At the end where Destiny awaits: Book 6 of the Kinstone series

Chapter 46: Heading for home

I feel the cold wind as it blows against my face as I peer out onto the forest. My eyes slowly scan the horizon, still wishing the vast sea of trees weren’t dead but full of life. The air, while filled with the scent of evergreen and oak, lacks so much more of what it used to be. However I know at some point, I will restore it to our world.

It’s been a couple days since I ordered Drakthul and Laevatain back into exile. I did receive word from Lord Tobias that he and the Court will take up the charge to ensure both remain out of the city until it’s their time to return. So perhaps that’s one less thing I have to worry about.

While I know it had to be done, I still feel like total crap for having to do it. But…that’s something that is for the future to decide. I really shouldn’t let it weigh me down more than it has.

I take a deep breath and sigh. My fingers stroke the stone bench I’m sitting on, having always loved this vantage point on the lower terrace. I smirk softly, realizing that like my house in Japan, the Outpost, and the entire Shyair estate also belongs to me. I have so many places across the world to retreat to or simply call “home”.

Yet the honest truth is…my real home is waiting for me on the other side of the world. Even now I feel it calling to me. I’m actually in my human form for a change, wanting to feel as I became all those years ago, a human girl. Sometimes it’s nice to be a human again. So…here we are.

I soon hear the sound of something wheeling over to me. I turn to see Marron strolling over in her wheelchair. Marie was quick to fashion one for her since she became strong enough to leave her bed. Regulus’ spell really did a number on her, nearly severing her spine but thankfully only grazed it.

My sister smiles to me, “I figured I’d find you here, Baby Ahri.”

I smile, nodding. “It’s one of the places here that means a lot to me.”

She smiles, locking her wheelchair and slowly rises. I quickly become concerned, wanting to jump up to help her, only for Marron to raise her hand. She gently rounds the bench and sits with me, only to flick my head.

“You don’t always have to worry about me,” she says.

I sigh, nodding as I lean into her. I feel her wrapping an arm around my shoulder, stroking it. Marron and I simply stare out onto the forest, watching the dead trees sway in the wind.

“It’s been one wild ride,” I say softly.

She nods, “I agree. From the moment you and I first met to now. However, I wouldn’t change any of it, be it the joy or pain. The things I’ve seen or the places we’ve been to. We’ve experienced so much along the way, discovered incredible revelations about ourselves.”

We’ve been all over the world together, living in another country for month. We shared in so many experiences while in Japan, fostering memories that will last a lifetime. We even traveled to the Outpost, which turned out to be the correct decision. There we explored even more about my ancestors, with me traveling into the past.

She then smirks, “Even finding people to be with.”

I grin, peering up at her. “You and Piotr sure are getting close.”

In the past week, aside from meals and his vigil over her, the pair has often gone out together. I’ve watched them talk and flirt a little, much to the young knight’s pleasure. It would appear that another of my wishes came true in the end.

She smirks, nodding. “The same can be said for Silvi and Tanith.”

That’s another couple I was right about, even joking with my old classmate over it. Like with Marron, if Silvi wasn’t with me, she was with Tanith, often seen flying over the city together. I really think even his father has given his approval, not that it was difficult given the battle.

I giggle softly, “If everything keeps progressing as they are, I might end up with two new brothers.”

She chuckles, “True, but are you okay with having a knight for a brother? He’s sworn to you, which means possibly our children as well.”

That’s actually a good point. Piotr is sworn to me and the House of Shyair. While knightly houses are a bit of a relic, some do still exist in the world. If Marron and Piotr really are thinking that far ahead, then their children could end up serving me. It could be a little awkward having my future nieces and nephews as my knights or their descendants serving mine.

Another tradition is that of the weapons we carry. I have no idea if Helgsven and his family made it out when the city was sealed away. If they did, I’d love to find and bring them home. Not merely for their work in the forge, but so much more.

I rock my head, “I might have to think about it.”

She smiles, holding me close. Marron then begins to hum to me, the same lullaby I’ve known for years. I close my eyes, following along to the tune and softly sings to it.

Sleep…sleep, my little starlight.

Sleep and fly over the skies.

Your heart lies heavy in the night.

Let sweet soft wings carry you to new highs.

A soft pillow for your head and warm covers for your heart.

A bed of clouds and sea of gentle sight.

Now sleep my little starlight.

Sleep and fly.

She grins, stroking my shoulder as we continue. Our voices soon echo softly as she hums the melody. I drift softly the more we sing and hum, feeling as if it’s always been this way. Well…it has. When we finish I feel her kissing the top of my head.

