Awakening The Unknown

Chapter Unknown 38



Where is she? Right after I thought about it, I seen her body laying against a nearby tree.

I picked her up and carried her back with me and put her up in a different tree. I killed rogues left and right. Slicing and cutting them apart for doing this to my mate.

From the corner of my eye I sensed her waking up somewhere. She rubbed her eyes and brushed dirt from her body and clothes. An aching feeling was in my chest and on my left arm.

They must be her wounds being healed up then.

She came out of the woods with a sleepy look on her face. She looked in my direction with a smile that changed into a horrified look.

"Wren, look out!" I turned to see what she was looking at but something big fell on top of me.

A rotting wolf.

It's moldy fur and bloody skin drenched my clothes. It snapped its teeth and tried to claw me.

I felt Kassidy activate her powers and seen flaming arrows attack the wolf that attacked me. It's entire body set aflame as the arrow went through its skull and through its head.

Kassidy ran up to me. Her fiery and silvery aura wrapped around her body. Her bow and a spare arrow were in her hands as she looked at my face. She leaned down and kissed my lips.

Sparks ignited all over my body as I felt the wounds from earlier start to slowly heal from her kiss.

"Don't die you big idiot." She smiled at me and caressed the side of my face. Her freckles nose twitched and so did mine as more rogues cane rolling in like no tomorrow. I sat up and stood to my feet, I turned and looked to my mate.

"What did Solanis say?" I ask. She smiled a bit and answered.

"She says if everyone makes it out alive, she'll send us to wherever we want on earth as a vacation for a while." She smiled and took my hand in hers.

"Let's finish this, okay?" She looked in my eyes with those fiery eyes and kissed my bruised cheek.

"Let's." And we ran off into the battle. Her arrows piercing through the air. My swords cutting and slicing.

Her smoky ash spreading over their bodies and burning them inside out.

My frosty winds freezing them over and cracking into millions of pieces.

Ben's red lightning cracking and popping and electrocuting them to death.

Kash's earth splitting destroying the land we stand on and sealing the rogues up forever.

Diane and Anais' magic killing the wolves silently as they stand in the background.

Xander, Mary Anne, Darius, Zachariah, and the other adults are ripping through rogues left, right and all around.

Kassandra and Jordan were ripping into throats as rogues got closer and closer to Kassidy.

Holy shit she's their target.

"Kassidy!" Her Head snapped over to me.

"Set all of them on fire!" She nodded and I opened a link with everyone on the battlefield.

'Move out of the way! Kassidy is gonna light it up!' Everyone nodded in agreement as they climbed up trees and took cover.

I walked over to Kassidy, killing rogues on my way.

"Wren, move back." I shook my head and winked at her.

"Cover me." Her eyes widened and her brows shot up.

"Wren you better not." She warned. I rolled my eyes and stepped back a bit. I opened my link with Kash and Ben.

'Can you guys come and cover me?' I linked them.

'Of course.' They said in unison.

The two came over, Ben behind me and Kash in front of me. Kash has activated his powers and did the half shift.

His arms had gotten longer as did his legs, feet, shoulder, and torso. A silvery aura made its way around him. His canines and claws elongated as bow staff appeared in his hands.

"What are you gonna do, brother?" Ben asked. His only black blazing crimson eyes looked at me.

"Shifting, just like you did earlier." I tell him. He nodded and spoke again.

"Hurry, because I hate the thought of leaving Kassidy alone right now. She doesn't remember what happened after she woke up, Wren. Something happened when she came over here." He tells me.

"When?" I ask urgently as my bones began to crack and pop out of place.

"Before she cane to this battlefield." I nodded and looked back to him.

"Protect my mate." He nodded.




Riot was coming out to play.

Ben was guarding my back, killing any loose rogues with his lightning, that he learned how to control and turn them into little electrical blades.

Kash was in front of me, blocking any attack that Stylo had made with his magic.

Apparently, Stylo can make weapons appear out of thin air and use magic to guide them to kill people.

Those people are us.

My howls of pain got Kassidy's attention. She was supposed set everything on fire, but she was too distracted by yours truly.

'Hold on a little longer, Wren. You'll get through this. You and Riot will get through this.' She panted out.

She had bruised littered over her body. Cuts and red veins that started to turn a shade darker than earlier.

