Awakening The Storm

Chapter Storm 7



Six months after Kassidy's death. . .

What kind of sick sorcery shit is this? I don't understand how any of this could make any sense whatsoever and my brain is seconds away from exploding from exhaustion.

"So what your telling me is that the real Stylo is here somewhere, and the not real one is out there on Earth?" I look at Noah with a scrunched face.

He takes a puff of the death stick and smirked at me.

"That's exactly what I'm sayin', Sugar. That man down there is the only other powerful magic user other than Diane and Anais in Raven's Creek." He drops the bud of the cigarette onto the leafs covered ground.

"So what do we do? We can't possibly do anything if we're here in..." I think for a second.

"Where are we, Noah?" His head snapped up to meet my gaze and his brows scrunched together.

"This my dear, Kassidy," He spreads his arms open. "Is Purgatory!" He shouts.

I stare blankly at him. Then burst into laughter.

"W-what?!" I giggled loudly. His brows furrowed at me and took a step forward until he could grasp my shoulders in his bigger hands.

"I'm being dead serious, Sugar." His voice had turned serious. My giggles had ceased immediately at the look in his eyes.

"This is where we are and we have to get you out of here." He looked over his shoulders as if he was looking for anyone.

"It's not exactly the safest place to be when the light disappears from the sky." He released my shoulders.

I cleared my throat and looked down at my boot clad feet.

"Sorry, Noah. It's just crazy how we could actually be here." I looked up to him.

"How did you survive for two years in this place?" He sighed and ran a hand through his dark, almost black locks.

"Stylo and I have been scouring this place for food. And by food I mean something with blood coursing their veins for me and mystical animals to cook on a steak for him." He reached in his pocket and pulled out a box of cigarettes with matches inside.

"Here," I started. "Let me." He looked confused so I did what any normal person would do and set my hand on fire.

"Holy-!" He stepped back and shielded his face with his forearm.

"When in the hell did you learn how to do that, Kass?!" He laughed a bit and put his arm down.

"I told you that I was different from the last time we seen each another. Wren and the others are too." My heart jumped into my throat at the sound of his name from my own lips.

"You miss him," it wasn't a question.

"I get it, Sugar. I'll do my best to get you out of here, but we have to get Stylo out too." He insisted.

I nodded my head and gave him a warm hug. His taller and broader frame swayed over my smaller one in a bone crushing hug. I tapped furiously on his shoulder to get his attention.

"You're ch-choking m-me!" I squeezed out. He laughed a bit and pulled back.

"Sorry," he scratched the nose of his neck sheepishly.

"I forgot how strong I was for a sec, Sugar." He laughed slightly.

"It's fine, I did just have my heart ripped out of my chest a while ago." I chuckled.

His eyes had turned black around the irises, and his veins in his eyes had turned into a dark crimson color. His irises had turned from their original hazel color to a onyx color.

It reminded me of Wren's...

His hands balled into fists and a snarl tipped at his lips as his cigarette dropped from his fanged mouth.

"Who did it?" He growled with each word. His upper canines had sharpened immensely as I had staked from giving him the answer.

"I-it was..." I twirled my thumbs together. He growled loudly making my eyes dart all around us.

He took a menacingly hard stomp towards me, a nervous laugh escaped my mouth.

"Was it him?" He asked with a tilt of his head.

"No," I gulped.

"It was Brayden, the Alpha's daughter." I finally confessed. He straightened up and let out a dry laugh.

"So that little bitch is exacting her plan, huh?" His eyes slowly had turned whistle again and his irises had returned to their bright hazel color.

He picked up his still lit cigarette off the Forrest floor and puffed.

"What plan?" My brows knit together at my taller undead friend in question.

He sighed and ran a hand through his dark hair.

"Before Stylo and I had died, Brayden had been at a party we had all attended. You guys had left a couple hours before Stylo and I had turned in." He took another drag from the death stick.

"And?" I pressed on. He shook his head and chuckled to himself.

"Well, if you must know, my dear Kassidy. Brayden has been drunk off her face, she went around babbling on about some way to get Wren to finally be with her." He took another puff.

"She had been yappin' about it for a while actually. Always saying, and I quote, 'I'll even kill that freckle faced bitch if I have to.' We all know she had the biggest crush on him for the longest of time. But I thought she was kidding when she had said it." He puffed at the cigarette some more.

I let it all sink into my mind.

So this has been going on for years then, for longer than two years had this plan been in action.

"Noah," I called. He nodded in acknowledgment to me and kept puffing at the cigarette until he was at the butt.

