Awakening The Unknown

Chapter Unknown 26



God damnit. "Forty-eight hours." That one sentence rang in my brain all throughout our lunch together.

She laughed her ass off while I was making up ways to not have to persuade my very possessive and very scary mate that we have to spend five days away from each other.

That's just suicide.

He'll flip out.

He'll curse, kill, and torture everyone that stands in his way of getting to me.

He even got mad that my own brother hugged me

My own fucking twin brother.

I paused on my mini meltdown in my head to look up to see that we were in fact at my house again. I didn't even realize that we had gotten back in the road through my internal debate.

I hopped off the still running bike and rushed into the house. I heard Anais call out to me.

"Forty-eight hours!" She chirped loudly as I bursts through the door and into my bedroom.

I paced back and forth, wondering how I was going to approach Wren.

I could be like:

'Hey, Wrennie-Bear, do you mind if we spend five days together, then another day together in bed, then completely fucking separate for five damn days after we bang each other?'

Nope. Terrible. Next...

*Seductive smile on face.

'Hey, Wren, you wanna be chained down for about five days after we complete the mating ritual?

*Sits on his lap while kissing his neck.

Not bad...

I was about to think of more ways to convince Wren but was pulled out my thoughts by the familiar hum of my Dad's black Cadillac pulling into the gravel.

If Dad is here, then so is...

"Mate!" I hear Wren's growl from downstairs.

Why does this always happen to me?

Do other mates have these issues?

Are all mates crazed lunatics that are dangerously possessing over their mates?

I hear loud footsteps stomping up the stairs towards my room. I sat on the edge of my bed, biting my nails in anticipation.

The door creaked open to reveal a sweaty, dirty, and pissed off Wren. And in all honesty, he looked super hot like that. I quickly stopped my ogling and stood up, intertwining my fingers together.

"H-hey, Wren. What's going on?" I awkwardly smiled at him and cringed on the inside at my lame attempt at making conversation.

He was full on glaring at me now and I have zero idea as to why...

Oh no she didn't...

She couldn't have.

I pulled my phone from my pockets and frantically punched the keyboard. I texted Anais:

'What did you do?!'I texted.

She answered in an instant.

'I let him in on our little conversation. Was I not supposed to do that? ;)'

She responded.

That dirty little...

"No." Wren suddenly growled.

I almost forgot that he was here for a second.

I turned my attention back to the seething, dirty mate of mine with a tight lipped expression.

"I know what you're going to say, but it's no big deal really. We can spend five days away from each other, right?" I shrugged my shoulders as my voice got higher.

He took a step towards me, then another, and another until we were face to face.

Correction, face to chest.

"I don't mind the first five days together, and our one day together, but we will not be apart after that." He commanded. His fingers gripped my chin and tilted my head up to look in his eyes.

"Am I understood, Mate?" His voice was full of authority.

Who the hell does he think he's talking to like that.

"Oh hell no." I smacked his hand away from my face.

"If we have to do this to strengthen our bond, then damnit we'll do it." I stabbed a finger in his chest and continued.

"Do you understand, Mate?" I raised an eyebrow at him.

He growled under his breath and walked out of the room.

And on cue, Anais called.

"What do you want?" I growled into the receiver. All she did was giggle her ass off and spoke after she calmed down.

'I had already been talking to Wren about this, just today I had added the fact that you needed to be away from each other. I may have told him you agreed to it...' Anais bashfully said.

I gripped the phone tighter in my hand.

"When do we have to start the process?" I breathed out.

I knew Wren was outside the room listening in on our talk.

I heard some shuffling and she cleared her throat out.

'The process will start the day of the full moon at exactly midnight. So basically two days from now.'

"Okay, So then what?" I was irritated with her and Wren. I just wanted to get this out of the way already.

'Both of you will have to leave to the Afterplain to go to Solanis. She will put you two in your own private room in the Keeper's Castle. Then you will begin to tell all of the aspects of both your lives in detail, by doing so will allow the other to connect with the feelings of the other mate. Then you will continue for the rest of those days.' She explains.

