Beauty Is The Beast

Chapter 18

"They're called Korgans." Jacob blurted out to me over breakfast. After my talk with Enzo last night I agreed that I would stay, if he returned Jacob to me. He admitted he only had them drag him to his own quarters, nothing sinister because he knew I'd kill him if Jacob was harmed.

I finished chewing the piece of bacon in my mouth. Enzo left us after showing us to the dining area, saying he had unfinished business to take care of. "What?" Whoever the chef was here, I wish I could marry them. The food tasted amazing. The table was full of bacon, pancakes, sausages, eggs, fruit, and an assortment of different drinks.

He nodded towards the hunched figure in the corner. "They're called Korgans, half human, half demon." There was a hunched figure at every door, I try to ignore their presence so I don't freak out.

I leaned forward across the table where he was sitting. "No way that thing is half human!" I whispered.

He chucked. "One talked to me last night, told me her whole life story."

I sat back in my seat. "Getting cozy with them are you?"

"Getting cozy with Enzo are you?" He tapped the side of his neck, making me blush. This morning I woke up with a huge hickie on my neck. I don't remember him putting it there while I was woke, so he did it while I was sleep. Which resulted in his busted lip.


I opened the bathroom door, checking once more to make sure I didn't wake Enzo. It was morning and though I would love to stay in his arms all day, I had to pee. I thought the moment I slipped out of his hold he would wake up, but lucky for me he didn't.

I sighed in relief as I sat on the toilet. Thinking about our conversation last night, I decided to just let my life run its course. There was no reason to fight with Enzo. Yes it was weird finding out he's the devil, but like he said, even if I fought he wouldn't let me go. May as well enjoy the moment, I have a feeling the future is going to be full of chaos.

After flushing the toilet I made my way to the sink. Using the soap I made sure to lather my hands good before rinsing them.

Looking at my reflection in the mirror I cringed. My eyes were puffy and red from all the crying I've been doing. I cupped some water in my hands, then splashed it on my face. Grabbing a nearby towel I dried off.

My hair was a mess, the only thing that would make it look tamed was a braid. I gathered my hair getting ready to braid it, when I noticed a dark purplish spot on my neck. My eyes widened in anger when I realized what it was.

I stomped out of the bathroom making my way to a smirking Enzo. How long has he been up? He was leaning casually against the headboard. "What the hell is this!?" I pointed to my neck.

He cocked his head to the side, studying it. "A very smooth neck, although kind of pale."

I growled, grabbing the nearest thing to me, a lamp, and tossed it at his head. He swatted it away like it was nothing but a fly. "What the heck did you do to me!? When did you do it?"

He gave me a devilish grin, no pun intended. "Just marking what's mine."

"I'm not yours!" He raised an eyebrow, then dropped his gaze to my stomach. "Just because I'm carrying your son means nothing!" I can't believe I was actually starting to like this prick.

I blinked and he was suddenly standing in front of me, shirtless. My eyes instantly dropped, roaming over his muscled frame. He was ripped, his muscles flexed as he breathed heavily. I gulped. "Just let me know when you've had an eye full." His cocky voice interrupted my staring. I glared at him. "Firstly, it's our son." His hand gripped my chin roughly. "And secondly, you're very much mine."

I brought my hands between us, and gave him a hard shove. He flew across the room, landing in a crouch. "Don't mark me without my permission." I demanded.

He grinned as he stood up, then literally launched himself at me. "Oof." We landed on the floor harshly, me taking the burnt of the fall. Before he could say anything I swung my fist out, hitting him square in the jaw.

"Shit!" He jumped off me standing up. "What was that for?" He asked rubbing his jaw. There was also a split in the corner of his mouth.

I sat up on my elbows. "You don't tackle a pregnant woman! What's wrong with you? And don't ever give me a hickie while I'm sleeping!" I shouted at him.

He touched a finger to his lip, surprise covering his features at the blood. "Damn, you made me bleed." Was that pride in his voice?

Suddenly I felt bad, maybe punching him was a bit excessive. I stood up, cringing at the blood still flowing. He wasn't even trying to clean himself up. I sighed, "Come on." He followed me to the bathroom. I grabbed a dry towel from the closet then wet the corner with hot water. "Sit on the toilet." He was standing behind me, but moved with my command.

Leaving forward I dabbled the corner of his mouth. "Beat me then clean my wounds, I'm loving our relationship already." He smirked. I pressed down hard on his cut. "Ow!" I didn't bother hiding my grin.

I pulled my hair over my shoulder. "Mind your business."

"Can't say I expected you to be a good girl, I mean you're already carrying his baby." He teased.

I tossed my sausage at him. "Shut the hell up."

His face got serious, he beckoned me to lean closer and I did. "Speaking of hell, is that where we are?"

I frowned at him. Was this hell? If Enzo is Lucifer and this is his home, then it would make sense. "I'll have to ask Enzo."

"Ask me what?" I jumped at the sound of his voice. He walked casually in the room, pulling out a chair next to me. "You can ask me anything Satan lover."

Another sausage flew off my plate aimed at his face, which he caught effortlessly in his mouth. "Don't call me that."

He chewed loudly, a thoughtful expression on his face. "But it sounds better than Satan's whore, right?" This time I punched him. Jacob snickered, earning a glare. "Would you like a tour today?"

"Tour of what?"

"Is this hell?" Jacob blurted. He just can't seem to hold things in today.

A boom of laughter came from my left. "What do you know about hell boy?" The grin he gave Jacob was anything but friendly.

"Flames everywhere, people screaming in agony, you know." Says Jacob.

"Shh, do you hear that?" Enzo leaned forward eagerly, cocking his head to the side. Both of us strained our ears, but it was quiet.

"I don't hear anything." I mumbled.

He leaned back, a satisfied smirk on his face. "Exactly, no one screaming in agony."

"So this isn't hell?" Jacob asked confused.

Enzo grabbed a piece of bacon off my plate. "Oh no, this is definitely hell." He gave Jacob a sinister grin. "Welcome to your new home."

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