Beauty Is The Beast

Chapter 22

Dinner was awkward to say the least. Enzo didn't join us, but Kyle and Cain did.

"What did you do to my brother? I saw him toss a Korgan from the second story on my way in here." Kyle asked, amusement written all over his face.

"He what!?" I gasped.

"Yeah, poor guy is gonna be out of work for a while, I'm pretty sure he broke a leg." He shrugged, cutting into a piece of steak. We were having steak and mashed potatoes for dinner. I wonder if this was Enzos favorite. "So what did you do to him?"

"Nothing," I grunted.

"What did she do Jacob?" He aimed his focus on him. Jacob's expression went slack.

"They got into a fight about if the baby will be evil or not." He spoke in a robotic voice. That's when I realized he was using compulsion on him.

The anger in me was instant. I slammed my fork down jumping on the table. Faster than lightening I crawled across, grabbing Kyle by his throat. "Don't you ever do that to him again." I snarled in his face.

He started to choke, clawing at my hands. I could see the veins straining against his neck and face as he tried to breath. I squeezed harder.

"Tina, I think he got the message." Jacob said warily from behind me. I ignored him, tightening my hold. He needed to learn his lesson. He needed to know Jacob wasn't a human he could just demand.

His face was starting to turn blue when I was suddenly lifted from the table. I growled at the lose of contact, trying to get to him again. "Valentina, that's enough." I felt a sharp smack on my behind, making me pause. Looking over my shoulder Enzo had me in a tight hold, glaring down at me. "That's enough." He repeated. Fighting him was futile, there was no chance I was getting out of his grip. I let my body go slack, letting him know I was no longer fighting him. He sighed in relief releasing me.

"What the hell was that!?" Kyle demanded, rubbing his neck. I could see a red hand print around it, I cringed.

"That," Enzo grabbed a seat at the head of the table, pulling me down on his lap. I struggled trying to get up and he pinched me, hard. I turned my steel gaze on him. "Was my girl putting you in your place. What idiotic thing did you do now?"

"I'm not your girl."

"I didn't do shit! The crazy b- girl attacked me for no reason." Kyle exclaimed, correcting himself when he caught my glare.

"I find it hard to believe that she didn't have a reason. Now enlighten me before I get angry next." Enzo told him calmly. Kyle kept his mouth shut, Enzo stiffened in anger.

"He used compulsion on Jacob." I answered for him. The guy clearly had a death wish.

"Ahh," He relaxed back in his seat, the anger leaving his body.

"That's all you have to say? Your girl is obviously unhinged." Kyle started, Enzo shrugged."Unbelievable."

"I'm not his girl." I felt the need to add. "And you have no one to blame but yourself, don't ever use compulsion or anything else on Jacob. He may be human and defenseless against your magic but I'm not, and I'll take joy in kicking your ass if you do that again." I always promised Jacob I would never use my magic on him, it's one of the reasons he so easily accepted me. And I'll be damned if I let anyone else do it.

I feel Enzos body vibrate underneath me as he laughs. "That's my girl." The pride was so obvious in his voice.

I elbowed him in the stomach making him lose his grip on me. I removed myself from his lap going back to my seat. "Not your girl." He smirked at me from his seat.

"Damn Valentina, never seen you do ninja moves like that." Jacob joked, poking me in my side. I giggled slapping his hand away.

Enzo sighed, "If only you flirted with me like that."

I scoffed,"We aren't flirting."

He smirked. "I know, cause I'd kill him if you were." And I felt the truth behind his words. He could be cruel if he wanted to, and I knew he died down his true personality for my sake. "Will you two be staying here for the night?" He asked Kyle and Cain.

Cain eyed me then answered. "No."

Enzo chuckled, most likely he saw the way Cain watched me as well. "I promise to keep my girl on a leash."

I glared at him. Scooping up a spoonful of mashed potatoes I flung it at him. An invisible force stop it from hitting him, it literally smacked into an invisible wall. "For the last time, I'm not your girl." Then I turned to Cain. "Don't be such a pussy." Enzo laughed harder. Isn't he supposed to be mad at me right now? Why was he still here?

