Behind The Alpha Book 4 CASS

Chapter 7

(Chapter song ‘Deeper and Deeper’ by Madonna)


I blink a few times because I can’t believe what I’m seeing. Absolutely drop dead gorgeous red hair, big blue eyes, soft milky skin with a light freckling. She looks hot in a black leather jacket, black pants and red boots to her knees.

“Oh my god…” She has this light pink glow around her that just only makes her more beautiful. She looks a little scared. I should make her feel comfortable with me.



Her anger seems a little displaced. Clearly there’s a connection. I feel it, she doesn’t seem to. Maybe she needs to be shown how attracted I am to her.

I approach her slowly. “What’s your name?”

She’s not paying attention. Something’s distracting her.

As I stand there, I sniff the air. I’m hit with a scent that has my wolf is going insane as I breathe deep. I feel her soft hair and try to touch her skin again, but she swats my hand away. My body is filled with this intense feeling of want. I need to know her, feel her. I need to have her.

I step closer while she’s on her phone and move her hair off her shoulder. “Stop it.” She shoves me away.

“I need to touch you.” I whisper. I have zero control over my urges. Everything itches to be satisfied. I step toward her again.

The bar is hopping still. Some around us are watching, but I barely notice. I’ve completely forgot about the girl I was talking to.

“No! Don’t even…” She holds up a hand to me and I reach for it. My brows stitch up and I start to sweat from the heat resonating in my core.

She smacks my hand and I pull it back. “But…I love you…” I say in a dream state and rub my fingers.

She keeps her arm out to keep me at a distance. “No…you’re…confused.”

“It’s not confusion. It’s desire. I desire to hold you. Let me hold you. I feel so much. Please let me show…” I reach out for her and try to plead to this goddess standing in front of me.

She growls, picks her phone up off the floor and grabs my shirt collar.

“Whoa!” I pipe out as she yanks me toward the front door. “I think you have pretty eyes!” I say as she drags me away.

“UGH!!” She yanks me hard and tosses me in front of her. “Get outside!”

I turn. “Can I kiss you outside?”

“NO!” She pushes me hard and practically fall out the door onto the porch.

She grabs my arm and walks me to a end of the parking lot where there’s steps to a service entrance.

I stop and turn to her. The pink hue around her pulses with my heart beat. “Now, can I kiss you?” I ask as I walk closer.

“I said no!” Her face twists into anger as she grabs my arms pushes me backwards.

I smile. “You’re even more gorgeous when you’re angry…”

“Shut…up!” She pushes me down on the steps.

“Ok. If that’s want you want, my little cinnamon heart.” I grin as my own heart thumps away.

“JUST…KNOCK IT OFF!” She stands in front of me and yells. Her fire red hair frames her face so beautifully, I almost can’t take it.

“Do you like roses? I feel like you like roses. I think I’m buying you a dozen roses. Red ones to match your breathtaking hair.” I sit and think. “A dozen for tomorrow morning. A dozen in the afternoon. A dozen for before bedtime…”

She grabs me by the shirt and puts her face close to mine. “If you don’t shut up and let me think, I’m kicking your ass all over this parking lot.” She clenches her jaw and glares her heart stopping blue eyes into mine. Her little, freckle covered, button nose flares with her anger.

I stare at her and blink. My lips shrink as I take in more of her scent. “Kiss me.”

“UGHHH!” She shoves me into the steps and stomps away from me.

She checks her phone and gets frustrated again.

“Baby, let me help. I can fix it. Let me kiss you and make you feel better.” I hold my hand out to her as she paces.

She walks up to me and leans. “You want to make me feel better?”

I smile big and nod. “Yeah, I do.”

“SHUT UP!!” She yells.

“Ok. Shutting up. See, I just want to help.” I adjust myself on the stair and lace my fingers in my lap. I grin as I watch my angel glow pink and work out…whatever it is she’s trying to do. She’s such a doer. I love it.

I take in the nice curve of her ass. Her breasts have to be at least a B cup. I wonder if she likes lace. I like lace. Her high cheekbones make me weak and her delicate hands are so sweet and soft as she thumps her cellphone in them.

She’s thinking real hard on her problem. I’m thinking of ways to ease her stress. As I thought, a question came up.

I raise my hand. “Wait. Sweetheart? I have a very important question.”

She stops and glares at me. “What?” she snaps.

I put my hand down. “What color Construct-A-Bear do you like?”

She turns, tilts her head and looks at me confused. “What the hell is a Construct-A-Bear?”

I grin and get more comfortable. “Oh. It’s this sweet bear that you buy and we stuff it together and we can put things in it. I can write a love note to you and you can add it. It’s really fun. You can pick it’s clothes out. Maybe a hat…”

“No! No, Cass. I’m not making a bear with you. I don’t want your damn flowers. We are NOT together!” She slams her hands on her hips and barks at me.

My face falls. “You know my name?”

She rubs her forehead. “Yes, I know your name.”

I look her over. “Do you know how sexy it is that you know that?” I swallow.

She closes her eyes and breathes deep. “Just please stop before I fucking rip your head off.” She says low and mean.

