Awakening The Unknown

Chapter Unknown 10



After Wren had walked me home, I immediately jumped into bed. With only an hour or so to spare, I kicked off my shoes and snuggled under my blankets. After a couple minutes, my eyes grow heavy and I drift off into the abyss of sleep.

Or so thought.

I groaned loudly as I felt something shaking me.

But I was sure that nobody was awake yet.

A loud clap of thunder was shaking the ground. I peeked up from under my blankets and looked out my window. I looked to see familiar sea green colors began swirling around in the sky.


The winds began to pick up speed, the thunder was beginning to shake the whole damn town. I could hear the distant confusions of townsfolk awakening to the terrifying sounds. A loud ass thundering growl ripped through the air.

Holy shit, Wren.

My body began responding to his, pushing me to him.

Is he shifting?

Could we even shift into wolves, if not than what?

Millions of questions filled my brain all at once. Another earth shattering growl graced my ears once more.

Without thinking twice, I stood out of bed changed into dark wash ripped jeans and a black hoodie and my converse.

After that I grabbed my phone and backpack, jumping out the window. I closed my eyes, then began thinking of him.

Found ya.

I sensed his power from the outskirts of town.

I went after him.

I closed my eyes again, concentrating on my surroundings. I blacked out, my body going into the other plain again, guiding me to Wren.

He looks so mesmerizing.

He was under the lone tree stop of the cliff above the creek. Wren’s eyes were ablaze with their new colors, claws looked almost like they were iced over.

His body was surrounded in icy winds, a sea green aura swirling around him too. He looked taller, more bulkier like he had worked out before I came here. I blacked out again, returning to my body. I woke up slumped on the side of a garbage can.

Reaching into my pocket, I fished out my phone sent a text to Kash saying I had left early.

Getting to my feet again, I launched myself up a building and ran. It didn’t take long for me to find him. The closer I got to him, the more my body hummed to life.

Flames began to rise under my skin the closer I approached his body.

As if sensing my presence, Wren whipped around so fast I thought he had whiplash. He was holding two swords in his hands.

One in each.

They were beautiful. Ice shards glazed over the blades, spiraling towards the tips of the sharp points. Clean, straight edged blade for the deadliest cut.

I finally glanced around us, the surrounding forest had been coated with frost.

Trees frozen at the stumps at which they’ve been cut. The rest of the tree glazed over in shards of freezing sharp ice.

The ground crunched under my feet as I stepped towards Wren. My body started to tremble, not out of fear, out of awakening.

Flames burst to life, starting from my feet traveling to my stomach, arms, and hands. My eyes most likely had changed colors. Then, the feeling of canines descending and ascending in my gums. Leaving a tingly stinging sensation behind.

Hands heating up, flames licking the tips of my fingers. A new sense of wholeness filled my body. Claws elongated, they looked like molten rock, lava-like liquid dripping from the tips of claws. A firey aura made its way around my body like a securing blanket.

The powers residing my body make itself present by letting out the most feral and raw growl exiting my lips.

I bet the Alpha could feel it.

Our power.

I looked back up to the sky.

The thunderous sky above our heads turned black. Shifting from its light sea green colors, to a more prominent black orangey color. Winds are screaming, clouds began gathering, swirling into a new storm.

Wren and I’s two different storms collided together ferociously.

The firenado darkening the sky. Flames blazing alive in the wind. His ice shards of rain pounded down into the Earth around us.

Two storms, one species. In the distance, I hear families freaking out, the Alpha barking orders trying to figure out what’s happening in his city.

My family praying that I’m safe, and not destroying the entire world.

Wren’s painful shards danced around with my blazed flames, melodically. He stepped forward, he looked into my eyes searching.

Searching for answers I didn’t have.

He looked at me with admiration and awe, as I did the same thing to him.

Placing his swords in their sheaths in his slash back holster, he reached out his hands grabbing my face. Instead of backing away from him, I leaned into his touch.

In that moment, shit got real.

Wren has moved impossibly closer from his original arms length position in front of me. Left arm around my waist, right hand holding my neck and jaw in place. Fire and ice wrapped around both bodies in perfect harmony.

It felt so right in his arms, cooling my heated body with his much colder one. My hands made their way to his body. Left hand on his broad chest. Right hand on his left cheek, heating his cooler skin. Impenetrable tension between the two of us, so much a knife could cut through it.

No words. No movement. A stare down between destined lovers. A tight pull to each other. A lean of the head.

His lips crashed down into mine. Our canines clashes together as we went at it. His tongue washed its way between my lips and glided against my own.

Sparks like never before.

Explosions shook my entire being.

His lips devoured mine in the most hungry of ways.

Moving in sync, like this wasn’t their first contact with each other. Our hands exploring each other’s bodies, tongues dancing in an unexpected harmony.

One dominated the other in a fierce clash.

Hips against hips. Chest against chest. Breath against breath.

All reality clashed around us when he pulled away. The cliff was peppered in soot and frost from our storms. That wasn’t a priority at the moment.

In that moment, it was me and him.

Gazing deeply into each other’s orbs like we didn’t destroy the earth around us. His arm still tightly wrapped around my waist, his hand clutching the back of my neck with his fingers embedded in my hair. My hand on his cheek, other is slung around his neck in a tight embrace.

“Wow...” My own voice was shocking. Breathless, maybe even raw to hear.

“Promise me that we could do that more often, darlin’ because you are very addictive.” Wren husked out, his voice was a few octaves lower.

