Awakening The Unknown

Chapter Unknown 37



We will win. At least that's what I keep telling myself. All of our training has led us up to this point. We were all out here for a reason.

To win this battle against them.

Well, right now, we're are doing just that.

Rogues lay dead at my feet.

Arrows embedded into the spines, throats, and chests of the rogue wolves. Fires, lightning, magic, earth crushing power radiating through the air of the battlefield.

I know that not all rogues are bad, but these ones here today have shown nothing but malice and evil as they came into our land and killed.

Stylo was still hovering over Brayden and the Alpha as he kept sending rogues in our direction to try and slow us down from getting to them.

I grabbed another set of arrows from my pouch of infinite arrows and released them towards where Stylo was. My arrows separated and multiplied, piercing through the air towards the trio at top speed.

As they were just about to pierce through Stylo's skull, a force field sent the arrows back towards us.

Before any damage could be done to our side, I lead my arrows away with a wave of my hand and had them attack any other breathing rogues around the area. The arrows spread out and glided through over the area, searching for the rogue wolves and killed them them.

I hoped everyone was okay in all this.

"Rogues!" Stylo smirked as more rogues filed onto the battlefield.


I'm so sick of this bull-

"Everyone, stop." Kash called our from a couple meters away. He sniffed the air and paused. Everyone stopped what they were doing and waited for his instruction.

"What's wrong, Kash?" I called out. He shook his head with a weird look on his face.

"These rogues are different." Kash announced. I looked over to my twin and spoke up.

"What do you mean-" A disgusting stench of rotting flesh punched my nostrils in the most vile way.

"Those rogues are dead." Kash whispered. I looked closer at these new rogues and gasped in shock.

Their fur was a dirty, moldy color.

Some had missing pieces of skin, some had flesh hanging from their open wounds.

Lots of them had foam between their snouts as they shook violently.

The smell of decomposing flesh was as pungent as ever as the pack of dead rogues cane closer.

I closed my eyes and linked Anais who was still with the civilians.

"What's happening over there? We kinda need you here." I tell her frantically.

I opened my eyes and met a pair of rotting teeth that clamped down on my left arm. I screamed in pain trying to get the bigger wolf off of me. I reached behind me and pulled a knife from my belt and stabbed it through its ear as it shook my arm like a chew toy.

"Ahh!" I screamed more. I felt another nasty substance enter my veins as the dead wolf was still chomping down on my arm. Another wolf soon joined in.

I kicked that one in the snout, sending it high in the air. The wolf that was still matched on me was more dead than before. He wasn't moving but, his jaws were in a vice grip hold on my arm. Angry red markings appeared on my skin as the outlines of my veins.

And it was spreading fast.

"Get off her!" I heard my mate. A terrifying roar came from his direction as more wolves piled on top of me. The winds were picking up drastically.

The pieces of the sky that I could see, dark storm clouds rolled in. Red lightning cracked around the sky as icy shards rained down on the rogues. Freezing raindrops pelted down on them as they kept frying to snap and bite a piece out of me.

One by one, wolves frosted over. Large ice shards stabbed through each wolf. Then the roaring got louder and scary to even me.

My mate was in pain.

"Let go of her!" Lightning struck each and everyone of those wolves I felt the striking feeling of the lightning when it hit the pile of wolves that decided to lay on top of me.

Sounds of a sword slicing and stabbing filled my sensitive ears. Growls and howls could be heard too as the ground shook under me as I heard my twin screaming for me too.

"Kassidy!" The ground rumbled more. The ground split in half again. The dead wolves fell through the cracked earth and fell to their deaths again.

'Get up and fight, Kassidy! You're letting them do all the work while you lay down and take the poison. What kind of wolf are you? The old Kassidy would never have let this happen while her mate was in pain.' Jana yelled at me through the link.

She was right.

I'm a failure as a wolf.

'Snap out of it, this instant, Kassidy.' Jana snapped, her teeth bared at me with disappointment.

I tried to move, but I couldn't.

Blood cane up from my throat again as I laid on my back. The poisoning substance inched it's way further into my body as I kept still. Whit hot searing pain shot through my wound causing a wailing scream to leave my lips.

I screamed and screamed as it felt like my body was on fire. I shook and coughed up more blood, then blood starting leaking out of other places. My ears, nose, eyes, and my claw wounds from earlier with Brayden.