I nodded my head in understanding even though she wasn't here to see it.

"Okay, then what about the actual mating process?" I ask.

'At exactly midnight on the fifth day of your talk, you will transported into a more romantic set room where you will take each step of mating. Such as the holding of each other, kissing, groping, grinding, removal of clothing, more kissing but everywhere, oral stuff,' I choked on air.

Wren pokes his head through the door with a confused and concerned look. I coughed some more and gave a thumbs up. He rolled his eyes and closed the door.

'Then sex. You will have to take your time doing this.' She reminded.

I nod again and say down at the foot of my bed.

"What will happen while we do all that?" I wondered with furrowed brows.

'Oh, yeah, almost forgot. You must not break contact with each other, keep skin in skin contact through all of it. Both of you will activate your powers and merge them while the process is happening. You won't have to worry about anything, your powers and bodies will merge when he gets inside.' My cheeks flamed.

'And when he does, his two energies will be woken up together. And so will yours...'



"What do mean 'mine'?" I ask warily.

She shuffled a bit before answering.

'Solanis believes that when your powers merge with his that your dormant Lycan abilities will be woken as Wren's Revolutionary and Demon powers merge.' She tells me.

"Okay, thanks for telling and explaining this to me." I sigh heavily when I see Wren enter with clean clothes smelling like he just showered.

'No problem, I'll let you get to it. Let me know if there any complications to getting across.' She suggests.

I hung up the phone after thanking her again. I walked over to the bed and sat down on the edge of the mattress.

A couple minutes later, Wren walked up to me and dropped to his knees and rested his head on my thighs. I sighed and ran my hands through his dark chestnut locks.

"I'm sorry, Mate." He mumbled rubbing his face further into my thighs.

"It's okay, I shouldn't have yelled and stabbed you with my finger." I admit.

He shook his head at me and raised his head to look at me. He took my hands in his and looked into my eyes.

"I'm sorry for being so demanding of you, Mate, I didn't want to rile you." He says.

I just nod and laid a kiss to his forehead. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath in.

"Let's get some sleep before we have to leave." He nodded and stripped down to his boxers.

I took off my leggings and cardigan and laid down in only my tank top and panties.

"You do know that we don't have to leave until two more days, right?" I ask him.

"I know but I thought we could spend those two days training a bit more so you could have a better grip on your powers." He said.

I get where he's coming from. I didn't have my powers under control and they were so random when they wanted to appear and when they disappeared.

I was pulled onto his chest, his face nuzzling into the crook of my neck. I snuggled closer to him, breathing in his rainy scent.

"I already talked to your parents about it, so there's no need to worry about it." Wren suddenly broke our comfortable silence.

I hummed in response feeling myself become even sleepier than ever. The lukewarm temperature of his body pulled me into a deep slumber.


I was woken up to familiar arms carrying me. I cracked open my eyes to look around at my surroundings. Wren was holding me in his arms to his chest as a wave of space warping around my body commenced.

My head spinned as I tried to cling onto Wren. He seemed oddly unaffected to the way we transported to another dimension.

Still in his arms, Wren carried me into a familiar dark hallway-like place. The same feeling of calmness and serenity washed over my body, I even felt Wren's muscles relax as he too felt it. The bright light at the end of the tunnel grr brighter just like before. The same door with a golden studded knob awaited us to turn it.

It was weird being in the Keeper's Realm.

Especially with Wren being with me.

As soon as the door opened, I seen her standing there in all her ancient glory.


She was still as beautiful as she was when we last seen each other. Her long flowing braided silver locks swaying about. Her white and gold rimmed gown was beautifully cascaded down her legs. That bright smile sent waves of warming and calming warmth throughout my being.

Wren set me down and I ran over to her as soon as my feet landed on the ground.

"Welcome back, my sweet child." She cooed into my ear. Her arms wrapping around me in a tight and loving embrace.

As we pulled apart, I began to speak. "It's good to be away from Earth for a while. Especially with everything that's going on." I sighed and ran a hand through my hair.

