at. You get a lot of Security Unit people in here which is way more my speed.

I figure to get solid hookups, Falcons better than Feral. Our old hunting ground as young guys when we all joined the unit. If I’m siphoning from my youth, might as well go for broke. I scored quite a bit here. I don’t really understand what changed except my friends being mated. I didn’t really believe I strayed that far from my usual plays.

It's time to face the very real fact that I have forgotten how to pick up women. So who better to refresh me than Luke Jackson. He’s rough around the edges, loud, obnoxious and has zero filters, but you can’t deny, the guy gets laid when he wants it.

I slide onto the stool beside him. “Thanks for meeting up, man.” I look him over in his black motorcycle jacket, jeans and black boots.

He grins that stupid grin he always has. “So your having trouble with the opposite sex?”

He's talking weird again. “Yeah. I need your help.”

“No problem.” He tips his beer back. “I’m glad you came to me with this problem. The fact you’re here shows trust. I appreciate that. I recognize that.” He scratches his neck like Al Pacino or some shit. “I can teach you.”

I arch a brow. “Have you been hanging around Gideon again?”

He shakes his head. “Naw. We’re tracking lycans out of New York around Axelridge that have ties to the Vinelli family.

“I thought they were dead?” I question.

“It’s a big family.” He says in a raspy voice “Now let’s discuss this coolness problem of yours.”

“Luke, you aren’t the Godfather of cool! Knock it off.” I growl.

He throws an arm around my shoulder. He has his beer in his hand as he points in my face. “No. I’m better. Coolness…it’s not something that can be taught. It’s…a state of being. The Master can show the grasshopper.”

I sit up, my mouth shrinks and I stare at him, blinking.

He grins. “Because I’m the Master of Cool and you’re the uncool grasshopper…”

“YEAH, I GOT IT!” I interrupt with irritation.

He points to my face again. “First, ditch the stress and attitude before I knock it out of you.”

I bite my tongue and nod, taking several deep breaths to relax and try to be open to Luke’s advice.

He rubs my shoulder and shakes me a bit. “Ok. Posture is everything. You need to say ‘Hey, I like your ass and I want it on my lap now.’ You need to set the hook.” He smirks.

“Set the hook.” I repeat.

He leans on the bar, his head on his finger tips and his outside knee pointed out to the bar floor. He points to his knee then his package. “This leads to this. This is your bait.” He slightly nods as his words kind of resonate, but I definitely feel out of character.

I mirror his image. It feels really weird.

“Ok. A little stiff, but you’ll loosen up…or not.” He smirks and drinks his beer.

“Luke!” I scowl.

“Ok.” He snorts. He sits up and places his arms on his thighs. “Show me the smile.”

I shake my head. This is stupid, but…

I smile my normal smile.

He crosses his arms, furrows his brow and rubs his chin. “No. That says I want to buy you flowers and a kitten. Try something else.”

I smile bigger.

He shakes his head. “Definitely not. That says creepy guy in the corner.”

I drop my smile altogether. He snaps his finger and points. “That! Just like that. That says I’m here to drink, but if you want to fuck me, I’ll let you. Keep that.”

I’m starting to really regret this idea. “Luke…I don’t think this is for me…”

“You want girls?” He grabs my shoulder and leans me to him.

“Yeah.” I agree.

“Hot, willing, insatiable girls?” He tilts his head and looks dead in my eyes.

“Yes!” I furrow my brow.

“Then shut the fuck up and listen to your Master.” He warns.

“You’re not…”

“Eh! Master is talking.” He pushes me back and I shut my mouth.

I’m two seconds away from shutting his.

“Ok…Posture…Face…Attitude. Alright, Fuck Boy 101.” He smirks.

“Can we call it something else?” I say concerned.

“Um…No. Moving on. Pay attention. To be a dick, but not a total ass, first…Choose wisely. Some girls like dicks, some don’t. It’s your job to know which ones which.” He eyes me then looks out to the floor. “See those three over there?”

I casually eye a table with three girls in jeans and fancy looking tank tops. Their hair is all curled up and they seem like a lot of fun. “Yeah.”

“They don’t like dicks. They are here for a few drinks and laughs. They’re probably waiting for the boyfriends. They could try and start something with you, but they’ll just want commitments and you to buy them stuff. It’s messy.” Luke scrunches his nose.

I put my hand out to him. “That’s what I want!”

He holds up his finger. “No. No. Remember, you are waiting for your fated and entertaining yourself in the meantime. Those girls will cause stress and you’ll want to throw yourself off a bridge. No. What you want is right over there.” He points and I follow his finger.

