Awakening The Unknown

Chapter Unknown 15



I can't believe I did that. Why the hell would I pounce on him like that? I practically threw myself at the guy.

Did he like it?

My incredulous thoughts were interrupted by a small knocking on my door.

Sensing that it was Kash, I opened the door. He looked nervous, like he was itching to say something. Just like that he breaks.

"If you and Wren start having sex, do not do it in our house. For Goddess' sake! I heard you guys all the way downstairs!" He whisper yelled at me.

My face turns a bright red at what he just said.

Were we that loud?

My inner thoughts were cut short again by a snickering Kash. His eyes brimming with tears, and his chest heaving up and down in silent laughter.

"I get that you guys are mates and all, but just hold in for a while alright Kassidy?" I nodded.

"He's my friend and all, but I don't want you to regret it." He reaches an arm out and pulls me into a hug.

"Why would I regret it?" I asked. His eyes darted to the left, away from me. "What are you not telling me?"

"It's not my place to tell you. But just be careful around him." He stepped away from me.

"You might like what you see." With that, he walked out and closed the door behind him.

I sigh and slide down against the closed door and think.

'Not yet...'

His words kept ringing in my head for hours on end. Then, the clock struck midnight and I drifted off into a deep slumber.


"Kassidy, wake up we have a party to go to!" A screeching Kassandra. I peeked up from under my covers to see a creeping Anais and Jordan dog pile onto my once sleeping form. I groan in annoyance.

"Leave me alone. I wanna sleep so just piss off." I grumbled, pulling the covers over my head. They just kicked off their shoes and join me in the blankets. Arms wrapped around me and legs tangled in mine.

Anais snuggled up against me and laid her head on my boobs. Her finger poked at them and she laughed as she made them jiggle.

"Stop it." I whined as I swatted her hands away.

"They're so jiggly." She giggled.

"Stop being such a pervy weirdo and touching people's boobies." Jordan growled. Anais just rolled her eyes and continued to lay on my boobs.

If that wasn't bad enough, a way too happy Wren climbed through my window. His fat ass flopped down right on top of us making a creak in my bed.

"Wrenjamin McAllistair, get off of me!" I struggle to push against his muscular chest to push him off of me. But to no avail, he didn't budge. Anais and the other two girls groaned and squealed as he laid over all of us.

"Now, darlin', we just want you to come join us at the Creek for a party." I peeked my head from underneath the blanket and looked at all four weirdos laying on me. They all gave me puppy eyes, and it started to work.

All thanks to Jordan's adorable brown eyes.

I groaned loudly and kicked all of them off of me and my bed. Screeches and giggles filled my room. Soon enough, Kash bursts through the door with Ben with huge grins on their faces.

I can't believe I'm doing this...

"She in?" Ben asked. Wren nodded happily.

"I'm in!" I threw my hands in the air being all dramatic. Everyone just tackled me to the ground with them and kisses littered my face.

Mostly from Wren, some from the girls too.

"Great, then its settled! Swimsuit shopping for us, whoop!" Kassandra announced. My eyes found Wren's and in that moment, I knew I was in for it.

A few moments later, we piled into Kassandra's Jeep, the guys were in Dad's black Cadillac. While in the car, we listened to music and sang along being goofy until we neared the huge building filled with clothing and other stuff.

"Whoop! Let's go ladies..." Kassandra began. "And gentlemen." She finished with a tinge of a blush on her cheeks for forgetting the boys.

"Did you forget about us? We are breaking up Kassandra." Kash fake gasped at her. She got even more flushed at his remark and turned to go into the building. He just laughed and wrapped an arm around my shoulders.

'You wanna model the bikini for me?' Wren's voice filled my mind. My face immediately turned red like a tomato and all he did was laugh at me. Ben and Kash gave each other confused looks and just kept walking around the mall.

After a while of looking through shelves of swimwear Kassandra squealed, making me jumped scared in the process. "Kassidy! I found the perfect one just for you!" Kassandra squealed out. In her hands was a basic black bikini with gold rings on the strings of it. She flung it all around in her hands giggling like a school girl.

But I had to admit it was kind of cute.

I turned my attention to Wren. His eyes were darker than usual. His jaw was clenched and his breathing was a bit harsh. I walked towards Kassandra to take it out of her hands. She immediately pushed me into the changing stall. "Hurry up I wanna see!"

She squealed, again.

I stripped off my clothes and kept on my panties. I wasn't gonna just put my crotch in there.

After finally being done struggling to get myself untangled from the strings, I was in it. I slowly turned to look at myself in the mirror and gasped at my reflection.

I look good?

Oh my Goddess.

I look like a freaking model.

Okay, that was a little too far.

But still.