I smile, “It’s still one of my favorite things we share.”

She smiles, stroking my shoulder more. “I agree. I feel it’s complete, now that I know the words.”

I grin, and then look up to her. “When you called me ‘Nei’shy’ during the battle, I thought I saw both you and Celes together.”

She peers down at me, stroking my hair. “Something within me told me to call you that. For a moment, it was like I was in a daze while talking to you. Yet that feeling soon went away, in fact became part of me.”

My eyes lightly look her over, seeing that her presence for the most part is still the same. However…she, like me, has changed if but a little. I cling to her, seeing her eyes now shimmer slightly, showing little specks within them, similar to mine. With tiny specks of ice blue.

I smile softly, knowing that once more we’ve become even closer than before, and not only as sisters. Yet so much more now. We share so much as sisters, having forged a bond that goes far beyond that of blood, and now even lifetimes. We are forever connected to each other.

Marron smiles as she strokes my hair and even placing another kiss onto my forehead. “Your mother says we’ll be leaving soon. Even though you’re our ride home.”

I smile, nodding. Well it is true that I am. I peer back out onto the forests of Murvol, praying that one day I will see them thrive again.

I nod, feeling my heart longing for home. “I do want to take one last stroll through the house before we do.”

She smirks, “We should hurry up then. Oh, what of the box Tobias gave you? Did you open it?”

I smile, nodding. “It held a couple letters from Aurelian, Celes’ father. The first was him simply talking to me, airing his wishes and regrets. The second well…is to be opened when I get married.”

She grins, squeezing me tightly. “A future wedding gift from your ancestor, I think that’s rather sweet.”

I blush softly, nodding. I do as well. He did talk to me as a father in his letter, even wishing he was. I still one day hope to earn more about him, although I did while in the past. Yet now…he’s lost to time as he wanted to be.

I smile as Marron gives me another squeeze before letting me go. I then carefully help her back into her wheelchair and we head inside.

We stroll through the halls, seeing all the portraits as we continue our conversation. We each discuss future plans together, namely our love lives and what I plan on doing. It goes without saying that after everything that we’ve been through, I really don’t plan on doing much traveling for the foreseeable future. Heh, a nice, long vacation at home.

I stop by Serasfall’s room, seeing it’s now empty after Mom and Arcturus had been using it for the past week. Both were a little uneasy when I gave it for them to use to say the least. However I had my own room to retreat to. Although I suspect in the future I myself will be using it one day.

When we round the corner heading for the front, we both find Fenris and Athena waiting for us. I smile as my wolves come over and nuzzle me. I reach up and stroke them gently. Athena preens my hair a little with Fenris smiling as he watches. I look over to him, leaning my head into his. He groans softly, feeling his fur on my brow. Both are so incredibly important to me with Fenris being my first real link to the past and future.

He pulls back a little and looks to me. “Everyone is waiting, little Aria.”

I smile, nodding as I watch Marron stroking Athena. The pair really have grown close since their first meeting. I sigh happily, grateful they have. Marron may be Celes’ reincarnation and not bonded to Athena, that doesn’t mean the pair aren’t just as close.

I nod and restart our push for the front. Along the way, we’re soon joined by my knights with Kayle and Norick looking to me. I smile to them, knowing they’re excited to be going with me. I seeing Piotr and Marron’s eyes catch again, grinning as they smile to each other.

Kayle leans over and rests her hand onto my shoulder. I smile up at her, still recalling our first sparring match which sparked a wonderful friendship. When not training, we’d simply enjoy a meal with the rest of the knights.

I peer over to Norick, seeing the master archer and military instructor smiling to me. He and I also grew close, with him often acting as session master and even occasional scout while here. I still remember our little chats, with one being where he revealed the other knights knew my true identity.

I do miss the others, with some giving their lives for not only Shyair but the city itself. It’s a pain I now share with all of them.

Orga and Kateryna take their usual places behind me, keeping in step with my wolf parents. Both knights have been through hell and back with, traveling along this journey since our first meeting last June when they saved my life and then during my exile. We’ve fought and bled together on many battlefields, sharing in joys and sorrows.

The combat maids soon join our little parade as we head for the front courtyard. I look to each of them. Abigale, someone I hold in extreme high-regard as both a friend and teacher. Lyra taught me so much in the ways of the sword while also being a caring and nurturing shoulder I would lean on.

