Awakening The Unknown

Chapter Unknown 36



How in the hell did I manage to break out and come back home? After really getting my Lycan power in sync completely with my original powers, Solanis taught me how to teleport and let me go.

So, here I am.

And like the dramatic bitch that Anais has taught me to be, I made the most dramatic entrance with my powers. I present you with the light show of a lifetime.

Currently on the battle field, Wren looked at me with those blazing crimson and sea green golden eyes I love. His face was covered in bruises and his clothes were torn apart. A large wound was located on his chest, black veins appeared near the wound.

"Who did this to you?" My voice went from confident to worried.

Wren chuckled and looked me in the eye with a loving look and nodded his head to behind me.

I looked over and see a duplicate of myself. She was beaten and laying sprawled out on the ground covered in blood and scratches.

"Who is this bitch?" I asked warily looking between Wren and, 'Other Me', as I've named her.

"Guess who." She sang with a shaky voice as she struggled to stand up. A voice chanting behind me filled my ears as a dark cloud hovered over body as she stood up on her feet like she was all fixed up.

"Hey, you filthy slut." She evilly smirked and tilted her head at me creepily.


Then it clicked.

"Brayden, you did that to him didn't you?" I was angry now.

How dare she lay a single finger on my mate?

Girl's gone wild.

She giggled and stepped forward some more.

"It was easy really. He stabbed me with his eyes closed and I made myself look like you so he could feel bad. See? Easy." She shrugged. She held up a finger and her skin began to morph.

Her locks turned blonde again, her skin turned paler and her freckles disappeared. Her dark blue eyes turned into a regular blue color with specks of gray.

"I felt disgustingly gross in your skin by the way, but it is pretty soft." She said nodding to herself.

"Thanks." I nod back and shake my head.

"We're getting off track here, I'm supposed to be killing you." I stated. She nodded and ran forward with her fist out. My eyes had caught every movement she made and countered each attempt she made.

She seemed pissed of that she couldn't get a hit in, but I was savoring every bit of it. I made sure that my lava dropped from my claws, hot ash burned in the back of my throat waiting to be spat out.

Also, I found out my affinity while I was up there. Since time is different up there, I learned how to control my affinity and how to call in my weapon.

I'll be waiting to use it later.

The ground tumbled under under my feet as I called on my powers. Smoldering black ash licked my skin as it rose from under my pores. I felt the build up in my hands as I let it go I one powerful push of smoky wind.

I stopped my anticipation and pushed my hands against the air. The soot and ash pores from my hands and covered the entire area. The winds pushed Brayden back as the ash went into any open area on her body and covered her in the hot powder. Screaming and hollering danced into my ears as I watched her cover her eyes and face as the ash settled into her skin.

"Ahem, I think you've forgotten about me, darling." A voice calls out from behind me. I turn around and hold back a gasp as I look at the man who caused all of this.

The man who made Wren into something he didn't want to be.

The man who made is be abused because of power hungry thirst.

The man who will fall at my feet with blood leaking from his body.

A growl rolled from my lips as I looked at Stylo's face. He smiled at me under his hooded cloak.

"I've been waiting for you, my love." He stepped forward and I stepped back.

"No need for you to be afraid of me. I'm not the one trying to hurt you here." He put his hands up in defense.

"You didn't make that very clear the last time you spoke to me." I growled. He chuckled and it made my hatred for him boil even more.

"That was in the past. If we're going to be a couple, we're gonna have to move passed this. All couples can move on from past mistakes, right?" I blurred forward to land my fists on his ace but I was tackled out of the way by a large dark brown wolf.

I set myself on fire and the wolf jumped off of me.

"Dad!" Brayden wailed as the wolf whimpers and whines in pain from my flames. I brushed off the dirt from my skin as I began to stand up. Stylo kept using his powers on Wren and stapled his body to the tree he was previously hunched against.

Wren's voice shouted out.

"Look out, Kassidy!" I looked back him and jaws latched onto my neck. They shook and growled as something foul began to deep into my blood as the wolf bit through.

I screamed and punched the wolf off of my throat, sending the beast into a tree. It was the same wolf from earlier.

The Alpha must be trying to kill me again.

My aura began to die down and go back into my skin as I lurched forward and gagged on blood rushing out of my throat. Coughs racked through my body as I felt stinging chills travel through my system.

I seen Brayden approach me.

