Awakening The Unknown

Chapter Unknown 14



Not again. My mind was going haywire. Looking at Kassidy's body growing more limp in my arms by the second. She grew pale, her lips blue, eyes glued shut.

She was dying...

I kept trying to wake her up, trying to keep her alive. Who knows what'll happen if she did end up dying again.

Would she even come back this time?

Would she have different powers?

Would she loose her powers?

My negative thoughts were interrupted by a gasping Kassidy. Her eyes darted open, her flames threatening to come out.

"Everyone back up right now!" I warned them. I was just relieved that she was okay and well. Everyone was talking about finding out where Brayden and the higher ups went. Kassidy's parents were trying to get her to calm down, and Ben stood in the background trying calm everyone else.

This honestly doesn't make any sense.

So, I got to thinking.

Where did they go?

Not focusing on the body in front of me, I see a shadowy figure lean over the Alpha's almost dead body. The figure turned him over and touched his face, then disappeared into thin fucking air.

It has to be him.

I know it.

Refocusing my attention back to Kassidy, I looked at her face again and brushed a few strands of stray hair from her forehead.

Maybe I went too far.

Especially since she was around, if not he would be dead. She can't find out how dangerous I am just yet. Not now, she can't fear me.

She won't.

'Did you see it too?' Her melodic voice rang in mind. She sounded a little off, maybe it was from that stuff she drank.

"The shadow guy?" I asked. I already had an idea in who it was.

'Yes. We have to talk, but not right now,Wren. Okay?' She responded. I gave a small nod and picked her up into my arms. Her smaller frame fitting perfectly with my much bigger one.

Mrs.Grayson ran up to us, placing her hands all over Kassidy's face and arms.

So motherly.

Reminds me of a better time.

Kassidy's giggle brought me out of my thoughts. She was laughing at her mother's antics to care for her and I looked for the others. My eyes landed on Kash. I decided to open up a mindlink channel for the two of us.

'Thanks for coming Wren, it's really appreciated. I'm sorry I couldn't do more.' Kash's head had hung low.

He doesn't truly know how much he actually helped.

'You saved my mate, and your sister. So thank you. And how did you obtain Kassidy's abilities?' It's impossible to have another one of us roaming around.

Especially all in one place.

'Ask Kassidy, she was the one who knows this stuff better than I do.' With that, I closed off the link, and sent a nod in his direction.

"Wren, can we go home? I'm not feeling too good." Kassidy asked. I nodded then I picked her up and walking.

The rest headed back to the Grayson's house behind us. I held Kassidy close to my body, while trying to be careful of her injuries. I looked at her ripped up sweater, and I seen the craziest thing today.

She was healed.

Her wounds mended back together in bruises along her back. Her bleeding had stopped, and she seemed okay except for her new limp in her step.

Kassandra and the two other girls were still hurt, but they giggled and laughed with Kassidy like we didn't just go against their whole pack. Her parents were holding each other up. They fought well to be just Deltas. Especially against Alpha ranking wolves.

They were hiding something.

Mrs.Grayson fought the Luna with equal strength, if not more.

Same for Mr.Grayson.

What kind of wolves were they?

My sight started to get blurry. Not with tears, but with black dots surfacing over my pupils. My body began to go limp, I was swaying with each step. My body dropped to the forest floor. Black dots covered my vision. I heard voices asking me to wake up and telling me to fight it.

What was I supposed to fight?

The still unfamiliar feeling of leaving my body to travel through space and time was crushing me. I jolted awake, eyes darting into every direction for any sign of Kassidy.

Or a threat.

"Wren, my darling boy. It's time to wake up. We need to talk." Solanis' voice surrounded me. I looked up and found her, standing there in our training field. Her welcoming arms stretched out for me. I stand up and brush off the dirt from my jeans.

"Hey Keeper, how's it going?" I ask her. She seemed a bit weary, more than I've ever seen her.

"He's back, Wren." A grim expression settles on her aging face.

"But he can't be back, they imprisoned. Right?" I knew it.

How the hell can he be back though?

He was supposed to be kept under serious guarding binds.

"My darling, Kassidy and yourself are in great danger. Since his reappearance, things in this realm have been off balance. And even more so in the Afterlife realms. He is ruining our place of living. Myself and the other Keepers have spoken to the Gods about this. They've advised us to train the both of you." Her words sink deep into my mind.