I turn towards the door and pushed it open. All eyes fell into my figure. But only one pair of mossy green eyes held my attention. His eyes fell from mine and slowly went down my frame. I began to squirm in his gaze. Then he licked his lips, like he was looking at his last meal.

That made my undies a bit warmer.

He smelled my faint arousal, he inhaled deeply and clenched his hands into fists. But we were pulled out of our heavy staring contest by a screeching Kassandra.

"Well damn girl, you look like a snack!" She gushed out. I rolled my eyes and sent her a mock glare.

"Say that again, and I'll punch you right in the boob." I told her, my eyes in narrow slits. She just shrugged and went back to searching for swimsuits. I look up at Ben to see him smirking, he sent me a wink and followed behind the girls and Kash.

"Kassidy..." a husky voice entered my ears. Arms wrapped around my waist and lips made contact with my neck. I shuddered at the feeling. "You look delicious in that, you know? I could just tear it off and eat you right on up. But I'll wait." Wren's smooth voice sent shivers down my spine. Creating more heat down there. He groaned lightly into my ear as he inhaled more.

Then, I was shoved back into the changing stall. Lips descended on mine in seconds. Hands tangled into my hair, deepening the kiss. Electricity flared all around us, the sensation made a small moan escape my lips into his. "I love hearing those sexy sounds of yours, babygirl. Do it again." Wren whispers into my ear. He gripped my ass and sucked on my sweet spot below my ear, eliciting a moan from me again.

He kissed his way up to my lips again, then he pulled away. Breathing harshly, he placed his forehead against my own.

"You have no idea how badly I want to take you on this wall right now, do you Kassidy?" He husked out. I shook my head, and pushed him away slightly. The small amount of distance between wasn't enough to make me not want to pounce on this man all over again. But for the sake of us being in a public place makes me snap out my heated frenzy.

"We can't keep doing this Wren. We are in public. What if people can hear. What if-" I was cut off by Wren's kiss.

"You're not the only one that can do stuff. I made sure that no one can hear us." He smirked. I was still confused as to how, but then he spoke again. "I mentally shut off their hearing. They don't hear a thing but some buzzing sound. It's perfectly fine, but take it off so I can pay and leave." He looked around the small dressing room with disgust.

"I hate malls." He grumbled and left me in the stall.

Hot and bothered.


After us girls found all of our swim suits, we found a small diner looking restaurant inside the mall.

We all sat around the red booth and talked for a while.

"So, who exactly is throwing this party?" Ben piped up. All of our heads snapped over in Kassandra's direction, waiting for a response.

"It's Monica's party. She's apart of Brayden's friend group, but doesn't talk to her much. So I thought that we could have some fun tonight since the whole incident with Kassidy and the Alpha." She mumbled with a small growl.

"Also, if Brayden happens to be there we can tie her down and torture her for all the things she's done to our beloved Kassi here." She pointed across the table to me. I rolled my eyes and looked up at everyone around the table. I truly did love these guys.


Hold up.

All of them?

I turn and look at Wren's features. His medium length in a messy way. His strong jawline, his high cheekbones. To his plump darkened pink lips, and his rounded straight nose. Last, to his bushy dark brows that hover above those dark green eyes that are hooded over with dark, full lashes.

He was a true example of gorgeous.

Do I love him?

He turned his head towards me, our eyes locking instantly. His mouth tilted up into a knowing smirk with the knowledge that I was openly checking him out. I turn away from his gaze as my face heats up into a bright pink shade across my cheeks.

The others didn't seem to notice our silent interaction with one another, so they continued with their conversation about whatever. Shortly after, a pretty waitress around our age appeared at our table.

"So what can I do for guys? Any drinks?" She asked with gaze floating between the two good looking brothers at the table. Her eyes shifted to Ben then to Wren. But they didn't seem to notice. Then, her gaze went to my brother and she gawked at him too.

She was really pissing me off now.

First, my mate, then to his brother, next in line, my brother?

Who is this bitch?

On cue, Kash smiled at her and spoke. "Can I get a Coke, please?" He asked giving her one of my special million dollar smiles.


"Sure, how about you?" Her gaze pointed to Ben.

He looked her over and smirked. "Can I get a orange Fanta and maybe your number. I'd appreciate it very, very much." He ended with a wink that would melt any girl away.

She giggled and her cheeks turned slightly pink at his actions. She nodded at him and turned to Wren. He looked at me, then to her.


What are you up to Wren?

She looked at him and gave a shy smile. He smirked at her too.

I'm gonna kill him.

"Can I get a Mtn Dew and one of brownie cakes over there. Thanks sweetie." He smiled again, and her cheeks heated even more.

Yep, I'm definitely gonna kill him.

She finally looked at us girls.

I kept a cool facade on my face the whole time. "Can I get a strawberry swirl milkshake with extra whipped cream. And a chocolate chip cookie too." I smile at her. Kassandra smirked at me knowing I was actually fuming inside.

