Ava- Ever Green Series Book Two

Chapter 7

Ava was still in shock from the news of her father’s arrest. She did not want to go to school and see the looks on her classmate's faces. Including her best friend, Serena, and what would she say to her.

Waking up, to get to school that morning had been a bit rough. Ava was walking up to the school, she did see Serena waiting for her like usual. All Ava could muster, was “HI. “to Serena.

Serena looked from her phone. She didn’t say anything to Ava and went back to her phone.

“Are you going to talk to me?”Ava questioned.

“What do you want me to say? ” Serena suggested. Walking away from Ava in the process.

Ava ran to catch up to Serena in the hall. “ I didn’t my father would be arrested for something he probably didn’t do” Ava continued to follow Serena into the bathroom.

“I get it you’re mad about this but please believe me. I don’t know anything. I said the same thing to cope last night.” Ava nearly begged.

Other girls were entering the restroom and whispering about Ava. Ava didn’t care anyway. She was trying to convince her only best friend that she had nothing to do with Henry’s death. It was getting a little bit too late for it.

“Okay, but we need to find out more about his death. It would mean going into your dad’s office if the police didn’t come through it already.” Serena suggests they do that.

“My dad did say about having some girl named Margo. I only overheard my dad telling my mom about it.” Ava told Serena,” But we would have to go to the college campus downtown to talk to her.”

“If it’s the only plan we got right now. We got to do it. We should finish school first before going to visit the college.” Serena said reaching for the door. She waited for Ava to come with her to go to class.

After school, the girls walked downtown to the college campus. They didn’t see Margo but saw the blonde girl she saw at Turbo Grill earlier in the school year.

“Hey, Are you Margo’s friend?” Serena asked.

The blonde looked at Serena and Ava. She hesitantly looked around, “Why do you ask? My name is Cassandra Knox by the way.”

“We need to talk to her about something important?” Ava said.

“Okay, I could take you to her and ask her to meet at Turbo Grill if you want?” Cassandra offered.

“That should be fine,” Ava replied.

“Before I do mention anything, may I at least know your names?” Cassandra questions.

“Ava Klein.” Ava gestures over at Serena, "Serena Fredericksburg”

Serena only nodded at Cassandra.

Cassandra texted Margo to meet them at Turbo Grill. They take a ride in Cassandra’s car. Pulling in, the lot was filled with people like always. They got out. Margo was already waiting for them. She saw the two high school girls and whispered, “What are they doing here?”

“I don’t know. They want to talk to you about something” Cassandra whispered back.

“Who are they?” Margo asked Cassandra. Gesturing at the girls again.

“Ava Klein and Serena Fredericksburg,” Cassandra mustered.

“Okay. We have to make this short. Because Lucius is here again. I don’t want to deal with him today. He keeps following me. Probably going to confront me.” Margo said. She gestures for the girls to follow inside.

The girls found a table in the corner where no one can hear them. Ava looked at Margo and asked, “How do you know my father, Kaleb?”

“Your father kidnapped and held me hostage but I escaped from whatever else he had planned for me?” Margo said. She looked around for a sec.

The topic made her uncomfortable. She was scared about something and she didn’t know what. Margo continued, “He told he hunted supernaturals and he questioned me about the council. I only just found out what I was. I was useless to him.”

“What do you mean supernatural?” Ava giggled and asked.

Margo and Cassandra gave either a look that suggested they were being serious. Serena had sma Ava to get her to stop laughing.

“You’re serious?” Ava still questioning them.

“Yes, we are. We are witches.” Margo revealed to them, “Both of you can’t say anything to anyone”

Who would believe them anyway? Ava was conflicted by this information but what could she do with it for now? It does simply say her father was up to something that was not good either. Did he kill Henry is another question. She was too afraid of the answer she would get. The girls did their time but were stopped by Lucius.

“I am sorry to hear about your father,” Lucius said and walked away.

Thought to herself about their encounter with Lucius and what Margo had said were still swirling around in her head when she got home. Maria and Thomas were sitting in the living room.

“What is going on?” Ava questioned.

Serena went to Ava’s room and excused herself from the room. She did not want to listen to something private. Instead got started on her homework until Ava came up.

Maria gestures for Ava to sit. She looked at Thomas giving them some alone time. He went into the kitchen.

“Ava, I have to tell you something. You probably won’t like what will be said either.” Maria confessed.

Ava now confused and said, “Does it have something to do with dad?”

“No. It has to do with you?” Maria nodded at Ava, “Where can l begin if you were adopted? Your father and I wanted to tell you that night at the hospital but we agreed it would be too much.”

“Why didn’t tell me when sooner then?” suddenly angry. Ava felt her blood start to boil and agitation. She felt her skin shift inward and begged not to change in front of Maria. The wolf wanted out badly. Ava ran from the room out the back door to the woods. Her clothes busted into pieces and the wolf was free.

Ava could howl in pain. Learning that she told a misinterpretation her entire life made her want to cry. Instead, she ran off the pain. She didn’t come back to the house until she was alone. That night, she lost the trust of the people who should have been honest with her. It only ruined her, more so broke her.

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