“You’re upset. I understand. I’ll give you space, but I’m here if you need a hug.” I say quietly.

She groans, “Thank you,” and proceeds to check her phone again.

She smiles and gets excited. “Yes! It’s up.” She walks to me and sits down beside me to read. “No….No…That doesn’t help.” She reads further as I feel her warmth and heart. It’s so fucking amazing. I love that she feels happy about finding her solution.

“Argh…of course.” She slams her head on her hand and shakes it.

“What? You found a reason to love me?” I say as she stands.

“No, you idiot! I found a way to make you un-love me. All I need is my quiver…” She reaches behind her and a pouch appears in a shimmery gleam on her back.

My eyes widen. “You are so cool!” I full of amazement. “How do you do that?”

“Never mind!” She reaches to pull something out. “What?”

She rips it off her back and brings it to her front. She looks inside. “No…” She turns it upside down and shakes it. “NO! EMPTY?!”

I sit at complete attention. “What do you need? I’ll get for you. Whatever it is…I’m your man…I’ll get it…”

She throws her hands out. “I DON’T NEED YOUR HELP! I NEED YOU TO GO AWAY!!” She yells at me.

“Oh…Really?” My jaw goes slack.

“YES!” She aggressively answers.

I nod and bite my lip. “If…if that’s what you want…I’m…I just want to help.” I stand and stuff my hands in my pockets. My chest starts to feel tight. I feel wrong. The swirling level of constant rejection pushes through. I want to make her happy and if me going away does that, as her man I should give her what she wants even if it hurts. I start to walk away. “I’ll be…over there…I guess…” My shoulders fall as I walk to the front of the bar.

She doesn’t follow. I peek over my shoulder every few seconds to see of she changes her mind.

When she doesn’t, I sit on the porch steps of the front door. The music thumps and people walk past me as they enter and exit. I lay my arms on my thighs and lace my fingers together. All I can think about is how much she turns me on. Not even in a sexual sense. I love everything about her. It’s like she’s everything I ever wanted and I have this need to be everything she wants. She’s tough and aggressive and that gets me hot. I haven’t really seen it yet, but I feel like she can be full of love like me. I feel like we both have so much we can give each other. I just hope she sees what I’m seeing because even this distance is starting to fill me with deep concern.

I said I’d give her space, but the pull to her is growing. This love I feel is battling my decision, but I have to consider her problem may be bigger than me and I should respect that.

As the concern builds, I tap my fingers together. I turn my head to where I left her. My heart hasn’t stopped beating hard since I first laid eyes on her.

I suck in my top lip and think. Maybe she doesn’t realize that she needs me. That I can give her the support she needs.

I shake my head and stand. “She needs me.” I mutter and head back to behind the building.

As I walk to her, I see her walking to me. My heart skips beats and my air is gone as she shines in my eyes. A big smile grows on my lips. She glares at me as she enters my space. “You changed your mind.” I breathe.

“No, I need you to come with me before you explode.” She grumbles.

My brows cinch together. “Explode? What do you mean explode?”

“Nothing…Walk!” She turns me and thumps my back.

“Ok.” I walk in the direction she pushed me. She joins my side. “Hey, can we stop for dessert somewhere? I would love to feed you dessert…” I grin stupidly, but I can’t help it. She makes me feel stupid.

“What?! NO! You…You been in an accident and I’m taking you somewhere to fix it.” She says with irritation.

I chuckle and atop. “I haven’t been in an accident.”

She growls and grabs my arm, pulling me to walk. “Yes, you have and there’s only one person who can clean this up.”

“Who’s that? Clean what up?” I’m confused.

She sighs in frustration. “Valentino.” We walk down the sidewalk and turn into an empty lot. “None of this is right and we are taking care of this before you get worse.”

“Get worse? How can I get worse? I love you. I wouldn’t hurt you.” I laugh.

She stops and turns me to her. “Ever hear the saying ‘kill them with kindness'?”


She arches a brow and leans to me. “If we don’t get you fixed, that’s you on the most epic level imaginable.”

I scrunch my face. “What? No.” I wave her off.

“Oh, yeah. Now, get in the portal.” She raises her arm and points into the lot.

“Portal? What portal…” I turn to where she’s indicating and my face fills with shock as a shimmering red, heart shaped door appears. “What are you?” I slowly turn my head to her.

She grabs my hard. “Hopefully, for you…just a hangover. Walk.”

We walk to the doors and they open as we walk through. The air waves and shines around me. Red and pink smoke surround me. I think I hear music! My head is everywhere and my mind is racing with whatever could be on the other side. My excitement builds in the anticipation of seeing something mystical and amazing.

My face and shoulders fall. I stop as I look around at the desks and people walking around with paperwork.

“What’s wrong?” She looks me over.

“It looks like work.” I stand in confusion.

“Yeah. What were you expecting?” She crosses her arms.

“Not work.” I say a bit of snark.

“Let’s go.” She grinds as she grabs my shirt and pulls me to follow her.

“You know, I’m really starting to love you dragging me around like this.” I grin.


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