Awakening The Storm

Chapter Storm 15



Seven months after Kassidy's death. . .

So bringing a dead soul back into the World of the Living was actually harder than what I thought it would be. Kassidy had called me back to the Other Plain a couple more times over the past month or so to pass on information and spend some time together.

We may not be able to actually touch and feel, but the sensations and ghost feeling of it still lingers after I leave.

Anais had found a way to get out of the Labyrinth and so did Kash and Ben.

Ever since I seen them last in there, they've been working on some things with each other.

Apparently, when Kash went into the Labyrinth, he wasn't just in his memories, he was in manipulated world.

The things he saw and felt scarred him. And when he went through torture, Ben's was the face he seen. He seen Ben hurting him, hurting himself and apparitions of everyone he loves.

He had seen me die, Kassidy, his parents, everyone.

He was even pushed back into the abuse he had to deal with when we were kids.

That thought alone fueled my anger against Stylo's dad. He had been screwing with us for too long and has no consequences coming to him.

I tired to contact Solanis, I really did. But whatever I did never worked out, it was like my link to the Keeper was completely severed.

And each time I tried to reach that special link with her, my head will pulse in pain and it felt like it was in the verge of explosion.

It's probably magic.

But how could Stylo's stolen magic be so powerful that it blocks links to guardians?

Who was Stylo really?

On a more important note, Anais has made contact with Kassidy and Stylo. She had remembered every detail and aspect of Stylo's personality like it was just yesterday that he had disappeared. It was incredible.

Like a switch had turned in her head that clicked everything into place.

I remembered him too, don't get me wrong, but I don't feel as close to him as everyone else does to him. He was closer to the girls than us guys, besides Noah.

Anais and Stylo seemed attached to the hip back then. They have daily conversations with each other about our situation and strategize plans to set us all free.

We were still stuck in the dungeon of the Pack House, but, we were all free. Kash was able to set real life allusions of himself when he was actually in a cell with Ben.

But he had returned back into his own cell because he felt like he was intruding. Isaac has decided to room with me until he gotten better. All of us were all sick and under the weather from being stuck in a stuffy, cold, must filled dungeon.

Even though we're all supernatural beings, it doesn't excuse us from getting sick. Which is weird since me, Kash, Ben all have an extra dosage of power in us, but still had fallen ill.

It's probably the magic.

I don't think they knew we were all out back into our cells, or that we had been here the whole time, just out of our bodies.

I sensed it before I heard it.

I didn't like what this feeling was. It felt familiar as it floated in the air for a second before it happened.

A bright light flashed down the hall, a few cells down from mine. Everyone was confused but I made them quiet down through our bond. I sat still, ready to strike at any moment. I heard light foot steps, they sounded bare as they stepped across the floor.

I inched closer to cell doors, making sure that my broken shackles didn't make a noise as I removed the broken metal from my wrists and ankles.

Then I heard the foot steps stop. I made sure I didn't make a sound as stood and slightly leaned out of the cell bars and looked at the intruder.

Why the hell is she here?

Ben spoke before I could open my mouth to do so.

"Cardinal?" That confined it for me. It was Anais' cousin.

She was apart of our friend group too. I looked across my cell and into Anais', her eyes were wide and I tell she was shaking to see and greet her cousin. I sent her a look that told her to stay still. We didn't know who that could be.

For all I knew that couldn't even be Cardinal, but someone else wearing her face as a meat suit.

"Benji? What the hell happened to you?" She gasped and I heard the faint sound of hands grasping at bars.

The sound of Ben's chains rattled in the air as he inched closer to her.

I felt Ben's hesitation to go closer, but I could feel it, he knew it was the real Cardinal.

"Is it actually you, Cardie?" He asked with uncertainty lacing his voice.

"Yeah, I don't know how I got put into this plain, but I'm glad I'm here." I can't believe she's actually here.

The obvious reason is that she was pushed through a portal here.

But who would do that?

And for what?

"If you're here, then you obviously don't know what's happening here." He stated with a shake of his head and a sigh.

"What's happening? And where's Anais?" I leaned back and looked back over at Anais who began to stand. He grunted and the chains shook as he moved.

"She escaped. Or she's still escaping and finding a way out." He gave a dry humorless chuckle.

"She and Wren has broken out of their chains and they got out the doors but didn't make it that far due to the bright light. Kinda like the one you came out of." He got quiet, he was probably thinking about it.

