Awakening The Unknown

Chapter Unknown 16



Currently at the Creek, Wren picked me up and threw me over his shoulders like a damn rag doll. We were all in the water splashing and having fun.

Like normal teenagers for once. The girls were sipping on sodas and giggling, while Kash and Ben were picking up girls nearby.

"Wren! Put me down!" I pounded my hands into his naked back to let me down. But to no avail, he didn't. He slapped my butt hard while it was still up in the air for all to see.

Maybe he didn't notice a group of guys checking me out while in his arms.

"Look at her again. I'll rip those eyes right out the sockets and shove 'em down your throats, understand?" Wren barked out.

Apparently he did see them, it's like nothing gets past him.

The boys shook their heads and turned the other way back to the party. Wren finally started to put me down, sliding my body into his large hands on the way down. Once my feet touched the water he looked down into my eyes. Lust smoldering his gaze. My cheeks heated up underneath my freckles at his stare.

"If there weren't so many people here, you know what I would do with you? Huh, Kassidy?" He whispered into my ear. His head was buried into the crook of my neck. His lips were pressed against my skin, leaving trails of heat at his actions.

A huge wave of splashing water came over us ruined the moment. Our soaked bodies both turned to see our giggling group of friends. Kash and Ben were hooting loudly and Kassandra, Anais, and Jordan looked around whistling innocently.




Wren was fuming and throwing daggers with his eyes. I, on the other hand was shivering and flushed red in the face.

"Look at their faces, Ben. I think we did a good job, don't you think?" Kash said throwing his arm over Ben's shoulders.

"Of course we did, why wouldn't we?Now, ladies let's get food." Kash, Ben, Kassandra, Anais, and Jordan left out of the water to the grill.

"Use a condom, we don't babies crawling around!" Anais yelled over shoulder.I rolled my eyes at her. I looked at their retreating backs a while longer and I swore I seen a flash of black behind them. But then I looked again and it was gone.


"What is it?" Wren's voice brought me out of my thoughts. I shook my head and smiled at him.

Still unconvinced, I reached up a and wrapped my arms around his shoulder and leaned my head up and placed a soft kiss to his lips.

"Yes, I'm fine Wren. Let's just enjoy today and relax. We've been under so much stress lately, and it's driving us all nuts." I ramble on. He kissed my forehead and grunted in response.

Wren's hands went from trailing down my spine to wrapping firmly around my waist. One of his large warm hands found it's way to my butt, squeezing gently.

God, what is he doing to me?

"Let's go somewhere more..." he paused finding the right words.

"Secluded, shall we?" His eyes met mine and all I found was heated up emotions simmering behind the mossy green eyes I came to adore. I nodded in response. My mouth couldn't form words at the moment.

He grabbed my hand and lead me out of the water. We hiked through the grass and away from the party. Kassandra sent me a wink, Anais stuck her tongue into her cheek and made a hand motion towards her mouth. And Jordan just giggled at me and turned away.

We found another part of water, hidden behind big rocks and vines. It was beautiful out here. Trees from the surrounding forest littered around us. It was quiet and serene, only the sounds of birds chirping and the waves crashing from the Creek made themselves known.

"We shouldn't be interrupted for a while." He informed, his eyes darted around the area for nearby people. His eyes fogged over, indicating the use of his mental abilities. He then turned his full attention back to me.

I felt a slight shift in the air and space around us and looked back at Wren to see that he was already looking at me.

"Why do you look at me like that, Wren?" I asked looking deep into those dark eyes.

"Look at you like what?" He rasped out.

"Like that, Wren." He looked like he was gonna eat me. His tongue licked over lips like a hungry man.

"Because you are one beautiful piece of work, you know that right, Kassidy?" His voice was huskier now than ever.

Heat reached my cheeks at his words. His eyes raked my bikini clad body up and down. Slowly trailing his gaze from my eyes, to my nose, cheeks, and lastly my lips. His eyes lingered there for a while longer.

His hand came up to cup my cheek, holding me there in his intense eyes. His tongue darting out to lick his lips again.

"Kassidy," he let out a frustrated breath. Something was bother Ingrid him. "I want to do so many things to you. But I know you're not ready yet."

Using his other hand, he trailed his finger from my neck down my chest. Right between the valley of my boobs.

"But for right now..." he trailed off. His gaze darkening even further. "I'll just have to take a taste." His minty warm breath fanned against my cheek, sending blissful shivers down to my very core. I placed my hands gently on his chest, drifting them to his strong shoulders. One hand traveled to the nape of his neck, bending it to my will.

"Wren, I'm not sure we have time for things like this." I was unsure of this. I mean don't get me wrong, I like Wren.

A lot.

But with people trying to kill us, and all the universal drama happening around us, we have no time for us. I want us to be truly happy before we do anymore sexy stuff.

Wren lifted me up, my legs instinctively wrapped around him for support. My hands wrapped around his neck and gazed into his heated eyes. I looked down to his soft luscious lips for too long and noticed a smirk rising onto them.

"Are you gonna kiss me or what? We don't have all day baby." Wren's smooth voice entered my ears. He began to leave light kisses down the length of my neck. I craned my neck to give him more access.

"Can I try something, Kassidy? We could always wait if want." He sounded like the idea of us stopping pained him.

Wrenjamin McAllistair is going to be the death of me.

I fisted my hands into his hair and kissed him. He growled at the feel of it. His hands slid from the backs of knees to my butt, gripping and massaging my lower cheeks.

