Awakening The Unknown

Chapter Unknown 11



God, it felt so good to let it all out. I know if we would have really fought, I would've won, for one reason

The little shit hated ruining her perfectly manicured hands.

Wren looked at me with admiration twinkling in those green eyes of his. He had stayed with me all day.

Walking me to class, even sitting in a class I didn't have with him. Then came with me to lunch.

Wren and I walked in together but we weren't holding hands like we were earlier. I had caught up with the girls and left him to get food.

As we made our way to our circular table, a group of guys came over to us.

"Hey ladies, are those extra seats taken?" Asked the assumed leader. I didn't look up at first, but when I did, I was shook. He had a relaxed posture, a cocky glint in his eyes.

His eyes. They looked like Wren's. His hair, lips, and nose too. Hell, they even smelled similar.

Benjamin McAllistair.

My eyes nearly popped out of my head at the gorgeous older version Wren. He winked at me and sat across from me. The other two boys sat next to Kassandra and Anais. Jordan was in the library during lunch.

"Hey Ben, how's it goin'?" Kassandra asked like it was normal for them to talk. He looked at her and smiled.

"I'm fine, I'm looking for Wren actually. I came over because I saw Kassidy here." He stated. Not a moment later, Wren made his way over. He placed a tray of nuggets and fries in front of me while holding juice and his own food in his other hand.

"Hey, Benji. What's up?" Wren questioned. The resemblance between the two brothers was

"Oh nothing really, I just wanted to check in my brother and his mate."

How the hell did he know?

I turned to Wren, giving a glare so harsh it made a grown man piss himself.

Literally, the janitor pissed himself. I can smell it.

Wren put his hands up in surrender, and gave a sly smile.

"Okay, you caught me, I may have told him that we were mates. Only him though, no one else but him and your friends, right?"

Oops, forgot to tell the family and best friends that I have my mate.

"You!" Kassandra stood and pointed her finger at me. I sunk into my seat and looked away.

"Why didn't you tell me that you found your mate?! We," she pointed to herself, Anais, and Jordan. "Are best friends for fuck's sake. And you didn't feel obligated to tell me why-"

"Hold on!" Kash held his out, shock written in his features.

"You guys are mates?" Kash interrupts Kass' outburst with his own. I rolled my eyes and facepalmed.

"You should have told us, Kassidy." Jordan piped in.

"I thought you would figure it out after what happened this morning in the hall with Brayden." I shrugged.

"Nope," Anais added in and bit aggressively into her sandwich.

An explanation later...

"Wow." Ben breathed out, like he had a right to be tired. We had to go through it.

"Wait, why does Wrennie have weapons and you don't?" Anais asked.

Wait, why did he have weapons and I didn't? I want cool stuff too. He gets swords and I have nothing, nada.

As if sensing my curiosity, Wren decided it was his turn to pipe in.

"Well, since I died first, I had more time to train than she did. And I'm still working on my powers. I had recently learned I had weapons the month before Kassidy had came back." He answered.

Oh, that makes perfect sense.

"I'll have to train Kassidy myself, or she'll have to leave again." Wren said, his eyes flashed, then it was gone as quick as it came.

"Where would I go, Wren?" I mindlinked.

'Back to Solanis in the Other Plain. That's where all safe training needs to be done. If not, you would destroy the whole city, like what happens this morning. That was only a half shift I did, you had a little more to go before halfway.' He responded.

Go back?

I only stayed for a while and it ended up being four months.

How long would it take for more training?

Bringing me out of my thoughts, the bell rung.

Lunch was over.

Wren grabbed our bags and I took the trash. I was gonna spend some time at home with my family and girls. I spent enough time with Wren already.

My mind flashed back to this morning.

The kiss...

We kissed on the cliff.

We didn't speak about it at all. He didn't ask for another one either.

The three girls and I walked the halls together since we have a study hall release. Jordan was reading a book as usual, Anais was sharing a bag of potato chips with Kassandra, and I was lost in thought.

"Hey Kassidy, what's on your mind?" Anais said with chips stuffed in her mouth.

"Yeah, what is wrong with you? Did Wren already do something to you? I'm gonna kill that sorry piece of-" Kassandra said with her face also stuffed with chips.

I interrupted her saying, "Wren did nothing wrong, but something did happen when we were together this morning." I confessed.

They have a right to know what happened.

It was my first kiss, and we tell each other everything.

"Um... sorry about that,” Kassandra said with a sheepish smile.

"So what did happened, c'mon, the suspense is killing me, Kassi!" She whined tugging on my sleeve.

"WrenandIkissed!" I rushed out. They all gave each other confused glances.

"Come again, say what?" Anais said.

Why me?

"Wren and I kissed this morning in the cliff, our storms were raging and apparently so were our hormones!" I awkwardly laughed and looked everywhere other than my friends.

My face turned beet red, and knowing smirks grew on all their faces.

Even on Jordan's, and she doesn't do boy talk.

"Awe!" They all gushed in unison.

Then, the last bell rang, indicating the day was over.

While my face was still red tinted, I made my way to the bathroom. I turned the cold water on, splashing my heated cheeks.

A loud banging was going on the hallway, voices shouting and gasps being heard.

I heard Kassandra's voice over everyone else's.

