Beauty Is The Beast

Chapter 19

After breakfast Enzo humored us with a tour. We stopped at two big double doors at the end of the hall on the first floor. "This is the library."

I scoffed, "Why would you need a library?"

"Who says the library is just for reading?" He winked.

"Many people." Jacob answered, not noticing his perverted wink.

Enzo held the door open for us. I stepped inside, amazed at all the books. The books were endless, there was at least twelve shelves stacked high against the wall. "Every book lovers dream." I breathed walking in more, they even had them setup by category.

"Are you a reader?" He asked. I peeked at him out the corner of my eye. He was leaning against the door watching me. His gaze was intense, making my steps falter.

"I used to be," Running my hand over the book spinal I was tempted to sniff one. "Before I died, I had my own mini collection." It took me years to build the little library I had in my room.

"You can read anything in here you'd like. It's all yours now." I fully turned to him now, he smiled.

"Seriously?" Jacob asked. He was standing next to the mystery section, four books already in his arms.

Enzo squinted at him, "I was talking to my baby momma, but I guess that invitation extends to unwanted guests as well."

"Don't call me that." I grabbed a book from the shelf reading the title, The Great Gatsby.

"Come with me Valentina." I looked back to see his hand stretched out to me. Rolling my eyes I put my book back on the shelf. I'll come back later.

I walked over placing my hand in his. He curled his hand around mine before lacing our fingers, giving me a heated look. "We'll be back Jason."

"Jacob." I corrected him.

He lead me out the library and towards a door to the side. "I want you to see something." When he pulled the door open there was an elevator. We stepped inside and he pressed the three on the wall.

"What's on the third floor?"

"What I want to show you." He released my hand and was watching me from the other side, that same heated look in his eyes.

"What?" I asked.

He shook his head, just as the elevator came to a stop. I followed him out, recognizing this as the floor to his room. The room I was in this morning. But he passed it, going to the end of the hall. "Close your eyes." I raised an eyebrow at that. He chuckled, "I promise I won't do anything." It took a lot of willpower for me to close my eyes. I jumped when I felt his hand on the small of my back. "Relax, I'm just guiding you." We walked slowly into the room, until we were in the center of it. "Open."

A shocked gasp left me. I was standing in a room painted blue, with a large white crib in the corner. There was a changing station pushed against the far wall, and a dresser next to that. A nursery. I turned my shocked look on him. "When did you do this?" He was standing behind me, looking around the room as well.

He shrugged,"The day before I brought you here. It's not done yet, still needs some finishing touches, including our sons name." Embarrassingly enough, I felt a moisture in my eyes. Enzo didn't notice until a tear slid down my cheek. "Hey whoa, what are you doing?" He didn't get any closer, a startled look on his face. The big bad Lucifer was scared of tears? I almost laughed.

I wiped my eyes. "Sorry, it's just..." No one has ever done anything like this for me. Sure it was mostly for our son but, it's the thought that mattered. I squeaked when I was suddenly lifted. "What are you doing?" He sat me on the dresser placing himself between my legs, burying his face in my neck.

"Distracting you." He whispered, planting a kiss behind my ear.

I shivered, "I'm not crying anymore." I was definitely focused on other things now.

"I know." But he didn't back away. He started trailing kisses down the side of my neck. "Mmm." I stilled, gripping the dresser edge.

"Enzo..." His hand gripped my waist. I could feel the heat coming off him in waves. Why was he so hot? Or was that me? I felt his tongue drag across my shoulder. "What are..."

"Shh," His hand left my waist, moving across to the button on my jeans. My heart stilled, then took off like a rocket. "Relax." He focused on my neck as his hands worked the buttons. I felt his teeth graze my juggler, no not his teeth, his fangs. I almost forgot he had them, he hasn't shown them since that night in the club.

I sighed as he pulled down the zipper. I should be stopping this, what are we doing? But I didn't want to stop him. I wanted him to do whatever he wanted to me, and then some. He made a deep sound in the back of his throat, clearly someone was listening to my thoughts. "You're shouting them at me." He defended.

"Maybe we should -" My words were cut off when I felt his hand dip into my underwear. "Stop!" He slid a finger between my lips, no doubt feeling how what I was.

"Your mouth is saying one thing but your body is saying something else." He breathed, pulling his mouth from my neck. "So which is it? Do you want me to stop?" The look he was giving me was screaming at me to say no. His hand was still in my pants, but he wasn't moving it anymore.

"Yes, we need to st-" My body bucked as he expertly slipped a finger in. I moaned, unconsciously opening my legs further.

"It was a rhetorical question." He purred, adding another finger.

I opened my mouth to demand him to stop, but a strangled moan came out instead, he grinned. Leaning forward he captured my mouth with his. It took no coaxing to slide my tongue in his mouth. I greedily took control, and he let me.

My arms went up, wrapping around his neck to pull him closer. His fingers suddenly became uncharacteristically warm, making me cry out in shock. "Shh, I'm not going to hurt you." He let his fangs graze my bottom lip, causing a pool of warmth to flow right to my sex. He pumped his fingers faster, adding another one.

My body arched against him. My hard nipples rubbing against his chest. The heat and feel of his fingers had my body ready to explode. "Enzo," My body locked up, then an orgasm like never before hit me. I cried out again, Enzo lowered his mouth to my neck.

"Valentina," He growled, just as I felt a stinging pain. My nails dug into his back, from both pleasure and pain.

Once my body finally came down, he retracted his teeth and fingers from me, stepping back. My eyes widened at the sight of him. His eyes were red, fangs on full display, dripping red with my blood. But what startled me the most were the small horns peeking out from underneath his mop of black hair, and there was so much heat coming from him.

The door to the nursery flew open, Enzo placed himself in front of me, snarling at the intruder. I quickly zipped and buttoned my pants. "Master, sorry to interrupt, but your brother is here."

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