Beauty Is The Beast

Chapter 26


I watched her as she slept, a wave of fury washing over me. She was curled into a tight ball whimpering, a protective hand over her stomach. Her face was swollen due to a punch and some sort of allergic reaction to whatever they injected her with. It made me want to go back and kill them again, a much slower death this time.

"Let me see her!" A voice rose from outside of my door. I sighed, he's been trying to get in all night.

"You don't need to see her! I told you she's fine." The new girl was a surprise, especially when she showed up at the club defending Valentina. I didn't know her but she claimed to know Valentina, and I didn't sense any lies from her, so I allowed her to come. Plus she was fallen, and all fallens were welcomed here. But how did Valentina know this fallen? It was time to get answers.

I cast one last lingering look on her, before stepping out the room. Both stopped their argument. "Follow me." I instructed them both.

"I'm not leaving until I've seen her for myself." A growl almost made its way out my throat, but I held it back. I had to remember he was her friend and cared for her, and she cared for him. So knocking his head off his shoulders was not an option.

"Fine, watch her until I get back." I pointed to the black haired girl, "You come with me." She nodded, following me silently down the hall.

I lead her to my office, encouraging her to sit in one of the leather chairs. While I took my place at the desk. "Now, who are you?" I wasn't the type to beat around the bush. I needed to know if she was here as friend or foe. For her sake I hope it's friend, a foe wouldn't be walking out this office alive.

"I'm Rayne." She was looking around the room nervously, not daring to make eye contact with me. She seemed nothing like the badass chick I witnessed at the club. She easily ended those two girls, ripping their throats out. I knew my girl could have done much worse, but she had been holding back. She didn't want to hurt her friends, even if they were keen to.

"Why was a fallen at my club? And what's your business with Valentina?" A growl left me. I was getting impatient, I should be watching over Valentina and my son. Not wasting time with this stranger.

"I knew Valentina, before she fell. I've been looking for her for months."

"Why have you been looking for her?" I leaned forward, watching her intently, searching for any lies.

She finally faced me, a sadness covering her features. "I was there when they casted her out. It wasn't fair! She was my best friend and they kicked her out all because she fell in love. After she left I was filled with so much rage, I didn't want to listen to my superiors because they didn't deserve it." I could see a small bubble of rage behind her eyes. "I went to Gabriel demanding he fight to get her back, he ignored me then reported me to his father. Not even two days later I was stripped of my wings and kicked out. When I landed my first priority was to find Valentina, but every time I was close she had moved again. Her and that boy." Valentina mentioned her and Jacob moved around a lot.

"Are they looking for you?" I had enough on my plate with Valentina, as much as I now felt the need to protect this raven haired girl that stood up for mine, Valentina came first. And if she was possibly putting her in even more danger, she'd have to go.

She scoffed, "They could give a horses ass about me." Then she leaned in, a worried look on her face. "Will she be ok? She didn't look too good on the way here. Why were those people attacking her?"

Thinking about those lycans made my blood start to boil. Taking deep breaths, I tried to calm down. "She'll be fine." I purposely ignored her second question, she didn't need to know everything. She noticed I didn't answer and had the right mind not to ask again.

My office door flew open and Jacob stood there, a panicked look on his face. I instantly went on alert, jumping to my feet. "Is she ok?"

He was breathing hard, trying to catch his breath. Unfit fool. I growled pushing pass him, I didn't have time to wait if she was in trouble.

"I can't explain it, something is happening to her. I never seen..." He tried to explain running behind me.

Pushing open the bedroom door I paused. Shit. Her body was convulsing bad, her shoulders popping in and out of place. She was whimpering, but not screaming. I walked over to her, hoping to ease some of the pain she was in. Her head shot up, staring at the ceiling, eyes as white as snow. What the fuck is going on? It dropped back down suddenly and the convulsions got worse.

"What's happening to her?" I couldn't answer Rayne, because I had no idea what was going on.

I reached out for her, and that's when I noticed it. Her shirt was starting to rip, what was left of it anyways. There were two slits on the back of her shirt, and through it I could see bones start to jut out. The longer I stood there the more they kept extending, then black spots started to cover them. No, not black spots, feathers. I stepped back in amazement, she was growing wings. Pitch black glossy wings.

"How.." Rayne trailed off, looking just as amazed as I felt. We were both witnessing the impossible.

They kept expanding until they were at least twice as big as mine, they flapped once then stilled. We all stood there waiting to see what would happen next.

Suddenly they folded around her, engulfing her so much that all we could see was her back, which they sprouted from. Nothing else was visible, not her legs, stomach, and definitely not her face. Her wings had made a cocoon around her.

"What the fuck just happened?" I mumbled.

"Did she just..."

"Holy shit." I pinned Jacob with a glare. "Sorry it's just... She grew freaking wings!"

"That shouldn't be possible? How was that possible?" Rayne shook her head, inching closer to the door. She was scared, scared of Valentina, I could see it in her eyes.

I growled, advancing towards her, "Don't look at her like that, unless you value your eyes." She had no reason to be scared of her. When people was scared of something they didn't understand they usually became a threat, letting their fear control them. I'll be keeping a close eye on her from now on. "Leave us." She wasted no time sprinting out of the room, but Jacob hesitated.

"Is she going to be ok?" He asks, casting a worried look over her.

My eyes scanned her as well. I've never seen anything like this. No one grew wings, they were given to them. Not even I had that kind of power, only father was able to bless people with wings. And they were black, proving to me what I always expected, she was a fallen. Even if she didn't want to admit it to herself. "I hope so." I finally answered him.


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