Beauty Is The Beast

Chapter 24

"I got you something!" I looked up from the book I was reading. Jacob brought it to me yesterday when he realized I wasn't planning to leave the room like ever. The book is called Man's Best Friend.

"What?" Enzo was holding something behind his back. He reminded me of a kid getting ready to tell his mom the wackest secret of his life.

"Close your eyes."

"No." He pouted, "Absolutely not." I faintly heard him mumble something along the lines of bitch.

"Here." He handed me a black piece of material, going over to his closet. Curiously I unfolded it, it was a shirt. It read property of my boyfriend in gold letters across the front, with two sets of mickey mouse hands pointing upward and another pair pointing down. It took me a second to understand the shirt, then it clicked. The hands up top was pointing were my breasts would be, and the ones at the bottom pointed to my vagina. "I hope you like it as much as I do."

I placed the shirt down, planning to tell him exactly how much I liked it, until I saw what he changed into. He had on a matching black shirt but on his the mickey mouse hands were pointing to his junk. It read property of my girlfriend. "I hope you're joking."

He did a little twirl. "What? You don't like it? Is it the color? They also had them in white."

"One, I'm not your girlfriend. Two, this is the corniest shit I've ever seen in my life. Why would you buy this?" I laughed.

"We're going above ground today and your mark won't be visible to the humans. So I got us these, to let people know who you belong to. But since you're so against this relationship I guess I'll figure something else out." He said in a dejected tone.

"Why won't my mark be visible? Not saying I want it to be." I brought my hand up to touch it. The swelling has gone down and only two puncture holes remained. Not something I would refer to as a "mark" but Enzo seemed to like calling it that. My hair was pulled into a ponytail, so it was on full display right now. Much to his delight. Considering I'm always hiding it.

"It would raise too many eyebrows that would end in two many questions, and then I'd have to kill too many people." He shrugged.

"Why are we going above ground?" It's been four days since we moved to hell, and honestly it wasn't that bad. The Korgans always prepared a grand meal and Jacob and I discovered a theater room yesterday. Loaded with dozens of horror movies, my favorite. I had no reason to return above ground, there was nothing there for me. My friends would just assume I moved away. I warned them long ago that I tend to do that.

"There's a problem at the club that I must take care of." He walked back into his closet, to change I'm assuming.

"The same club Lilith is hanging around?" If he didn't want her knowing about me why would he take me to the same place she's at?

"Don't worry," He was now wearing a fresh new black suit, fixing his tie. I'd be lying to myself if I didn't admit he looked hot. So hot I wanted to pin him to the bed. "She has no way of getting in." Then he winked."So easy for you to admit you're attracted to me in your head but not out loud."

"That's because your thoughts are meant to be private." I glared.

He waved me off. "Get dressed Valentina."

Guess I was done reading for the day. Closing my book I tossed it to the side, throwing the blanket off me. "What's this problem you have to take care of?"

"The Korgan that interrupted us the other day informed me of another unwanted guest hanging around." By the other day he meant two days ago when he was bathing me, after abusing my body the night before. Although I was more to blame for that part.

"Why do I need to come?" I slipped on a pair of jeans to go with the baggy shirt I was wearing. Enzo watched me, a conflicted look on his face. He must not have been aware I wasn't wearing pants earlier. I blushed.

He turned away from me, hands clenching at his side. "Everyone that I trust is away right now, so you'll be coming with me."

"And Jacob?" I crossed my arms when he finally faced me.

One eyebrow went up. "What about him?"

"Is it safe to leave him here alone?"

"Safe enough," He says, shrugging.

My eyes closed as I pinched the bridge of my nose. "Enzo..." He was so frustrating sometimes. I jumped when I felt his hands on my waist.

"Don't use that tone with me." He tugged on the end of my ponytail. "Even if it turns me on." Pressing himself closer he made sure I could feel how turned on he was. "Now let's go."


We entered through the back door avoiding the throng of people waiting out front. "Wait for me upstairs in the VIP room, Vince will be there." He wasn't focused on me as he talked. His eyes were busy scanning the dance floor, looking for someone. He gave me one last look over before taking off.