Wren had stepped up behind me to receive a hug as well, even in his Demon state, he still knows how great she is.

"It's been quite a while since I've been here too, Keeper Solanis." Demon Wren bower his head.

Since when has he came here?

And what for?

Solanis chuckled and extended an arm out into the direction we should be headed in.

"At the end of this hall, there is another door. It's matches your eyes and that should be the way to your room that you'll be occupying for the next five days." She began.

Wren and I both nodded in unison. As we began to make our way over to the door, she stopped us.

"Since you couldn't bring clothing over the barrier between plains, there should be clothing items there laid out for your own use. And at the end of each day I'll be there to remind you of how much time and what topics you should speak upon to each other." We glanced at each other and I gave Wren a small smile, he nodded in response.

"Am I understood?" Solanis asked.

"Yes, Solanis." I bowed my head as did Wren. I grabbed Wren's hand drug him along to our room.

"And remember, you must tell each other everything. Even the smallest of things can be important to the growing of the bond." Solanis reminded.

Wren and I continued to make our way down the tunnel-like hallway. As said to be, there was a dark blue door waiting at the end of the hall. The sea greens, purples, and golden specks swirled all together bringing the vibrancy of the door to life.

It was truly beautiful.

I looked behind me to see Wren standing and waiting for me to turn the handle. I gave him a small smile and I turned back around to reach my arm out and twist the golden studded handle. When the door swung open my jaw dropped at the raw beauty of it.

White and gold themed everything.

Four poster king sized bed.

Glass sliding doors.

Balcony view of the the plain.

White and gold silk carpets.

Truly marvelous.

Wren, on the other hand, was less excited about the spacious and gorgeous room for us. He calculated and analyzed everything presented before him and walked passed me and plopped down on one of the creme leather couches.

"We should head out to the field." Wren suggested.

"Yeah, okay." He opened the door and stepped back into the dark hallway. I followed after him. We got to a set of big wooden doors. They had intricate designs all over them with little leafs and swirls on them.

He turned the knob and pushed the doors open. My mouth dropped open as I looked at the familiar meadow. Except this time, there were fighting posts, training dummies and wooden swords.

"She really prepares for us, huh?" I looked to Wren. He nodded his head and grabbed my hand.

"Come on." He pulled me over to a platform and let go of my hand. He pulled off his shirt and sighed.

"What is it?" I asked worried. He shook his head and stood in front of the me.

"I'm gonna teach you how to form things with your fire." He said. I gasped at him.

"Wait, you could do that?" He nodded with a small smirk.

"Yeah, I taught myself when I was locked away here. Since I didn't have anyone to talk to, I decided to create my own friends." I smiled at that.

I wonder what he made.

He reached out his hand. A small black ball of energy formed in his palm. Small crackled of red Lightning's pun around the ball, creating a small vortex.

"What are you-" I started but got cut off.

"Just look." He said.

I look back at his hand. The smoky red and black ball stopped spinning. A small black wolf stood in his hand. It was black as night with bolts of lightning cracking around it.

"Is that your wolf?" He nodded and closed his palm. The little wolf turned to a puff of smoke and vanished. After a moment of silence, Wren spoke.

"His name is Riot." His eyes held a glint of sadness in them. I knew how it felt to not have your wolf anymore.

"Your turn."


After teaching me how to make things with my powers, we returned to our room. I didn't get it right away, I failed miserably and almost killed us both with my flames. Wren has to put me out like five times.

Then, without thinking about it, I made a mini fire ado in my palm. That's the only thing I could make right now, but I'll take what I can get.

"What time is it?" He asked with a bored expression.

I looked around and followed the sound of a ticking clock on the wall above the door frame. It was dark brown wood with gold outlines.

It read 11:45.

"We only have fifteen more minutes before we have to tell each other's life stories." I nervously laugh and scratch the back of my neck in embarrassment.

Wren let out a gruff sound from his throat and nodded in my direction.

He doesn't want to talk about his past it seems.

We're in the same boat.

"Hey," I walked over to him and sat next to him. He looked at me and let out a sigh of frustration.