Standing by the dancefloor, a leggy blonde sips her drink through a straw. Her adorable eyes and huge chest has my wolf spin in my chest. I feel my mouth go moist as I follow her curves in her black dress. “Damn.” I growl.

“Hot, right?” He nods with a smile

“Fuck, ya.” I wipe my bottom lip with my thumb.

“Hey. Cool it. Remember. You need to set your bait. Give her the look and chum the water.” He pushes my leg out and I try to look cool while drinking my beer.

She smiles at me and I give her my cool guy look. She playful runs her fingers across her neck and starts to walk this way.

“Ok. Turn away. Here she comes.” Luke says under his breath. We both turn to our bottles.

I wait in anticipation and she almost floats right up to us. Her hand lands right on the inside of Luke’s thigh. His brows shoot up and he looks down, then back up at her.

“Hi.” She breathes.

My face falls as my eyes meet Luke’s.

He starts to chuckle. “Uh…Hi…” He turns to me. “This is why I always sit at the wall. Sorry.”

I nod with a sarcastic smile as I can see where this is going already.

He picks up her hand with two fingers. “You are rocking it, really, but…I’m mated.” He pulls back his t shirt in his shoulder to show the mark.

“Oh.” A look of disappointment crosses her face. “Chosen?” She tries to make a comeback.

“Fated. Sorry, but…” He slaps my knee. “My man, Cass here…100 percent available.” Luke grins and I give a little wave.

She looks me up and down. “Sorry. I don’t do posers. I have standards.”

I sit up and my jaw drops. She spins on her toes and walks away.

I throw a hand out. “Are you kidding?”

Luke ticks his head. “Sorry, dude. She smelled your fear.”

“What fear?” I snip.

“I don’t know! Did you shower?” He leans to me.

I shove his face back. “Of course I did!”

I stand up and almost pitch a fit in the bar. “You know what? I’m not even going to try anymore. I’m too old to be playing these games.”

“Cass! Buddy. Calm down. It was just the first hit. Give it time.” He punches my arm.

I lean to him. “I’m out of time and I’m out of here.”

“No. Sit down. I’m not letting you drag me out to the bar for you to ruin my beer. Sit your ass down and man up. Rejection is part of the game. Get used it.” He slams be back down on the stool.

“Oh, I’m used to it, Luke. It’s my fucking love language now!” I throw my arms up.

He puts a hand on my nape and points at me. “Will you cool down! No wonder you can’t get any. You’re emotions are all over the place. You’re going to scare the fish away!”

“We are not fishing!” I clench.

“Yes, we are and one’s eyeing you pretty hard.” He smirks and motions his chin out.

I turn right around in my stool and a short little thing with chocolate brown hair and pink dress is making a beeline for me.

I have my knees spread and the next thing I know she’s in between them. I’m locked in her brown eyes and she’s shoving her nails into the hem of my jeans. When she hits skin, I flinch…bad. “Whoa! Uh…Hey…” I smile as I let out a little chuckle.

“Hi. I was just watching you and I thought you could use a hug.” She bites her lower lip.

I look down at my pants and point. “That’s not a hug.”

“No, but I could still give you one.” She takes her hands out and grabs my neck. She pulls me in and wraps her luscious thick lips around mine. My eyes shoot open and I hear Luke.

“My job is done. Have fun, grasshopper.” I see him walk off in the corner of my eye.

She breaks the kiss and drags her teeth across my lip. “That’s not a hug either.” I mumble.

She giggles. “You’re funny.”

“Thanks.” I smile.

“You want to come back to my place?” She asks.

I stare at her for a brief moment. Remember Cass, this isn’t a relationship. “Yes, I do.” I give her a sultry look.

I walk her out of the bar. “My cars over there.” I point and she grabs my head again. She kisses me hard then freezes. I open my eyes and hers are wide. I grab her hands and pull them off. She staring off into space. “Are you ok?”

Her brows cinch together and she blinks at me. “I’m sorry. I…have to go…”

“Excuse me?”

She walks around me and back into the bar. I follow her in and she wanders through people and up to a guy. They look at each other and start fucking kissing!

“What?!” I throw my hands up.

A huge crash came from behind me and I jump. I turn and pictures of beer, glasses and a table were toppled over.

I turn back and glare. “Yeah. I feel that.” I growl, turn on my heels and go home to drown this night into my subconscious, never to speak of it again.

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