Making my way to the familiar set of steps, I paused at the bottom, hearing a familiar voice. "This place gives me the creeps."

Looking behind me I thought my eyes were playing tricks on me. Standing next to the women's bathroom was Jessica and Lizza. What were they doing here? How did they get in?

Jessica looked around nervously. "They said she'd be here, so we'll wait." Who were they waiting for?

I debated if I should walk up to them or not. I didn't see Enzo in the crowd anymore so I didn't have to worry about him interrupting. It wouldn't hurt to say hi, right?

Making up my mind I headed for them. I walked up directly behind Lizza, neither one of them noticed my approach. "What are you guys doing here?"

She jumped, eyes widening as she took me in. "Oh my gosh you're here!" She pulled me into a bone crushing hug.

"Yes I'm here, why are you here?" I asked again.

"Someone sent us a text that you'd be here." Jessica walked up pulling me into a hug. Someone sent them a text? Was it Enzo? Is that why he really brought me along? Vince stalked me long enough that maybe he informed him of my small social life. "We missed you! You just disappeared on us, we thought you left for good."

"I..." What do I tell them? I don't know when I'll see them again. Maybe I should let them believe that I will be gone for good soon. "I am leaving, I just thought I'd enjoy this place one last time before I left."

They nodded, though their faces sad. "You come here a lot? It was hard for us to get in, we've been trying for a week." Says Jessica, flipping her hair.

I shook my head no "This is only my second time." Not mentioning the fact that I live with the owner now.

"Why didn't you tell us about this place!?" Lizza squeezed my arm in excitement.

I shrugged her hands off, her touched made me uncomfortable for some reason. "There's nothing to tell, it's just like any other club we've been to."

Jessica scoffed, "Not at all, I've heard lots of rumors about this place."

"Like what?" Rumors tend to attract the wrong crowd.

She hesitated "Just stuff."

"Come dance with us." Says Lizza, grabbing my hands.

"I'm not in the mood to dance." I'm not sure if this was a social trip or not, but I know Enzo wouldn't be ok with me shaking my ass in front of strangers.

"Come on Val! We may never have this chance again." Her words made me feel weird. Will I never have the chance to do simple things like party? Once the baby is born, what of my life then?

"Fine." She squealed. May as well enjoy it. The Dj was playing something upbeat, making people jump up and down on the dance floor. We inserted ourselves between a witch and a siren. I still had the power to identify other supernaturals so I deemed it safe enough to dance next to them.

I danced stiffly for the first few songs, not really wanting to let loose around a lot of potential enemies. If any of these supernaturals knew what I was carrying, they'd probably try to kill me.

I watched Jessica and Lizza let loose, ignorant to all the danger around them. Which one of these naturals helped them in? And what did they want in return?

I felt him before I saw him. He placed his hands on my hips, swaying with me. The widening of their eyes let me know they got an eye full of Enzo, and they were impressed. If things were normal and we left and went home together tonight they'd drill me about him. Wanting to know everything.

His chin came to rest on my shoulder as he pulled me flush against him. "I thought I told you to wait for me upstairs." He whispered directly in my ear, not wanting anyone else to catch wind of our conversation.

It was such a foreign feeling to have someone blow in your ear, but I liked it. "When did I take orders from you?"

"Three lycans have been watching you from various corners of the room the moment you stepped on the dance floor. I'm almost certain your friends are working with them." My dancing stilled as my eyes did a quick scan. He was right. "When I tell you to do something, know it's for your safety." A low growl left him.

"Aren't you going to introduce us?" Says Jessica, looking at Enzo with hunger in her eyes. Could they really be working with the lycans? Lycans were the only known supernaturals that liked to mingle with humans. I just couldn't believe that my friends would get involved with one, though it would explain how they got in.

"Actually I have to go." Enzo was already tugging me away.

"Stop Valentina!" She ordered, in a strange voice. It sounded warped and demonic. Enzo paused, hearing the change too. We both turned around. She was standing like she could pounce at any moment, Lizza copying her stance.

Enzo shook his head. "I don't have time for this." We turned back around, only to see the three lycans blocking our path. He sighed heavily, "if only you listened." He mumbled. If only I listened indeed, because now it seemed they had us trapped.

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