"I don't know if I could do this." He growled out, standing to his feet he began to pace.

His eyes shown in that blazing, vibrant red I've grown accustomed to. But hurt seemed to make an appearance in them too.

"What do you mean? I thought we had mutual understanding about this, Wren." I say as I, too stand.

He grasped my shoulders and brought me to his bare chest. My head nuzzling into the thick muscles. He kissed my hair and let out another sigh.

"I don't want you to be hurt on my behalf. You have to understand that." He explains.

I kissed his chest and let out a sigh of my own and looked him in his eye.

"I know what you mean, but if you want to wait, we can. There is another time we could do this." I tell him.

He pushed my shoulders away, keeping me at arms length, shaking his head with vigor.

"You think I want to wait?" He looked utterly surprised.

"Do you know how long I've waited to have you, Mate?" He says trailing his thumb over my bottom lip.

"Too damn long." He growled. His eyes growing darker. Small swirls of black flashing across his eyes.

I grab his jaw and tilt his face down and look into his eyes.

"What are you doing?" He chuckled with uncertainty.

"I think it's working, Wren." I tell him.

"What do you mean?" His thick brows furrowed.

"I think it has something to do with us being here, Wren. I think the power here brings out our abilities all in its own." I concluded with some uncertainty in my theory.

"Maybe you're right, Mate. I felt myself change as soon as we stepped into this place." He admits.

I nod my head in agreement. A small knock on the door pulled me out of my revelation of thoughts.

I pull open the door and find a small creme colored note paper with gold writing on it.

Wren and Kassidy: Day 1

Basic information and childhood memories.


The card had neat and clean cursive writing on it. Solanis left this here as a guide for conversation topics for us to not just come up with whatever we choose.

"What was it?" Wren asked from behind me.

"It was a topic for us to talk about. To get to know each other better." I shrug and hand him the note paper.

"Basic information and childhood memories." Wren recited. I nodded and he sat down on the bed this time, taking the left side as he did back home.

I sat down on the right and faced him with crossed legs as he leaned his back against the white leather and gold studded headboard.

"You go first, Mate. I think your story and information is less than what I have to tell." Wren sighed and rubbed his hands over his eyes.

"Okay," I cleared my throat.

"Where do I start?" I tapped my fingertips on my chin in thought.

"Talk about your favorite colors, favorite music, sports, clothing, hobbies, foods, and what not." Wren suggested.

I nod and cleared my throat again. Nervous bubbles floated around in my stomach, threatening to burst from my mouth.

"My name is Kassidy Anne Grayson, I'm eighteen years old. I am a former werewolf of the Lunar Eclipse Pack that died in a car accident caused by Stylo. I came back to life after meeting Solanis, my Keeper, and being sent back to Earth in my grave. I panicked and set a huge flame to my grave making a huge explosion happen. I clawed my way out and met an older man named Theo. He let me get cleaned up in the cemetery staff building. Then he took me in." I paused making sure Wren was taking this all in.

His eyes stayed locked onto my face the whole time. He nodded to let me continue.

"Theo brought me to his home. His wife, Helena, fed and clothed me. They housed me and helped me with my adjustment back to living again. They even helped me with my training And controlling my powers." A small smile graced my lips as I remembered all that they've done for me.

And I still haven't bothered to call or check in with them like I said I would.

"Anyway," I shook my head and continued.

"They let me come back home, after lots of convincing that is. I saw Anais first, then the others. No one could sense my wolf anymore and thought I was some type of demon that was playing tricks on them. Then once all of the interrogations ended, I spent time with Kash, hanging out like we usually did and wrestled around. I did something that made him say he was gonna text you and I panicked." A blush reached it's way across my cheeks as I said this.

"He knew that I'd liked you for a long time, even though you guys were friends. So the reasonable thing to do was to tackle him to the ground and try to take his phone so he wouldn't text you. But then as I though about you, my mind left my body and I found you. I remember you being in your bathroom mirror after taking a shower I think and looked right into my eyes." I looked up at him, right into his eyes and gave him a sad smile.