He had a good point though, there was a light before we were pushed into the Labyrinth.

"What is it?" I sensed that she had sat or crouched down.

"I know where they are. I was just there with Wren and Kash not too long ago. They were pushed into a Labyrinth right after they opened the door. From what Wren told me, they were put into old memories." He sighed and it sounded like he had ran a hand through his hair.

"The worst parts of their memories." A small gasp sounded from Cardinal's mouth at hearing our situation.

I guess it wouldn't hurt letting her know that the rest of us were here. I looked across my cell at Anais and nodded. She smile and stood on shaking legs and leaned onto the cell bars.

"C-Cardinal..." she coughed as she gasped out the words. I leant against my cell and looked down the hall in the direction of Ben's cell.

She was wearing a pair of light blue ripped jeans and a white simple t-shirt. She didn't have on shoes and her hair was still in those braids I remembered.

"Anais?" Her eyes had misted with tears as she ran to her cell.

"Oh my God..." she whispered. Anais reaches her hand out and touched Cardinal's.

A power surged between them both emoting gasps from them as their eyes went wide with the surge of energy floating between them. Anais' legs bucked a bit as the energy kept flowing, and Cardinal was just as shocked.

"What's happening?" Ben asked. I looked through the bars and turned my head towards him.

"Wait, how the hell are you back in here, Wren?!" I shrugged but that wasn't a priority right now.

"I'm gonna open my cell and you are gonna open yours." He looked at me in confusion.

"How? They sealed us in with magic?" Ben growled under his breath curses and the juggling of his chains sounded in the dungeon.

"Benji?" A broken voice called out. My head snapped to the cell that was directly in front of Ben's.


"Wait, are we all here?" Ben growled again and began to shake at his cell bars violently.

"We're gonna get out here. I promise." I looked right into my brother's eyes, sealing the promise. He nodded and kept shaking and unhinging his cell door.

A sudden conclusion made its way into my head.

Why didn't I think of this before?

"You have an idea, spill it." Ben demands as he kept doing the door.

"Use our powers. I know you have more than what meets the eye, Ben. I seen it in the Labyrinth." He stopped.

"I can't unleash that in here. Especially since the girls are in here. I don't wanna endanger anyone's lives." He have a dry laugh, seemed to do that a lot nowadays.

"I endangered yours, in a memory."

"I know you can control yourself now. I seen that too, Benji. Just think of what we could could get out of this. What you can get out of this." I tried to persuade him.

"Wren," He sighed. He looked across the hall and into Kash's cell.

The boy looked so defeated as he laid his Now small body on the cell floor. And here I am thinking I had it bad in my own memory lane.

He's had it so much worse.

"Kash." I called out. His fluffy head turned to me. His lifeless blue eyes gazed into mine.

He and Kassidy has been through so much, but having to relive it and have it being done to you by your best friend...

Just awful.

"I won't be of much help." He rasped out. He coughed a couple of times and his whole body shook with each inhale.

"You have incredible power too, you're not useless to us. Would Kassidy want you to be like this?" His head snapped up at his twin's name.

He sighed and shivered some more. He dragged his body across the cold cemented floor to the door of his cell.

"Of course not. But I'm not entirely in shape to do anything at the moment. My powers are suppressed, unlike yours." He replied.

I shook my head and growled grabbing my hair.

"No, they're not." His mouth went agape at the information.

"And they never were...well, only for a bit. But since Stylo is working on the other side with Kassidy and Noah, they've been suppressing him. We just have to let the power free." He laid his forehead on the ground and looked into Ben's eyes.

"Alright, lets get out of here." He have a small cracked smile.

"Ben," He grunted and ran a hand through his head.

"Are you in?" He sighed and looked at me.

"Yeah, Wren." He paused and smiled a bit.

"I'm in." I nodded.

The power surge between Anais and Cardinal had came to a stop. Anais was standing up perfectly fine and smiled at Cardinal and twirled her fingers around at the lock on the cell door.

"I'm in too." She winked and stepped out of her cell with a powerful stride.

Power floated around her in waves and the color made its way back to her skin.

A cough reached my ears from the cell that was next to Kash's.

"I think you're forgetting about someone." Isaac called out from behind us. I stifled a laugh as I seen Isaac's face go through the bars.

It was settled.

We're getting the hell out of here.


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