My veins glowed under my skin with a blackened red color. It looked like it was turning even more lethal as the poison coursed through me, killing me even faster.

I guess this was the end of me.

I closed my eyes and tried to shut out all of the screams that filled my ears.

The roars of my mate watching me die.

The yells of my brother trying to kill and get his way over to me.

The cries of my friends casting magic or biting into the hides of our enemies.

I felt the familiar shift of air and space beneath me as I left my body once again, leaving my body to go to the Other Plain.

Solanis was sitting behind a mahogany desk. The room was white and gold just like the room Wren and I were in. She sat there with a concerned and disappointed look on her aging features as she looked at me.

"Go back and fight." She firmly said.


"How can I fight with a body that won't move. You can see what that stuff is doing to me. It's killing me, Solanis." My voice shook as tears welled in my eyes.

"I can suppress the poison long enough for you to win this battle and come back here and heal. But I don't understand why you aren't healing yourself." Solanis questioned.

"Wait, I could be healing myself?" I haven't been able to do that since the first time being here.

"What about, Wren and the rest?" I couldn't find my mate. She sighed and rubbed her forehead.

"Wren will be healed by Diane, he has a small dosage of the poison in him. She can take care of it with a ritual I gave her." Then she looked up into my eyes.

"But you have many different poisons in your body that have to be removed carefully to not set off the remaining ones while removing the other." She explained. I nodded and turned to leave.

"What does that mean then?" I ask facing away from her.

"It means I will do what I can and must," she began. I turned my head to the side to see her face.

"And you will do the same. You will go back and fight for your home, and when you're done, you all will reside here and heal. Am I understood?" I nodded and turned to leave again.

"Wait." She came up to me.

"What is it?" She handed me a small vial of a clear liquid with gold specks in it.

"This is different, I added some extra vitamins and oils to help." She explains and I nod as she continue.

"I will bless you first and then you will drink this and head back." She leaned forward and placed a gentle kiss on my forehead. She whispered something in Latin and pressed a kiss to the vial in my hand.

I smiled and popped the cork and tossed the liquid down my throat. My body had cooled down immensely, my veins had turned back into that angry bright red color from before.

I'm all good with that.

At the moment.

I looked at Solanis again and hugged her, she wrapped her warm arms around me and kissed my hair and spoke.

"Be careful." Then, I was shifted through air and space again and placed back into my body.

My eyes shot open. There was a stiffness in my back and neck from laying on the forest floor. My eyes scanned the area and around me and widened at the horrors before me.


They were lying everywhere.

Dead corpses, some had frost over their bodies, some had trees wrapped around them, some had teeth marks on them too.

We did good.

I look around for my mate and family.

Screams and roaring were heard in the distance, I guess they must've moved the fight.

I began to walk, cautiously looking around for any remaining rogues. I would kill them with my arrows but, I need to keep up my strength even though I feel great.

Thanks to Solanis and her healing elixirs.

Slaps of skin clapping filled my ears. My ears twitched at the sound of the clapping getting louder and louder. A low growl left my lips as I turned around to search for who was making the noise.

From the corner of my eye, a black cloak was walking in the same direction I was going. Whispers of chanting was being emitted from the black cloak as it held its hands together and walked.

My hand went back to my belt and pulled my throwing knife from its sheath. I grasped it tightly in my hand as I stepped forward and blurred towards the man in the cloak.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you." The voice tsked. This voice was deeper and different from earlier. He seemed a bit taller and broader too. i don't think this is Stylo, but I can try to find out at least.

"Stylo?" I took a step back. He stopped his chanting as he turned around. The face looked the same.

The same crooked yellow teeth in his mouth. The same yellow eyes and rotting looking skin. The same thinning black locks.

But he even felt different.

I looked at his aura and stepped back on shaky legs.

His aura itself was pure darkness. It was pitch black with flickers of dirty green.

It even made my wolf step back a bit.

"What is this?" I asked shakily. He chuckled deeply and gave a crooked smirk.

"Something even you wouldn't even believe." The voice wasn't the same sarcastic and hyped up on energy voice from earlier. This voice was deep, it shook my very being and it terrified me.

"Who are you?" I gulped and took another step back.

He leaned forward a bit and smiled. He looked around like he was running out of time then looked back to me.

"Your last hope." Then in an instant, he blew a yellow powder in my face.

And I was met with darkness.


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