"They were the same." He smiled back at me and leaned in to place a small kiss on my forehead.

"Well as for childhood and random stuff about me goes, I'm an artist. I draw pencil stretches and hope to be a studio artist when all of this is over and done with. My favorite color is black. My favorite song is 'Stressed out' by Twenty One Pilots. My favorite subject in school is astronomy and any kind of science really. I love learning about what makes the world, the world and what happens in the space beyond what the eye could see." I smile and shake my head just thinking about it.

Maybe I'll be a famous scientist one day. The thought brightened my mood, only for a short time.

"As for my childhood, that's a more traumatic than anything else I've been through." I say.

My gaze fell from Wren's face, to the ground. My mood crashing downward.

I didn't even notice that tears were in my eyes and on my face until a lukewarm hand thumbed them away. Wren tilted my face to look at his with his index finger.

"It's okay, Mate. Take your time." He have a weak smile and a just grimaced back at him.

I cleared my throat and began. "Growing up in this pack wasn't the easiest thing to do for us. My dad was always helping out with the Alpha, since he's the Delta. My mom was everywhere, helped healing the wounded, helped my dad with his work with training the warriors and being a mom to Kash and I." I glanced up into those blazing red eyes once more.

They seemed dull since I began speaking about my past.

"Kash And I were always getting into trouble. Either pranking Brayden and her friends, to running around silly and messing something. We really are the pair of the pack. We started pranking people when we were about six years old. We did little things like splash water on someone or spraying silly string in someone's face. It was really fun until..." I could still feel the pain just thinking about it.

"Hey," Wren wrapped his arms around my torso and placed a hand on the back of my head and held me to his chest.

A kiss was landed onto my head. Tears cascaded down my cheeks onto his chest.

"It was so p-painful to see Kash in pain from taking all of my beatings. I tried to protect him...b-but I just c-couldn't, Wren. I couldn't protect my other half." I sobbed into his chest as kisses were being rained down on my face and head.

"I'm sure Kash understands, he wanted to protect his younger sister from the dangers of this world. I'm certain that he always will." He concluded.

"I don't want him to hate me for it. He always has to protect me. I'm the one who was chosen to change the supernatural world, but there he was, protecting me when I was weakened from the elixir that the Alpha gave me." I sighed.

"I just wanna give him a break. He went through so much, just because of me. He sacrificed so much, just for me." A bitterly laughed and shook my head. I can't believe that he would do so much for me.

What have I ever done for him?

Nothing except for being a headache.

"Mate." Wren called out.

"Yes?" I ask.

"Stop blaming yourself." He scolded.

I sighed and laid my head back in his chest.

"Tell me when they started and how they were." Wren demanded.

I gulped and nodded. "They started when we were about eleven or twelve years old. We decided to prank Brayden this time." I take a deep breath and continue.

"Brayden was hanging out with her two minions at the creek with some other kids from the pack. Kash and I made up this great idea to prank the next in line Alpha by scaring her with 'leeches' and throwing muddy water on her mixed with gummy worms. We gathered a ton of dirt from the water bank the day before and bought gummy worms from the candy store in town." I remember it like it was just yesterday.

"I told Kash that I would take care of everything, like throwing the muddy water onto her head while she was least expecting it. If someone were to tell on us, Kash said he would take the blame and of course I refused and wouldn't allow it. So we left it. We waited until we saw Brayden and her friends leaving to go the creek, staying a few steps behind her to make us look less suspicious, I guess." I shrugged. Wren has a ghost of a smile on his lips as I spoke.

"When we finally arrived at the creek, Brayden was already there with her crowd and the other kids. I had Kash tap on her shoulder while she talked to some boy, I came up with the bucket and dumped the entire thing on her head." I explained.

"Everyone went crazy and started screaming their lungs out. Saying she was a 'Leech Girl' now and called her 'Leechie'. While Kash, some other kids, and I started laughing our asses off. Brayden ran away with tears in her eyes and Kash and I made our victory." The small smile that appeared soon dropped.

"What happed after?" Wren asked.

"We were beaten halfway to death..."


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