Beauty Is The Beast

Chapter 27


It was dark. So dark. Why was it so dark? Oh right, my eyes were closed. Slowly I opened them, but it was still dark. What the hell is going on? Did Enzo forget to pay his light bill? Hmm, did he even have one? Lucky bastard.

I started to sit up and the darkness begin to fade. The room was empty and the house was unnaturally quiet. I needed to find someone and ask what happened at the club, but first I had to pee. I flipped my legs over the bed dragging my feet to the bathroom. As I walked my back felt extremely heavy, like someone was sitting on it. It was a struggle getting to the bathroom.

I walked pass the bathroom mirror yawning, then paused, taking several steps back. What. The. Fuck.

Huge black wings were sticking out from my back, dragging behind me. But believe it or not, that wasn't the craziest thing. The craziest thing was literally everything else!

My skin that had once been rather pale was now a rich golden caramel. My dark blonde hair that stopped at the middle of my back, was now a short platinum blonde with black roots and it stopped barely pass my shoulder. Even my body had changed. My lips were fuller, eyes more round and surprisingly silver. The irises were no longer brown but a light metallic silver. I was taller, and my skin for the first time in my life was clear. I looked down at my boobs, they were definitely bigger. What the hell did they do to me? I Appealing even.

A sharp inhale had my eyes leaving the mirror and going to the door. Enzo stood there, staring like he was seeing me for the first time. I glared at him. "What did you do to me? You cut my hair!"

His eyes, that had been scanning my body unashamedly, snapped to my face. "I didn't do this." He breathed, eyes straying to my hips.

My wings ruffled and I snapped my fingers, getting his attention. "Was it Jacob? I'm going to kill him." I tried to slide pass him out the bathroom, but he blocked me.

"Valentina, no one but me has been in this room for the last three days. Even if I wasn't, it was still impossible to touch you." He says bewildered, looking over me again. Underneath his confusion was lust, and admiration. He reached out a hand, and I flinched back. From the look in his eyes, if he touched me we'd both end up naked on this bathroom floor. And I didn't have time for that right now.

"Three days? What do you mean I've been out for three days?" It felt like I only been asleep for an hour. Whatever was in that syringe must've really knocked me out. In fact it must've took away pain too, because I felt nothing. Though I was sure my body should be bruised from the amount of punches she gave me. Maybe I healed over the last three days? Wait! " The baby? Is he ok? I Haven't eaten in three days Enzo! What if something is wrong with him?" I started to panic. I've become attached to the little thing growing inside me. It would break my heart to know I lost him because I was too weak to protect him.

He placed his hands on my shoulders giving them a squeeze, making me look up at him. "He's fine, I've been making sure since you've been sleeping."

That was a relief, now I had another concern. "Where did the wings come from? What happened while I was asleep?" The wings ruffled again. It was weird having them. The last time I had wings it only lasted for about two days before they were ripped off my back. I shuddered at the memory.

His eyes scanned my face again, seemed like he couldn't help himself. If it was weird to see myself like this I bet it was even weirder for him. "They came out of nowhere, then wrapped you in a cocoon for three days. I just came up to check on you, and I found you like this." His hands waved up and down, indicating my change. "From a little minx to a goddess." He smirked. "Your eyes are gorgeous, I've never seen that color on anyone before."

So he didn't know what was going on either. "Do you think it has something to do with..." I pointed to my belly.

His head cocked to the side, as if he never considered that. "Possibly, you're taking this awfully well." Indeed I was, but there was nothing I could do anyways. What's done is done. I can't grow my hair back and make my boobs smaller, now can I?

I mumbled something incoherent stepping closer to him, laying my head on his chest. He was warm, always so warm. I needed to be close to him right now, feel his comfort. It was weird. "Jacob is going to freak." His chest rumbled with his laugh.

"He's not the only one." I felt a light touch graze the outside of my wing. I shivered, a sound almost like that of a purr came out of me. I blushed. Did he hear that?

"Do you think you can put them away?" He asks.

"Maybe." I tried to remember that class I took about wings while in heaven. What did they say do when you needed to hide them? My mind was blank. "No." His smile was full of amusement. Glad someone found this entertaining.

A knock sounded on the door. "We'll try later, come on." He laced his fingers with mine pulling us toward the door.

It swung open to reveal Jacob standing there, hand raised about to knock again. "Took you long enough, is she -" he stopped, spotting me. "No way." He said nothing more, just continued to stare.

I grinned at him."Wow, I got the biggest womanizer in the world to go speechless."

He blinked. Once. Twice. "Damn you're hot Tina." A possessive hand wrapped around my waist, the same time he released a growl. Jacob stepped back, throwing his hands up in surrender. "I'm just saying." I chuckled.

Enzo turned to me, a pleading look on his face. "When am I allowed to kill him?" I answered him with a punch to his stomach, he grabbed it wincing. "Shit, I think you got stronger too."

"Why does she look like that? I think I'm attracted to her now, and after all the things I've seen her do that's impossible. Tina is not a girl you get attracted to, she's more like one of the guys!" I narrowed my eyes at him. That was beyond insulting.

"Jacob!" A voice yelled from the end of the hall. I peeked my head around the corner to see who it was. "Oh my gosh!"

My eyes widened, I pushed Jacob out the way so I can move from the room. "Rayne!" We both ran for each other. "What are you doing here? How'd you get here?" Then I remembered something before I passed out three days ago. A body had been standing over me. "Was that you at the club!?" How could I forget that part? She helped me!

She started crying. "I've been looking for you for months. I was cast out two days after you! I missed you so much." I embraced her, willing my tears to stay back. Rayne was my only friend while I was in heaven. She's the only person I ever let get close to me. I'm so happy she's here, I wondered what happened to her while I was gone.

"I've missed you! But why were you cast out? You never do anything wrong!" She exceeded in all her classes and never broke the rules. I couldn't think of one reason why they'd get rid of her, she was a star pupil.

She pulled away from me, looking embarrassed. "I confronted Gabriel and he snitched on me."

I couldn't help but laugh. "Only you would."

She smirked."I was so worried about you! But I see you've been doing good. Well minus getting your butt kicked at the club." I blushed, it was embarrassing she had to witness that. "But you're the first person I've seen get into a fight and come out looking like a goddess! What is going on?" She addressed that question to Enzo. Everyone assumed he had all the answers about me. Even I did if I'm being honest. Most times.

He shrugged, "I don't know, but I think there may be a way we can find out."

Now he had my attention. "How?"

"I'll have to visit an old friend."

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