'Train the both of you.' The words ring in my ears. Kassidy won't handle it. I won't be able to handle it, not a second time.

"I thought my training was over as soon as I learned how to half shift. What more is there to learn?" I ask confused. "I already have my weapons, I have my storms too, what else aren't you telling me, Solanis?" This is putting even more stress on me.

I run my hands down my face, then rub my temples from the raging headache going in in there from all this sudden information.

Solanis approaches me and engulfs me into her arms. I immediately relax into her warm embrace and hold her back with an equal amount of affection.

"Wren, you mustn't fret over this, it isn't the first time you've endured pain. Certainly won't be the last." She begins. "You will fight and set things right. If you get rid of him, the Gods will forgive you for your past sins. We believe that he has a partner in the plain of the living, is there anyone in particular that has an agenda against you or Kassidy? If so, tell me because they will die for the destruction they've caused the realms." The determination in her voice boosts my own spirit.

She's right, they will die.

I have a pretty good idea who he may be working with. If I'm right, I'll finish him off.

For good.

I step out of Solanis' arms and look her in the eyes.

"Kassidy's Alpha and his family. They've had it out for her since day one apparently. Brayden had been torturing her for a long time. And if Kassidy tried to stand up for herself, she would get..." I clench my jaw just thinking of it.

"They punished her. She never told me what they did specifically, but what I do know is that they did some pretty messed up stuff, Solanis. I'm pretty sure that I seen him leaning over the body today." I told her.

"He isn't able to fully function yet. His power is dormant right now so he can't materialize entirely. But Kassidy is stronger than anyone could ever imagine. She doesn't know it yet, but extraordinary thing happens in her family lineage. Strong blooded wolves in her family. Ask her father when you return. He'll tell you. In all sadness, it's why she was punished, even Kash." She shakes her head in grief.

I never knew, but Kash?

I could always tell he was different from the others in his pack, like him being as strong as he is.

Like he was something better.

Nothing like how me and Kassidy are but damn well is different.

I wonder what kind of wolves are in their family?

"Tell Kassidy that I will always be here. Also, be careful Wren. She's already seen him once, I expect you to explain everything that's happening around her. She deserves to know." And with that, Solanis lifted her hand and pressed two fingers to my forehead.

Darkness surrounded me again.


I jolt awake.

Gasping for air to fill my lungs again.

"Where the hell am I?" I croak out. My eyes dart around the dark themed room. Space all around me, Polaroid photos along the wall, little lights strung along the walls.

Her room...

The smell of vanilla bean and lavender hit my senses. I look down to see I'm in a soft bed. I find my mate on her window seat with a small blanket wrapped around her. Soft snores emitted from her plump and pouted lips.

I stand up and trip over something on the floor.

My fucking boots.

I get up again and make my way over to her. Scooping her into my arms, I walk her over to the bed and try to lay her down.

Key word, try.

Her arms wrapped tightly around my neck in a vice grip. I try to untangle her arms but fail. Giving up, I pull the covers down and slide in next to her.

"Wren?" Her voice whispered out.

"Yes, darlin'?" I pull her body closer to me. She instantly snuggled further into my chest, looping a leg over my hip.

"Thanks for saving me, and for helping me. Where did you go, to Solanis?" She sleepily grumbled. My arms tightened around her waist, at the thought of the earlier fight.

"Yeah, I did and we talked about some stuff. I don't think you know this Kassidy, but I would do anything for you." I kissed her forehead.

"You are my redemption." I whispered the last part.

She just hums in response and wraps her arms around my neck tighter. Her leg around my hip tightens, then her whole body jumps onto mine. I gape up at her as she straddled my waist. She then leans down to place a long kiss on my lips.

Soft, but demanding.

My hands hold her hips down, keeping her in place. She slowly scooted further up my lap, landing right onto my boxer clad length. A growl came out of my chest at their action. She sat up pulling me into a sitting position while still on my lap.

Harsh breathes are only heard in the quiet of her room. Even in the darkness her cheeks still flush. I put my hands on her thighs, pulling her body closer to mine. My lips landed on hers. My hands traveled up to her hips again, one hand going to her ass giving it a hard squeeze. She gasped and I slipped my tongue into her mouth, dominating her mouth with it.

Her small, soft and warm hands reach for the hem of my t-shirt. I tugged it over my head for her. Hitched breath lodged in her throat. My hands reach for her shirt, skimming the revealed skin with my hands.