The elixir Solanis gave her is starting to wear off.

I mentally rushed Riot to make the shift faster. My spine was the last thing to go now.




Realigned bones were snapping in place for my new body. Fur pricked my skin as it all cane out. In one swift change, my eyes closed. I was laying on the ground.

'Wren, get up!'

'We need you, Wren!'

'Wrennie, please get up...'

My eyes snapped open as a growls so unsettling rumbled from my snout. My roses of power shook the battlefield as Riot made his appearance known to all that stood before him.

My eyes found my mate first. Her fiery silver eyes met mine. A tear filled smile on her face. She reached to her back and pulled out three blazing arrows and fired them at the rogues. Three arrows turned to three hundred in an instant.

She was incredible.

Pride filled my heart knowing that this beautiful specimen is my mate. She was strong, gorgeous and never afraid to get dirty.

And she's lit.

Get it, cause she's always on fire. Okay, I'm done.

I took two large steps and stood in front of the rogues. However will I dispose of them?

'Roar.' Riot suggested. I nodded and stood defensively. My teeth bared, my fur on end. A low growl emitted from my throat as it got louder and louder.

Then, in one big attempt, I let it all go. I roared hard and the winds picked up again frosty chills were sent everywhere as a powerful blast of snow, hail, frost and all blasted from my mouth, blasting the rogues back.

Stylo had been knocked down by the blast too. Rogues that we're caught up in the blast were frozen solid on contact, then as soon as they were completely frozen, their bodies broke apart. Leaving nothing but snowflakes in their wake.

Ben and Kash caught up and decided to climb up on me and attack from standing on my head. Riot didn't mind much as his brothers needed a better eye range for attacks.

'Kash, can you use your affinity from up here?' I ask through the link.

'Yeah, I can. As long as I'm near any kind of land mass I'm good.' He informed me. I have a nod.

"Hey! We're still up here ya know!" Ben shrieked from the top of my head.

'Sorry about that.' I snickered.

Up in the sky, it's turned black as crimson red clouds appeared. Red lightning cracked and rumbled in the clouds.

Ben's eyes were bright as he seen what his abilities looked like. A loud roar rolled from his chest as sky started raining down red lightning bolts everywhere. Anyone within a four mile mile could see the light show happening here.

The rogues that we're left had scurried off somewhere else after Ben's attack. He and Kash got off my head and joined Kassidy's side.

She put her arrows back in her pouch and hugged the two of them. She whispered something to the both of the That made them look at her like she was crazy. I listened in now.

"This poison that's been injected into me, it's killing me. I have to leave as soon as this war is over to be properly healed by Solanis." Kassidy said to them.

"What do mean leave? You just got back!" Ben stayed with frustration.

"I have two different poisons inside of me. I have to get them carefully removed if I want to live any longer than this." She said with a sad smile.

Kash wrapped her up in a long hug. Their two auras dances around with each other as the twin bond erupted.

"I love you, Kassidy." Kash kisses her forehead.

"I will protect you with my life until my dying breath." He let go of her and kneeled on the ground.

One hand was on the ground as his eyes snapped up. They looked darker than usual. The galaxy blue and Lycan silver clashed together in his irises as his powers seemed to increase in mass.

An ear shattering roar left his throat as the ground rolled and rumbled unlike anything from before. His aura blasted up into the air like a beacon of light.

Trees ripped up from the soil and lifted up into the air. About ten large trees were circling above us as new rogues rolled into the battle. Not as much as earlier, but enough to put a dent in our plans of winning.

The trees Kash summoned swirled furiously in a cyclone like shape. The winds had sped up and sounds of splitting bark could be heard from above where the trees were.

Then it all stopped.

The trees disappeared and Kash stopped roaring and the winds died down.

"What's happening?"Kash asked. A bit of mischief flashed in his eyes for a split second. If it were anyone else beside us four, they wouldn't have seen it.

Ben and Kassidy has caught on to whatever he was planning and put fake concerned looks on their faces.

"What happened to those trees Kash?" Ben asked.

I looked over at Stylo with a scowl etched on my wolf's ace. He was smirking like he knew something we didn't. Kash looked at him with mock terror as Stylo started to chant in Latin. He winked at Kash and lifted his hands to cast a spell of some sort.

