Behind The Alpha Book 4 CASS

Chapter 4

(Chapter song ‘Teeth’ by 5 Seconds of Summer)


I sit with the mirror app pulled up on my phone, and apply deep red lipstick. I rub my lips together and make a kiss to the camera before shutting it down and looking around in my invisible shield.

I jump off the mall bench and tuck my phone in my pocket. I look at the time on the mall clock then down the hall.

It’s not long before I see my dirty blonde target come this way. I don’t know what he’s doing here and I really don’t care. Just as long as he stays still long enough for my kiss to smack him right up his stupid head.

I straighten up my hair and pull my leather jacket straight as I follow him into a men’s clothing shop.

I wander around the racks and watch him. Study him. I watch all his tricks.

The way he stands and ticks his jaw as he thinks. How his eyes always look like they’re thinking of shit things to say. He has a plan. The clothes he’s picking out are opposite of what he’s wearing. Someone’s not satisfied with his love life, apparently. Are we looking for a new tactic. The only one you need is me, baby. I’ll get you want you need. I just need an opportunity.

The best shots are a direct hit in the eyes. It’s also good to do when he’s not around a bunch of people so, I’ll just wait.

As he pulls out t-shirts and cut offs, I lean on the metal bar, tapping my nails against it. I stare at his sharp jawline as I chew the inside of my lip.

I point to the clothes as he mulls them over. “You…you really think that’s gonna work?” My eyes flip between the shirt and his face. “Because it won’t.”

I sigh and lean on the hangers. “You can’t just change your clothes and, boom, different person. You’ll be the same idiot, just in a different package.” I cross my arms and feet. “That look? You don’t have it in you. I can see that right off. The woman will see right through that. Plus, you can’t contain the strangler inside you. He’ll come out, begging for love and attention, as soon as the first girl shows interest. I’d put money on it…” I glance at him as he moves to the shoes.

I sit down on a seat and cross my leg, watching him look through the boots. “God. You really are pathetic. What’s your deal, anyway?” I pull out my phone and start reading his file. “Casper Trevor Raven. Age 44. Leo…” I lower my phone and look at him. “Casper? Dude. Your parents must hate you.” I chuckle.

I further read about his past romantic relationships and how they went wrong. There is a clear downward spiral as time goes on. He’s been single for a long time, that’s for sure.

I flip through the rest real quick and put my phone away.

“Ok. Maybe I can’t blame you totally for being a love bomber.” I point to him. “But you should’ve gotten therapy instead of dragging my ass into it.”

He sits beside me and tries on some thick boots.

One of the sales women walks up to him as he’s admiring his attempt to be something he’s not.

I lean to him. “If you can contain your sad existence, she’s pretty cute.” I smirk. I look over her brunette ponytail, that kind of retail business skirt look and her young face. She’s definitely easy on the eyes. Not my thing, but in my job, you tend to notice beauty a lot more and give credit where credit is due.

She smiles. “Are you finding everything alright?”

He looks up and a huge grin. “Yes. Thank you. I…um…I just need to try some things on.”

“Ugh…what?!” My brow scrunches and I stand up quick with disgust on my face as this red smoky slime just surrounds him and I feel his emotions. It’s coming from his lips, chest and pits. It glides across the bench to me and cascades onto the floor in a pool around his feet. I squat down and dip my finger in it. Instantly, my chest tightens and I feel like I can’t breathe as my heart is bombarded. I wipe it off on my pants quick and look up at him. “Damn, buddy. Valentino wasn’t kidding about leaks. You’ve got serious issues.” I stand up and look at the girl. “I wouldn’t touch this one if I were you. He's kind of toxic right now.” I see the flirtatious smile on her lips.

“Right this way, Alpha.” She motions to the back.

“Cass.” He smiles to her. “Thank you.”

I watch Cass walk to the back and pick a room. Ok. I need to get him out of the market quick. What he has can really destroy a woman. The only one who’ll be able to fix that mess, is his mate. So let’s find the lucky lady.

I prepare my kiss as I wait at a distance from the dressing room hallway. My eyes are trained on the door handle. I have to time this perfectly.

I see the handle twitch and get ready to blow. The door moves and I launch that kiss straight at his head. It zips through the air with a trail of gold sparkles and electric, pink static. Like a comet heading for impact, it picks up speed as it gets closer. I cross my arms with a smirk. Another sure fire sh…

The door before his, flies open and my kiss nails another guy right in the face.