And it sounded really angry.

I burst out the door to see a very angry Kassandra pressing her hand into Brayden's throat.

"What did you just say?" She growled out.

Oh shit.

Brayden had a gash on her cheek and a busted lip. Kassandra had handprint on her cheek, slight claw marks indented her face.

"I said, fuck you, your best friend." She poked her finger into her chest, making her step back a bit.

"And I will have you." She sneered in Wren's direction.

"You need to get back." She pushed Kassandra into a locker across the hall.

I closed my eyes, and when I opened them again, everything went into slow motion, just like when I was with Solanis.

My anticipation ability.

I grabbed Brayden's clawed hand in mid thrust, twisted and flipped her into her back. I got on top of her and held her arms down with my knees, sitting on her chest.

"Go to sleep." I said to her, holding her face in my hands. Her aura changed from black and red, to a cool turquoise.


Her eyes began to flutter close. I got off of her chest and crawled over to Kass. The messed up thing was, she was asleep.

Everyone in the hallway was.

I looked around till my eyes landed on a smirking Wren. He walked over and held a hand for me. I stood up and looked at him with a questioning look.

He just shrugged and threw Kassandra over his shoulder, walked over to Jordan and did the same thing and slung her over his shoulder too.

When we got outside, I found Anais outside speaking to Kash.

They bother looked sleepy too.

"Hey guys, what happened to them?" She yawned out pointing to the passed out girls in Wren's shoulders.

"Kassidy accidentally put everyone to sleep with her powers." Wren shrugged his shoulders, stepping over people like it wasn't a big deal.

That was a lot of sleeping students.


A while later...

After we took the girls to my house, Wren and I went for a walk around the streets of Raven's Creek.

"When can we get our tacos?" Wren asked.

I completely forgot. I mentally facepalmed myself for forgetting about the tacos.

The this morning he told me to meet him we talked without our tacos.

"Oh, we can get tacos and sit on the we destroyed, I guess, if you want to." My cheeks flushed red after saying that.

We can't go back there.

It's where we kissed.

"I would love to, doll. Taco Bell good?" He quirked his brow at me. I gave a small nod and looped a strand of hair behind my ear.

Nervous habit.

He stopped walking and turned to me.

"I really do enjoy my time with you Kassi, I really do. I wish it could last longer..." He trailed off.

"What do you mean?" I'm so confused right now.

There was a look of pain that swirled in his eyes. He grabbed my face in his hands, just gazing in my eyes searching for his answers. I already had a clue about his past being bad. I can tell it haunts him.

His eyes tell it all.

But what happened to him?

"Being with me won't be easy." He sighed and ran a hand through his hair.

He sighs.

"I'm not exactly like other wolves to begin with, so I'll need you to help me when the change comes again." His eyes began to mist over with thoughts of the past.

But what did he mean by again?

He should know that he's not the only one with a broken past.

"Wren, we were meant to be together. So, I'm not gonna pressure you to tell me your life story, but I would like to know what makes you think I won't stay." I stand on my tip toes and hold his cheeks. I pressed a kiss to the corner of his mouth and felt the spark tingle under my skin.

He wraps his arms around my waist in a vice grip, then pushed his nose into the crook of my neck.

"You really don't get it, do you?" His voice was muffled, but I still heard it.

"No, but all I want is to understand." He nodded and tightened his hold on my waist.

I don't know how long we stayed like this, and I don't care. Something's hurting him and I want to help.

Wren may not realize this, but I need him as much as he needs me.

Maybe even more...

"Thank you, but it's time for tacos." He unwrapped his arms from around me.

Leaning in, he kissed my forehead and continued to walk to a nearby Taco Bell.

The atmosphere visibly lightened, and I'm glad it did. I can't handle him looking like that for another second.

Maybe I might be falling for him a little faster than I anticipated.

"No more of this mushy shit, alright?" Wren turned to me. I nodded and giggled at him.

Such a weirdo.


"Oh my God, these are so damn good, Wren!" I moan while stuffing my face with another Double Chalupa. He just sits across from me under the tree, laughing at me shovel the meal down my gullet.


"Keep moaning like that, and I'll give you a real reason to moan." Wren mumbled. I choked on my food, coughing it out of my throat.

My face immediately heats up, turning a beet red. I can't believe he just said that.

"So you're already choking for me too, ugh, can't wait." He smirks.


"Wren, you idiot, I just spit out all of my food because you, and your filthy mouth. I'm trying to eat!" I scream at him.

I could really take up hiding inside that fantasy he's in.

Forever, sounds like a plan.

He just chuckles and shakes his head. "Too damn innocent." He snickers.

I had enough of this.

I stand up and stomp away from him and his laughter with a pout on my face.

"Wait! Kassi, come back! Baby, I was just kidding," he laughed out. "Come on don't be like that!" He runs after me.

I look around for trees that haven't been destroyed to climb up. I found a strong oak in the center of the cliff and jump.

I blurred through the air and grasp onto a thick branch. I swing my leg over and once I'm stable, I climb up to a higher point.

I look down at Wren, he has a confused look on his face. He tilts his head up and closes his eyes. Inhaling deeply, he turned towards the tree I'm standing in.

"Found ya."

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