Marie would never fail to make me laugh, yet also amazing me with her maniacal tinkering. Then there’s Bianca, the closest to me in age and a friend I’d rely on when needed or even for me to comfort. I can’t wait to attend school with both of them.

As we exit out of the manor, I see my mother standing with Arcturus while they appear to be taking one last look of the house. I glimpse Diana hovering close to Mom like some unsure child. I’m not really sure if the pair has taken to each other, but maybe Mom might have some plans for her. Then again…that might be wishful thinking on my part.

Surrounding them are also Silvi, Leto, and Nelly. I grin softly as my dragonic sister teases my wolf siblings, with the pair’s tails wagging incessantly. I just know they’re going to spar with each other at some point. Hey, it’s how Fenris learned how to fight a dragon, experience that’s served him well in the past.

Asha and Yukari both look ready to leave. I smile to my yokai aunts, ever so grateful for all they’ve done for me. They watched over me while in Japan, giving me more family and even a home to return to.

I then hear the chattering of more people as I pan over to see Henry and Alexis along with the rest of the strike team from our coven. I grin with pride at all of them, ever so glad they’re here with us.

Marron reaches up and gently takes my hand. “Go ahead, sweetie.” I nod and step back as Piotr takes over.

I hop over to my friends, who quickly pull me into them. I hug them tightly as the adults look on smiling. I feel Alexis stroking my hair before letting me go.

She smiles to me, “After all of this, being here with you and fighting, I think I’m ready to go home.”

I smile softly, “I know what you mean.” Like her and so many others, I feel the same as her.

Henry sighs, scratching the back of his head, “I just wish I had more time to explore the city. There’s just way too much here.”

I giggle, “The city will still be here. Although it might be getting a little hectic in the future.”

He smiles, “That’s fine by me. Any chance to come back I’ll take it.”

I grin as Alexis comes a little closer to me. “I think I speak for everyone in saying we want to see you home.”

I smile, nodding to her. I sigh softly; knowing home is but a portal away. I can’t wait to see the rolling hills of the Estate, the vast forests and glistening lake. I have so much family also waiting for us as well, having no doubt ben worried for us.

I feel cold noses as Leto and Nelly nuzzle me. I smile, reaching up and stroking their fur. My wolf siblings groan happily with Leto looking to me.

The pack is ready to leave, sister.”

I nod, looking to him and then seeing the rest of the wolves all gathered around us. This is their home as much as it is mine. I am so glad I was able to bring them back here after so many centuries away. Even those born from here were able to see where their forebears called home.

I smile, “We’ll return here, we always will.”

Both nod with Nelly nudging my face. I grin, kissing her nose.

“I want to find the others,” I tell them. “Not just your parents, but Tyrion’s pack also.”

Leto smiles, “They will reveal themselves to us in time, sister. I pray they will. As for our elders, they await us.”

Our pack will be waiting for us at the castle, Aya,” adds Nelly. “When we were set leave, they were to come out and rest there.”

I nod softly, “I can’t wait to see them again.” There’s so much I want to tell those wolves, to reconnect with them. They’re family too.

I feel and hand resting on my shoulder. I look back to see Kerrigan smiling to me. Her eyes are just as soft and gentle as always, yet still has that spark I know her for.

“Your wolves will be taken care of,” she says. “I know my parents and the rest of the Court will see to it.”

I smile to her, “Thank you.”

She smiles, leaning over and kissing my forehead. I blush even more as it feels way more intimate than ever. She knows she can’t really kiss me, given how everyone is watching, including my boyfriend as I see him with Mom and Arcturus.

She then pulls back, caressing my face. She grins softly, “Still my cutie. I’ll always be waiting for you.”

I blush even more, feeling my whole body heat up the same way I do with Kenji. Oh God…does…does this mean I feel the same for her as I with him? I look to her, trying to calm myself down.

I take a deep breath, and then roll my eyes at her. Kerrigan chuckles softly before stepping back.

Alexis leans over. “Okay…what’s the deal between you two? I’ve watched you both over the past few days and you act a little funny around her.”

I turn to her, “It’s…complicated.”

She nods slowly. “I see. Try not to split your heart more than it already is, Aria.”

I blush even more, knowing exactly what she means. I look to everyone as they undoubtedly watched that entire scene.

I feel yet another hand on my shoulder. I peer up, seeing Mom smiling to me. I stare softly into her violet eyes, seeing them shimmer in the fading light of the day.

“There are others here to see you, sweetheart,” she says, motioning to my left.