"Yes, Sugar?" He smirked. I rolled my eyes at him, I was trying to be serious.

"I want you to take me to the real Stylo." He smiled, but it didn't reach his eyes.

"What is it?" My brows furrowed and my head tilted a bit to the side.

"There's a slight problem with that, Sugar..." he scratched the nape if his neck again.

"And that is?" I stepped forward with my arms crossed in front of my chest.

"He's trapped on the other side of the Forrest." He sighed. I raised my brow at him and gave him a glare.

"Okay, Okay" He put his hands up in surrender.

"It's heavily guarded by some dead looking wolves." He rolled his eyes.

"Now was that so hard, Noah?" I cooed. He rolled his eyes and puffed at his cigarette again before tossing it to the ground.

"Yeah, it was. We're both gonna be put in danger now." He said.

"Stylo is stuck in a cave on the far side of the Forrest, in the one place that we all know by the backs of our hands. Any guesses?" He raised a dark brow at me this time.

I racked my brain for any places that I would know. But only one could come for mind.

"The Creek?" He snapped his fingers and a smile broke onto his paler features.

"Bingo." He grabbed me by my wrist and hauled me along with him.

"Through the dead Forrest we go!" He shouted into the air.

I shook my head at my friend and walked along beside him through the dreary Forrest.


"How much longer?!" I groaned tossing my head back.

"I bet you don't even know where we're going, you blind bat." I growled at him.

"I know where we're going, Sugar. So don't judge me. I am a creature of the night for fuck's sake, I know where I'm going!" He frustratedly yells back at me pulling at his darker locks.

The light had almost entirely disappeared from the sky now, we've been out here for so long I think it's the next already.

"Ugh! We're just wasting time here, Noah. Let's stop for a while and rest." I look around for any nearby bitches we could slip into for the night.

"Do you have anything to eat on you? I'm freaking starving over here." At that moment my stomach decided to put in its two cents, growling lowly at the lack of food that's in it.

"No, unfortunately I haven't found anyone to munch on lately. This part of the Forrest has been deserted ever since you showed up." Something clicked in his head and he turned towards me.

"Wait, you have new and improved powers don't you?" He pointed a kind finger in my chest.

"Yeah, what about it?" I snapped back.

"You could've found food for us and the creek by now if you used those damn new powers of yours. Hell, you could've ran us right through the Forrest a long ass time ago, but no. You decide not to use what's been given to you!" His fangs slipped through this lips, and his body shook a bit.

"You don't understand, I can't really use my power like I usually could since I was poisoned, or did you already forget that small detail, Noah?" I was just as frustrated as he was.

"If you couldn't use your powers like you could before then why were you able to spurt fire from your hand earlier?!" He shouted, his deep voice raised and bounced across the empty Forrest making the dead trees shake in the ground.

Are you fucking kidding me?

"This whole time I thought I couldn't use my powers?!" I facepalmed my face hard at the realization that I had been thoroughly played.

"Idiot." Noah reached into his pockets for another death stick and lit it with a match this time.

"I swear my blood pressure is gonna go through the roof with you around. And to think that you were the smart one in the friend group." He humorlessly chuckled to himself.

"Oh screw you, Noah. I can find the Creek my damn self without your help. I'm the one who had great powers you know." I huffed and turned to the left and walked that way.

"Wait! Kassidy, where are you going?" He called out from behind me.

"Where do you think I'm going, jackass? I'm going to find the Creek and Stylo my self." I declared and kept walking.

I heard stumbling and leaves crunching behind me as I walked.

"Damnit, Kassidy." Noah grumbled.

He caught up to me in a couple of long strides. Still grumbling under his breath, he walked side by side with me.

"Open your ears and listen for the Creek's current. I would if I could but there's strong magic covering up the noise and smell." He explained.

I nodded and stopped walking.

"What are you-" I raised a finger up to shush him while I tried to listen.

I felt my powers stir to life in the pit of my body. I still couldn't believe that this whole time I could've used them. I could somewhat use them but they would always snuff out.

My ears tingled to life as I took in all of my surroundings. Eyes closed as I spilled my body entirely and focused on all sounds and smells around us.

I could hear it, but it's faint.

The smell of muddy water banks and fresh flowing water met my nostrils facing North. I opened my eyes and looked over at Noah.

"Well..?" He asked raising a dark, bushy brow.

"We're heading North." I tell him with a small smile.

"Let's get movin'?" He put a pale muscular arm around my shoulders.

"Off we go." We laughed and began our trudge to see the real Stylo.

I hope we get some answers on what's really going on.


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