Beauty Is The Beast

Chapter 21

Even though we had no choice in coming to the garden, I couldn't deny the beauty of it. "Wow." I breathed.

"Would've never guessed hell would have something like this." Jacob said.

The garden was huge, filled with different colors of flowers, of all type. It was like stepping into a field of rainbow. The Korgan didn't bother to stick around once she showed us the place. Seeing the Korgan made me think of something else. "You said you spoke to a Korgan?" I recalled earlier in the day he mentioned it.

He nodded, going to take a seat on the bench that set in the middle of the garden. It gave you a perfect view of ever flower nearby. "I also spoke to one in the library, they're very nice."

"Why don't they speak to me?" I sat next to him, enjoying the smells from the flowers. Whenever I was around they disappeared from the room quickly.

He shrugged, "I think they're scared of you." Those freaky little things are scared of me? Really?

"Why would they be scared of me? I haven't done anything to them!" Had I? Did they notice my look of horror whenever they walked into a room? I cringed. I hope that wasn't the case.

"Because what you're carrying. They may work for Enzo but even they're not ignorant when it comes to what you're carrying." It sounded like he had more to say but was holding back. Which wasn't like Jacob at all.

"And what do you think about it?" I asked, he frowned in confusion. "About what I'm carrying." I clarified.

He sighed, "I think you know what you're doing. If you want to have this baby then maybe you don't believe it'll be evil. If that's what you believe then I'll also believe it. But I won't deny that I'm scared, scared for you."

His words made me think of something that I hadn't had time to consider before. Did I believe he wasn't going to be evil? Did I even care? That last question made me cringe. "What if he is as bad as everyone thinks he's going to be? What if I really am carrying a monster?" I shuddered at the thought.

Jacob turned to me, "How much thought have you given this?"

"None, until now." I admitted. It took me a while to even accept the fact that I was pregnant. After that things just started to happen fast. I never thought about the future and what could happen if I gave birth to something far worse than Enzo.

He looked thoughtful. "I think we need to learn more about the antichrist, and not all of what you learned in heaven. We need to see the other sides take on this." He stood abruptly, making me stand as well. "I know just the place to get this information." I followed him out the garden and back into the house. He seemed to know his way around surprisingly well.

We reached a familiar set of double doors and I rolled my eyes at my stupidity. Of course! The library would have answers. "I'll find something, you just have a seat." I complied with his orders. He searched different shelves grabbing books at random. Honestly, I didn't even see him read the covers. "Bingo!" He grinned, waving a thick red book at me.

Bringing it over he let it drop in front of me. I coughed at the dust that flew off it. Antichrist was stitched across it in big black letters. "If this doesn't give us answers then nothing else will." He pulled a chair up next to mine to get a better look. For the next few hours we buried ourselves in the book.

"Well," Jacob started, leaning back "I've given some new thought to this, what about you?" Indeed he has, there was a look of horror on his face now.

My eyes were still glued on the last page we read. "Destroying The Antichrist" it listed three different ways that you could possibly kill the antichrist, though they've never been tested. Considering they never met the antichrist, these are just theories. Dark magic was one, and the other was decapitation. Though they're not sure how effective the latter would be. "How evil do you have to be to make someone want to cut your head off?"

"Not that evil darling," both our heads snapped to the door, "people have tried to kill me that way plenty of times." Enzo grinned, walking in the room. I slammed the book shut, placing several other ones on top of it. "What are you reading?" He raised an eyebrow at my actions.

"Nothing!" Jacob and I answered at the same time.

Enzo watched us with amusement in his eyes. He flicked his finger and the pile of books started to shake. I had just enough time to duck before the last book flew out and in his hand. Crap. "Why are you reading about this?" He didn't sound angry, but he also didn't sound happy about it either.

"Is it a crime to wanna know about the monster I'm carrying? Cause that's what it is! A monster." Everything we read mentioned nothing but death and destruction. An entity born and raised that couldn't be killed, but took pleasure in killing. That's what I was now carrying and protecting.

His eyes blazed. "How can they judge something that never existed!? They know nothing about my son! All this is nothing but fairytales."

"They're just going after your background! Why wouldn't a baby in your making be just like you!" It's true they've never encountered the antichrist because no one has ever been able to reproduce with Lucifer, until now. But they held enough fear to write a whole book about it.

"And what about your background huh? Why wouldn't the baby be like you? It takes two to tangle Valentina." He was right, but my background wasn't the most angelic. Even if I was an angel at some point in my life. I'm human I've done bad things as well. He dropped the book on the ground then stepped on. It instantly burst into flames. "Dinner will be served soon." He gave me one last lingering look, then left.

"Wow," Jacob spoke from beside me, "That was intense, and I think you might be in trouble." I was worse than being in trouble. Enzo felt I betrayed him, I could see the hurt in his eyes before he left.

"I think I might've hurt his feelings."

Jacob laughed, "Don't forget he's the devil Tina, most likely he doesn't have feelings." I didn't believe that for one second.

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