Awakening The Unknown

Chapter Unknown 09



She is going to be the death of me. I knew for the longest of time Kassidy had a thing for me. In all honesty, I always found her attractive. Her eyes, they were like a trench in the ocean crashing into your soul.

Her dark brown hair with slight honey streaks. Those full rosy pink lips. The cute little freckles that are placed on the bridge of her nose. The red hot blush that creeps its way onto her cheeks when I would look her way with a wink.

Let’s not even talk about the curves again, and how they magically had been made more curvy than when she died.

It just makes me want to be better for her.

I wasn’t always bad. Being an Alpha’s son is pressure enough. Then when I had visions of my death, it went downhill.

I love my dad, but he would make me wanna kill an entire village with my bare hands. Ben wasn’t any different. He went downhill first.

Drinking, smoking, banging everything with a pulse.

Our mom had been sick, cursed by the Elders. It was his way of coping. He knew my death was coming, he had seen the visions too. It only pushed him further, til I tipped over the edge right along with him.

But she might be able to save me....

Pull me out of this hell hole that is my life.

What started all of this?

My dad.

The strongest, wisest, most dangerous man I’ve ever met.

He became cold to me and Ben after she was pronounced dead. He was on our asses about being the best, the absolute best.

Crazy workout regimens, fucked up diets, harsh punishments if we messed up a little bit. Ben was 12 and I was 11 when we became motherless.

Only family, some close pack members knew of her funeral.

The rest of the werewolf world knew nothing. They believed that we were still happy.

Well, they were dead wrong.

Me and Ben still have to treat our bodies with enchanted serums and ointments for our ghastly welts from our ′punishments’. If it was done to a human, they would’ve died within five minutes.

That’s how bad it was.

But then one day I decided to just go to the store. I didn’t know why, but I just needed to be there.

And there she was.

Kassidy Grayson.

Remember it like it was yesterday. The shorter girl with her baggy sweatpants, white crop top, messy bun. She was in the store wandering around absentmindedly with a basket in her hand with snacks in it.

I smelled her scent of vanilla bean and light hints of lavender. As soon as the smell hit my senses, my wolf went fucking nuts.

I asked the bastard what was wrong but he didn’t know. Riot didn’t know why he wanted the cute tomboy. Even if she wasn’t his mate.

She looked up, blueish greens meeting my mossy greens. Her face blushed beautifully around her freckles, she started looking around feverishly. I looked her up and down, shamelessly checking her out.

She was perfect for me. She wasn’t skinny, but she wasn’t all that chubby either. What is it called? Oh yeah, thick.

She’s thick.

She has a nice sized chest on her, my hand would be half way filled with just one of those things.

Her ass was nice and round, it slightly jiggled as she walked. One cheek was too big for just one hand to handle.

She was all legs, even though she’s much shorter than I am.

I walked up to her, “Hey, what are you looking for? I could help.” She looked cute when she was flushed.

She looped a loose piece of baby hair out of her face behind her ear. “Um, I can’t reach the KitKats. Can you reach up for me...please.” He voice was just whisper.

Her head tilted down.

Thumbs fiddled with each other.


What in the actual fuck, Wren?!′ Riot had screamed in the back of my head.

’The hell are you talking about, dude?” I asked him.

She’s not our mate. Stop being all gushy about her, and since when do you use the word ‘adorable?’ He questioned.

Ignoring his rash remarks, I looked up at the shelves and found the candy she asked for. I handed it to her, brushing my hand in hers, it felt like I had been burned. In a good way. She slightly shivered, even though it’s hot as hell outside.

It was weird.

Ever since then I tried to get her out of my head. I hooked up with girls at parties I had went to, drank a tad bit more than normal. But she was still there. I knew she was too good for a fucked up person like myself.

She didn’t even know about what demons I carry with me.

I have to keep my emotions in control, because if not, a lot of people would die.



I thought about what she had asked, ′What are we?′ I already knew I wanted her to my damn self, but I know that once we get to school it’s all gonna go to shit.

Girls from my previous hookups would be there, guys would probably be drooling all over her. I growled internally at the thought of someone looking at what was mine.

Then on top of that, she had been dead for seven months and people will definitely remember her.

As for past mistakes, there’s a lot of them.

My past ′relationships’, if you could even call them that, were ended due to me being the inconsiderate asshole I am for wanting to have sex.

I was always terrible with emotional crap.

I keep them hidden, closed off. Girls got too attached to me, hoping for it to be real.

I truly want it to be...

For her only.

It’s all too much.

To my right was Kassidy.

Still in her shorts, tank top, and converse.

Her eyes twinkled in the rising sun light.

Her dark brown hair streaked with honey brown cascading down her back in waves.

She was stunning.

And she’s mine.

“Wren, could you maybe come to my house with me? You know, to just drop me off?” She gave me a lopsided smile.

“Sure thing, darlin’. I should warn you about something though.” She had visibly tensed. I could feel her discomfort rolling off of her in waves. I can’t see emotional auras like Kassidy.

I just feel them.

I was feeling the same way. She didn’t understand.

Not at all.

But that makes my power so much more complicated.

“What is it, Wren?” She stopped walking and looked up at me.

“I don’t want to get your hopes up. You being mated to a guy like me, may be your end.” Literally.

She just stood there with her brows furrowed. Then, she tucked a strand of hair behind her ear, gazing deeply into my eyes.

I’m trapped, already.

“Wren, I understand if you don’t want this, but we kinda can’t be without each other. What if I blow up everything here!” Throwing her hands up dramatically.

If only she really knew...

“Look, Kassi, I’ll always be there for you if there is danger, but I just don’t know if I’m that of person you need. I have a lot of fucked up stuff in my past. I don’t want you involved with that.”

I’m just trying to do what’s best for her, even though it might hurt me in the end.

Can’t she just see I’m trying to save her.

I want her, so damn bad.

I crave her.

Kassidy looks down, tears pricking the corners of her eyes.

“Wren, I don’t give a flying rat’s ass about your baggage. Only you. I’ll understand if your uncomfortable telling me I get that. Just know we are in this together, and I will always be there.” She was seething.

“You should know that we were friends before we were ever mates.” She whispered. Her eyes were burning with passion...

And so were her hands.

Fuck my life.

I grabbed her hands, then began exerting my waves into her hands. It’s weird to think about, her having the hottest flame in the universe.

Then there’s me, with the coldest waves in the universe.

Complete opposites.


After walking Kassidy back home, I wandered around the streets of Raven’s Creek for a few hours. I went to everyone’s special place, the cliff above our famous creek. It ran into a nearby lake. I sat under our tree and stared off into the surrounding forest.

Deciding to work on perfecting my powers, I stood up and let my body go.

Eyes changing into my Revolutionary color.

Claws elongating, covered in piercing cold ice shards.

Canines descending from my upper row, and ascending from my bottom row.

My entire being shook to life, an icy aura wrapped its way around my body. The adrenaline pumped erratically through my veins.

A growl so damn ferocious that even the King of Wolves himself, would writher at the sound of it.

Thunder clapping wildly in the sky, sea green essence swirling around me with my icy aura, creating my half shift. I extended my arms, pushing my palms out in front of myself when in both palms appeared my ice swords. Clean straight edged, ice crystallized shards covered the entirety of its blade.

The hand grip, a silver imprint of my name carved into it. Smirking to myself, I say to myself, “Good morning, Raven’s Creek.”

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