This time it was Kash's turn to smirk.

"What happened to your magic, huh, Stylo?" He tilted his head and gave a lopsided smirk to the witch.

Ohh, now I get it.

'I sliced my trees into microscopic size that are able to snuff out magic that Stylo decides to use against us. He can't call on anymore rogues to help him. We kill the rogues and then him and the Alpha and Brayden. Agreed?' He smirked at his plan. We all agreed over the link.

"Let's go!" Kash shouted.

Kassidy fires up her arrows again, Ben with his lightning blades, Kash with his trees and me with the blasts of frost.

All of our powers combined is wrecking this piece of Forrest land.

Brayden was hidden somewhere with her father. But I'm pretty sure that the blast made it to where they were.

Xander and the adults looked beaten up badly. Blood and cuts and bruises littered over their bodies. A low growl left my throat as I seen the people who have kept us in their home for these past months. People I've grown to love as my own parents.

Carolina and Zachariah are good friends of mine too. Along with Isaac, he had a brother, Noah, but he died a while ago. All of these people, I was fighting for.

Especially those three.

My mate looked so graceful as she launched arrows at Stylo, who was loosing his patience. A couple arrows landed on him but for some reason, they didn't kill him immediately.

My brother looked like he was made for war. His strong physique moved with a rough elegance as her thrusted more lightning blades through the air and aimed them at the remaining rogues and Stylo. One of his blades had hit Stylo, dead smack into his chest.

He lurched over and looked as if he was stunned from the strike. His body twitched from the electrocution. Saliva had began to bubble from his lips as he shook violently. A satisfied smirk laid across my wolf's features.

'Look for the two loose ones!' I shouted over the link.

Rustling cane from the woods in the distance. Coming from the shelter of darkness, Brayden came out with a wide smile in her face. Kassidy snarled at her and stepped forward.

"Come and get me, bitch." She wink in Kassidy's direction.

"No weapons, just fists, claws, and canines." She winked again and stepped forward.

Brayden has her hands clasped behind her back as she nonchalantly walked up to Kassidy. Kassidy has called back her bow and arrows and shook her limbs out.

"What's your game, huh, Brayden? What do you get out of this?" Kassidy tilted her head at her with a confused look on her freckled features.

"Well," Brayden began. She rocked on her heels and spoke again.

"I get Wrennie when you die." Without any hesitation Kassidy jumped on her. The rumbled for a while.

When they stopped rolling, Kassidy sat on top of her stomach and rained punches down on her. Her claws dripping with lava scraped and sizzled the skin of Brayden's body with each slash she made to her.

Braden punched Kassidy's head back. A gushing flow of blood left from Kassidy's nose from the force of the hit. Before she could do anything more, Brayden kicked her body off of hers with blunt force. Kassidy flew back into Kash's arms.

He caught her and checked if she was okay.

"I'm fine," she sniffed.

"Nothin a little scratch can do." She have a bloody smile.

"Are you gonna stand there all day or what?" Brayden mocked with large angry burnt claw marks on her face. Kassidy nodded and ran up to her. She used her powers this time, activating her anticipation ability.

Kash, Ben and I were the only ones who could see what was happening in the time slow. She waltzed up to Brayden and sent a hard kick to her chin, sending her across the field. Her body crashed into the ground in a sliding motion as she went into the ground.

Kassidy blurred up to her and clamped her clawed hands down on her throat and lifted her body into the air.

"You hurt my Pack." Squeeze.

"You hurt my city." Tighter squeeze.

"You hurt my family." Vice grip hold.

"And you hurt my mate." Snap.

Kassidy dropped her now lifeless body into the ground. She looked down at her in disgust and turned back around. She walked towards us with a small smile on her face. I began to shift back into my original human form. My body snapped and popped back into place as I looked at my mate.

Currently on the battlefield, we were all spread out looking for the coward of an Alpha. He hid himself well from us. I was with Kash looking on the northern Ben was with Kassidy looking on the southern side of the field. The adults looked easy and West for a bit until we had all come back together in the center of the battlefield where Brayden and Stylo's dead bodies should be.

Stylo's body was here but there was no sign of Brayden. The strange thing, the Alpha's body was laying in the spot where Brayden was placed. The same claw marks on his cheeks and throat from Kassidy's attack were present.