Cain gave me a small smile. "I actually have to meet Abel later."

"Abel?" I questioned.

"It's his brother." Kyle answered, typing away on his cellphone. I guess he was over the whole choke thing.

"Wait," something clicked at the names. "Cain and Abel? Like from the Bible?"


"Holy shit!" My mind was spinning with the news.

"What did I say about that word Valentina?"

Ignoring Enzo I had more questions for Cain. "But didn't you kill him?" I learned about Cain and Abel in one of my heavenly classes. According to the story God favored Abel more so Cain killed him. Looking at the Cain in front of me now I had a hard time believing that.

"I did kill him, a long time ago. It's been enough time that he's forgiven me."

"If you killed him then how is he here?"

Enzo frowned,"You never met Abel while you were in heaven? It's where he lives. Sometimes he comes down to earth to visit his brother." Abel lived in heaven? Then why did we have to do a pop quiz on him! We could've been actually meeting the guy instead.


Cain stood from the table. "I'll be over tomorrow." Then he was gone.

"What about you?" He turned to Kyle.

"I'm taking my old room." He stood from the table, wrapping the rest of his steak in a napkin. I had a feeling he didn't stay to finish it because of me. I'll have to fix our friendship later.

Enzo stood as well, "Come Valentina." I growled, I hated when he spoke to me like I was a dog.

"I'll catch up."

He let out a long exhale, "Please come to bed with me." Butterflies erupted in my stomach at his words. I knew he didn't mean them in a sexual way, but my lady parts thought otherwise.

I shoved a few more pieces of steak in my mouth before standing up. "See you tomorrow." I told Jacob. Enzo tried to grab hold of my hand when I got close by him, but I easily dodged it.

"Stubborn." He mumbled.


"Why can't I have my own room?" I was leaning against his dresser watching him climb into bed. Seconds ago I watched him strip down to his boxers, and once again certain parts of me got excited. There was no way I'd be able to lay next to him knowing he's practically naked.

"I can watch you better if you're laying next to me." He pulled the blanket back, patting the spot next to him.

"I have nothing to sleep in." I didn't fancy pajamas, but also didn't like sleeping in regular clothes.

He nodded at the dresser behind me. "Top left draw." I pulled open the draw to see it filled with his shirts. Grabbing one at random, I made my way to the bathroom. It didn't take long for me to strip and pull on his shirt. However, it did take long for me to get the courage to walk out there with my ass cheeks on display. The shirt barely covered anything. I sighed, pulling the door open.

Thankfully he didn't comment as I slide into bed with him, but he was definitely looking. "Take a picture it'll last longer." I relaxed against my pillow, turning my head to glare at him.

He laughed and before I could react quickly maneuvered himself so that he was on top of me. Balancing himself on his forearms to keep his weight off me. "You've had a smart mouth all day."

"I'm sorry I was born with brains unlike you." He chuckled, burying his face in my neck. My body arched when he licked my neck wound. What the hell? My bodies reaction was instant.

"Maybe I should punish you." His breath fanned across the sensitive area, making me shiver.

"Maybe you should get your fatass off me!" I pushed on his chest, but he didn't budge.

"Maybe," His fangs grazed my neck, making me pause in my struggling. I hadn't realize he had brought them out. "I should do something else." Then he struck. I moaned as his fangs sank into my neck. The pleasure that racked my body had me rubbing against him. He growled low in his throat, biting down harder.

My nails dug into his back, pulling him closer to me. It lasted all of maybe five seconds, but felt longer. He withdrew, licking the spot once again. He pulled back looking over my face, as if checking to see if I was ok.

I was more than ok, in fact my body felt super charged. I wanted more. "Is that all you got?" I gave him a sloppy grin. I was turned on, and the bulge in his boxers made me aware he was too. It wouldn't hurt to get a little pleasure, right?

He grinned, and my panties were gone. He hadn't touched them, they just disappeared. "I'll show you what I got little angel." Then he crashed his lips to mine.


Decided to update for the holiday! Don't forget to heart it up! Enjoy

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