“I promise, Wren.” I stuck out my pinky. He then wrapped his much larger one around.

A promise I know we’ll keep.

“Alright, let’s get to school shall we, dear?” He quirks an eyebrow at me. I laughed, gave a nod and lace my fingers with his and walk back to town with him.



A breakfast break and a walk later. . .

We finally decided to come to school. Approximately two hours late, don’t judge. When we walked in together, it was passing time. I had gotten stares from everyone, guys eyed me like I was a meal.


Girls eyed in envy, because of a certain male next to me. Some stared in awe. Probably because I died and they went to the funeral. I don’t see the girls yet, maybe I should-

“Wren, baby!” She screeched

I sense her before I see her.

The bitch of the century, Brayden Church.

It’s painfully ironic how her last name is the place she needs to go to. She’s probably burn when she stepped foot in one.

The girl is obsessed with Wren, and obsessed with making my life a living hell.

She turned around the corner with her little posse.

Her platinum blonde hair swaying as she walked. Soft light fair skin, big blue eyes. Slightly full lips and a small nose.

Every boy’s wet dream.

He looked like he was constipated. I, on the other hand am seeing red.

Quite literally, my flames threatened to unleash hell on this crazy bitch. Wren noticed my mood change and grabbed my hand. His lip twitches upward in a mouth watering smirk.

“Jealousy doesn’t look good on you, darlin’.” He snickered.

“Wren, I’m about five seconds from stabbing you with your own sword if you keep laughing.” I growled out. She heard what I said.

How, you ask?

She’s the fucking Alpha’s Daughter!

That asshole doesn’t even correct her when she’s at fault.

He even joins in on the bullying.

Sad, right?

Her eyes narrowed into slits at me. She then looked down at our joined hands and her face turned into a scowl.

“Oh hell no, get away from my boyfriend with those grimy little hands!” She squealed in disgust.

I know damn well she did not just try to use her Alpha dominance on me.

Brayden was seething in anger, but she doesn’t know.

A majority of the people in this hallway cowered the second I walked in.

I guess she just doesn’t feel it, hell, even her so-called friends can sense a higher dominance in the hall.

I pushed a tiny bit of my dominance to match hers. She looked a bit shaken by it, but her anger and pride still have her.

I raised it some more, doubling it.

My hand was being grasped by Wren’s in an attempt to calm me down. I wanted to bite his hand off, but it was working.

But I couldn’t let her off.

Not this time.

I’m a revolutionary now, I’m not gonna let someone who isn’t in my level try to embarrass me just because.

She’s had her fun for too damn long.

For years this has happened, hitting me, belittling me to nothing. Hell, her own dad let it happen, and he’s the damn Alpha!

It’s my turn.

“Do you feel that, huh, Brayden? It’s my power over yours.” I sneered at her, my teeth tingling to be put to use in her neck.

My claws were slowly itching to the surface to tear into her.

"Oh, so you think you’re so special, is that it, Kassidy?” She’s mocking me.


“You will still be a pathetic excuse of a wolf, I am an Alpha, higher than a pathetic Delta. You will always be lower than me!” Her teeth are being barred at me.

Her own claws came out.

I’m so done.

She never learns.

“Shut the hell up!” I let out my growl. It shook everything in the building.

Wren’s hand wasn’t in mine anymore.

He mindlinked me.

I nodded in his direction.

You got this, darlin’. Go for her knees, they’re weird.′ He winked.

I rolled my eyes and looked back at the blonde she-devil’s knees. I tilted my head to get a good look at them.

Huh, they are weird.

I shook the weird thoughts of Brayden’s knees from my head. It was not helping.

I mentally face palmed at his reaction.

I let my claws come out entirely, longer and thicker than hers, lava dripping from the tips. My canines elongated from my gums, sharper and much more deadly than her pathetic excuse for teeth.

Flames kissed my skin, my firey aura wrapped around me again, heating everything in its wake. People began opening doors, windows, fanned themselves with folders too.

I stepped up to a slightly trembling Brayden, her posse members had submitted their necks to me, kneeling down at the more dominant being before them.

“Now, Brayden tell me, who’s lower than who now?” She shook like crazy, lips quivered in fear.

Tears pricked her eyes too.

“Nothing else to say? Good, Wrennie-bear,” I reached my hand out for him to grab.

“Come on let’s go to class.” I grabbed his hand and he grasped my arms again. Putting away my flames with his waves.

Why did I call him that?

Out of all the nicknames in the world.


Kash came barreling towards us and squished me in a bear hug.

“Holy shit Kassidy, I’m proud of you.” He grabbed in his arms and spun us around.

Wren grabbed me out of my brother’s hug to pull me into his own chest.

Talk about possessive.

“Wren, you know he’s my brother. Let me go,” he nuzzled his nose into the crook of my neck, calming himself down.

“Please, Wrennie-bear?” I say in his chest. He nodded and rolled his eyes with a huff, smelling me one more time he let go.

"Wrennie-bear? What kind of name is that?” Kash cackled under breath.

“Say it and I’ll skin you alive.” Wren growled in warning to everyone in the hall. Kash laughed again.

“Kassi, the girls saw everything that happened and they are happy that you finally put that raging bitch in her place. But as soon as you made the whole school shake, they went for cover.” He snickered.

“Alright everyone get out the hallway, get to class!” Mr. Liam bellowed out.

The halls cleared out and Wren and I walked to class.


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