He’s confused and shocked at first. Waving the pink smoke surrounding him away then his arms and face falls. His aura glows and he just standing there with this lost puppy look in his eyes. I search the store then rush out, flipping my head up and down the hallway of the mall. I’m seeing no one with a matching aura. I turn back to the store.

I see Cass push passed him and walk to the cashier. I hear him flirt and proceed to ask her out, which he is promptly shut down. She can feel he’s off too.

“Again?! Damn it!!” I throw my hands in the air as I growl out my annoyance.

I give him the ‘I’m gonna bury you.’ look as he passes. His shoulder ripples my shield.

I shake my head and groan. Holding out my hand, I make my red and black crossbow appear in it. I reach back over my shoulder and a quiver appears. I pull out a dark grey arrow bolt. Lead. There’s three arrows we use. Gold arrows. Not my choice at all. Jabbing people in the heart doesn’t scream love to me. The kiss, obviously, and lead. This last one is a nullifying arrow. In case, someone sneezes and messes up, you can hit the poor sap in the chest with this and be done with it. The sap? May or may not need to talk with someone, but it’s rare that becomes any kind of issue. One was even rare for me. Now two? This Cass guy must have huge, lucky balls. Like I said before, thousands and thousands of couples, I never missed. Now, I’ve missed my target a second time. This is starting to frustrate.

I load my bow and barely aim. I walk out of the store just as I fire it and look down the hall to Cass. My bolt lands in the poor saps chest. He screams and falls to his knees. I hear the people inside rush to his aid thinking he’s having a heart attack. He’s sobbing on the ground. “I JUST WANT TO LOVE SOMEONE!” He cries out.

Cass turns and our eyes lock even though he can’t see me. His blue eyes are penetrating. I turn back to the store. “We cant always get what we want, buddy.” I mumble. When I turn back, Cass is gone. I furrow my brow. “I will. Even if I have to strap him down and drive my kiss into his thick skull. I will get what I want.”

The arrow sticking out of poor saps body dissolves into sparkles as it rips the love he felt for his mate out.

I put my bow and arrows away and shove my hands in my jacket pockets while I think of another plan. I have up to 24 hours before another kiss is ready. I can see now, I need to step this game up a notch.


I fume against the wall as I watch him trying to be all big and bad by the dancefloor of the bar. I was going to hit him then, but damn people kept dancing and walking in my way. I really wish we didn’t need so much distance for it to be effective, but the more distance, the more power the kiss gains. I’m not taking the slightest of chances.

I had a perfect opening as he was talking to some girl and was about to shoot my shot, until the fucking waitress showed up. The girl left and he got pissed, leaving to sit at the bar.


I narrow my eyes as I wait for a break in the crowd coming and going between me and his mildly scratchable back. I watch him talking with another woman and get up.

“Oh, come on!” I yell as she walks in front of him, blocking my clear shot.

As they walk toward me, he leans to say something in her ear. Finally!

I shoot out my kiss quick before he gets too close and at the last damn second, he leans back behind her and the kiss whizzes by, the crowd behind Cass parts like the fucking red sea and my kiss hits the bartender!!

“WHY?!!” I scream in frustration. My fists are clenched at my sides as Cass walks by me with the woman. “OH MY GOD!” I whip out my bow and fire an arrow straight into the bartenders chest. He hits the floor and people lean over the top to see if he’s OK? I can hear him beg and plead as my arrow shatters his heart.

I spin and watch Cass walk out the door. “This is fucking ridiculous!” I can hear my performance average tank with every missed kiss.

I step outside and Cass’ car peels out with the woman in it. I can’t take my squinted eyes off his car until he disappears. Sirens sound as the medics show up.

“He’s crying?” One medic says as they bring their equipment into the bar.

“Yeah, just like the others. Begging for love or something.” The other says.

“Third one in two weeks. What the hell is it?” They push the stretcher into the main hall.

“Probably my ex girlfriend. Isn’t it that time of year?” They both chuckle as I spin around to them. What an evil thing to say, I think. I wave my hand and the one who said it gets a door slammed on his side as they walk in. He screams and his friends tells him to stop being an idiot and hold the door properly. He yells that he was while he rubs his arm.

Turning back to Cass, I feel smoke rise from my smoldering shoulders. “It’s on now.” I grit.

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