"Sure, what about you guys?" She asked turning towards Anais, Jordan, and Kassandra. They gave their orders and she walked away with a happy look on her face.

When she came back with our drinks and dessert. She walked away again and this time, an attractive guy in his late teens approached our table. He asked for our meal orders. Everyone agreed on burgers and fries. I was left to decide what I wanted still.

He had blue eyes, dark shaggy hair, and plumped lips. His jawline was nice too. But he was still nothing compared to the boys at our table. His eyes went directly onto me. I gulped at his attentive gaze.

"What can I get for you darlin' ?" His deep voice had surprised me. It felt so odd to hear the endearment leave his mouth though. He smiled at me showing off adorable dimples. I smiled back at him. Showing teeth and all.

Wren was silently brooding the whole time.

Payback's a bitch.

"Um, could I get the spicy chicken tenders with those potato wedges? If that's not too much to ask." I smiled brightly at him. He smiled back at me and nodded.

"I know what you're doing, it's not gonna work, baby." Wren whispered into my ear.

"Only following in your footsteps, honey." I winked at him and returned my attention towards the door for the return of the waiter.

About twenty minutes later he walked back out with all of our plates. Everyone began to dig in, but me. Finally, my plate was in front of me, he then handed me a napkin. On it, was a series of numbers and a note saying 'call me'. He winked in my direction and Kash growled under his breath.

Wren raised a brow at him and Kash nodded to the napkin I had on my plate. I crumpled it up and stuffed it into my pocket.

As everyone was chatting and finishing up the meal, it got a bit hard to move in my spot. Being seated between Wren and Ben, Kash was on the other side of the booth between Kassandra on one side and Jordan and Anais on the other side. Ben had his arm behind mine and Kassandra's heads at the moment. Wren had his hand placed firmly against my thigh.

A while later, we left the mall. Shopping bags in hands, smiled in our faces, and a mission in our minds. It's party time.

As we separated into our vehicles, Wren pulled me to the side. "What did that waiter write on the napkin?" He asked tilting a brow. I just shrugged at him and made a move to move away.

"I have no idea what you mean by that, baby." I smile innocently up at him and bat my eyelashes. He scoffs and wraps his arms around my waist.

"Yeah, alright." He nuzzled his face into my neck, inhaling my scent. "Just know that I don't share, I will destroy any, and everyone that tries to get in between us. Understand, Kassi?" His voice was velvety smooth as he whispered sensually into my ear.

Words couldn't be forced because of my now dry throat. I nodded and he pulled his face away smiling. He grabbed my face in his large warm hands and kissed me deeply. My arms wrapped around his shoulders, up to his neck and held him close.

"Ehem, we have to leave Kassidy, unless you're riding with Wrennie and the boys." Anais said. I tried to jump out of Wren's arms with red cheeks. But his tight hold was strong so I opted for burying my face in his chest.

"Yeah, she's riding with us. Right, baby?" Wren asked and I just nodded. He pressed a soft kiss on my forehead and lead me away to his car. I sat in the front, while Kash and Ben occupied the back seats.

Once on the road, I turned on the radio and heard a familiar song. I bounced around and sang every word off key. Luckily for me, Kash and Ben joined in as we annoyed a rather flustered Wren.

All of a sudden the car came to an abrupt stop. I flew forward, without my seatbelt I would have flew out another car. Gripping the steering wheel hard, Wren turned around facing me. "Sing another damn song, and I swear I'll put all of you out of my damn car. Am I clear?" His voice held a panty melting amount of authority in it.

And he could smell it, I was sure of it.

Fuck my life.

It just so happened that the windows were rolled up too. He inhaled deeply and gripped the wheel even tighter. His eyes closed shut and he began heaving up and down. When his eyes opened again, I jumped out of the car.

Literally, I ran like I stole a government cow. Using my abilities, I blurred through the streets straight to the Creek.

Saying that there was a lot of people would be an understatement. The whole Creek had people in and around it. Solo cups in hands, hips swaying to the beat of the music, splashing of the water.

The whole shebang.

I guess that Wren calmed down a bit seeing as he, Ben and Kash jumped out of his car. Only difference is that they were all shirt and pantless. That was a sight for all eyes, all gorgeous. Except for Kash.


Wren's eyes found me first. He was quick as he walked towards me with flawless effort and confidence radiating from his body. "You know that you should never run like that right?" He spoke against my neck as he wrapped his arms around my waist.

I sigh in response and placed my arms around his neck. I began playing with the hair on the nape of his neck and rubbing my other hand down his back in comfort. We were too caught up in our world when the doors of a car slammed closed. Kassandra, Anais and Jordan were all in their suits and with towels in hand. Anais tossed me my bikini and winked.

"Time to strip, girly." She said excitedly.

Why am I friends with these people?


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