I pan over to see Viktor, along with his daughter Alizia, and Lords Syr’athil and Ashlan. With them are also Tanith, Le’nia, and Ddraig and his children. I smile to them all with my dragonic grandfather beaming proudly down at me.

He grins softly. “I am coming with you, my beloved granddaughter.”

I giggle softly. “Thank you, Grandpa.”

He smiles, with me then watching as he assumes his half-form. He’s now the same old man I saw during my first Winter Solstice Festival. I shake my head, still amazed that he’s the same dragon who loves to nuzzle me with his face.

Tanith and Le’nia both pull me into tight hugs, holding my closely to their bodies. I cling to them, feeling so happy that I was able to reunite with them after we were separated by centuries.

Tanith smiles to me, feeling warm if a little different. He seems hopeful and content. He then smirks, looking to me.

“You were right about Sil’vari and me. Somehow you always were.”

I grin, “Treat her right, because you may end up becoming my big brother.”

He smiles, yet bashfully to me. He then looks up as he and Silvi look to each other. I grin to them both, no doubt the pair possibly thinking of the same thing.

Le’nia strokes my hair, pressing her cheek to the top of my head.

“I’ll come visit you soon, Aria,” she says softly.

I grin, “We’ll be happy to have you.”

She smiles and then steps back.

I smile to her, thankful both of them made it out alive. Now they stand here with me, with hopeful futures for each of us.

I turn to the three lords of Dewloura, one a close friend, the next my old teacher, and the last while only recently met, I count as a friend.

I take a deep breath and look to them. “I have a task for the three of you.”

All three men look to me stunned for a moment before quickly dropping to a knee. This is something I’ve had in mind for a couple days, yet now seems the appropriate time to do it.

“We await your command, Your Highness,” declares Viktor. The other two nod in agreement.

I nod softly. “I, as by right of my house and claim to the throne, hereby name you and your houses as stewards of Dewloura. You will oversee the city until such time as I make a decision on assuming the throne.”

All three men tremble at my words. This may be me passing responsibility of Dewloura onto others, seeing that I am its rightful ruler. However, I’m still only sixteen and a kid. I need time in order to grow and mature. There’s just so much to learn before I can make any sort of decision.

All three nod to me. “We shall do as you command, Your Highness,” replies Viktor.

“We pledge to restore our city,” adds Lord Syr’athil. “To see our people reclaim and rebuild it.”

“We will not let you down, my dear student,” says Lord Ashlan.

I smile, motioning them to rise.

Viktor then looks to me. “My Lady, I wish for my daughter to travel with you,” he continues. “I want her to get to know you as I have.”

Alizia steps forward as her father motions for her. She bows her head to me. “If you will have me, Your Highness.”

I grin, “Be glad to have you. Just be prepared for shenanigans in the future.”

She looks me a little confused as I hear chuckling coming from behind me. I peer over, knowing that everyone is thinking the same as me.

Alizia nods slowly and smiles to me as she and her father exchange farewells and then steps over to the others. I grin softly as I watch her introduce herself to everyone. This should really be fun.

I pan over to Mom as she stands with Arcturus. I smile to them both, know that soon, very soon, he will become my father. He in turn smiles to me, feeling more like a father than ever before.

I take one last look at the manor, recalling all my memories here. My first arrival, meeting of Serasfall, all the time I lived and soon came to call this place my home. It’s not a tomb or a place of sadness, it’s still my home. I know like so many other places in this world, I will return here one day.

I nod slowly and turn, facing outwards to the setting sun. I walk towards the gate, thinking the last time I left here, I was also leaving. However this time it isn’t to escape, but merely go home.

I take a deep breath, drawing forth the fae magicks that finally were able to seep into the sealed city and surrounding territories. It swirls and flies to me, forming a ball between my hands. Like before when we traveled here a week ago, I have to summon even more magic, seeing how our party is still huge, but thankfully not as big as before.

I steady my breathing until I summon enough and form it into a ball, before clapping my hands together and then flung them apart, opening the fairy road. I stare at the swirling doorway, smiling. No doubt a few are in awe of it, nothing really new there.

I feel a hand resting on my shoulder, then peers up to see my mother standing next to me. I then feel a hand grasping mine, looking over to see Kenji beside me. I smile to them both, so happy to have them with me.

“Let’s go home, sweetheart,” says my mother.

I nod, holding up my hand and motioning everyone to head in. I smile, stepping across the threshold, knowing our trip with be a brief one, but a final one.

I’m finally going home.

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