Beauty Is The Beast

Chapter 25


The Korgans seemed unusually happy today. It wasn't until lunch time that I woke up, and they were basically having a party. "Hey Jacob! Want to join us?" I frowned at Crystal and a few other Korgans sitting at the main table eating lunch. From what I've gathered in my time here, that wasn't allowed.

"What are you guys doing?" I feared the amount of trouble they'd be in if Enzo found them like this.

Crystal walked up to me, pulling me to the table with her clawed hands. "Master is above ground today, we're free to do as we please."

"Above ground? Where's Valentina?" She's probably hiding away in her room right now, bored. Now would be a good time to explore this castle like house more. I've wandered the halls a lot by myself lately and got lost. If it's two of us, it wouldn't be so bad getting lost than it is by yourself. Hopefully she'll be down to join.

"The mistress? She's with him of course!" I grinned at her choice of words. Valentina would blow a gasket if she knew what they referred to her as behind her back. I can't wait to tell her. Mistress Valentina.

"What's going on above ground?" I pulled out a chair, stomach grumbling at all the delicious food spread out. I started piling my plate with all the different sandwiches and a few fruit.

She frowned at my question, "It's not something I can discuss with you."

I raised an eyebrow at that "And why is that?"

Her back flexed, and I cringed at the scales. Its easy to forget how gruesome they look when they talk to you. "Master has you listed on a need-to-know basis, this is not something you need to know. So I can not tell you." Need-to-know basis, I knew Enzo didn't give a rats ass about me but I figured I'd be allowed to know any changes regarding Valentina.

"When are they coming back? Can I at least know that?" Just as she opened her mouth to answer the front door flew open. Enzo walked in, carrying an unconscious Valentina. She looked horrible, black veins covered her arms and face. Her clothes were torn and I could see spots of blood on her exposed skin. I shot up from the table. "What the hell happened to her?" Enzo didn't acknowledge me nor did he stop, he continued his way through the house. I took a step after them, but someone caught my arm.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you, the devil isn't in a friendly mood." I looked back at the person holding me. It was a dark haired female, and she was gorgeous. I stumbled at her beauty. I hadn't seen her come in and I've never seen her down here before, who was she?

"Who are you?" I sounded breathless and wondered if she heard it too.

A smirk formed on her lips as she looked me over. "I'm Rayne." Even her voice was amazing.


Once I realized we were surrounded I did something that would haunt me forever. I took a step closer to Enzo. He looked back at me over his shoulder, his eyes darkened. "You mutts have two seconds to move out of our way." He says, sneering at the three of them.

They laughed, the one in the middle took a step closer. I don't know if he was brave or dumb. "Give us the girl and we won't hurt you." Did they know who they were talking to? Enzo would never hand me over.

"Please don't hurt me, I'm begging you." Says Enzo, fake pouting. He stepped to the side, exposing me to them. "She's all yours, all you have to do is grab her." I cringed, I guess I was wrong.

The guy in the middle grinned. "Damn this was easy." He walked pass Enzo, reaching a hand out to me. "Let's -" His body spasmed, then he dropped to the ground. Enzo stood behind him, holding his heart in his hands.

"Well he failed." He says, tossing the heart to the side. Then he faced the other two. "Who wants to try next?" By now the crowd had stopped dancing and was watching the scene. People backed away, forming a circle around us.

A scream from behind made me flip around. Jessica was running at me full speed, a crazed look in her eyes. At the same time the two lycans ran for Enzo.

I was so shocked she was attacking me that I wasn't prepared for the fist she threw at me. My face snapped to the left when her fist connected with my cheek. I stumbled to the side, barely stopping myself from falling. Shit that hurt! I looked up to see her grinning. Ok, she wants to fight? I'll give her a fight.

I straightened up, flashing her a cocky grin, though I'm almost positive my mouth was bleeding. "A love tap? You should know I'm not into girls Jessica." Her eyes blazed, she charged me again.This time I was ready.

My fist shot out, hitting her square in the nose. Her head snapped back as she flew, hitting a wall. I had no time to bask in my glory unfortunately. Out of my peripheral I saw a leg swinging towards my face. What was with them and face shots? Didn't they know this was my money maker?

I ducked and she missed. "Lizza, why are you doing this?" Out of the two of them it would be easier to reason with her.

She straightened, glaring at me. "Once we bring you in we'll be living in unimaginable luxury." Is that what they promised them? Even worse, is that all my life is worth to them? Wealth.

"They're obviously lying to you, do you even know why they want me?"

She shrugged, "Didn't ask for details." Behind her Jessica was picking herself up. I no longer had time to convince Lizza to back off.

Suddenly I felt a pinch in my neck. I whirled around, one of the male lycans had gotten pass Enzo. He was holding a syringe, grinning wilding at me, then two hands appeared on either side of his head giving a hard twist. I flinched as I heard the cracking sound, then his body fell to the ground. Enzo stood over him, a look of rage on his face. My eye lids started feeling heavy, then I was falling. Enzo reached out to catch me, but the other male lycan tackled him to the floor.

My head smacked off the wooden floor, making me winch. That's definitely going to leave a bruise. I laid flat on my back unable to move. Whatever he injected me with was working through my system fast. My vision was blurring and I could no longer feel the pain on the back of my head.

Jessica's face came into my view, she grinned down menacingly at me. Then rained down blows. She hit my face, my stomach, and everywhere else. It was painful cheap shots, she knew I was immobile and couldn't defend myself. "Well that was fun! But now I'm done. The boss wants you back in one piece. Now, lights out b-" there was now a body standing over me where Jessica had just been.

"Looks like it's lights out for you wench!" A familiar voice laughed. I knew who that voice belonged to, but it wasn't possible that she was here. She couldn't be here.

Then everything went black.

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