"It was a cloaking spell. A very high classes cloaking spell." Anais explained from beside me. For some unknown reason, my friendship with Anais has grown further than my 'friendship' with Kassandra and Jordan.

Speaking of those two, they disappeared a while back.

They weren't on the field anymore. It's like they've been cloaked in that magic too. It wouldn't be surprising to me if they did side with Brayden. They've been shady and MIA since all of this stuff started happening. Either that, or they're just terrible friends.

Anais is a real one.

The sound of creepy laughter filled my ears. All of our heads turned towards the direction of the laughter. There they were.

Brayden, Kassandra, and Jordan were in a triangle formation with Brayden in the front. But something was severely off with the two girls. Their eyes were completely glazed over in a white color. Dull without life. Weird black swirls were on the centers of their foreheads.

"Shit, they're under mind control." Anais announced.

"Stay away from them! They are under control of the enemy!" Anais warned. We all nodded.

The two girls were giggling wildly at us, mocking us with their dull eyes. Then Brayden stepped back and let them step forward.

"Have at it, girls." Brayden encouraged.

They giggled some more and then at the speed of light, they charged. They carried knives that were laced with a dark, thick liquid dripping off of them.

That must be the poison that's killing us.

From the corner of my eye, I swore I seen Stylo's body twitch a bit. I turned my whole body to look at him. My eyes squinted him as I listened for a heartbeat, I squatted down and leaned over his body as my ears twitched for any noise that could be heard.


Just a carcass laying here like the rotting piece of shit he is. I started to stand back up but a hand reached out and stopped my movements. I looked down to see Stylo's cold rotting yellow hand wrapped harshly around my wrist.

He smirked up at me. I opened my mouth to warn the others that he was alive, but I couldn't. My body was pushed back by that same powerful wind from before. My body flew back a couple hundred yards back. Sliding painfully into the dirt. The adults looked over to see that he was still alive. They ran up to him with teeth and claws bared out.

As they got within two steps of him, he pushed them back with an even stronger wind. Zachariah fell back further because there was a pathway. Xander and Mary Anne feel into each other during the fall. Diane and Darius were shielded by Diane's force field.

Kash and Ben were holding off Jordan and Kassandra, while Kassidy and the real Brayden fought it out. Kicks, punches and claws scarves and scraped one another as they battled. Kassidy was on Brayden landing punches left and right until she muscle Kassidy off and pounced on her. Landing a few punches herself, Brayden's fingertips had changed into that dark thick liquidy substance.

"She's using poison again-!" I stood up to my feet trying to shout out to my mate. I was cut off as a blade laced with the poison split through the air, aiming right at me.

Time seemed like it slowed. One second the blade is aiming for my chest, the next Xander is in front of me as the blade pierced through his body. Our bodies clashed together as he fell down on top of me. The feeling of the blade pressing down into the surface my chest bothered me a bit. But nothing could explain the ripping pain that spread through my heart.

Mary Anne, Kash, and Ben ran to us and Mary Anne pulled Xander into her arms. Cradling his head on her chest as she pulled the laced blade from her mate's chest. But before anyone or I could comprehend what was happening, a blast of fiery light shots up into the sky. Everything went pitch black as loud screaming was sounding all around us.

Kassidy was standing in the battlefield with her auras crashing together in a light beacon of power. Her power was so immense that a crater formed under her feet as her power increased. Her hair was blown up into the air as the fiery winds pushed her up into the air. Her screams had gotten louder as a searing hot pain spread into my shoulder blades. I soon realized it wasn't my pain, but it was hers.

"What's happening to her?!" Ben yelled over her screams. I didn't give him an answer because for once in my life, I didn't know. I stared up at my levitating mate as she screamed for her dying father. She lurched forward and crashed back down onto the ground with a crippling crack in the Earth.

The crater had gotten deeper. Her powerful aura had gotten hotter and angrier as it changed from the bright fiery and silvery color, to smoldering ashy crimson orangey red color. Dust covered over the entire area too. Her screams had turned into seething roars of fury. The dust started to clear, I used my arms to block out some of the light she was emitting.