Our lips moved in sync, his tongue slipped into my mouth. I moaned the taste of him. I haven't even noticed that we moved. My back hit the flat side of a rock covered in soft moss. A small moan escaped my lips into his his. He ground his hips in between my own eliciting another louder, panted out moan.

His lips left mine, trailing from my cheeks, jaw, neck, then chest. His long fingers pulled my strings to my bra to the side, exposing them. He took a hardened nipple and it slipped into his mouth, his hand caressing the other while he bit down on the other.

"Oh God,Wren." I panted out. He looked up at me and released one nipple to do the same to the other, sending a flood of throbbing heat down below.

Aching, is what I'm feeling for this man in front of me. His kisses left my chest to continue down my torso. He lifted my legs from his waist to over his shoulders.

"Are you ready. We could always stop..." his eyes went into the distance. "But I'm not sure if I could stop myself." His darkened gaze met my hooded one. With out thinking, I nodded.

"It won't stop." I whined to him. I never used to be so dependent on someone else, but in this moment, he was my only solution.

My own personal release.

"I know baby, I know. That's why I'm here." He said caressing my hips absentmindedly. He looked up once more time, his fingers hooked around the strings of my bikini bottoms. Slowly pulling them down from my hips. His tongue swept across his lips in anticipation, his hungry eyes looked at my naked core. He tossed my bottoms behind my head and continued his gazing. Inhaling deeply, his eyes changed colors.

A glowing sea green rimmed with inky blackness.

Without any further thought, his mouth landed onto my entrance. His tongue sliding up and down my slick with need folds. His canines had elongated and slightly drug across my sensitive bud. A cry of pleasure left my lips. His tongue plunged inside of me, violently devouring me. Canines pricked my folds, small tingles of pain mixed in with the pleasure of his tongue. One of hands slid down my thighs, heading straight for my core.

"Mhm..." I moaned even louder. One of his large fingers slid inside of me. A short wave of pain from the sudden intrusion, then cloud nine bliss.

Pumping his finger in and out, his mouth latched onto my sensitive bud. Sucking, biting, pinching. It all sent me over the edge of euphoria. I moaned again and again, grinding my hips into his face even more. Tugging on his hair, calling his name endlessly.

"That's right baby, moan for me. Tell me how much you need this." His voice dropped even lower than it was. It was fucking orgasmic all on its own. He continued his assaults on me again, nearing me to the edge again.

"I...I'm so close, Wren." I groaned out.

His eyes bore into mine and I saw myself in the reflection. My eyes were their usual color except for the flash of smoldering orangey black eyes that bore into his. My hair was wet and sprawled out beneath me, my cheeks were flushed, my chest was exposed from earlier actions.

I looked so...wild.

"Let it all go baby. I know you need it." His husky deep voice commanded me. And it was all I needed. I came, hard, shuddering and eyes rolling to the back of my head, hands gripping into his hair, and loud moans roared into the afternoon sky.

All while this was happening, Wren never stopped with his finger pumping into me. He rocked my orgasm out and I was drained. I slumped my head back against the rock, with Wren's head in between my legs still, he reached behind me and grabbed my bikini bottom. Before putting it back on, he went back between my legs and licked me clean.

"Time for us to go back to our world. Don't ya think Kassidy?" I was confused by what he meant by 'our world'.

Then I realized that Wren's eyes weren't just green anymore, they were sea green and red.

New eye color?

I took in our surroundings and it looked similar to what it was before. Except the water looked dull , the trees a muted green, no birds calling around us.

The Afterlife plain...

He pulled my legs back around his waist, and picked me up and carried me into the water. "You are the best thing I've ever eaten. Maybe even better than my mom's cooking." After he said that his eyes grew a bit sad.

"Let's get going to the World of the Living. Can't stay too long." I nodded and snuggled. He started to look around us, it was as if he was looking for something.

Or someone.

"Wren, what's wrong, you see something?" I was beginning to worry.

"I don't know. The last time I was here I got some very bad news from Solanis." His eyes met mine, a flood of unreadable emotions crossed his eyes in a split second. I hope he didn't meet that guy.

What was his name?

Something like Solo?


"Stylo..." I whispered. Wren's face visibly paled, his eyes shined in anger at the name.

"Kassidy, how in the fuck do you know that name?" Wren growled out. I never seen him like this in our time together. He seemed on edge, vigilant, ready to pounce on anything that moves.

"When I almost died that day with the Alpha, I went into the other plain. Solanis warned me and this guy just showed up. And-" I was cut off by Wren's growl ripping through the Creek.

"Stay away from him at all costs." His large hands grabbed my face towards his. "Do you understand, Kassidy?" I nodded quickly in response.

Who is Stylo?

"Did he hurt you, Kassidy?" His voice was deadly calm. His eyes slowly turned darker by the second. I couldn't meet his gaze any longer and turned away.

He was scaring me.

"Kassidy," he tilted my head up to meet his eyes. His eyes had softened a bit, but they were still dangerously dark. "I need to know." His voice was deep again, it sounded strained.

"After my punishment I saw a dark figure appear in front of me. He stomped my back into the ground, then you came." My eyes glossed over at the memory of it. He pulled me into his hard chest and kissed the top of my head.

"He won't get to you ever again." His eye held determination. "I promise you." I just hope he can keep his promise.

If not. . .

I don't know how we're gonna survive this.


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