Beauty Is The Beast

Chapter 17

"Please don't use that word around me." My mind had gone completely blank, but once I heard his voice it went into overdrive.

"Y-You're- are you? No!" Too many thoughts were coming out my mouth at once, nothing made sense. But one thing suddenly made sense to me. Killing you would bring a lot of peace those were the words Enzo had spoken to me, and now they made sense. I was carrying something that could bring forth the Armageddon, I was carrying an abomination, I was carrying -

"My son." Enzo interrupted my thoughts, a cruel look in his eyes.

Horror washed over me. "The antichrist." No. No. No. One thing that was always mentioned while I was in heaven was the antichrist and how he must never be born. I turned to Jacob, a helplessness taking over me . "We have to do something!" I couldn't have this baby. I didn't want to have this baby.

"Valentina!" Lucifer or Enzo snarled, he grabbed me by my arm, pulling me into him. Before this would've made my heart stop for different reasons, now it was in fear. All I could think was this is Lucifer touching me, the devil. "You're not touching my son, our son." He growled at me. Our son. There was no doubt he knew it was a boy, the antichrist had to be male. He didn't need a doctor to tell him that, he knew, he has always known. Because he's Lucifer, and I was carrying his baby.

I tried to yank myself free from his hold. "Let go of me!"

Jacob stepped forward, though I could see the fear in his eyes. "Hey uh man, let her go."

Enzo rolled his eyes, with the tilt of his head two more hunched figures emerged, grabbing Jacob. "Take him away." They started dragging him kicking and screaming through a door. It was then that I noticed where I was. I don't remember stepping through the door that lead us out of the stairway, but somehow I was now in a throne room. The walls were red, the floors were red, even the curtains were red. The only thing that was a different color was the black throne that set on the far side of the room.

I turned back to Enzo, a pleading look on my face. "Please let us go."

A flash of hurt covered his features, before he quickly masked his face again. "Let's go." He started dragging me from the throne room.

I tugged and pulled making it as hard as possible for him to drag me. He gave a growl of frustration, then I was suspended in the air. It only lasted a moment as he swept me off my feet and into his arms. For a second I was stunned, I looked up at him as he held me close to his chest. His face was hard and I know he felt my stare, but he didn't look down once. That's when I broke.

Tears fell down my face in waves, he stumbled a bit, surprised by my actions. "I can't, I can't I can't." I sobbed over and over. Enzo continued walking, but now his face looked strained.

It wasn't long before I cried myself to sleep in his arms.

I was hot, extremely hot, yet comfortable. I tried to open my eyes, but they were dry from all the crying I had been doing. When I finally peeled them open, all I saw was darkness. Where was I? I was in a bed, that was for sure.

A body shifted behind me and that's when I noticed the hand on my hip, and the hard chest pressed into my back. That's why I was so hot. My breath hitched when I realized it could only be one person behind me. The tears I thought were all gone, started to come back.

Enzo shifted again and this time I felt his nose rub against the back of my neck. "Valentina," He sighed.

"Why me?" I croaked, forcing the tears back.

The hand that was resting on my thigh, slid around to my stomach. "It had to be you, you're the only one..." He trailed off.

"The only one what? Please tell me Enzo." I argued, I needed these answers. I needed to know why God would allow this to happen to me.

"I tried, you have no idea how long I tried." I could hear the pain in his voice. "It never worked, until you. The moment you walked into my club, I smelled you. Millions of miles underground and I smelled you. I knew I had to have you, so I came up."

My body shuddered at his words, remembering the night at his club. The earthquake that only I felt. Was that him? "Then I saw you, this glowing light sitting at the bar. I didn't know what you were then, you looked human to me."

"I am human." I corrected him.

"I sent Dexter to get you, and when you entered the room, my senses were overwhelmed. I wanted to take you right then and there." As he spoke about that night I could feel something hard growing against my thigh. He chuckled, "The man himself brought to his knees by a human. In that moment I would've done anything you asked, just to have one taste, one night. I craved you." His words brought back my own memories. Why was I enjoying his touch? To the point of almost craving it? I had questioned my own desires th a night.

"It wasn't until the next time I saw you that I realized you were pregnant." He was drawing patterns on my stomach. The weird part? I don't even think he realized it. "You were antsy at that hospital, just like when I picked up your scent, I picked up that too. I didn't know where you were, I just knew I needed to get you out of there." All this time I thought he was stalking me. "I tuned into something, it was like a string, I could see it, thinly leading me to you."

"A string?" I was so interested in his story that I forgot I was laying in bed with Lucifer.

"It took me a moment to realize what it really was, I was too confused with everything going on. But it's a bond Valentina, you're bonded to me."

"What!?" I turned around to look at him.

He smirked, moving a stray piece of hair out of my face. "A normal human would be running for the hills right now, but you're not, because something is keeping you here. You know its wrong and you pretend to be afraid, but you're not."

He was right, I was more scared for Jacob then I was for myself. Even now laying here in bed with him, I should be running. But I didn't want to, I was scared yes. But for the future. "I don't know what to do." I admitted. It was huge to have this type of pressure on your back. The antichrist? Is that really what I was put down here for? If not then why didn't God stop it? And this bond? What did that mean?

He leaned closer, "You don't have to do anything Valentina, it's already done. The moment you touched down on earth you belonged to me, and nothing and no one is going to change that. We'll get through this together."

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