I started feeling the ache of bones snapping and rearranging in my back and shoulders. As her roars became deadlier. My eyes drifted to an astonished looking Stylo. His eyes looked like they were gonna pop out of his head at the scene in front of him. Brayden, on the other hand, looked as if she had shit her pants and wanted to scramble away.

I looked back into the direction of Kassidy's aura, searching for my mate inside of it. I felt a different kind of energy coming from her as the smoke started to clear. And what I seen has my own eyes popping out of my sockets.

A black silhouette of my Mate. Hair flowing in the heat of her aura, bow and arrow in her hand. But there was something else.

There were black wings on her back.

Not any ordinary black wings. They were tipped with smoldering black clouds and fiery flickers along the ends of each of feather.

She looked like a broken, angel of death. And she will be bringing death upon them.

Without any warning whatsoever, Kassidy turned and teleported in front of Stylo. Her clawed hands found their home wrapped around his throat as her wings took them soaring into the air. Kassidy sank her claws into his throat and threw his body to the side. Still in the air, she gave a powerful flap of her wings and caught him by his hair before he fell to his death. Sending punches into the top of his skull, pounding away at the hard bone.

His head looked flattened as she let his body fall to the ground. She stayed in the air looking down at him with the most disturbing amount of fury I have ever seen in a person's eyes. She flipped her wings once more and dived down and followed his body to the ground.

Before he touched the earth floor, her fist ignited with flames as she pounded that very fist through his body with a Herculean punch. The force of the punch made a new crater inside of the one she already made. She kept punching and punching with flames up fists as she mutilated his body into nothing. I would stop her, but she needs this more than I do.

More than anyone of us.

Once she was done, she stood up to her feet and wiped blood from her face with a bloody fist. She flapped her wings and flew out of the crater and flew over to us. She looked at her father in her mother's arms. He had a bloody smile on his lips as he looked up at his daughter with dulling eyes.

"I love you, Kassidy." He grabbed her hand and she fell to her knees and sobbed. Tears rushed down her cheeks as she looked at her father.

"I'm so proud of you for coming this far along. I'm proud to say that you, Kassidy Andrea Grayson, are my daughter. You've grown into a beautiful young woman. I love you." His eyes fluttered closed as his heartbeat had slowed into nothing at all.

He was dead.

Kassidy stood up on shaky legs as she wiped her tears. She leaned down and hugged each one of us, stopping at me last. Her arms wrapped around my torso as mine wrapped around her waist.

"Thank you, all of you for everything." Then she walked off. She looked at Brayden who looked a bit more composed now.

Brayden smirked and summoned Kassandra and Jordan to her side again. They were hidden away during Stylo's death.

The two girls ran up to Kassidy, but she already had them in her trap. Her wings flames once and a cloud of hot ash covered them completely in its burning blanket like wrap. They screamed and fell to the ground, thrashing around.

Brayden looked at Kassidy with a hint of mischief in her eyes.

"Well?" She cocked her head at her.

Kassidy smirked and rammed a flames hand through her chest and retracted her hand with Brayden's heart in hand.

"That's well." Kassidy hissed as Brayden's body dropped to the ground.

She turned back around and began walking over to us with a relieved face on her features. That look soon changed into a pained expression as the angry red marks turned black from her open arm wound. She dropped to her knees with widened eyes as she coughed up blood. I tried rushing over to her but a clawed hand tore through her chest. She looked into all of our eyes and mouthed:

"I love you."

The clawed hand pulled back with her heart this time. Brayden smiled and kicked her down with her shoe. Kassidy's black flaming wings retracted into her back. Her claws and canines ascended back into her skin as she laid there with dulling fiery eyes that slowly changed into galaxy blue eyes again.

"Bye, bye." She waved her hand at my mate's dead body.

"Now, it's time for you all to blast." A small prickling feeling aches in the side of my neck as she said those words.

Ben, Kash, Mary Anne, and the rest all shared the same look I did.

The feeling of a pack member effects everyone. But to have someone like Kassidy ripped away like this, was just cruel.

Riot howled inside of my mind at the feeling of our mate bond tearing away. The feeling of the love of our lives has been taken away from us in this way.

I swear to kill her.

Before the darkness of the elixir took over, Kassidy's galaxy blue eyes bore into mine one last time before mine closed.

I love you too.


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