Beauty Is The Beast

Chapter 28

"Stop staring at me!" I growled at Kyle. We were currently eating dinner and unfortunately he decided to join us. Enzo was planning to invite him on the trip with us tomorrow as well. I wanted to leave today but Enzo insisted I get more rest, like I haven't been resting for three days!

We were going to meet some old bat that lived deeper in hell with one of the princes. The six princes of hell are all trusted friends of Enzo, he informed me earlier. Other angels that fell with him when he was cast out. Each made their own homes and kingdoms while here. Enzo tried to give me the layout of hell before dinner.

There were seven levels. We were on level one, the place new souls came before they're assigned a place to live. Enzo called it Erker. It's made to look like a normal city so they'd feel comfortable during their transition. The prince that usually ruled it died several centuries ago. Kyle was now the keeper of this level. He wasn't a prince of hell, but many referred to him as one. Enzo said he was terrible at the job but since he didn't have any other replacement he'll have to do.

Level two is where the prince Malaka ruled. He was the last angel to fall, and wasn't as strict as the other six, according to Enzo. Most of the suicidal souls went to his kingdom. The kingdom of Ballmomoth.

Level three was Talgroth, second from last to fall. Still wasn't as bad as the other four but definitely had a nasty attitude. He got the souls of atheists, and other non believers. His kingdom was called Dalger.

Level four was Thazar, and you guessed it, third from last to fall. This is the level we were visiting tomorrow. We would have to visit him first to announce our arrival. Thazar was known to have a strict hand and enjoyed giving out punishments. He was in charge of the supernatural souls, ie werewolves, vampires, witches and so on. Those that decided to use their powers for evil instead of good. He lived in the kingdom of Akmod. Enzo warned me it would be a very dangerous trip. My orders were to stick close to him at all times.

Level five Jannod and six Tigan. Third and second to fall. Enzo didn't go into detail of how bad they were, insisting I would never meet them and to be glad. He said they changed from their fall, and not for the better. He wouldn't allow them anywhere near me. Tigan's kingdom was Talvath, home of the darkest souls known to man. Jannod kingdom was Jazgimez, almost as bad as Talvath.

The last kingdom belonged to Enzo, the first to fall. The king of hell. No dark souls lived there just other fallen angels, though some of them could be evil. For example Cain lived there. He promised to take me there in the future, when his son was born. For now we would be staying in Erker, where it was safe.

"I can't blame him," Rayne says, pulling me out of my thoughts. She popped several fries into her mouth, "You're freaking hot, I'm having a hard time not staring myself."

"What happened to you?" He asked, shooting Enzo a look.

Enzo smirked. "I gave her some good dick and she came out a new woman." I choked on the gulp of water I just sipped. He leaned over, patting me hard on the back. "Save the choking for later babe."

I pushed his hand off me, angling my body so that my wing was now blocking him from my view. The chair I was sitting in had to be destroyed so that my wings weren't rubbing up against the back of it. "Don't touch me jerk."

"Did she always have wings?" Kyle wasn't done with his questions.

I sighed, "We don't know what happened to me, that's the whole point of the trip. No I didn't have wings before."

"Who are we going to meet?" Jacob asked, mayo dripping from the side of his mouth.

"You, aren't going to meet anyone." Enzo corrected him.

Jacob frowned, looking to me for an explanation. Enzo and I agreed that it was too dangerous for him to go. He was human, and having him along would be a distraction for me. Because I'd be worrying about his safety the entire time and not my own. "It's not safe for you, the place will be full of evil supernaturals."

He scoffed,"So that makes it safe for you?"

"I'll be protecting her, so yes she'll be safe." Says Enzo, cutting into his cheeseburger. I've never seen a person use a knife to eat a cheeseburger. He was so weird.

The sound of a chair scraping brought my attention back to Jacob. "Had I known I'd be treated like a burden, I would've stayed above ground." He roared, grabbing his plate and walking swiftly out.

I jumped up to go after him, but Enzo grabbed my hand. "Let him pout, he still won't be able to go." I glared at him, but he was right.

"I'll go," Rayne announced standing."I'm not going tomorrow as well so maybe I can convince him we'll still have fun here." I gave her a grateful smile. She wasn't going because Enzo didn't trust her. Even though I disagree, I trusted Rayne. She scurried off after him, leaving just the three of us.

"So who's the hottie?" Asks Kyle, looking in the direction she just went. He was leaning so far back in his chair I was sure he'd fall any minute. No doubt he was staring at her butt.

"She's a recent fallen, and a friend of Valentina's. Therefore she's a guest here, so keep it in your pants." Enzo calmly told him, not even looking up.

"Maybe you need to take your own advice next time, and keep it in your pants." Kyle I noticed, was the only person that didn't bite his tongue around Enzo. Well besides me of course.

"Valentina prefers it out of my pants, right babe?" He winked.

"No," getting up from the table I decided to end dinner early. Let the siblings flirt with each other.

The moment I got up from the table a Korgan rushed over to grab my plate.

I jogged up the steps to our room. There was no point calling it just his anymore, I was in it more than him. My back stung from my wings hitting every step on the way up. I really needed to learn how to put them away.

I flopped down on the bed face first, exhausted from dragging the huge wings. There was no way I'd be able to travel if I didn't put these wings up. I sat up, determined to put the wings away. Concentrating hard I willed them away. Go back in. Go back in. Go back I-

"Are you trying to take a shit on my bed?" My concentration broke, I glared at Enzo as he walked over to the bed.

"These wings are too heavy, I can't travel with them. I'm trying to push them back in." Angels with wings were like a werewolf with their wolf. We could hide our other side, aka the wings, until we needed them.

He leaned back, studying them. "I don't think they want to go in."

I frowned,"They don't get that choice." Unlike werewolves, our other side didn't talk to us. The wings didn't have a mind of their own, or any type of life. "I'm almost tempted to just rip them off."

"I doubt you'd be successful." Bringing his hand to my shoulder, he slipped his finger underneath my spaghetti strap. "I missed you." He says, looking up at my face. His eyes were intense, like he was looking through to my soul. I've never seen him look at me this way before. It caused butterflies to eurpt in my stomach.

I tucked a piece of hair behind my ear self-consciously. "I've been here."

The corner of his mouth lifted slightly, then dropped. "Those three days... I didn't know what to do. I didn't know if you'd ever wake up." His hand dropped from my shoulder, resting on my thigh. "It wasn't my son I was worried about, it was just you."

My eyes started to water. I reached a hand out, cupping his cheek. He had such a vulnerable look in his eyes. He was showing me a side of him I've never seen. One I doubt anyone has seen. "Oh Enzo..."

He brought a finger up to my lip, dragging it along the bottom. "Would now be a good time to ask for sexual intercourse? I have been deprived of it for several days." He says, the hand on my thigh inching higher. "I'm still a man after all."

I growled, pushing him away from me. He laughed, barely catching himself from falling on the floor. "You're a sick individual." I had a feeling he only said that to change the subject. Things were getting too intense for him, same for me. I still wasn't sure how I felt about him, relationship wise.

He winked, moving closer to me on the bed.

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