She stood high and mighty as she climbed on top of me and clawed my face, chest, and body while screaming strings of curses at me.

"I hate you so much, I will kill you Kassidy Grayson!" She sunk her claws into my throat and clamped on tightly as I seen Wren scramble onto his feet and run up behind her.

I guess Stylo has other plans as he sent waves of earth from the ground and threw large pieces of rock at Wren. His aura returned and his swords sliced through the rock in an icy takedown. Winds picked up and hail pelted down on the ground but avoided me completely.

Brayden was hit in the head with larger pieces of sharpened shards, slicing her skin open and burning her with frosty gnashes across her skin.

I pushed her off of me with as much power I could with whatever this poison was in my body. She hit the ground with a thud as I heard footsteps and growls nearing us.

They're coming for us.

Rogues cane in from all directions. Surrounding is from all sides as Wren and I both ran to each other.

I could almost feel his touch as powerful wind blew us apart. I landed into the bark of a large tree opposite of where Wren landed.

I was farther away from the battlefield was, but I got distracted by a very humongous black and red wolf trotting around. It's growl shook the entire city. Trees began to fall down too.

I dodged and ran as fast I could before I was smushed to death.

Death by tree was not how I wanted to go out.

As I got a glimpse into those inky blazing eyes, I realized who it was.


Holy shit he's big.

More growling came from him as rogues surrounded him too. I seen Kash fighting some wolves in human form with his new Earth affinity. He placed his hands on the ground and yelled. The ground shifted as a large crack in the ground cracked apart. The wolves fell into the cracked earth with whimpers and yells. The ground closed again as he looked up and his eyes met mine.

He dashed over to me in an instant. He was damn fast too.

"What in the literal fuck are you doing here?" His voice rumbled the ground and me.

"I came to save you guys." I coughed up more blood. The blood hadn't stopped coming up, even with the use of my powers. This stupid goo is stopping me from healing.

"Oh my Goddess, what happened to you, Kassi?" He knelt does and scooped me into his arms.

"The Alpha bit me and injected me with this weird poison that stops me from healing." Worry filled his eyes. I grabbed his face and looked in his eyes.

"If I die tonight, tell everyone I love-" I was cut off.

"No, you are not dying! Where is that son of a bitch?" He growled and set me down.

"Where's Wren?! He should be with you." I looked around and my eyes found my mate.

"He's kinda wrapped up right now." Wren was slicing rogues apart with his swords and kicking and punching the ones he couldn't get to.

Stylo was chanting over the Alpha and Brayden as more rogues filled around us and them.

"Where's everyone else at?" I ask looking up to my older twin.

"Anais is with the pack members that didn't make it out of the city earlier. Jordan is being healed by Diane. Kassandra is fighting rogues over there with the parents. Darius and Zachariah is on their way over here to help out with this crap." He looked stressed out. I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed his forehead.

"Calm down, we will get through this war in victory, okay?" I pulled away a bit and looked in his eyes.

He nodded and let me down.

"Can you walk?" I nodded and we went back over to Wren and those three idiots.

My aura came back to me and I looked over to see Kash with his own aura. The two of us intertwined our hands together and ran into battle again.

Kash shook the ground again and ripped trees from the ground and threw them at rogues attacking Wren. Some rogues circled around me and launched forward.

Show time.

I closed my eye and activated my anticipation again.

This time I'll use my weapon.

I called deep inside of myself and soon, a strap appeared on my back and shoulder as a sling. A carry pouch in the middle of my back made out of black leather.

A bow made out of molten rock with a silver string for firing. Fiery arrows wrapped with small fragments of my aura around them in a smoky cloud.

I placed three blazing arrows on the silvery string and fired across the battlefield. As soon as I let go, those three arrows soon turned into one hundred as the struck every rogue with its fiery force. Each one fell to the ground with whimpers that soon were silenced as their bodies all caught on fire. Smoldering soot covered their bodies and sent them all to their deaths swiftly.

Wren and Kash looked back at me with gaping mouths. I rolled my eyes and then glared at them.

"Don't look at me! Get back to killing stuff!" I shouted at them and they turned back around as more wolves filled in place of the dead ones.

Just when I thought things wouldn't get any better...

"Are we too late?" I turned and seen a filthy and bloody Darius, Zachariah and my Dad breathing heavily.

I smiled and turned back around with three more arrows in hand.

"Nope." I fired and smirked turning to face them.

"Just in time."


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