Slowly memorizing the dips of her body, one hand goes under her bra, cupping a breast in my palm. A small moan came from her mouth, loving the sound of it, I draw circles over it with my thumb. She moaned again into my mouth.

I tugged off her shirt in one swift movement. Only in my pants, and her in shorts, she reached for my zipper. In the heat of the moment I let her undo the belt and button. I lifted my hips from the bed and let her tug them further down my legs. I pulled off her shorts.

I ripped them off.

They bothered me.

After shredding them completely, I placed her back securely onto my hips.

Just in our underwear.

I flipped us over so that I was on top. Panting, heaving chest, flushed cheeks.

Fucking beautiful.

I looked at her body, absorbing her features. Lightly tanned skin now, dark brown hair with honey streaks, big blueish grey eyes, light freckles, plump pink lips.

"Gorgeous..." I breathed out.

She pulled me back down, lips crashed onto mine, devouring my whole being. I ground my hips in between hers, earning a moan. Her small hands tangle into my hair. Tugging at it. I growled at the feeling of it, I reached my right hand up to grasp her breast in my hand again. Soft and warm. Makes me wonder what it'll feel like inside.

The thought alone brings me out of my heated frenzy. I reluctantly pulled away, untangling our bodies and lips from each other.

"What's wrong, Wren? I'm so sorry, I don't know what got into me." She rambles on.

"Nothing. But we can't do that right now, darlin'." I place one last kiss on her lips and get up. I hurried to put my clothes on. Trapping a raging boner back into my jeans.

Too damn tight.

How tight is she?

Ugh, I shake my head of the thoughts.

I can't have sex with her. Nope, not gonna happen, not until I get a handle on my powers.

I already seen the lightning today.

That's a bad sign.

I make the terrible mistake of turning around, her eyes are hooded with longing, her breaths aren't evened out yet, and she's still in her very distracting black laced underwear and bra.

"We can't do that yet baby. It's too dangerous right now. We have to work on training. So while I'm still here, put some clothes on or I won't be able to stop myself a second time." I grit out.

She whined and pouted her lips at me.

As if realized what she did, she jumped off the bed and ran into the closet. She came back out in another pair of shorts and a low cut tank top. I try my damn hardest to look at her face.

Not working very well.

My eyes travel the length of her long, slender legs to her thicker thighs.

"I'm sorry for that Wren. I didn't realize what I was doing, I guess." She awkwardly mumbled out. She tugged a loose dark wave behind her ear.

"How did I get back?" I was really curious as to who carried me.

"Dad and Kash carried you, and they dropped you twice." She giggled.

How dare she laugh at me, her mate. She could've defended me at least.

"I'm gonna go, alright. Just remember we still have to talk." I walk up to her, she wrapped her hands around my neck and went on her tip toes. I captured her lips for a kiss, then parted ways before I changed my mind.

I tied up my boots and opened her window. "Goodnight Kassi, we'll talk soon." She gave a small nod and I jumped out of her window.


I make my way out of the boarders.

My house is at least two miles from the city. I climb up my stairs and open the locked door.

"Welcome home, brother." Ben smirked at me and raised an eyebrow. I flipped him off and trudged into the living room. "Who pissed in your Cheerios?" Ben laughed. I shook my head at him and plopped on the other side of the couch he was sitting on.

The tv was playing some cartoon he was watching. We both started blankly at the tv, both lost in thought.

"He was there, Wren. I think he's back and partnered up with that Alpha." So he noticed it too? I turned my head and look at my older brother.

"Wanna tell me something I don't already?" I grit out. He just stared back at me.

"Hey, I care about her too, and I'm surprised you left her alone knowing he's back now. Don't be stupid. You're my brother, and I care about you, but that doesn't mean I'm going to let you get killed or her if you wanna be reckless." He ranted. I nodded.

"Don't you think I know that, Ben?" I ran my hands through my hair. "Hell, I almost went all the way with her." A hand shot out and smacked me upside the head.

"Ow." I whined.

"That's for being stupid." Ben growled at me.

"It wasn't all my fault, she's the one who pounced on me!" He just shook his head and smirked.

"Yeah, sure she did." He looked at the clock on the wall. "We should go to bed, who knows what's gonna happen next.

I nodded and walked up to my room. I kicked off my boots and tugged off my jeans and shirt. Then, not so gracefully crashed onto my bed, letting sleep take over me.

I just hope nothing too bad happens.


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