Beauty Is The Beast

Chapter 23

I groaned, the heat against my back making me hot. I kicked my legs out, hoping to hit his muscular ones. "Get off me Enzo." I whined.

He shifted and seconds later I felt cooler. I sighed in content, getting comfortable again. I felt the bed move then a breeze and realized he must've gotten out of it. I peeked one eye open, confirming my suspicion. He was walking ass naked into the bathroom. I tried not to blush as I took in his perfectly round butt.

Memories from last night resurfaced and I couldn't stop the blush from taking over. Enzo wanted to stop after the third round, insisting that I needed sleep. But apparently I had a fever and his dick seemed to be the only medicine I wanted. We went four more rounds until my vagina was finally satisfied. If I wasn't certain I was pregnant with his kid now. I had no doubt last night would've ensured that as well. Now I was regretting my actions, I was sore all over.

I heard water running and figured he was getting in the shower. I needed another hour, or three, of sleep before I even considered getting out of bed. I closed my eyes, sleep taking over once more.

A squeak left me as I was suddenly lifted into strong arms. "What are you doing?" I eyed Enzo as he carried me to the bathroom.

"Your bath is ready." He stated in a duh tone. Like I asked him to run me a bath or something.

"I don't want a bath, I wanna sleep." I argued. He ignored my protests, lowering me in the tub. All fight left me as the warm water engulfed me. I sighed as it penetrated my sore muscles, sinking more into the warm water. "This feels amazing."

He grabbed some shampoo off the counter, then proceeded to lather my hair in it. It smelled like strawberries. "You know, for being the devil and all, you're kind of a softie." I commented.

He chuckled, tipping my head back to dip my hair. "This is a side I never show anyone, so if this gets out I'll know who to hunt down. Besides, you're carrying my monster. It's the least I could do."

I flushed at the word monster. "I'm sorry I said that."

"I know you are." I watched him squeeze some soap onto a loofah, it also smelled like strawberries.

"I don't think he's a monster, honestly I don't know what he is." He rubbed the sponge across my back. I should feel embarrassed at having him wash me like this, but it felt too good for me to care.

"He's our son."

"He's the Devils son." I corrected. No matter how nice he was to me, it still didn't change who he was and what having his baby meant.

"And yours." His hand dipped in the water between my legs. I thought nothing but puppies and rainbows until he was done. "The only ones that need to be worried about our son is the ones that cast you out. And honestly, I'll get to them before he does."

I frowned,"What do you mean?"

"Why did they kick you out?" I realized we never discussed how I ended up on earth. He knew I was an angel at some point because of my smell and grace.

I sank more into the water. "I fell in love with Gabriel."

He snorted, not the reaction I was expecting. "That pansy? Glad you upgraded to a real man."

I grinned at him. This was the first time I've brought up Gabriel's name and not felt like I was getting punched in the heart. "And who is this real man I've supposedly upgraded to?"

He leaned forward until our faces were inches apart. "He's looking at you." Whatever retort I had ready was swallowed by his lips. The kiss was gentle, unlike the ones we shared last night.

I brought my hand out of the water tangling it in his hair. His tongue licked my bottom lip asking for entrance, I opened my mouth giving him access. He moaned when his tongue made contact with mine.

A pounding on the door had me pulling back, but he placed his hand on the back of my head keeping me in place. "They'll go away." He pulled away long enough to say, then went back to attacking my mouth.

The pounding sounded again. "Someone better be dying." He growled standing up. I made to follow him, but the ache between my legs insisted I soaked some more. "What?" He growled, slamming the door behind him. I had a feeling it was a Korgan he was yelling at.

As I laid soaking in the bath I thought about my life. Wondering how I ended up here, and I don't mean here as in the Devils bathtub. Although that's something I never expected either. How did I go from heaven to this? I had a good life in heaven, if only I followed the rules.

Thinking about heaven made me remember how I ended up there in the first place. I cringed, remembering that day I so desperately wanted to forget. The day I died.


"It'll be easy Valentina, just keep your balance." Roy called out.

"Yes," Megan laughed, "keep your balance while you're shit faced."

I grinned at her, holding up my half empty bottle of Jack Daniel's. "This is for you Meg!" I frowned at the challenge in front of me. We were at West Brook Pond. There was a well known challenge at our school that I've been afraid to try. There was a small bridge, well we called it a bridge but it was mostly just a ten foot board placed in the middle. The goal was to cross it half drunk to get to the other side of the pond. It hovered over a small stream that if you fell you'd definitely end up soaked . So the challenge here was not to fall. Many have fell, including my best friend Megan.

"Hurry up already!" Roy gave me a light shove, making me stumble due to the amount of alcohol I've consumed. I glared at him, giving him the finger. Roy was my other best friend, and a huge pain in my ass.

I took off my shoes for better balance, wiggling my toes in my sock. Placing one foot on the board I shook off my nerves. Plenty of people have made it, and I was determined to be one of them.

The first few feet was a breeze, it's when I was standing over the stream that I realized why this was such a challenge. Looking down at the flowing water, I started to feel dizzy. Black dots started forming before my eyes. I was so not going to make it.

Giving up, I turned to go back, and that's when it happened. The bottle of Jack in my hand literally exploded. I screamed as shreds of glass stabbed my feet. Instinctively I reached for it, losing my balance.

My body felt weightless as I fell from the bridge, smacking into the water. Then everything went black.

Later when I watched my funeral from above, I found out my head smacked against a boulder that was underneath the water, instantly killing me. Remembering that day made me remember how foolish and immature I was. I should've never been drinking, or trying to cross a bridge.

I started numbly at the shower tile, until Jacob came busting through the bathroom door. I used the bubbles to cover myself. "What are you doing in here? Where's Enzo?"

He stumbled back, placing a hand on his chest. "You love him more than me?" He cried.

"I don't love either of you." I smirked.

He scoffed, "I know that's a lie. Well I don't know about your feelings for Enzo but I know you love me. You're obessed with me, that's why you moved in."

"Please leave so I can get dressed." I flicked my arm out, splashing water on him. "Go mingle with your Korgan buddies." He came over to the tub, taking a seat. Doing the opposite of what I told him. My eyes narrowed when he started to smirk. "What are you -" he scooped a handful of water, splashing me. "You jerk!"

"See you later Tina." His laughter carried across the room as he left.

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